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    Material balance and diet in bioregenerative life support systems: Connection with coefficient of closure / N. S. Manukovsky [et al.] // Advances in Space Research. - 2005. - Vol. 35, Is. 9 SPEC. ISS. - P1563-1569, DOI 10.1016/j.asr.2005.01.002 . - ISSN 0273-1177
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Bioregenerative life support system -- Coefficient of closure -- Diet -- Soil-like substrate -- Additives -- Degradation -- Materials balance -- Nitrogen -- Nutrition -- Stoichiometry -- Bioregenerative life support systems -- Coefficient of closure -- Soil-like substrates -- Life support systems (spacecraft) -- vegetable protein -- biomass -- conference paper -- culture medium -- diet -- feces -- growth, development and aging -- human -- methodology -- microclimate -- plant -- urine -- waste management -- Biomass -- Culture Media -- Diet -- Ecological Systems, Closed -- Feces -- Humans -- Life Support Systems -- Plant Proteins -- Plants, Edible -- Urine -- Waste Management
Аннотация: Bioregenerative life support systems (BLSS) with different coefficients of closure are considered. The 66.2% coefficient of closure achieved in "BIOS-3" facility experiments has been taken as a base value. The increase in coefficient of closure up to 72.6-93.0% is planned due to use of soil-like substrate (SLS) and concentrating of urine. Food values were estimated both in a base variant ("BIOS-3"), and with increases in the coefficient of closure. It is shown that food requirements will be more fully satisfied by internal crop production with an increase in the coefficient of closure of the BLSS. Changes of massflow rates on an 'input-output' and inside BLSS are considered. Equations of synthesis and degradation of organic substances in BLSS were examined using a stoichiometric model. The paper shows that at incomplete closure of BLSS containing SLS there is a problem of nitrogen balancing. To compensate for the removal of nitrogen from the system in urine and feces, it is necessary to introduce food and a nitrogen-containing additive. В© 2005 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Держатели документа:
Institute of Biophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Academgorodok, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Manukovsky, N.S.; Kovalev, V.S.; Somova, L.A.; Gurevich, Yu.L.; Sadovsky, M.G.

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    Application of Enzyme Bioluminescence in Ecology [Text] / E. Esimbekova, V. Kratasyuk, O. Shimomura // Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol. : SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2014. - Vol. 144. - P67-109. - (Advances in Biochemical Engineering-Biotechnology), DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-43385-0_3. - Cited References:85 . -
РУБ Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Bioluminescence -- Ecological monitoring -- Enzymatic assay -- Immobilization -- Integral water toxicity -- Luciferase
Аннотация: This review examines the general principles of bioluminescent enzymatic toxicity bioassays and describes the applications of these methods and the implementation in commercial biosensors. Bioluminescent enzyme system technology (BEST) has been proposed in the bacterial coupled enzyme system, wherein NADH: FMN-oxidoreductase-luciferase substitutes for living organisms. BEST was introduced to facilitate and accelerate the development of cost-competitive enzymatic systems for use in biosensors for medical, environmental, and industrial applications. For widespread use of BEST, the multicomponent reagent "Enzymolum'' has been developed, which contains the bacterial luciferase, NADH: FMN-oxidoreductase, and their substrates, co-immobilized in starch or gelatin gel. Enzymolum is the central part of Portable Laboratory for Toxicity Detection (PLTD), which consists of a biodetector module, a sampling module, a sample preparation module, and a reagent module. PLTD instantly signals chemical-biological hazards and allows us to detect a wide range of toxic substances. Enzymolum can be integrated as a biological module into the portable biodetector-biosensor originally constructed for personal use. Based on the example of Enzymolum and the algorithm for creating new enzyme biotests with tailored characteristics, a new approach was demonstrated in biotechnological design and construction. The examples of biotechnological design of various bioluminescent methods for ecological monitoring were provided. Possible applications of enzyme bioassays are seen in the examples for medical diagnostics, assessment of the effect of physical load on sportsmen, analysis of food additives, and in practical courses for higher educational institutions and schools. The advantages of enzymatic assays are their rapidity (the period of time required does not exceed 3-5 min), high sensitivity, simplicity and safety of procedure, and possibility of automation of ecological monitoring; the required luminometer is easily available.

Держатели документа:
Inst Biophys SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia.
Siberian Fed Univ, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia.

Доп.точки доступа:
Esimbekova, Elena; Kratasyuk, Valentina; Shimomura, Osamu

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    Bioluminescent Enzymatic Methods for Toxicological Safety Testing of Food Additives [Text] / A. . Asanova, E. . Esimbekova, V. . Kratasyuk // Luminescence. - 2014. - Vol. 29. - P74-74. - Cited References: 4 . - ISSN 1522-7235. - ISSN 1522-7243

Держатели документа:
[Asanova, Anastasiia
Esimbekova, Elena
Kratasyuk, Valentina] Siberian Fed Univ, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
[Esimbekova, Elena
Kratasyuk, Valentina] Inst Biophys SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
ИБФ СО РАН : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Asanova, A...; Esimbekova, E...; Kratasyuk, V...

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    Inhibition effect of food preservatives on endoproteinases / E. N. Esimbekova [et al.] // Food Chem. - 2017. - Vol. 235. - P294-297, DOI 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.05.059 . - ISSN 0308-8146
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Endoproteinases -- Food additives -- Pancreatic disease -- Pancreatic enzymes -- Benzoic acid -- Enzyme activity -- Enzymes -- Food additives -- Food preservatives -- Potassium sorbate -- Sodium -- Acceptable daily intakes -- Decay constants -- Endoproteinases -- Human metabolisms -- Inhibition effect -- Light intensity -- Protein digestion -- Sodium benzoate -- Sorbic acid
Аннотация: The present manuscript proposes a novel approach to assess the impact of food additives on human metabolism by analysing their effect on biomarker enzyme activity. Alterations in the activity of pancreatic enzymes, such as chymotrypsin and trypsin, which are affected by the most common food preservatives, sodium benzoate (E211), potassium sorbate (E202) and sorbic acid (E200), have been evaluated. The proteinase activity was analysed with a bioluminescent method using the light intensity decay constant. Our study revealed that the preservatives reduce proteinase activity by 50% (EC50) at a much lower concentration than their acceptable daily intake (ADI). Thus, sodium benzoate and sorbic acid have an inhibition effect on chymotrypsin at concentrations 14 times lower and 70 times lower than their ADI and this increases with exposure time. Food preservative consumption impacts negatively on protein digestion, which is especially dangerous for patients with pancreatitis. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd

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Держатели документа:
Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, Federal Research Center ‘Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS’, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Siberian Federal University, Institute of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural University, Institute of Agro-ecological Technologies, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Esimbekova, E. N.; Asanova, A. A.; Deeva, A. A.; Kratasyuk, V. A.

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