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Найдено документов в текущей БД: 84

    Stochastic transport in complex systems
[Text] : from molecules to vehicles / A. Schadschneider, D. Chowdhury, K. Nishinari. - Amsterdam ; Boston ; Heidelberg : Elsevier, 2011. - XX,557 p. : il. - Bibliography: p. 491-547. - ISBN 978-0-444-52853-7 : 4476.84 р.
ББК В317.2

Аннотация: The first part of the book provides a pedagogical introduction to the physics of complex systems driven far from equilibrium. In this part we discuss the basic concepts and theoretical techniques which are commonly used to study classical stochastic transport in systems of interacting driven particles. The analytical techniques include mean-field theories, matrix product ansatz, renormalization group, etc. and the numerical methods are mostly based on computer simulations. In the second part of the book these concepts and techniques are applied not only to vehicular traffic but also to transport and traffic-like phenomena in living systems ranging from collective movements of social insects (for example, ants) on trails to intracellular molecular motor transport. These demonstrate the conceptual unity of the fundamental principles underlying the apparent diversity of the systems and the utility of the theoretical toolbox of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics in interdisciplinary research far beyond the traditional disciplinary boundaries of physics.

Держатели документа:
ИВМ СО РАН : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, 50, стр.44

Доп.точки доступа:
Chowdhury, Debashish; Nishinari, Katsuhiro
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИВМ-Фонд (1)
Свободны: ИВМ-Фонд (1)
   Ж 71

    Жизнь пресных вод
[Электронный ресурс] : столетию со дня рождения В. Я. Леванидова посвящается. Вып. 1 / Биолого-почвенный институт (Владивосток) ; ред. Е. А. Марченко. - Владивосток : Дальнаука, 2013. - 1 on-line. - ISBN 978-5-8044-1386-7 : Б. ц.
Перевод заглавия: Freshwater Life. Vol. 1.
   Перевод заглавия: Freshwater Life. Vol. 1.
ББК Е082.41 + Д220.12

Аннотация: В коллективной монографии, посвященной 100-летию со Дня рождения выдающегося российского ученого Владимира Яковлевича Леванидова, рассмотрены вопросы гидрохимии, геоморфологии, биоразнообразия, структуры и функционирования пресноводных экосистем российских рек, показано их современное состояние. Приведены данные по фауне, систематике и распространению амфибиотических насекомых, моллюсков и пресноводных рыб, а также флоре водорослей. Обсуждаются экологические представления о роли редких таксонов при оценке сходства и видового разнообразия донных сообществ лотических систем. Рассмотрена структура группового и видового состава сообществ донных беспозвоночных рек по биомассе и численности, на основании полученных данных определено экологическое состояние водотоков. Книга представляет интерес для гидрохимиков, геоморфологов, гидробиологов, ихтиологов, гидроэнтомологов, биогеографов, специалистов рыбохозяйственной науки и охраны окружающейсреды.
In the collective monograph devoted to the 100 anniversary since the birth of outstanding Russian scientist Vladimir Yakovlevich Levanidov, questions of hydrochemistry, geomorphology, a biodiversity, structure and functioning of freshwater ecosystems of the Russian rivers are considered, their current state is shown. Data on fauna, systematics and to distribution of aquatic insects, mollusks and freshwater fishes, and also flora of algae are provided. Ecological notions of the role rare taxa at the assessment of similarity and species diversity of benthic community composition in lotic systems are discussed. The group and specific structure of communities of the bottom invertebrate of rivers on a biomass and number is considered, on the basis of the obtained data the ecological condition of water currents is defined. The book will be interesting for hydro-chemists, geomorphologists, hydrobiologists, ichthyologists, hydroentomologists, biogeographers, fishery ecology and conservations specialists.


Доп.точки доступа:
Марченко, Е. А. \ред.\; Леванидов, В.Я.(о нем) (1913-1981 гг); Биолого-почвенный институт (Владивосток)
Свободных экз. нет
   Б 48

    Защита леса от вредителей
[Текст] : монография / А. Берриман ; пер. В. Г. Долгополова ; ред. А. С. Саломе. - Москва : ВО-Агропромиздат, 1990. - 287 с. : ил. - Библиогр. в конце гл.- Предм. указ.: с. 277-283. - Пер. изд. : Forest insects Principles and Practice of Population Management / A. A. Berryman. - 3500 экз. - ISBN 5-10-001354-0 : 4.30 р.
ББК П496.6

Аннотация: В книге, автором которой является один из ведущих лесоэнтомологов США, рассматриваются вопросы биоэкологии вредителей лесов, динамики популяций, механизмов устойчивости деревьев к насекомым. Особое внимание уделено лесохозяйственным мероприятиям и биологичяеской борьбе как основным звеньям интегрированной системы лесов с учетом экологических последствий. Для научных работников в области лесного хозяйства, энтомологов, специалистов по защите растений.

Доп.точки доступа:
Долгополова, В. Г. \пер.\; Саломе, А. С. \ред.\; Berryman, A. A.
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИБФ-КФ (1)
Свободны: ИБФ-КФ (1)
595.7 / Ф28-НОР

    Фауна и экология насекомых Сибири
[Текст] = The fauna and ecology of insects from Siberia : сборник научных трудов / Академия наук СССР, Сибирское отделение, Биологический институт ; отв. ред. Н. Г. Коломиец. - Новосибирск : Наука, 1974. - 207 с. : ил, табл. - Библиогр. в конце ст. - 1100 экз. - 2.27 р., 50.00 р., 2.27 р.

Аннотация: В сборнике представлены оригинальные статьи сотрудников Биологического института Сибирского отделения АН СССР, Биолого-почвенного института Дальневосточного научного центра АН СССР и других учреждений, тематика которых связана с научными интересами юбиляра. Это методики выведения сидячебрюхих перепончатокрылых насекомых, статьи по фауне и биологии тлей, водных клопов, чешуекрылых, синатропных и паразитических двукрылых крупных регионов Сибири, биологии и хозяйственному значению энтомофагов плодовых мух, концинеллид и стволовых вредителей.

Держатели документа:
ИЛ СО РАН : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, 50, стр. 28

Доп.точки доступа:
Коломиец, Николай Григорьевич \отв. ред.\; Академия наук СССР. Сибирское отделениеБиологический институт
Экземпляры всего: 3
ИЛ-Фонд (1), Фонд (1), НОР (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Фонд (1), Фонд (1), НОР (1)
М 31

    Инвазии растительноядных насекомых в европейскую часть России
[Текст] = Alien Phytophagous Insects Invasions in the European Part of Russia : монография / В. Ю. Масляков, С. С. Ижевский ; Секция инвазий чужеродных видов комиссии РАН по сохран. биол. разнообразия. - М. : ИГРАН, 2011. - 272 с. : ил., табл. - (Чужеродные виды России). - Б. ц.

Аннотация: Книга представляет собой обзор известных на сегодняшний день чужеродных инвазионных растительноядных насекомых, обосновавшихся в разные периоды на территории европейской части России и в прилегающих регионах. Процесс инвазий анализируется с позиции вектора переноса инвайдеров, их таксономического состава и географии фитосанитарных ситуаций. Приведены данные о происхождении, времени появления, местах обоснования, биологии, вредоносности 192 видов насекомых - представителей 48 семейств из 8 отрядов. Приведен список основных латинских синонимов описанных видов и их русские названия. Для преобладающего числа видов указаны энтомофаги (паразиты и хищники), которые используются или могут быть использованы в программах биологического контроля. Книга предназначена для зоогеографов, энтомологов, специалистов в области защиты и карантина растений. Она имеет практическое значение для обеспечения фитосанитарной безопасности аграрного сектора РФ: проведения мониторинга, оценки фитосанитарного риска и прогнозирования новых инвазий. Работа содержит исправления и существенные дополнения к ранней сводке авторов по данной теме (Масляков, Ижевский 2010).

Доп.точки доступа:
Ижевский, Сергей Сергеевич; S.S. Izhevsky; V. Yu. Maslyakov
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Фонд (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Фонд (1)
S 89

    Insects on plant
[Текст] : community patterns and mechanisms / D.R. Strong, J.H. Lawton, R Southwood. - Oxford et al. : Blackwell Scientific publication, 1984. - 313 с. : ill. - ISBN 0-632-00909-8 : 22800.00 р.
Библиогр: p. 257-293%Index: p. 294-313

Аннотация: Much community theory has ignoired insects on plants, although they comprise a large proportion of extant organisms. In this text the authors review the evolution and recent history of phytophagous insects and consider the structure of phytophage communities, with the aim of bringing the study of such communities into the main stream 0f ecological thought. They combine the synthetic, pattern searching approach to community ecology with reductionist methods which isolate single mechanisms for study ina stimulating text which will interest senior undergraduates and research workers in the fields of entomology, ecology, agriculture and botany

Доп.точки доступа:
Southwood, R; Lawton, J.H.
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
A 60

    Annual Review of Entomology
[Текст] : сборник научных трудов / Eds.: T.E.Mittler, F.J.Radovsky, V.H.Resh. - Palo Alto : Annual Reviews Inc., 1991. - 704 с. - / Eds.: T.E.Mittler, F.J.Radovsky, V.H.Resh ; 36). - 25000.00 р.
Библиогр: В надзаг.:at the end of the articles%Subject Index: p. 683-69%ISBN 0-8243-0136-6

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
A 38

    An introduction to american forestry
[Текст] : монография / S.W. Allen. - Second edition / Allen S.W. - New York ; Toronto ; London : McGraw-Hill book company, Inc., 1950. - 413 с. : ill. - (American forestry series). - Библиогр: at the end of chapters. - 18.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
animal attacks%man and the forest%insects attacks

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
E 18

    Ecology and management of Larix Forests: a look ahead
[Текст] : proceedings of an international Symposium Whitefish, Montana, USA October 5-9, 1992 / Compillers: W.C.Schmidt, K.J.McDonald ; USDA Forest Service, Intern. Res. Station. - Ogden : Intermountain Research Station, 1995. - 521 с. : ill. + tables,figures. - (General Technical Report GTR-INT : proceedings of an International Symposium / USDA Forest Service ; 319). - Библиогр: at the end of the parts. - бесплатно р.

Аннотация: This proceedings is the product of an international symposium on the Larix species of North America, Europe, and Asia. Western larch, an important species in the Western United States and Canada, was featured. The symposium included information on ecology, management, silviculture, regeneration processes, growth, wildlife, vegetation succession, silvics, history, genetics, breeding and provenance testing, physiology, fire, insects and desease, and research needs. This proceedings illustrates the importance of Larix in the temperate forests of the Northern Hemisphere

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
F 75

    Forest insect and disease conditions in the United States, 1971
[Текст]. - Washington : Forest Service U.S.Department of Agriculture, 1972. - 65 с. : ill. - 1.30 р.
Библиогр: В надзаг.: Index: p. 62-65

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
smog -- pesticides -- diseases -- USA

Аннотация: In 1971 the major effor involved the gypsy moth. Federal and State pest control scientists spent many man-hours on surveys, evaluations, special studies, extension work, general coordination efforts and preparation of Environmental Statements on this insects. This project will provide meaningful impact data to guide future work planning and setting of priorities for forest insect and disease management programs

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
G 86

    Growth and utilization of poplars in Canada
[Текст] : монография / Eds.: J.S.Maini, J.H. Cayford ; Forestry Branch Canada. - Ottawa : Department of Forestry and Rural Development, 1968. - 257 с. : ill. + figures. - (Forestry Branch Departmental publication / Forestry Branch Canada ; 1205). - 5.00 р.
Библиогр: at the end of the chapters%Subject index: p. 249-257

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
landscape -- climate -- ecology -- insects

Аннотация: Poplars occupy a unique and anomalous position in the Canadian forest economy. The paper describes the physiography, climate, and vegetation of Canada. In this volume are icluded the main aspects of poplar supply, silvicultural characteristics, management, manufacture, and marketing in Canada

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
H 40

    Forestry in New England
[Текст] : a handbook of eastern forest management / R.C. Hawley, A.F. Hawes. - New York ; London : John Wiley & Sons; Chapman & Hall, 1912. - 479 с. : ill + figures. - Библиогр: p. 420-425%Tables: p.426-474%Index: p. 475-479. - 40.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Silviculture -- forest planting and seeding -- injuries -- forest insects and fungi -- fires

Аннотация: The book is arranged in two parts: one dealing with methods and principles of forestry in general, the second treating in detail with the forests of New England. While it is written with special reference to New England, the book has a much wider field of direct application.

Доп.точки доступа:
Hawes, A.F.
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)

    Expanding forests but declining mature coniferous forests in Russia
[Текст] / A. Shvidenko, S. Nilsson ; IIASA, Austria. - Laxenburg : IIASA, 1996. - 19 с. : табл. - (Working Paper of IIASA ; WP-96-59). - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 16-19. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
dynamics of forest -- development -- Russian forests

Аннотация: Analyses of aggregated data of the dynamics of Russian forests during the period from 1966 to 1993 have identified a rather stable development of Forested Areas (FA) and growing stock (an increase of 8% and 5%, respectively). Unforested Areas (UFA) have decreased significantly; for example, the total amount od unforested burned areas declined from 68.4 to 31.9 million ha over the period. Average growing stock by age groups increased for all main forest-forming species (excluding mature and overmature coniferous stands). Development in the growing stock in European Russia has been positive, but Asian Russia has experienced a rather sever decline. Studies of the 1983-1993 period show somewhat different results. Official data show that the total growing stock for Russia underwent aserous decline over this period. An adjistment for systematic inventory errors still show that there has been a substantial decrease in the growing stock in Asian Russia. The decline identified during this latter period cannot be explained by the harvest carried out, but is probably due to disturbances such as forest fires, pest, insects, and anthropogenic activities. From analyses, it can be concluded that the quality of the forests has been seriously impoverished in Russia during the 1966-1993 period. This impovershment is due to severe local overharvesting in regions witrh development infrastructure and to so-called creaming - namely, the harvesting of the best stands of specific species over huge areas. There are still vast areas of unexploited and unmanaged forests in Russia. In spite of serious shortcomings in Russian forest management, the stability of Russian boreal forests and their capasity for natural regeneration seem to be extremely high. Therefore, it may to be premature to speak of "disappearing Russian forests".

Доп.точки доступа:
Nilsson, S.
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
N 52

    The New England forest
[Текст] : baseline for New England forest health monitoring / Authors: R.B. Brooks a.o. ; USDA Forest Service. - Radnor : USDA Forest Sevice, Northeast Forest Experiment Station, 1992. - 89 с. : figures + tables. - (Resource Bulletin : baseline for New England forest health monitoring / Authors: R.T. Brooks a.o. ; NE-124). - Библиогр: p. 49-52. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
forest resources%forest stressors%climate and weather

Аннотация: The USDA Forest Service along with various cooperators has initiated Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) in New England to assess the condition and stressors of region's forests, to analyze changes in these data over time, and to identify any relationships between forest condition and stressors. A major component of FHM in New England is 263 permanent plots located across the region on which growth efficiency, foliar condition and nutrition, soil nutrition, and landscape characteristics will be measured and reported annually. This publication describes the forest resources of New England and discusses major influences-insects and pathogens, climate and weather, and atmospheric deposition and pollution.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
N 82

    Northeastern area forest health report
[Текст] / USDA Forest Service. - Washington : USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Area, 1994. - 57 с. : figures + maps, tables. - (Northeastern Area / USDA Forest Service ; NA-TP-03-93). - Библиогр: В надзаг.:. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
forest resource%general stressors

Аннотация: The National Forest Health Monitoring Program is focusing on assessing the conditions of our nation's forests in response to the interests and concerns of the American people. This report was produced in an effort to present information about forest condition and forest stressos (insects, pathogens, weather, fire, and air quality) with respect to major forest types.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
S 91

    Summary Report/ Forest health monitoring/ New England/Mid-Atlantic 1992
[Текст] / USDA Forest Service. - Maryland : USDA Forest Service , 1993. - 15 с. + tables. - (Summary report ; NE/NA/INF-115-R93). - Библиогр: В надзаг.:. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
foliage transparency%crown density%crown dieback%survey

Аннотация: Researchers with the Northeastern Forest Health Monitoring program visited 256 plots in 1992, collecting data from nearly 8,000 trees in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersy, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. There continues to be no evidence of large, regional-scale declines in the health of forest ecosystems as determined by observations of visual crown indicators on trees, e.g., crown dieback, crown density, and foliage transparency. Several individual species (eastern hemlock, northern white-cedar, Americal beech) show slight evidence of decline in one or more visual crown indicators. Some of this decline is attributed to known cases of disease/pest incidence, e.g., outbreakes of beech bark disease and defoliation by the hemlock looper. Evidence of ozone damage was noted on 28 percent of 39 plots where ozone-sensitive plants were surveyed. Soil sampling was implemented on 50 plots in New England, with plants to cover all plots brginning in 1994.Surveys of off-plot insects and pathogens also showed no evidence of regional-scale decline of the forest resource in the Northeastern United States.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
E 18

    The ecology of a tropical forest
[Текст] : seasonal rhythms and long-term chanches / Ed. by G.Egbert a.o. - 2nd ed. - Washington : The Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996. - 503 с. : ill. - Библиогр: at the end of the article%ISBN 1-56098-642-5. - 172-00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
physical setting%biotic setting%insects%litter%tree crown

Аннотация: This book summarizes research from one of the most thoroughly and consistently studied tracts of tropical forests in the world, on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. This edition includes an afterword summirizing new research findings and major initiatives of the last fifteen years in such areas as plant physiology, the dynamics and diversity of the tropical forest, and the ecological implications of mutualism.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)

    Advances in Bioclimatology. Vol. 4
[Текст] : сборник научных трудов / Ed. by G. Stanhill . - Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York : Springer, 1996. - 258 с. : figures + tables. - , ISSN 0942-5225). - eng. - Библиогр. в конце глав. - ISBN 3-540-60819-2 : 115.00 р.

Аннотация: This volume contains reviews on five different aspects of bioclimatology: (1) The establishment, maintenance and use of data from automatic weather station networks for agricultural purposes; (2) Techniques for estimating global and ultraviolet irradiance at the earth's surface, and the net radiation balance from operational satellite observations; (3) Mathematical models of the affects of climate on energy and mass balance in crop production; (4) Paleoecological and experimental studies of the response of stomatal density to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations; and (5) The sensory and behavioral responses of insects and other invertebrates to small CO2 gradients resulting from plant and animal metabolism, and the effects of global changes in CO2 concentration and air temperature.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
G 86

    Methodology of forest insect and disease survey in central Europe
[Текст] : proc. First workshop of the IUFRO WP 7.03.10 Apr. 21-24, 1998, Ustron-Jaszowiec (Poland) / W. Grodzki, M. Knizek, B. Forster ; IUFRO, Forest Research Institute. - Warszawa : Forest Research Institute, 1998. - 201 с. : figures + tables. - Библиогр: at the end of the papers. - ISBN 83-87647-03-9 : 40.00 р.

Аннотация: This paper discusses the process of designing and implementing surveys and how we tackled the problems of sampling and assessing tree populations and disease features that were poorly understood. It concentrates on survey methods and their application rather than the actual results of the surveys, since this is more relevant to these proceedings.

Доп.точки доступа:
Forster, B.; Knizek, M.
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
S 81

    Stan srodowiska lesnego w dolinie srodkowej Odry po powodzi w 1997=State of forest environment in the central Odra valley after flood in 1997
[Текст] : монография / Pod red. Gorzelaka A., Sieroty Z. - Warszawa : Inst.badawczy lesnictwa, 1999. - 74 с. : il. - Библиогр: s. 73-74%ISBN 83-87647-06-3. - 19-00 р.

Аннотация: The book deals with materials and methods, hydrological conditions, water and soil state, site and stand condition,tree vitality, roots vitality, seed germinating tests on sites, pathogenic fungi, threat of cambio and xylophagous insects.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)