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S 85

    Red pine crown development in relation to spacing
[Текст] / W.M. Stiell ; Canada Department of Forestry. - Ottawa : Department of Forestry, 1966. - 44 с. : figures + tables. - (Department of Forestry / Canada Department of Forestry ; 1145). - Библиогр: p.36-38. - 0-92 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):

Аннотация: Crown stem measurements were taken periodically on selected trees in plantations of red pine (PINUS RESINOSA AIT.) over the period 17 to 37 years from seed. Spacings were 5x5, 7x7, 10x10, and 14x14 feet; some of these represented the original planting interval and others had been achieved by mechanical thinning at the start of the experiment. Little mortality occurred during the 20 years, and individual crown size tended to stabilize, with smaller crowns occurring with closer spacings. Periodic volume growth per acre was strongly correlated with average foliage weight for the period. Thinning was followed by an immediate but temporary increase in foliage ranged from 0.023 to 0.038 cubic feet. Crown length, width, and weight, once stabilized, did not show good correlation with parameters of individual stem growth which are cumulative. Height to crown continued to increase and was strongly correlated with total volume per acre and with the ratio average height average spacing. Breast-height growth of sample trees appeared to be a function of height to crown and foliage weight.

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A 75

    Fertilizer distribution and sampling techniques in the aerial fertilization of forests
[Текст] / K.A. Armson. - Toronto : University of Toronto, Faculty of Forestry, 1972. - 27 с. : figures + tables. - (Technical Report ; 11). - Библиогр: p. 25-26. - 0-60 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
methods%results%growth plot establishment%monitoring

Аннотация: A study was made of the actual rates and distribution patterns of aerially applied urea fetilizer using norminal rates of 50 and 100 lb./ac. nitrogen. It was concluded that: 1. The variation in distribution at the 50 lb./ac. N rate was great enough to render such application unsuitable. 2. The amount of fertilizer monitored falling through the tree canopy (jack pine, Pinus banksiana Lamb.) was similar to that monitored in open strips. 3. At nominal rates of 100 lb./ac. N, monitoring catchers of 1 square foot area were as suitable as those of 2 square feet area. 4. The estimated numbers of monitoring catchers needed to measure urea fertilizer at 100 lb./ac. N rate was determined for various assumed levels of accuracy. 5. It was suggested that narrow rectangular monitoring plots using 10 catchers each be used to determine fertilizer distribution and tree growth plot locations. 6. Growth responses to fertilizer treatments are more realistic when related to both a response curve and the area distribution of fertilizer. A system of monitoring catchers and plots is recommended which will enable this to be accomplished. 7. The use of cacodylic acid to kill trees in lines, so that the dead red brown foliage would provide marker lines for the aircraft feasible. It should be noted that although jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) retain their dead foliage for a year or more, the foliage of spruces Picea falls after the tree's death.

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S 91

    Summary Report/ Forest health monitoring/ New England/Mid-Atlantic 1992
[Текст] / USDA Forest Service. - Maryland : USDA Forest Service , 1993. - 15 с. + tables. - (Summary report ; NE/NA/INF-115-R93). - Библиогр: В надзаг.:. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
foliage transparency%crown density%crown dieback%survey

Аннотация: Researchers with the Northeastern Forest Health Monitoring program visited 256 plots in 1992, collecting data from nearly 8,000 trees in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersy, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. There continues to be no evidence of large, regional-scale declines in the health of forest ecosystems as determined by observations of visual crown indicators on trees, e.g., crown dieback, crown density, and foliage transparency. Several individual species (eastern hemlock, northern white-cedar, Americal beech) show slight evidence of decline in one or more visual crown indicators. Some of this decline is attributed to known cases of disease/pest incidence, e.g., outbreakes of beech bark disease and defoliation by the hemlock looper. Evidence of ozone damage was noted on 28 percent of 39 plots where ozone-sensitive plants were surveyed. Soil sampling was implemented on 50 plots in New England, with plants to cover all plots brginning in 1994.Surveys of off-plot insects and pathogens also showed no evidence of regional-scale decline of the forest resource in the Northeastern United States.

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Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)

    Mechanisms of forest response to acidic deposition
[Text] : сборник научных трудов / Eds.: Lucier A.A., Haines S.G. - New York ; Berlin ; Heidelberg et al : Springer-Verlag, 1990. - 245 p. : ил. - eng. - Библиогр. в конце ст. - ISBN 0-387-97205-6 : 98.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
trees, nutrition, soil ecology, forest ecology

Аннотация: This volume offers a collection of in-depth analyses of the key mechanisms governing forest responses to acidic inputs. Among the mechanisms reviewed here foliage leaching, aluminium, mobilization, mineral weathering, soil organisms, and rhizosphere processes. Researchers and students in soil science, forest ecology and environmental science as well as policy makers and forest managers concerned with assessment of acidic deposition effects will value this concise monograph for its detailed examination of select technical issues and its comprehensive reference sections.

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Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)

    Analyses of the growth of Scots pine; Matching structure with function
[Text] = Analyysi Mannyn Kasvusta; rakenteen sopeutumista aineenvaihduntaan : научное издание / E. Nikinmaa. - Helsinki : The Society of Forestry in Finland-The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 1992. - 68 p. : рис., табл. - (Acta Forestalia Fennica ; № 235). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 53-59. - ISSN 0001-5636. - ISBN 951-651-095-7 : 5.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
growth model -- partitioning of growth -- carbon budget -- nutrients -- structure -- pipe model -- heartwood groth

Аннотация: The work deals with analysis of stand development, the connection between functions, structure and environment, components of tree growth, material fluxes, functional interpretations of the woody structure, the role of growth processes in tree functions, stand growth model; tree and stand growth, relationship between the water transporting wood and foliage, simulated tree and stand growth; the bases for the evaluation of the used approach, analysing the theoretical framework, evaluation of the approach, new important features of tree stand growth suggested by the approach.

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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Heating values of the above ground biomass of small-sized trees
[Text] = Pienikokoisten puiden maanpaalisen biomassan lampoarvot : научное издание / J. Nurmi. - Helsinki : The Society of Forestry in Finland-The Finnish Forest Research Institute, 1993. - 30 p. : рис., табл. - (Acta Forestalia Fennica ; № 236). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 26-27. - ISSN 0001-5636. - ISBN 951-40-1280-1 : 6.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
heating value -- small-sezed trees -- whole- tree biomass -- wood chemistry

Аннотация: The heating values of wood, inner and outer bark, and foliage components of seven small-s.ze tree species were studied. Significant differences were found between species within each component. However, the differences between species for weighted stem, crown and whole-tree biomass are very small. The weighted heating value of the crown mass is slightly higher than that of the stem in all species. The heating value of stem, crown and whole-tree material was found to increase with increasing latitude. The effective heating of wood correlated best with the lignin content, inner bark with carbohydrate, and outer bark with carbohydrates and the extractives soluble in alcalic solvents. It is suggested that the determination of the heating value might be used as an indicator of the cellulose content of coniferous wood.

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Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Pienikokoisten puiden maanpaallisen biomassan kemiallinen koostumus
[Text] = Chemical composition of the above ground biomass of small-sized trees : научное издание / R. Voipio, T. Laakso. - Helsinki : Metsantutkimuslaitos, 1992. - 22 с. : рис., табл. - (Folia Forestalia ; № 789). - fin. - Библиогр.: с. 20-21. - ISSN 0015-5543. - ISBN 951-40-1202-X : 1.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
extracts -- lignin -- monosacharides -- wood -- bark -- foliage

Аннотация: The total extractive, Klason lignin and monosacharide (glucose, xylose, galactose, arabinose and mannose) content in wood, inner and outer bark and foliage of small-sized trees were studied. Chemical results from different parts of trees were compared within each tree species as well as between the tree species.

Доп.точки доступа:
Laakso, T.
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D 48

    Vorlaufzuchtung der Kartoffel auf quantitative Phytophtora-Resistenz im ILK Gross Lusewitz in der Ressortforschung des BMELV: Stand der Forschung und Zuchtung
[Текст] = Pre-breeding for quantitative resistance of potato to late blight at the Institute of Agricultural Crops Gross Lusewitz in the departamental research of BMELV : научное издание / U. Darsow. - Quedlingburg : Julius Kuhn-Ins., 2008. - 127 с. : ил., табл. - (Mitteilungen aus dem Julius Kuhn-Institut, ISSN 1867-1268 ; bd. 415). - Библиогр.: с. 87-96. - ISBN 978-3-930037-39-1 : 62.50 р.

Аннотация: The given results prove that quantitative blight resistance on foliage and tubers can be combined with all desired traits of potato including earliness and quality. This is just the opposite of the teaching of science and experience of variety breeding. Reason for that is explained in this paper.

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