Труды сотрудников ИВМ СО РАН

Найдено документов в текущей БД: 4

    Современные сведения о зообентосе реки Чулым
[Текст] : статья / А. В. Андрианова // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. - 2017. - № 6-2. - С. 257-261 . - ISSN 1996-3955
   Перевод заглавия: Modern data of the zoobenthos of the Chulym river

Аннотация: Исследованы сообщества донных беспозвоночных р. Чулым в верхнем и среднем течении. Зообентос исследованного участка Чулыма весной состоял из поденок, олигохет, хирономид и представителей группы «прочие». Осенью выросла доля по численности хирономид и ручейников, а доля олигохет и «прочих» снизилась. Биомасса складывалась в основном из поденок и «прочих». Весенняя численность составила 1,1 тыс. экз./м2, биомасса 8,2 г/м2. Осенью количественные показатели практически не изменились (1.4 тыс.экз./м2, 10,6 г/м2). Минимальная плотность зообентоса (0,6 тыс. экз./м2 и 1,3 г/м2) зафиксирована в районе осетрово-нельмового Заказника «Чулымский», что подтверждается и более ранними исследованиями. Наибольшая биомасса характерна для заиленных биотопов при слабом течении (14-16 г/м2 весной). Осенью существенно увеличилась плотность бентоса среди высшей водной растительности (2,4 тыс.экз./м2 и 17 г/м2). По сравнению с 1970-ми гг. в донных сообществах выросла доля гетеротопных насекомых, при этом доля олигохет, моллюсков и хирономид в биомассе снизилась в 4-5 раз; отмечается тенденция увеличения общей биомассы бентоса.
The benthic invertebrate communities in the river Chulym were studied in the upper and middle reaches. The zoobenthos of the investigated area of the Chulym river in the spring consisted of mayflies, oligochaetes, chironomids, and representatives of the group «other». In the fall the proportion of the numbers of chironomids and caddisflies increased, whereas the proportion of oligochaetes and «other» decreased. Biomass was composed mainly of mayflies and «other». The spring population was 1,1 thous. ind/m2, biomass - 8,2 g/m2. In the fall quantitative indicators remained almost unchanged (1,4 thous. ind/m2, 10,6 g/m2). The minimum density of zoobenthos (0,6 thous. ind./m2 and 1,3 g/m2) was recorded in the area of sturgeon-nelmous Reserve «Chulymskiy», which is confirmed by earlier studies. The greatest biomass is typical for silted habitats at low flow (14 - 16 g/m2 in spring). In autumn the density of benthos among the higher aquatic vegetation increased significantly (2.4 thous. ind/m2 and 17 g/m2). Compared to the 1970-ies in sediment communities the percent of heterotopic insects increased, while the percent of oligochaeta, mollusca, and chironomids in the biomass decreased by 4-5 times; there is a trend of increase in total biomass of benthos.


Держатели документа:
Институт вычислительного моделирования СО РАН, ФИЦ КНЦ СО РАН
НИИ Экологии рыбохозяйственных водоемов

Доп.точки доступа:
Андрианова, А.В.; Andrianova А.V.
С 56

    Современные данные о пространственном распределении байкальских амфипод в реке енисей и их визуализация в геоинформационной веб-системе
[Текст] : статья / А. В. Андрианова, О. Э. Якубайлик, Ю. В. Шанько // Российский журнал биологических инвазий. - 2018. - Т. 9, № 3. - С. 2-19 . - ISSN 1996-1499
   Перевод заглавия: Modern data on the spacious distribution of the baikal amphipods in the enisey river and their visualization in the geoinformational web-system

Аннотация: Представлены результаты экспедиционных гидробиологических исследований, проведённых в 2015-2016 гг. в нескольких зонах русла р. Енисей от истока до устья. Данная работа посвящена про- странственной динамике сообщества амфипод, в котором лидирующие позиции занимают виды - вселенцы из оз. Байкал, распространившиеся через р. Ангару не только вниз, но и вверх по течению р. Енисей. Выявлено 8 видов амфипод, среди них два представителя нативной фауны ( Pontoporeia affinis и Gammarus sp. ) и 6 байкальских эндемиков. На всём протяжении реки среди гаммарид коли- чественно доминировал Gmelinoides fasciatus, второе место занял Philolimnogammarus viridis. Лишь в низовье и дельте Енисея лидирующие позиции перешли к P. affinis - представителю эстуарно- реликтового комплекса организмов, эндемику дельты Енисея. Байкальские эндемики активно засе- лили участок ниже Саяно-Шушенского водохранилища, особенно в зонах массового распростране- ния макрофитов. Основным вектором распространения байкальских эндемиков в Енисее является саморасселение через р. Ангару, замеченное исследователями еще в XIX в. Для G. fasciatus дополни- тельным стимулом роста численности ниже и выше Красноярской ГЭС стала его преднамеренная интродукция в Красноярское водохранилище в конце 1960-х гг. с целью обогащения кормовой базы. Натурализации Ph. viridis на участке Верхнего Енисея способствовала, вероятно, случайная интро- дукция. Наблюдается дивергенция экологических ниш у G. fasciatus и Ph. viridis в Енисее: доминант предпочитает заиленные песчано-галечные биотопы со спокойным скоростным режимом; субдоми- нант склонен к каменисто-галечным грунтам, омываемым быстрым течением. За последние 15 лет возросла плотность и доля амфипод в зообентосе на участке Ангара - Подкаменная Тунгуска. Ре- зультаты гидробиологических исследований оформлены в виде геопространственной базы данных на геопортале, который предоставляет возможности визуализации информации в виде интерактив- ных тематических карт и обеспечивает возможность прямого доступа к данным через картографи- ческие веб-сервисы из современных ГИС.
The results of hydrobiological studies of expeditions, conducted in 2015-2016 in several zones of the Yenisei River from its head to the mouth, are presented. This work deals with the spatial dynamics of the amphipod community, in which the leading positions are occupied by invaders from Baikal. The invaders spread through the river Angara not only downstream, but also upstream the Yenisei. Eight species of amphipods were identified, and there were two representatives of native fauna ( Pontoporeia affinis and Gammarus sp.) and six Baikal endemics among them. Throughout the river, Gmelinoides fasciatus dominated quantitatively among the gammarids, Philolimnogammarus viridis took the second place. Only in the lower reaches and in the delta of the Yenisei the leading positions were surrendered to Pontoporeia affinis - a representative of the estuary-relic complex of organisms. Baikal endemics populated actively the Upper Yenisei section below the Sayano-Shushensky hydroelectric power station (HPS), especially in the areas of massive macrophyte distribution. The main vector of Baikal endemics spreading in the Yenisei is self- colonization through the river Angara, noticed by researchers in the 19th century. For G. fasciatus, its intentional introduction into the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir in the late 1960s with the aim of increasing the food supply was an additional stimulus for the growth of the population below and above the Krasnoyarsk HPS. Naturalization of Ph. viridis in the Upper Yenisei section was probably contributed by an accidental introduction. There is a divergence of ecological niches in G. fasciatus and Ph. viridis in the Yenisei: the dominant prefers silty sand-and-shingle biotopes with a calm speed rate; the subdominant tends to prefer stony-pebble bottom washed by a rapid current. Over the last 15 years, the density and proportion of crustaceans in the zoobenthos have increased in the Angara - Podkamennaya Tunguska section. The results of hydrobiological studies have been designed in the form of geospatial database in the geoportal, which gives the possibility to visualize information as interactive thematic maps and which provides the direct access to data via web mapping services from the modern GIS software.


Держатели документа:
Институт вычислительного моделирования СО РАН
НИИ Экологии рыбохозяйственных водоёмов
Сибирский Федеральный университет

Доп.точки доступа:
Андрианова, А.В.; Andrianova A.V.; Якубайлик, О.Э.; Yakubaylik O.E.; Шанько, Ю.В.; Shan'ko Y.V.

    Modern Data on the Spatial Distribution of the Baikal Amphipods in the Yenisei River and Their Visualization in the Geoinformational Web System
/ A. V. Andrianova, O. E. Yakubaylik, Y. V. Shan’ko // Russ. J. Biol. Invasions. - 2018. - Vol. 9, Is. 4. - P299-312, DOI 10.1134/S2075111718040021 . - ISSN 2075-1117
Аннотация: Abstract: The results of hydrobiological studies of expeditions conducted in 2015–2016 in several zones of the Yenisei River from its head to the mouth are presented. This work deals with the spatial dynamics of the amphipod community, in which the leading positions are occupied by invaders from Baikal. The invaders spread through the Angara River not only with the current but also against the current of the Yenisei. Eight species of amphipods were identified, and there were two representatives of native fauna (Pontoporeia affinis and Gammarus sp.) and six Baikal endemics among them. Throughout the river, Gmelinoides fasciatus dominated quantitatively among the gammarids; Philolimnogammarus viridis took second place. Only in the lower reaches and in the delta of the Yenisei were the leading positions surrendered to Pontoporeia affinis—a representative of the estuary-relic complex of organisms. Baikal endemics populated actively the Upper Yenisei section below the Sayano-Shushensky hydroelectric power station (HPS), especially in the areas of massive macrophyte distribution. The main vector of Baikal endemics spreading in the Yenisei is self-colonization through the Angara River, noticed by researchers in the 19th century. For G. fasciatus, its intentional introduction into the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir in the late 1960s with the aim of increasing the food supply was an additional stimulus for the growth of the population below and above the Krasnoyarsk HPS. Naturalization of Ph. viridis in the Upper Yenisei section was probably aided by an accidental introduction. There is a divergence of ecological niches in G. fasciatus and Ph. viridis in the Yenisei: the dominant prefers silty sand-and-shingle biotopes with a calm rate of speed; the subdominant tends to prefer stony-pebble bottom washed by a rapid current. Over the last 15 years, the density and proportion of crustaceans in the zoobenthos have increased in the Angara–Podkamennaya Tunguska section. The results of hydrobiological studies have been designed in the form a geospatial database in a geoportal, which makes it possible to visualize information as interactive thematic maps and which provides the direct access to data via web mapping services from the modern GIS software. © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

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Держатели документа:
Institute of Computational Modeling, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation
Scientific Research Institute of Ecology of Fishery Reservoirs, Krasnoyarsk, 660097, Russian Federation
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Andrianova, A. V.; Yakubaylik, O. E.; Shan’ko, Y. V.

    Distribution of endemic crustaceans from the lake baikal to the Yenisei River
/ A. Andrianova // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM : International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, 2018. - Vol. 18: 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, SGEM 2018 (2 July 2018 through 8 July 2018, ) Conference code: 142896, Is. 3.1. - P203-210, DOI 10.5593/sgem2018/3.1/S12.027 . -
Аннотация: Yenisei River is the main Siberian river, it is one of the seven largest rivers in the world and it is the most high-water river in Russia. It is known that the emergence of large hydraulic structures causes a prolonged, and sometimes irreversible, destabilization of aquatic ecosystems. The construction of Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station (HPS) caused global changes in hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological regimes in the Yenisei River. The Yenisei River in the downstream of the HPS does not freeze in winter over 100-300 km from the dam. Hydropower engineering has caused global changes in Yenisei’s zoobenthos, especially in the HPS downstream. The stoneflies and blackflies have almost disappeared from the benthic fauna, the density and number of caddisflies and mayflies species have significantly decreased. Quantitative characteristics of zoobenthos in the area from the dam to the Angara’s estuary have greatly increased: quantity – by more than 2 times, biomass – by 5 times. The growth of indicators is determined, firstly, by the spread of Gammaridae from Lake Baikal through the Angara river upstream of the Yenisei, while their proportion in the total zoobenthos biomass increased by 10 times. This work is devoted to the spatial dynamics of Baikal endemic amphipods in the Yenisei, which spread far beyond the Baikal not only downstream, but also upstream. The results of expedition hydrobiological studies, conducted in 2015-2016 in several zones of the Yenisei River from its head to the mouth, are presented. Throughout the river, Gmelinoides fasciatus quantitatively dominated among the Gammaridae, Philolimnogammarus viridis took the second place. Only in the lower reaches and in the delta of the Yenisei the leading positions were transferred to Pontoporeia affinis-a representative of the estuary-relic complex of organisms. Baikal endemics actively populated the Upper Yenisei section below the Sayano-Shushensky hydroelectric power station, especially in the areas of massive macrophyte distribution. There is a divergence of ecological niches in G. fasciatus and Ph. viridis in the Yenisei: the dominant prefers silty sand-and-shingle biotopes with a calm speed rate; the subdominant tends to prefer stony-pebble bottom washed by a rapid current. Over the past 15 years, the density and proportion of crustaceans in the zoobenthos have increased in the Angara-Podkamennaya Tunguska section. © SGEM2018 All Rights Reserved.

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Держатели документа:
Institute of Computational Modeling of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Scientific Research Institute of Ecology of Fishery Reservoirs, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Andrianova, A.