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Red shift properties, crystal field theory and nephelauxetic effect on Mn<sup>4+</sup>-doped SrMgAl<sub>10-y</sub>Ga<sub>y</sub>O<sub>17</sub> red phosphor for plant growth LED light [Текст] : статья
// Chemical Engineering Journal : Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., 2020. - Т. 396 № . - С. 125208
Structure analysis, tuning photoluminescence and enhancing thermal stability on Mn<sup>4+</sup>-doped La<sub>2-x</sub>Y<sub>x</sub>MgTiO<sub>6</sub> red phosphor for agricultural lighting [Текст] : статья
// Ceramics International : Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., 2020. - №
High-Efficiency Continuous-Luminescence-Controllable Performance and Antithermal Quenching in Bi3+-Activated Phosphors [Текст]
P. Gao, Q. Li, C. Zhou [et al.] // Inorg. Chem. : American Chemical Society, 2022. - Vol. 61 Is. 33. - С. 13104-13114
A novel Cr3+-doped stannate far red phosphor for plant lighting: structure evolution, broad-narrow spectrum tuning and application prospect [Текст]
S. J. Gai, C. Zhou, L. Peng [et al.] // Mater. Today Chem. : Elsevier Ltd, 2022. - Vol. 26.- Ст.101107