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Найдено документов в текущей БД: 38
   Б 43

    Ландшафтная флористическая неоднородность растительного покрова
[Текст] = Landscape floristic inhomogeneity of vegetation cover : (На примере модел. р-нов Сев.-Вост. России) : (на примере модельных районов Северо - Востока России) / Анна Витольдовна Беликович ; Рос. акад. наук, Биолого - почвенный институт. - Владивосток : БПИ ДВО РАН, 2001. - 248 с. + 20 см. - Библиогр.: с. 232-243. - ISBN 5-7442-1283-3 : 0.00 р.
Парал. тит. л. англ.
ББК Е581.8,0 + Е585.9(2Р51,5),0 + Е585.4

Аннотация: Автор разрабатывает некоторые аспекты теории фитохорологии - науки о пространственной структуре растительного покрова, базирующейся на изучении территориальных единиц растительного покрова- фитохор. В монографии изучается только один, ландшафтный, уровень пространственной организации растительного покрова- уровень мезофитохор. которые анализируются с помощью флористических критериев, с использованием видов. Проанализирован обширный фактический материал по ландшафтной флористической неоднородности растительного покрова 26 районов Северо - Востока России (включая Магаданскую область и Чукотку), собранный автором за 17 лет полевых работ.

Держатели документа:
Центральная научная библиотека КНЦ СО РАН : 660036, г. Красноярск, Академгородок, 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Российская Академия наук. Дальневосточное отделение ; Биолого - почвенный институт
Экземпляры всего: 1
Свободны: ЦНБ-АБ (1)
   Т 66

    Тренды ландшафтно - геохимических процессов в геосистемах юга Сибири
[] = Trends of landscape-geochemical processes in geosystems of south Siberia / Е. Нечаева, Н. Д. Давыдова, А. И. Щетников ; Рос. акад. наук. Сиб. отд-ние. Ин-т географии. - Новосибирск : Наука, 2004. - 184 с. : ил. - Библиогр. : с. 165-180. - ISBN 5-02-032416-7 : 45.00 р.
Парал. тит. л. англ. Авт. указаны на обороте тит. л.
ББК Д821

Доп.точки доступа:
Нечаева, Елена Григорьевна; Давыдова, Н.Д.; Щетников, А.И.; Рос. акад. наук. Сиб. отд-ние. Ин-т географии , ИБФ-ООН
Свободных экз. нет
К 68
03 / К 68-ИЛ-Фонд

    Древесные растения для озеленения Красноярска
= Trees and shrubs for landscape gardening of Krasnoyarsk / И. Ю. Коропачинский, Р. И. Лоскутов; под ред. И. Ю. Коропачинского ; Сиб. отд-ние Рос. акад. наук, Центр. сиб. ботан. сад, Ин-т леса им. В. Н. Сукачева. - Новосибирск : Гео, 2014. - 320 с. : ил. ; 29 см. - Библиогр.: с. 310. - Алф. указ. рус. и латин. назв. древес. растений: с. 311-316. - 200 экз. - ISBN 978-5-906284-46-4 (в пер.) : Б. ц.

Аннотация: Книга написана на основании многолетнего изучения древесных растений в городских посадках Красноярска и близких к нему по климатическим характеристикам других городов юга Центральной Сибири (Новосибирск, Кемерово, Новокузнецк, Абакан, Барнаул и др.). Приводится ассортимент древесных растений различных ботанико-географических областей мира, рекомендуемых для выращивания в условиях Красноярска и близких к нему по климату районах южной Сибири. Для каждого вида даны краткие сведения о его биологических особенностях, декоративных достоинствах, рекомендации по размножению, выращиванию и использованию в садово-парковом строительстве и озеленении при создании насаждений различного функционального назначения. Книга рассчитана на озеленителей, занимающихся проектированием объектов садово-паркового строительства и озеленения, и любителей, выращивающих экзотические растения на своих приусадебных и дачных участках

Доп.точки доступа:
Лоскутов, Реджинальд Иванович
Экземпляры всего: 4
ИЛ-Фонд (3), ИЛ-РСФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Фонд (3), ИЛ-РСФ (1)
E 18

    Ecosystems of British Columbia
[Текст] : сборник научных трудов / Compiled and edited by D. Meidinger and J. Pojar. - Victoria : BC Ministry of Forests, 1991. - 330 с. : ил. - (Special Report Series, ISSN 0843-6452 ; № 6). - Библиогр.: с. 295-297. - ISBN 0-7718-8997-6 : Б. ц.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
forest ecology -- bioclimatology -- bigeography

Аннотация: This report describes terrestrial ecosystems of British Columbia within the framework of the British Columbia Ministry of Forests' biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification. This system of classification is widely used in British Columbia and gives foresters, biologists, agrologists, other resource managers, and naturalists a common framework for a fundamental knowledge of landscape ecology. It thus provides a basis for ecosystem management and other practical decision-making.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
R 74

    The Role of Fire in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems
[Текст] : сборник научных трудов / Ed.: J.M.Moreno, W.C. Oechel. - New York et al : Springer, 1994. - 201 с. : 65 illustrations including 3 in color. - (Ecological studies / Eds.:J.M.Moreno, W.C. Oechel ; 107). - 22800.00 р.
Библиогр: at the ent of the chapters%Ind.: p. 187-201%ISBN 0-387-94215-7.- ISBN 3-540-94215-7

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Fire ecology, mediterranean climate, plants

Аннотация: Fire is a significant ecological factor affecting Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Understanding how fire affects ecosystems structure and functioning is critical for designing appropriate management policies that would minimize the negative impacts of fire. The book addresses the role of fire, how it can be used for conservation of ecosystems and landscapes. Subjects include plant community dynamics after fire, the response of Chilean mattoral shrubs to fire, the interaction between fire intensity and plant response after fire, fire and vertebrate herbivory and animal dynamics, the effect of fire on soils, fire and hydrology, spatial simulation of fires, fire management, and the role of fire in ecosystem and landscape conservation. This book will be of interest to all ecologists working in Mediterranean-type environments, fire ecologists generally, as well as land managers and policy-makers involved in fire management

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
B 78

    Pattern and process in a forested ecosystem
[Текст] : disturbance, development and the steady state based on the Hubbard brook ecosystem study / F.H. Bormann, G.E. Likens. - New York ; Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 1979. - 253 с. : ill. - Библиогр: p.229-244%Index: p. 245-253. - ISBN 0-387-90321-6. - ISBN 3-540-90321-6 : 31.70 р.

Аннотация: This book draws an integrated picture of the structure, function, and development over time of the northern hardwood ecosystem in northern New England. Topics covered include important ecological problems such as the limits to primary production and biomass accumulation, biotic regulation of energy flow and biogeochemistry, the relatioships between species diversity and stability, variations in biogeochemical behavior over time, and the effect of the weathering-erosion interaction on productivity. According to the authors, a carefully defined and documented case history provides, at this stage of evolution of ecosystem science, the best means for determining the principles of ecosystem structure and function. In addition, from a holistic standpoint, such a case history enables ecologically sound programs of landscape management to be developed

Доп.точки доступа:
Likens, G.E.
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
F 24

    Farm woodland practice
[Текст] : монография / Ed. by B.G. Hibberd. - London : Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1988. - 106 с. : ill. + figures. - (Forestry Commission Handbook / Ed. by B.G. Hibberd ; 3). - бесплатно р.
Библиогр: В надзаг.:%Index: p.104-106%ISBN 0-11-710265-2

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
farm forestry, England

Аннотация: Today it is possible to create woodlands which not only provide income from timber but which also fit well into the landscape, and offer an enriched habitat for wildlife and game. To grow trees successfully so that they thrive and are an asset to the farm requires a sound knowledge of the different tree species and of their uses. This book gives essential advice on a wide range of species and methods of woodland establishment and management

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
E 93

    Silviculture of broadleaved woodland
[Текст] : сборник научных трудов / J. Evans. - London : Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1984. - 232 с. : ill. + figures. - (Forestry Commission Bulletin ; 62). - бесплатно р.
Библиогр: p.213-218, Tree species index: p. 227-232, ISBN 0-11- 710154-0

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
broadleaved forest, coppice silviculture, other woodland types, England

Аннотация: The object of this book is to assist all who are concerned with the management or cultivation of broadleaves. Much practical silvicultural advice is included and many recommendations are made with the main emphasis on the silvicultural techniquers used to grow good quality timber. But broadleaved woodlands are important for much more than timber production and silvicultural requirements to serve other objectives such as landscape, consewrvation and sporting, are also covered.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
G 86

    Growth and utilization of poplars in Canada
[Текст] : монография / Eds.: J.S.Maini, J.H. Cayford ; Forestry Branch Canada. - Ottawa : Department of Forestry and Rural Development, 1968. - 257 с. : ill. + figures. - (Forestry Branch Departmental publication / Forestry Branch Canada ; 1205). - 5.00 р.
Библиогр: at the end of the chapters%Subject index: p. 249-257

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
landscape -- climate -- ecology -- insects

Аннотация: Poplars occupy a unique and anomalous position in the Canadian forest economy. The paper describes the physiography, climate, and vegetation of Canada. In this volume are icluded the main aspects of poplar supply, silvicultural characteristics, management, manufacture, and marketing in Canada

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
F 75

    Forest Landscape design
[Текст] : guidelines. - London : HMSO, 1994. - 28 с. : ill. - eng. - Библиогр.: с. 28. - ISBN 0-11-710325-X : Б. ц.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
design principles -- shape -- forest landscape -- diversity

Аннотация: Landscape is affected by uses of land which determine the pattern of vegetation. These guidelines are intended to provide applicants for the Woodland Grant Scheme and applicants for felling licences with an outline of the principles and practical applications of forest design.Here the relative values of open land and forestry must be most carefully assessed

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)

    Arbor day and the memorial tree planting
[Текст] : законы и законодательные акты. - Kentucky : Frankfort, 1912. - 40 с. : фото, карты. - eng. - 2.00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
tree planting -- landscape -- arbor day

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-ИФ (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-ИФ (1)
T 35

    10th World Forestry Congress: Proceedings
[Текст] : vol. 3: forests, a heritage for the future; Sector C: Trees and forests in land management of rural and urban areas. - Paris : OAO/FAO, 1991. - 388 с. : figures + tables. - (Revue Forestiere Francaise, Hors Serie : vol.3: forests, a heritage for the future; Sector C: Trees and forests in land management of rural and urban areas, ISSN 0035-2829 ; 3). - Библиогр: at the end of reports. - 11-70 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
intergrated management%watershed management%landscape%trees and forests

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
Z 13

    Soil erosion
[Текст] : монография / D. Zachar. - Amsterdam ; Oxford ; New York : Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1982. - 547 с. : figures + tables. - (Developments in soil science ; 10). - Библиогр: p. 483-514. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
landscape-modelling factors%classification%methods%distribution

Аннотация: This work contains a systematic treatment of the terminology and classification of erosion phenomena. It deals with processes taking place in the pedosphere, with the methodology of research, surving, mapping, the prediction of the probable course of erosion, the nature of different erosive influences, and the possibilities for soil conservation. The main focus of attention is on water and wind erosion. Erosion processes are characteristic of different ecosystems. The book is addressed not only to specialists in soil research, but also to professional agronomists, foresters, specialists in water conservation, geographers, pedologists, ecologists, nature conservationists, and other groups interested in the conservation, utilization and improvement of the soil.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
F 85

    The contribution of old growth to the new forestry
[Текст] / J.F. Franklin ; Forestry Program Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry The University of Alberta. - Edmonton : The University of Alberta, 1990. - 20 с. - (Forest Industry lecture / Forestry Program Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry The University of Alberta ; 24). - Библиогр.: p. 18. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):

Аннотация: Natural forests have a richness of organisms and processes, much of which is linked to their characteristic structural complexity. Recent recearch on natural disturbances has increasingly clarified the importance of biological legacies of living organisms and organically-derived structures, such as snags and down logs, in providing for perpetuation of complex natural ecosystems. The importance of large-scale or landscape perspectives has been clarified by research on issues such as cumulative effects and forest fragmentation. The objective in New Forestry is development of forest management systems which better integrate commodity production with maintenance of structurally complex managed forest systems; this contrast with the structural and compositional simplification that is characteristic of current intensive forest management practices. At the landscape level the basic principle of New Forestry is to consider effects of management practices over large spatial and temporal scales. This includes such issues at the arrangement of different patch types and sizes, and integration of reserved areas with commodity lands to produce a diversified landscape.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
E 18

    Ecological principles of nature conservation
[Текст] : applications in temperate and boreal environments / Ed. by L. Hansson. - London ; New York : Elsevier Applied Science, 1992. - 436 с. : figures + tables. - (Conservation ecology series : applications in temperate and boreal environments / Ed. by L. Hansson). - Библиогр: at the end of the papers%ISBN 1-85166-718-0. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
communities%landscape%animal population%genetic variation in plants%forests

Аннотация: The book deals with the conservation ecology is now widely acknowledged as an essential component in the planning and development of activities which change or modify our natural environment.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
L 22

    Practical conservation woodlands
[Текст] : монография / A. Lane, J. Tait. - !st edition. - London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1990. - Библиогр: В надзаг.:%ISBN 0-340-53366-8. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
landscape assessment%improving woodland%monitoring%creating new woodland

Аннотация: This book shows the reader how to assess the current wildlife and landscape conservation value of woodland and how to integrate these with its commercial potential. It also describes the management options available to maintain areas that are of high conservation value, to enhance areas that are of lower value, and to ceate new woodlands where appropriate, and shows how these can be implemented. The authors have considerable experience in the field of conservation and environmental and business management.

Доп.точки доступа:
Tait, J.
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
N 31

    Landscape ecology
[Текст] : theory and application / Z. Naveh, A.S. Lieberman. - Second edition. - New York ; Berlin ; Heidelberg a.o. : Springer-Verlag, 1993. - 360 с. : figures + tables. - ). - Библиогр: after chapters%ISBN 0-387-94059-6. - 22080-00 р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
evolution%ecosystem%conservation%remote sensing

Аннотация: The book provides a unified conceptual and methodological framework for a field and treats landscape ecology as a holistic, problem-solving oriented science.It will be of interest to the professional researcher, educator, and decision-maker who deal with man's relationship to his natural and cultural environment.

Доп.точки доступа:
Lieberman, A.S.
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
N 52

    The New England forest
[Текст] : baseline for New England forest health monitoring / Authors: R.B. Brooks a.o. ; USDA Forest Service. - Radnor : USDA Forest Sevice, Northeast Forest Experiment Station, 1992. - 89 с. : figures + tables. - (Resource Bulletin : baseline for New England forest health monitoring / Authors: R.T. Brooks a.o. ; NE-124). - Библиогр: p. 49-52. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
forest resources%forest stressors%climate and weather

Аннотация: The USDA Forest Service along with various cooperators has initiated Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) in New England to assess the condition and stressors of region's forests, to analyze changes in these data over time, and to identify any relationships between forest condition and stressors. A major component of FHM in New England is 263 permanent plots located across the region on which growth efficiency, foliar condition and nutrition, soil nutrition, and landscape characteristics will be measured and reported annually. This publication describes the forest resources of New England and discusses major influences-insects and pathogens, climate and weather, and atmospheric deposition and pollution.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
S 53

    Possibilities for increased carbon sequestration through the implementation of rational forest management in Russia
[Текст] / A. Shvidenko, S. Nilsson , V. Roshkov ; IIASA. - Laxenburg : IIASA, 1995. - 27 с. : figures + tables. - (Working Paper / IIASA ; WP-95-60). - Библиогр: p. 23-27. - free of charge р.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
carbon budget%forest management%climate change%mitigation options

Аннотация: Huge areas of the Russian forests suffer from insufficient forest management. A scenario has been developed for an improved management program that would be implemented over the next 40 years. Possible options have been aggregated into three interlinked groups: increase in forest productivity, decrease of carbon by mitigation of disturbance regimes, and improvement of landscape management. In this report a simple model is described to illustrate the following possibilities foe increased carbon fixation by improved forest management: largescale of reforestation and afforestation, replacement of stands with low productivity and replacement the so called soft deciduous species and "climax" stands, and implementation of rational silviculture (thinning). The results indicate a potential for an increase in carbon fixation in Russian forest ecosystems of 24.4 Pg over 100 years, after the first year that the actions discussed are impleneted. The net sink of carbon was determined to be 16.5 Pg in the low estimate and 42.5 Pg in the high estimate. There is great potential for economically justified increased carbon fixation through improved forest management in Russia.

Доп.точки доступа:
Roshkov, V.; Nilsson , S.
Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)
W 68

    Wildlife and landscape ecology
[Текст] : effects of patters and scale / Editor: J.A.Bissonette. - 2nd ed. - New York ; Berlin ; Heidelberg a.o. : Springer, 1997. - 410 с. : ill. + tables. - Библиогр: at the end of the articles%ISBN 0-387-94789-2. - 1274-00 р.

Аннотация: Ecologists increasingly recognize the importance of scale in our understanding of nature. Landscape ecology in particular emphasizes temporal and spatial scales. While research and management of wildlife have traditionally emphasized studies at smaller scales, it is now acknowledged that larger, landscape-level patterns strongly influence demographic processes in wild animal species. This book is the first to provide the conceptual basis for learning how larger scale patterns and processes can influence the biology and management of wildlife species. It is divided into three sections: * Underlying concepts; * Landscape metrics; * Applications and large-scale management. This book will be welcomed by scientists, and managers with an interest in and responsibility for the health of wild populations and their role in ecosystems.

Экземпляры всего: 1
ИЛ-Иф (1)
Свободны: ИЛ-Иф (1)