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Найдено документов в текущей БД: 38

    Горение и пожары в лесу
[Текст] = Combustion and fires in forest : материалы координационного совещания, состоявшегося 18-22 мая 1971 / Отв. ред. Н.П.Курбатский. - Красноярск : Институт леса и древесины им. В.Н. Сукачева, 1973. - 346 с. : ил, табл. - Библиогр. в конце ст. - 1000 экз. - 1.50 р.

Аннотация: В книге публикуются материалы координационного совещания по изучению природы лесных пожаров: доклады обсуждение их и решения. Наиболее подробно в материалах освещены вопросы влияния пожаров на лес, обсуждаются вопросы классификации пожаров. Книга рассчитана на научных и инженерно-технических работников лесного хозяйства и лесной промышленности, на студентов и аспирантов, специализурующихся в области лесоведения, лесоводства и лесной ботаники.

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П 46

    Пожары и их влияние на природные экосистемы Центрального Сихотэ-Алиня
[Текст] = Fires and their influence on the natural ecosystems of the Central Sikhote-Alin : [посвящается К. А. Абрамову, первому директору Сихотэ-Алинского заповедника] / [Е. А. Суворов, А. А. Астафьев, М. Н. Громыко и др.] ; М-во природ. ресурсов и экологии Рос. Федерации, Сихотэ-Алин. гос. природ. биосфер. заповедник им. К. Г. Абрамова. - Владивосток : Дальнаука, 2010. - 264 с. : ил. ; 25 см. - Библиогр.: с. 194-202. - Прил.: с. 203-261. - 300 экз. - ISBN 978-5-8044-1070-5 (в пер.) : 558.00 р.

Аннотация: В книге представлены данные по пожарам на территории Сихотэ-Алинского заповедника и прилегающих участках Тернейского лесхоза за период с 1950 по 2008 гг., Мельничного лесхоза за период с 1975 по 2001 г. Даётся характеристика основных этапов истории и хозяйственного освоения района исследований, история пожаров в районе в их связи с антропогенными и климатическими факторами. Приводится динамика пожаров по годам и сезонам; даётся лесопожарная характеристика территоории заповедника; указаны изменения в растительном покрове заповедника под влиянием пожаров. В разделе монографии, посвященным сукцессиям, обобщены данные по многолетним наблюдениям за сукцессионными процессами в шести типах кедровых лесов, даётся характеристика начальных этапов восстановительных после первичных и повторных пожаров. В книге также представлен уникальный опыт Сихотэ-Алинского заповедника по профилактике и тушению лесных пожаров в условиях горной труднодоступной местности. Книга предназначена для биологов, экологов, работников заповедников, работников сферы природопользования, студентов и аспирантов по этим профилям, преподавателей, а также всех тех, кому не безразлична судьба лесов Дальнего Востока

Доп.точки доступа:
Суворов, Евгений Алексеевич; Астафьев, А.А.; Громыко, М.Н.; Абрамов, Константин Георгиевич
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B 76

    Age distribution patterns in open boreal Dahurican larch forests of Central Siberia
[Текст]. V. 93. Forest Ecology and Management / A. Bondarev ; The Sukachev Institite of Forest SB RAS. - N.Y : Elsevier Science, 1997. - 205-214 с. : табл. - Б. ц.
Библиогр: p. 213

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
boreal forests -- structure -- stands

Аннотация: Tree age distribution determines stand size structure and is related to disturbance history and stand dynamics. Data are presented from 40 pure larch stands from six locations on the Taimyr peninsula and Evenk region in the northern open forests of Russian Siberia. A Weibull density function was used to describe actual age distribution and to simulate age distribution. All stands were found to have a multi-aged structure. The average coefficient of variation for age is about 48%. The range of tree ages exceed 400 years in the oldest forests. The patterns of age distribution change for different age groups. For the youngest stands (40-80 years old) the age distribution was leptocurtic and positively skewed, whereas for middle-aged forests (80-180 years old) it tended to be more mesokurtic and symmetric. In the oldest stands (more than 180 years old) the distribution had a platykurtic form. A high correlation was found between the Weibull function coefficients and the coefficient of age variation and for the mean age. The oldest forests were found in river valleys. Middle-aged forests occur more commonly on middle slopes and the youngest forests occupy top slopes and uplands. A more normal tree age distribution assumes a study area less damaged by forest fires than in the more southern parts of the boreal forest

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R 74

    The Role of Fire in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems
[Текст] : сборник научных трудов / Ed.: J.M.Moreno, W.C. Oechel. - New York et al : Springer, 1994. - 201 с. : 65 illustrations including 3 in color. - (Ecological studies / Eds.:J.M.Moreno, W.C. Oechel ; 107). - 22800.00 р.
Библиогр: at the ent of the chapters%Ind.: p. 187-201%ISBN 0-387-94215-7.- ISBN 3-540-94215-7

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Fire ecology, mediterranean climate, plants

Аннотация: Fire is a significant ecological factor affecting Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Understanding how fire affects ecosystems structure and functioning is critical for designing appropriate management policies that would minimize the negative impacts of fire. The book addresses the role of fire, how it can be used for conservation of ecosystems and landscapes. Subjects include plant community dynamics after fire, the response of Chilean mattoral shrubs to fire, the interaction between fire intensity and plant response after fire, fire and vertebrate herbivory and animal dynamics, the effect of fire on soils, fire and hydrology, spatial simulation of fires, fire management, and the role of fire in ecosystem and landscape conservation. This book will be of interest to all ecologists working in Mediterranean-type environments, fire ecologists generally, as well as land managers and policy-makers involved in fire management

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G 75

    Principles of handling woodlands
[Текст] : монография / H.S. Graves. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Б. г. - 325 с. : ill. - eng. - 30.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
american fores -- selection system -- cutting -- protection

Аннотация: The book deals primarily with the principles of cutting mature stands of timber with a view to their replacement by new growth; cuttings in immature stands made for their improvement; and forest protection, with particular reference to forest fires. The book is not intended as a complete treatise on silviculture, but deals only with the treatment of wooalands. The methods of artificial seeding and planting are not included at all.

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H 40

    Forestry in New England
[Текст] : a handbook of eastern forest management / R.C. Hawley, A.F. Hawes. - New York ; London : John Wiley & Sons; Chapman & Hall, 1912. - 479 с. : ill + figures. - Библиогр: p. 420-425%Tables: p.426-474%Index: p. 475-479. - 40.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Silviculture -- forest planting and seeding -- injuries -- forest insects and fungi -- fires

Аннотация: The book is arranged in two parts: one dealing with methods and principles of forestry in general, the second treating in detail with the forests of New England. While it is written with special reference to New England, the book has a much wider field of direct application.

Доп.точки доступа:
Hawes, A.F.
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Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)

    Expanding forests but declining mature coniferous forests in Russia
[Текст] / A. Shvidenko, S. Nilsson ; IIASA, Austria. - Laxenburg : IIASA, 1996. - 19 с. : табл. - (Working Paper of IIASA ; WP-96-59). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 16-19. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
dynamics of forest -- development -- Russian forests

Аннотация: Analyses of aggregated data of the dynamics of Russian forests during the period from 1966 to 1993 have identified a rather stable development of Forested Areas (FA) and growing stock (an increase of 8% and 5%, respectively). Unforested Areas (UFA) have decreased significantly; for example, the total amount od unforested burned areas declined from 68.4 to 31.9 million ha over the period. Average growing stock by age groups increased for all main forest-forming species (excluding mature and overmature coniferous stands). Development in the growing stock in European Russia has been positive, but Asian Russia has experienced a rather sever decline. Studies of the 1983-1993 period show somewhat different results. Official data show that the total growing stock for Russia underwent aserous decline over this period. An adjistment for systematic inventory errors still show that there has been a substantial decrease in the growing stock in Asian Russia. The decline identified during this latter period cannot be explained by the harvest carried out, but is probably due to disturbances such as forest fires, pest, insects, and anthropogenic activities. From analyses, it can be concluded that the quality of the forests has been seriously impoverished in Russia during the 1966-1993 period. This impovershment is due to severe local overharvesting in regions witrh development infrastructure and to so-called creaming - namely, the harvesting of the best stands of specific species over huge areas. There are still vast areas of unexploited and unmanaged forests in Russia. In spite of serious shortcomings in Russian forest management, the stability of Russian boreal forests and their capasity for natural regeneration seem to be extremely high. Therefore, it may to be premature to speak of "disappearing Russian forests".

Доп.точки доступа:
Nilsson, S.
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    Forests and forestry in Great Britain
[Текст] : монография / W.L. Taylor. - London : Crosby Lockwood and Son LTD., 1946. - 172 с. : Ill. - eng. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Britain's woods and trees -- forest produce -- pests and fires

Аннотация: This has been written in the hope that it will serve to meet the need for a short outline of forest history and forestry in Great Britain, and the bearing our national forestry policy will have on the future welfare in the British people

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K 21

    Immediate impact of logging and fires on boreal forest soils in Russia
[Текст] / M. Karpachevsky. - Laxenburg : IIASA, 1995. - 41 с. : figures + tables. - (Working Paper ; WP-95-37). - Библиогр: p.36-41. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
climate change%anthropogenic pressure

Аннотация: There are two very important problems humanity faces which are tightly bound together: global climate change and anthropogenic pressure. Forests and forest soils represent objects of these impacts. Soils, being a central part of terrestrial ecosystems, reflect not only present environment conditions but also previous ones. Soil is not a living organism, but a medium where organisms live. Transformations of soil differ from plant successions and evolution as well as their buffering capability and tolerance. In turn, the hypothesized global climate change depends mostly on CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and thus on carbon cycling. Soils are regarded to be even a greater sink of CO2 than vegetation (and all living biomass). Soil properties shift affects terrestrial ecosystems in many ways, on a local scale as well as influence to the global climate. There is much data about soil pollution or arable land degradation, but only a few works have been done about forest soils transition under clearcuts or wildfires. This is especially true for soil organic matter behavior, the most intriguing and mysterious feature of any soil which is equally important for local site productivity and global carbon cycle analysis. An assessment of these two human impacts to forest soils, as well as dynamics of their properties, is a matter of great concern at the present time.

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Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
P 93

    Proceedings of the 8th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 1999
[Текст] : held at National Institute for Environmental studies Tsukuba, Japan 19-20 January, 2000 / Ed. by Gen Inoue, Akio Takenaka. - Tsukuba : National Institute for Environmental Studies, 2000. - 323 с. : figures + tables. - Библиогр: at the end of the papers. - free of charge р.

Аннотация: The symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia has been continued for eight years. The scientists working on atmosphere, biosphere and cryosphere discussed the recearch results mainly obtained in the field studies in Siberia. The discussion was fucused on several topics including the ecological and ecophysiological aspects of the Siberian taiga forest and permafrost, the greenhouse gas flux from/to the wetland and taiga forest, and the soil processes. In some of the presentations, special emphasis was placed on the effects of forest fire on the Siberian terrestrial ecosystems.

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F 56

    Fire in the tropical Biota
[Текст] : ecosystem processes and global challenges / Ed. by Goldammer J.G. - Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York a.o. : Springer-Verlag, 1990. - 497 с. : figures. - (Ecological Studies.Analysis and Synthesis : ecosystem processes and global challenges / Ed. by J.G. Goldammer ; 84). - Библиогр: at the end of the chapters%ISBN 3-540-52115-1. - 298-00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
fire ecology%biotic communities%botany

Аннотация: This monograph covers the impact and role of fire in tropical ecosystems. It also studies the impact of tropical wildland fires and biomass burning on global ecosystem processes. The magnitude and impact of today's escalating tropical vegetation degradation by fire is described by contributions of remote sensing. The guality of emissions from biomass burning and an overall pantropical assessment of gaseous emissions from vegetation burning highlight their impact on a changing global atmosphere. The final chapter demonstrates that global climate change may itself have considerable effects on vegetation and fire regumes.

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C 51

    Chemicals for forest fire fighting
[Текст] : a report of the NFPA Forest Committee / Committee members: M.S. Lowden a.o. - Boston : National Fire Protection Association, 1963. - 84 с. : figures + tables. - Bibliogr.: p. 83-84. - 2-25 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):

Аннотация: This text is the result of two years of study and compilation of research reports and field experience concerning the use of chemicals in forest fire fighting. It was prepared under the direction of the NFPA Forest Committee and has been approved by that committee as a report of progress in this specialized field. Although it cannot be considered as a technical standard of the National Fire Protection Association, it should provide valuable guidance to all persons and agencies interested in forest fire control, including those industries whose production and properties can be seriously affected by forest, brush and other outdoor fires.

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I 69

    International Forest Fire News
[Текст] : экспресс-информация / Ed. by J.G. Goldhammer ; United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, FAO. - Freiburg : FAO/ECE/ILO, 1995. - 47 с. : figures + tables. - (International Forest Fire News ; 12). - Библиогр: В надзаг.:. - free of charge р.

Аннотация: This information deals with the forest fires in different countries, with causes of forest fires, technology news and etc.

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P 93

    Proceedings of the ninth symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2000
[Текст] : сборник научных трудов / Eds.: M.Fukuda, Y. Kobayashi. - Sapporo : Low Temperature Institute, Hokkaido University, 2001. - 274 с. : figures + tables. - Bibliogr.: at the end of the papers. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
global warming%heat and gas fluxes%forest fires%remote sensing%permafrost

Аннотация: This book deals with the importance of environmental changes in Siberian regions. Especially under the influence of the global warming trends, Siberian environments response as to sink or source of greenhouse gases and behave in the manner of not only passively but also actively.

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Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)

    Wind measurement with hydrogen-filled balloons
[Text] / J.L. Adams. - Ottawa : Department of Forestry, 1963. - 69-72 p. : рис. - (Forest Research Branch Contribution ; № 527). - eng. - 0.05 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
wind speed, air movements, angle of lean

Аннотация: This report describes trials of hydrogen-filled balloons, tethered to the ground, and used to measure the speed and direction of light air currents (0-5 miles per hour) near or around experimental fires. The hypothesis was that when a tethered balloon is displaced by a certain wind speed, the angle between the tether and the vertical ("angle of lean" of the balloon) can be correlated with the speed of the wind. This hypothesis was investigated at the Petawawa Forest Experiment Station at Chalk River, Ontario, in the summer of 1962

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    The May 1968 forest conflagrations in Central Alberta
[Текст] : a review of fire weather, fuels and fire behavior / A.D. Kill. - Edmonton : Forestry Branch, Department of Fisheries and Forestry, 1969. - 36 с. : рис., табл. - (Forest Research Laboratory Edmonton, Alberta Information Report ; a-X-24). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 36. - 0.70 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
fire weather -- fuels -- fire behaviour

Аннотация: This report documents synoptic and local weather, indicates the nature and condition of forest fuels, and describes some important aspects of fire behaviour and effects. The identification and measurement of individual fuel and weather factors in fire behavior is basic prediction of critical fire conditions. Much of the information about fire weather, fuels and fire behavior relates to burning conditions in the huge fire south of Lesser Slave Lake but similar conditions appear to have been present for all fires in the zone of high fire occurrence.

Доп.точки доступа:
Grigel, J.E.
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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    A statistical summary of forest fires in the Yukon territory 1966-1970
[Text] : доклад, тезисы доклада / A.D. Kill. - Ottawa : Environmental Canada Forestry Service, 1971. - 21 p. : рис., табл. - (Northern Forest Research Centre Edmonton, Alberta Information Report ; NOR-X-10). - eng. - 0.50 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
forest fire statistics -- forest fire weather -- fire control operations

Аннотация: This analysis of 447 forest fire reports covering the 5-year period 1966-70 provides a starting point for future fire control planning in the Yukon Territory. Many of the trends and relationships indicated by the study undoubtedley confirm the beliefs or suspictions of Yukon Forest Service fire control personnel; other may be less obvious and of greater value in developing realistic guides for future control operations. The results of this study clearly indicate that during the 5-year period covered by the fire reports, the fire load during periods of high and extreme danger exceeds the capability of the fire control agency.

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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Forest fire losses in Canada 1961
[Text] / J.S. Mactavish, M.R. Lockman. - Ottawa : Canada Department of Forestry, Forest Research Branch, 1961. - 5 p. : рис., табл. - eng. - 2.10 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
statistics -- fires -- losses

Аннотация: In 1961 a record number of fires burned a record area and caused record losses. More than nine billion board feet of sawtimber and nearly nine million cords of smaller material were destroyed or damaged. A large proportion of the areas currently inaccessible for logging. Monetary losses from forest fires, the most difficult factors to assess were estimated at about 67 millions of dollars.

Доп.точки доступа:
Lockman, M.R.
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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Forest fire losses in Canada 1962
[Text] / J.S. Mactavish, M.R. Lockman. - Ottawa : Canada Department of Forestry, Forest Research Branch, 1963. - 5 p. : рис., табл. - eng. - 0.10 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
statistics -- fires -- losses

Аннотация: In 1961 a record number of fires burned a record area and caused record losses. More than nine billion board feet of sawtimber and nearly nine million cords of smaller material were destroyed or damaged. A large proportion of the areas currently inaccessible for logging. Monetary losses from forest fires, the most difficult factors to assess were estimated at about 67 millions of dollars.

Доп.точки доступа:
Lockman, M.R.
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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Forest fire losses in Canada 1963
[Text] / J.S. Mactavish, M.R. Lockman. - Ottawa : Canada Department of Forestry, Forest Research Branch, 1964. - 14 p. : рис., табл. - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 4. - 0.05 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
statistics -- fires -- losses

Аннотация: The forest fire season of 1963 was one of remarkable contrast. There were 7,670 fires reported in Canada. 7,557 in the provinces alone, totals exceeded only twice before, yet the average fire size in the provinces was a mere 58 acres, the lowest on record. At first glance these figures suggest a failture of fire prevention measures but a startling breakthrough in actual fire control. Of course, neither is correct. Improvement in fire control tends to be of a gradual nature while any sudden change usually can be traced to weather conditions.

Доп.точки доступа:
Lockman, M.R.
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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)