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Ш 19

    Семязачаток цветковых растений: строение, функции, происхождение
[Текст] = Ovule of flowering plants: structure, functions, origin : научное издание / И. И. Шамров ; под ред. Т. Б. Батыгиной ; РАН, Ботанический ин-т им. В. Л. Комарова. - М. : Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2008. - 350 с. : ил., табл. + 24 см. - Библиогр.: с. 298-346. - Указ. - 600 экз. - ISBN 978-5-87317-429-4 (в пер.) : 74.08 р.

Аннотация: В книге излагаются современные представления о развитиии, строении, функциях и происхождении семизачатка цветковых растений. Описаны разработанные автором принципы организации и типизации структур, которые легли в основу классификаций типов семизачатка по общей морфологии, а также по характеру развития и строения основных его элементов: нуцеллуса, интегумента, халазы, фуникулуса, обтуратора. Предложены также классификации типов развития примордия семизачатка, археспория, эндосперма. Приведены результаты многолетних эмбриолого-гистохимических исследований разных видов растений, позволившие разработать периодизацию формирования семизачатка и семени с выделением общих и специфических критических стадий и периодов. Издание носит монографический и энциклопедический характер; представляет интерес для биологов широкого профиля, эмбриологов, систематиков, генетиков, селекционеров, научных сотрудников, аспирантов и студентов.

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Свободны: ИЛ-фонд (1)
К 18

    Систематическая эмбриология цветковых растений. Однодольные
= Systematic embryology of flowering plants. Monocotyledones : монография / О. П. Камелина ; Русское ботаническое общество, Алтайский государственный университет. - Барнаул : АRТИКА, 2011. - 191 с. ; 29 см. - Библиогр. в конце гл. - Указ. латин. назв.: с. 182-190. - 500 экз. - ISBN 978-5-905454-02-8 : 780.00 р.

Аннотация: Систематическая эмбриология цветковых растений - энциклопедический справочник, изданный в двух томах Двудольные (Камелина, 2009) и Однодольные. По количеству охарактеризованных семейств и числу привлечённых эмбриологических признаков в описаниях Справочник превосходит ранее изданные сводки по эмбриологии цветковых растений. В первом томе обсуждается значение эмбриологических признаков для филогенетической систематики растений, излагаются основные положения, рекомендуемые при проведении сравнительно-эмбриологического анализа различных таксонов, приведён список признаков, включаемый в анализ, дана их оценка по критериям продвинутости и примитивности и распределение некоторых из них в классах цветковых растений. В обоих томах в "Словаре основных терминов", включающего признаки, по которым составлены характеристики семейств, кратко приведены описания и классификации эмбриональных структур. Во втором томе дана обобщённая эмбриологическая характеристика класса однодольных. Характеристики эмбриологически исследованных из 456 семейств 175 порядков двудольных и 135 семейств 57 порядков однодольных растений расположены в соответствии с филогенетической системой А.Л. Тахтаджана (Тахтаджан, 1997). Для каждого порядка приведена библиография и краткое резюме. Издание монографическое, представляет интерес для широкого круга ботаников, эмбриологов, систематиков, полезно аспирантам и студентам биологических факультетов.

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Свободны: ИЛ-Фонд (1)
F 54

    Differences in the climatic adaption of silver birch (Betula pendula} and downy birch (B. pubescens) in Finland based on male flowering phenology
[Текст] / A. Liomajoki. - Helsinki : The Finnish Soc. of Forest Science. The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 1999. - 35 p. : ill. - (Acta Forestalia Fennica, ISSN 0001-5636 ; 263). - Библиогр: p. 33-35%ISBN 951-40-1713-7. - 11-00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):

Аннотация: The aim of this study is to analyze whether there are systematic differences in the flowering parameters, their geographical correlations or in adaption to climate between the two birch species. Are the effects of temperature and the light factor equal for both species, and do they differ from those controlling Norway spruce and Scots pine? Is Linsser's principle of proportional heat sums valid for birch species? This book studied and the other questions. To answer these questions, the within-year and the between-year variations in the timing of anthesis involved were measured and tested with the three parameters using two alternative reference points, median of anthesis and peak pollen catch day. The geographical variation of pollen catches was also measured and possible geographical correlations were sought.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)

    The control of growth and differentiation in plants
[Text] : монография / P.F. Wareing, I.D.J. Phillips. - Oxford ; New York ; Toronto et al : Pergamon Press, 1970. - 303 p. : рис. - 5.40 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
hormones, physiology , photoperiodism

Аннотация: The book deals with plant growth and differentiation, hormones, sterile culture methods, physiology of flowering, temperature and others factors.

Доп.точки доступа:
Phillips, I.D.J.
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ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)

    Photoperiodism and related phenomena in plants and animals
[Text] : proceedings of the Conference on Photoperiodism, October 29-November 2, 1957, / R.B. Withrow. - Washington : American Association, 1959. - 903 p. : рис., табл. - (American Association for the Advancement of Science ; publication No 55 ). - eng. - Библиогр. в конце ст. - 74.48 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
vegetative structure, flowering, kinetics, biochemical pathways

Аннотация: The present volume is a record of the proceedings of this meeting, which was held under the auspices of the committee on photobiology of the National Academy of Sciences- National Research Counci. The aim was to discuss and correlate theories, observations, and hypotheses on photoperiodism and related phenomena in both plants and animalsl

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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Cone and seed studies in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.)
[Text] = Kott- och frostudier hos gran : монография / E. Andersson. - Stockholm : Skogshogskolan, 1965. - 214 p. : рис., табл. - (Studia Forestalia Suecica, ISSN 0039-3150 ; № 23). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 200-212. - 0.50 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
variation -- differences -- germination -- genotypes -- genetic and physiological factors

Аннотация: The book deals with cone and seed studies in Norway spruce; its variation and relationship of some morphological cone and seed characters; material and methods; flowering and setting in conifers; variation of seed quality et al

Экземпляры всего: 2
ИЛ-ИФ (2)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (2)

    Flowering in a clone trial of Picea abies Karst.
[Text] : научное издание / G. Eriksson, A. Jonsson, D. Lindgren. - Stockholm : Skogshogskolan, 1973. - 45 p. : рис., табл. - (Studia Forestalia Suecica, ISSN 0039-3150 ; № 110). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 44-45. - ISBN 91-38-01694-X : 0.90 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
pollen shedding -- flowering

Аннотация: The study was performed in a clone traial of Picea abies. Based on the data from this investigation it will be possible to estimate the gene contribution of the individual clones to the filial generation. A phenological study of the clones is also of importance for the composition of the second generation seed orchards if they will be built up by clones from the first generation seed orchards. It was pointed out that the effective number of clones in a seed orchard was lower than the real one depending on variation in fertility and the moment of the flowering. Differences concerning male and female flowering also contribute to a reduction of the effective numbers of clones.

Доп.точки доступа:
Jonsson, A.; Lindgren, D.
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Occurrence of gibberellin-like substances in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and their possible relation to growth and flowering
[Text] = Forekomst av gibberellinliknande substanser hos gran (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) och deras betydelse for tillvaxt och blomning : научное издание / A. Dunberg. - Stockholm : Skogshogskolan, 1974. - 62 p. : рис., табл. - (Studia Forestalia Suecica, ISSN 0039-3150 ; № 111). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 54-62. - ISBN 91-38-01783-0 : 1.95 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
seedlings -- retardants

Аннотация: This publication describes how the problems were attacked and also gives the (positive) answers to the three questions: 1) Are gibberellic acid and/or other gibberellin-like substances present in Picea abies (L.) Karst.)? 2) Do gibberellic acid and/or the possible endogenous gibberellin-like substances have any kind of effect on Picea abies? 3) Can any kind of evidence be found that gibberellins are involved in the natural process of initiation of flower buds in Picea abies?

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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Flowering in a seed orchard of Pinus sylvestris L.
[Text] = Blomningen i en tallfroplantage : научное издание / A. Jonsson, I. Ekberg, G. Eriksson. - Stockholm : Skogshogskolan, 1976. - 38 p. : рис., табл. - (Studia Forestalia Suecica, ISSN 0039-3150 ; № 135). - eng. - Библиогр.: 38. - ISBN 91-38-03190-6 : 1.60 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
material and methods -- female strobilus -- oviles -- progeny

Аннотация: Flowering phenology and flowering frequencies were investigated in clones offSwedish and Finnish origin growing in a pine seed orchard at Langtora. One purpose was to estimate the gene contribution of individual clones to the progeny. The frequencies of femeil and male strobili were estimated in 1973-1975. The onset and duration of both female receptivity and pollen dispersal were recorded. The pollen density in the seed orchard was estimated. Great clonal variation prevailed in the seed orchard with respect to the frequency of female and male flowering as well as the onset and duration of female receptivity and pollen dispersal. A good agreement in flowering frequencies and phenological characteristics of the clones between different years was observed. The calculations of the genetic composition of the progeny revealed that the gene contribution of the analysed clones varied considerably. This was mainly due to differences in the frequency of flowering.

Доп.точки доступа:
Ekberg, I.; Eriksson, G.
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ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    External factors influencing female flowering in Picea abies (L.) Karst.
[Text] = Inverkan av yttre faktorer pa honblomningen hos gran : научное издание / K. Lindgren, I. Ekberg, G. Eriksson . - Stockholm : Skogshogskolan, 1977. - 53 p. : рис., табл. - (Studia Forestalia Suecica, ISSN 0039-3150 ; № 142). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 52-53. - ISBN 91-38-03762-9 : 1.20 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
cone crop -- precipitation -- material and methods -- seed orchards

Аннотация: Inventories of the cone crop in the vicinity of meteorological stations in southern Sweden were made in the years 1973-1975. Correlations between cone crop and the following variables for the year of flower primordia initiation-cone crop, some temperature variables and precipitation- were studied briefly. The investigation revealed that high temperature during the middle or end of June provokes increased flowering, on the condition that the cone crop during year of flower primordia initiation is scanty. High precipitation during June may have a negative effect on the flowering.

Доп.точки доступа:
Ekberg, I.; Eriksson, G.
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Acacia mangium: studies on the genetic variation in ecological and physiological characteristics of a fast-growing plantation tree species
[Text] : научное издание / L. Atipanumpai. - Helsinki : The Society of Forestry in Finland-The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 1989. - 92 p. : рис., табл. - (Acta Forestalia Fennica ; vol. 206). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 83-92. - ISSN 0001-5636. - ISBN 951-651-085-X : 5.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
carbon dioxide compensation point -- heritability -- water stresssmall-scale entrepreneur -- dendrometry -- dark respiration

Аннотация: Genetic variation in the physiological characteristics and biomass accumulation was studied in both field and laboratory conditions. Variation in the growth characteristics, foliar nutrient concentration, phyllode anatomy and stomatal frequency was analyzed in 16 different origins under field conditions in Central Thailand. Family variation and heritability of growth and flowering frequency were calculated using 20 open-pollinated families at the age of 28 months. The effect of environmental factors on diameter growth in different provenances is also discussed. Under laboratory conditions, such physiological characteristics as transpiration rate, leaf conductance and leaf water potential were measured at varying soil moisture conditions. The responses of photosynthesis, photorespiration and dark respiration as well as the CO2 compensation point to temperature and irradiance were also investigated. All physiological characteristics indicated differences among provenances. An attempt was made to relate the results obtained in the laboratory to the growth performance in the field. Recommendations on provenance selection for the planting of A.mangium in Thailand are also given.

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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Climatic adaptation of Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) in Finland based on male flowering phenology
[Text] = Mannyn sopeutuminen suomen ilmastoon hedekukkimisaikojen valossa : научное издание / A. Luomajoki. - Helsinki : The Society of Forestry in Finland-The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 1993. - 27 p. : рис., табл. - (Acta Forestalia Fennica ; № 237). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 26-27. - ISSN 0001-5636. - ISBN 951-40-1286-0 : 15.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
anthesis -- flowering phenology -- pollen recording -- heat sum -- adaptation -- reinvasion

Аннотация: The aim of this study was to analyse the geographical variation found in the timing of anthesis in Scots pine. In the adaptaion of the generative cycle to local climatic conditions, the geographical adaptability weighted with the so called Linsser's law is a particularly intersting point. Geographical correlations calculated against distances measured along simulated post-glacial migration routes were stronger than purely latitudinal correlations. Effects of the reinvasion of Scots pine into Finland are thus still visible in pine populations. In light of flowering phenology it seems probable that the northern populations of Scots pine in Finland have still not completely adapted to the prevailing cold climate at these latitudes. A moderate warming of the climate would therefore be beneficial for Scots pine.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Climatic adaptation of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) in Finland based on male flowering phenology
[Text] = Kuusen sopeutuminen suomen ilmastoon hedekukkimisaikojen perusteella arvioituna : научное издание / A. Luomajoki. - Helsinki : The Society of Forestry in Finland-The Finnish Forest Resaerch Institute, 1993. - 28 p. : рис., табл. - (Acta Forestalia Fennica, ISSN 0039-3150 ; № 242). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 25-26. - ISBN 951-40-1338-7 : 600.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
anthesis -- flowering phenology -- pollen recording -- heat sum -- adaptation -- reivasion

Аннотация: The aim is to study the amount of phenological variability in northern marginal stands and the effect of annual temperature sums of the previous two years on the timing of flowering and on amount of pollen production. The geographical adaptability of the generative cycle to local climate. The efficiency of two temperature sum systems, a linear and curvilinear one was compared with simple calendar time as delineators of generative development.

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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Forest pattern and ecological process: a synthesis of 25 years of research
[Text] : научное издание / D. Lindenmayer. - Collingwood ; Melbourne : CSIRO Publ., 2009. - 308 p. : il. - Библиогр.: p. 271-302. - Ind.: p. 303-308. - ISBN 978-0-643-09660-8 : 5060.65 р.
Перевод заглавия: Паттерн леса и экологических процессов: синтез 25 лет исследований
   Перевод заглавия: Паттерн леса и экологических процессов: синтез 25 лет исследований

Аннотация: Forest Pattern and Ecological Process is a major synthesis of 25 years of intensive research about the montane ash forests of Victoria, which support the world's tallest flowering plants and several of Australia's most high profile threatened and/or endangered species. It draws together major insights based on over 170 published scientific papers and books, offering a previously unrecognised set of perspectives of how forests function. The book combines key strands of research on wildfires, biodiversity conservation, logging, conservation management, climate change and basic forest ecology and management. It is divided into seven sections: introduction and background; forest cover and the composition of the forest; the structure of the forest; animal occurrence; disturbance regimes; forest management; and overview and future directions. Illustrated with more than 200 photographs and line drawings, Forest Pattern and Ecological Process is an essential reference for forest researchers, resource managers, conservation and wildlife biologists, ornithologists and mammalogists, policy makers, as well as general readers with interests in wildlife and forests.

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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)