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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Колич.характеристики :11 с
Место публикации : SOVIET PLANT PHYSIOLOGY: PLENUM PUBL CORP, 1987. - Vol. 34, Is. 1. - P30-40. - ISSN 0038-5719
Примечания : Cited References: 15
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : TIKHOMIROV A.A.
Колич.характеристики :6 с
Примечания : Cited References: 0
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Tolomeev A.P., Anishchenko O.V., Kravchuk E.S., Kolmakova O.V., Glushchenko L.A., Makhutova O.N., Kolmakova A.A., Kolmakov V.I., Trusova M.Y., Sushchik N.N., Gladyshev M.I.
Заглавие : Component elements of the carbon cycle in the middle and lower Yenisei River
Колич.характеристики :12 с
Коллективы : government of the Russian Federation [11.G34.31.0014]; Siberian Federal University [G-1]
Место публикации : Contemp. Probl. Ecol.: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2014. - Vol. 7, Is. 4. - С. 489-500. - ISSN 1995-4255, DOI 10.1134/S1995425514040118. - ISSN 1995-4263
Примечания : Cited References: 41. - This work was supported by a grant from the government of the Russian Federation for support of scientific research activities implemented under the supervision of leading scientists at Russian institutions of higher education (no. 11.G34.31.0014) and by project G-1 of the Siberian Federal University carried out according to Federal Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): yenisei river--carbon cycle--nutrients--primary production--respiration--phytoplankton--bacterioplankton
Аннотация: An integrated study of the middle and lower Yenisei River was performed in the summer of 2012. It involved monitoring the key elements and ecological processes associated with the carbon cycle of the river ecosystem (the study area is more than 1800 km long). Measurements of the production and destruction processes have shown the failure of the "neutral pipe" hypothesis claiming that any river is a simple drain of carbon from terrestrial ecosystems to the ocean. The Yenisei River is not a purely heterotrophic ecosystem. It also has autotrophic areas, where the primary production of planktonic photosynthesis is higher than respiration (above the Angara River and near the Bolshaya and Malaya Heta rivers). According to the data, the respiration rate of the plankton community in the river depends mostly on the water temperature and the content of inorganic phosphorous that can restrict the amount of organic matter consumed by bacterioplankton.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Колич.характеристики :5 с
Место публикации : Photosynthetica: INST EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, ACAD SCI CZECH REPUBLIC, 1982. - Vol. 16, Is. 2. - P191-195. - ISSN 0300-3604
Примечания : Cited References: 11
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kolmakov V.I., Gaevskii N.A., Ivanova E.A., Dubovskaya O.P., Gribovskaya I.V., Kravchuk E.S.
Заглавие : Comparative analysis of ecophysiological characteristics of Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grun. in the periods of its bloom in recreational water bodies
Колич.характеристики :7 с
Место публикации : Russ. J. Ecol.: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA, 2002. - Vol. 33, Is. 2. - P97-103. - ISSN 1067-4136, DOI 10.1023/A:1014448707663
Примечания : Cited References: 31
Предметные рубрики: RESOURCE
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): stephanodiscus hantzschii grun.--chlorophyll a--efficiency in using photosynthetically active radiation
Аннотация: In the periods of summer and autumn bloom of the Stephanodiscus hantzschii Crun. in recreational water bodies, studies on the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a, its contents per unit biomass, efficiency in using photosynthetically active radiation (E-PhAR), and assimilative activity of microalgae were performed. The results confirmed the existence of two ecophysiological forms of St. hantzschii and provided evidence that both forms are typically autotrophic and can efficiently use low-intensity PhAR for photosynthesis.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Gitel'son I.I., Tikhomirov A.A., Parshina O.V., Ushakova S.A., Kalacheva G.S.
Заглавие : Volatile metabolites and external CO2 exchange of wheat cenoses under optimal conditions and thermal stress
Колич.характеристики :5 с
Место публикации : Appl. Biochem. Microbiol.: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA, 2002. - Vol. 38, Is. 1. - P78-82. - ISSN 0003-6838, DOI 10.1023/A:1013212907872
Примечания : Cited References: 17
Предметные рубрики: EMISSIONS
Аннотация: The effects of elevated temperature (35 and 45degreesC) on photosynthesis, respiration, and both the qualitative and quantitative compositions of volatile emissions (VE) of wheat (Triticum aestuvum L. cultivar 232) cenoses at light intensities of 70, 150, or 240 W/m(2) of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) were studied. At a PAR of 240 W/m(2), the thermal stabilities of photosynthesis and respiration increased at 35degreesC and decreased at 45degreesC. Elevated temperatures nonuniformly changed the rates and direction of VE syntheses. In this process, the highest increase in VE evolution was observed at 70 W/m(2) and 35degreesC; the lowest, at 240 W/m(2). In addition, the concentrations and composition of VE during the repair period differed from the initial values.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Колич.характеристики :5 с
Место публикации : SOVIET PLANT PHYSIOLOGY: PLENUM PUBL CORP, 1992. - Vol. 39, Is. 3. - P307-311. - ISSN 0038-5719
Примечания : Cited References: 18
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): radish--blue and red light--co2 exchange--productivity
Аннотация: We investigated the influence of blue (BL) and red (RL) light on gas exchange, biochemical composition, pigment content, and productivity in cenoses of radish plants (Raphanus sativa L.). The rates or true photosynthesis and light respiration are lower in RL than in BL, whereas the rate of apparent photosynthesis and productivity of vegetative mass are higher in the former than the latter. Possible causes of the different action of RL and BL on productive activity of radish cenoses are discussed in the paper.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Ushakova S.A., Tikhomirov A.A.
Заглавие : Tolerance of LSS plant component to elevated temperatures
Колич.характеристики :6 с
Место публикации : Acta Astronaut.: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2002. - Vol. 50, Is. 12. - P759-764. - ISSN 0094-5765, DOI 10.1016/S0094-5765(02)00010-3
Примечания : Cited References: 10
Аннотация: Stability of LSS based on biological regeneration of water, air and food subject to damaging factors is largely dependent on the behavior of the photosynthesizing component represented, mainly, by higher plants. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the tolerance of uneven-aged wheat and radish cenoses to temperature effects different in time and value. Estimation of thermal tolerance of plants demonstrated that exposure for 20 h to the temperature increasing to 45degreesC brought about irreversible damage both in photosynthetic processes (up to 80% of initial value) and the processes of growth and development. Kinetics of visible photosynthesis during exposure to elevated temperatures can be used to evaluate critical exposure time within the range of which the damage of metabolic processes is reversible. With varying light intensity and air temperature it is possible to find a time period admissible for the plants to stay under adverse conditions without considerable damage of metabolic processes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Soukhovolsky V.G., Fomina I.R., Bil K., Nishio J.N., Khlebopros R.G.
Заглавие : An optimization model of the photosynthetic leaf: the model of optimal photosynthetic CO2 fixation within leaves of mesophytic C3 plants.
Место публикации : Doklady Biological Sciences. - 2002. - Vol. 382. - С. 28-30. - ISSN 00124966 (ISSN)
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): carbon dioxide--ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase--article--biological model--ecosystem--light--metabolism--photosynthesis--plant leaf--radiation exposure--carbon dioxide--ecosystem--light--models, biological--photosynthesis--plant leaves--ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Barkhatov Y.V., Belolipetsky P.V., Degermendzhi A.G., Belolipetskii V.M., Verkhovets S.V., Timokhina A.V., Panov A.V., Shchemel A.L., Vedrova E.F., Trephilova O.V.
Заглавие : Modeling of CO2 fluxes between atmosphere and boreal forest
Место публикации : 18TH BIENNIAL ISEM CONFERENCE ON ECOLOGICAL MODELLING FOR GLOBAL CHANGE AND COUPLED HUMAN AND NATURAL SYSTEM. Ser. Procedia Environmental Sciences: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2012. - Vol. 13: 18th Biennial ISEM Conference on Ecological Modelling for Global Change and Coupled Human and Natural Systems (SEP 20-23, 2011, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA). - С. 621-625. - 5. - ISBN 1878-0296, DOI 10.1016/j.proenv.2012.01.053
Примечания : Cited References: 17
Предметные рубрики: CARBON-DIOXIDE FLUXES
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): global carbon cycle--siberian boreal forests--mathematical modeling--atmospheric boundary layer budget method
Аннотация: Difficulties in estimating terrestrial ecosystem CO2 fluxes on regional scales have significantly limited our understanding of the global carbon cycle. We present a method of using tall-tower-based CO2 concentrations for estimating CO2 fluxes over a forested region. With long-term measurements of the CO2 mixing ratio at a 300-m-tall tower, regional CO2 fluxes were estimated for several months, from the first obtained data. Estimates of a monthly-integrated surface CO2 flux over the region were obtained by the analysis of average gradients and estimates of the rate of vertical mixing between the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) and the free troposphere. For the comparison of the ABL budget method and field measurements a zero-dimensional mathematical model of the ecosystem of Siberian boreal forests was used. The model is a system of ordinary differential equations with additional conditions superimposed on the parameters. The main occurring processes are described - photosynthesis, respiration, seasonal changes of active phytomass, water balance of trees, the influence of light, humidity, and temperature on photosynthesis and respiration. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B. V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of School of Environment, Beijing Normal University.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Pimenov N.V., Rusanov I.I., Karnachuk O.V., Rogozin D.Yu., Bryantseva I.A., Lunina O.N., Yusupov S.K., Parnachev V.P., Ivanov M.V.
Заглавие : Microbial processes of the carbon and sulfur cycles in Lake Shira (Khakasia)
Место публикации : Microbiology. - 2003. - Vol. 72, Is. 2. - С. 221-229. - ISSN 00262617 (ISSN) , DOI 10.1023/A:1023228316838
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): anoxygenic photosynthesis--lake shira--production and oxidation of methane--purple sulfur bacteria--sulfate reduction--bacteria (microorganisms)--chromatiaceae--lamprocystis purpurea--proteobacteria--thiocapsa
Аннотация: Microbiological and biogeochemical studies of the meromictic saline Lake Shira (Khakasia) were conducted. In the upper part of the hydrogen-sulfide zone, at a depth of 13.5-14 m, there was a pale pink layer of water due to the development of purple bacteria (6 ? 105 cells/ml), which were assigned by their morphological and spectral characteristics to Lamprocystis purpurea (formerly Amoebobacter purpureus). In August, the production of organic matter (OM) in Lake Shira was estimated to be 943 mg C/(m2 day). The contribution of anoxygenic photosynthesis was insignificant (about 7% of the total OM production). The share of bacterial chemosynthesis was still less (no more than 2%). In the anaerobic zone, the community of sulfate-reducing bacteria played a decisive role in the terminal decomposition of OM. The maximal rates of sulfate reduction were observed in the near-bottom water (114 ?g S/(1 day)) and in the surface layer of bottom sediments (901 ?g S/(dm3 day)). The daily expenditure of Corg for sulfate reduction was 73% of Corg formed daily in the processes of oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis and bacterial chemosynthesis. The profile of methane distribution in the water column and bottom sediments was typical of meromictic reservoirs. The methane content in the water column increased beginning with the thermocline (7-8 m) and reached maximum values in the near-bottom water (17 ?l/l). In bottom sediments, the greatest methane concentrations (57 ?l/l) were observed in the surface layer (0-3 cm). The integral rate of methane formation in the water column and bottom sediments was almost an order of magnitude higher than the rate of its oxidation by aerobic and anaerobic methanotrophic microorganisms.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Biel K.Y., Fomina I.R., Nazarova G.N., Soukhovolsky V.G., Khlebopros R.G., Nishio J.N.
Заглавие : Untangling metabolic and spatial interactions of stress tolerance in plants. 1. Patterns of carbon metabolism within leaves
Место публикации : Protoplasma. - 2010. - Vol. 245, Is. 1. - С. 49-73. - ISSN 0033183X (ISSN) , DOI 10.1007/s00709-010-0135-7
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): carbon metabolism--leaf anatomy--leaf form and function--maximal ecological utility--photosynthesis--stress tolerance spinacia oleracea--aspartate aminotransferase isoenzyme 1--bicarbonate--carbon--carbon dioxide--catalase--chlorophyll--malate dehydrogenase--oxygen--ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase--vegetable protein--article--enzymology--histology--light--metabolism--oxidation reduction reaction--photosynthesis--physiological stress--physiology--plant leaf--spinach--theoretical model--aspartate aminotransferase, cytoplasmic--bicarbonates--carbon--carbon dioxide--catalase--chlorophyll--light--malate dehydrogenase--models, theoretical--oxidation-reduction--oxygen--photosynthesis--plant leaves--plant proteins--ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase--spinacia oleracea--stress, physiological--spinacia oleracea
Аннотация: The localization of the key photoreductive and oxidative processes and some stress-protective reactions within leaves of mesophytic C3 plants were investigated. The role of light in determining the profile of Rubisco, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, catalase, fumarase, and cytochrome-c-oxidase across spinach leaves was examined by exposing leaves to illumination on either the adaxial or abaxial leaf surfaces. Oxygen evolution in fresh paradermal leaf sections and CO2 gas exchange in whole leaves under adaxial or abaxial illumination was also examined. The results showed that the palisade mesophyll is responsible for the midday depression of photosynthesis in spinach leaves. The photosynthetic apparatus was more sensitive to the light environment than the respiratory apparatus. Additionally, examination of the paradermal leaf sections by optical microscopy allowed us to describe two new types of parenchyma in spinach-pirum mesophyll and pillow spongy mesophyll. A hypothesis that oxaloacetate may protect the upper leaf tissue from the destructive influence of active oxygen is presented. The application of mathematical modeling shows that the pattern of enzymatic distribution across leaves abides by the principle of maximal ecological utility. Light regulation of carbon metabolism across leaves is discussed. В© 2010 Springer-Verlag.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Ivanova Yu.D., Bartsev S.I., Pochekutov A.A., Kartushinsky A.V.
Заглавие : The analysis of seasonal activity of photosynthesis and efficiency of various vegetative communities on a basis NDVI for modeling of biosphere processes
Место публикации : Advances in Space Research. - 2007. - Vol. 39, Is. 1. - С. 95-99. - ISSN 02731177 (ISSN) , DOI 10.1016/j.asr.2006.02.028
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): ndvi--plant communities--synoptic parameters--biomass--climatology--parameter estimation--photosynthesis--plants (botany)--statistical methods--time series analysis--ndvi--plant communities--seasonal activity--synoptic parameters--vegetation
Аннотация: NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) is proposed as an area-dependent climatic variable, which reflects climatically significant events and processes. NDVI is taken as a simple quantitative indicator of the amount of photosynthetically active biomass. Mean values of NDVI have been calculated for the period between 1996 and 2001. NDVI time series have been analyzed in conjunction with meaningful synoptic parameters that influence the behavior of plants in different plant communities of Eastern Siberia (tundra, taiga, and steppe). Based on GIS technologies, statistical tests have been carried out and correlations between the study parameters have been found. В© 2007.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kolmakov V.I., Gaevskii N.A., Ivanova E.A., Dubovskaya O.P., Gribovskaya I.V., Kravchuk E.S.
Заглавие : Comparative analysis of ecophysiological characteristics of Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grun. in the periods of its bloom in recreational water bodies
Место публикации : Russian Journal of Ecology. - 2002. - Vol. 33, Is. 2. - С. 97-103. - ISSN 10674136 (ISSN) , DOI 10.1023/A:1014448707663
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): chlorophyll a--efficiency in using photosynthetically active radiation--stephanodiscus hantzschii grun.--algal bloom--comparative study--ecophysiology--photosynthetically active radiation--stephanodiscus hantzschii
Аннотация: In the periods of summer and autumn bloom of the Stephanodiscus hantzschii Crun. in recreational water bodies, studies on the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a, its contents per unit biomass, efficiency in using photosynthetically active radiation (EPhAR), and assimilative activity of microalgae were performed. The results confirmed the existence of two ecophysiological forms of St. hantzschii and provided evidence that both forms are typically autotrophic and can efficiently use low-intensity PhAR for photosynthesis.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Gitelson I.I., Terskov I.A., Kovrov B.G., Lisovskii G.M., Okladnikov Yu.N., Sid'ko F.Ya., Trubachev I.N., Shilenko M.P., Alekseev S.S., Pan'kova I.M., Tirranen L.S.
Заглавие : Long-term experiments on man's stay in biological life-support system
Место публикации : Advances in Space Research. - 1989. - Vol. 9, Is. 8. - С. 65-71. - ISSN 02731177 (ISSN)
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): agricultural products--ecosystems--food products--personnel - health--space flight - manned flight--bios-3 complex--phytotrons--spacecraft--water--air conditioning--article--biomass--crop--evaluation--growth, development and aging--human--instrumentation--light--metabolism--methodology--microclimate--photosynthesis--plant--waste management--wheat--air conditioning--biomass--crops, agricultural--ecological systems, closed--evaluation studies--humans--life support systems--light--photosynthesis--plants--triticum--waste management--water
Аннотация: We describe the experimental system having maximal possible closure of material recycling in an ecosystem, including people and plants, which was carried out in a hermetically sealed experimental complex "BIOS-3", 315 m2 in volume. The system included 2 experimentators and 3 phytotrons with plants (total sowing area of 63 m2). Plants were grown with round-the-clock lamp irradiation with 130 Wm-2 PAR intensity. The plants production was food for people. Water exchange of ecosystem, as well as gas exchange, was fully closed excluding liquids and gas samples taken for chemical analysis outside the system. The total closure of material turnover constituted 91%. Health state of the crew was estimated before, during and after the experiment. A 5-months period did not affect their health. The experiments carried out prove that the closed ecosystem of "man-plants" is a prototype of a life-support system for long-term space expeditions. В© 1989.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Gitelson I.I., Terskov I.A., Kovrov B.G., Sidko F.Ya., Lisovsky G.M., Okladnikov Yu.N., Belyanin V.N., Trubachov I.N., Rerberg M.S.
Заглавие : Life support system with autonomous control employing plant photosynthesis
Место публикации : Acta Astronautica. - 1976. - Vol. 3, Is. 9-10. - С. 633-650. - ISSN 00945765 (ISSN)
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): biochemical engineering - photosynthesis--spacecraft--adaptation--article--chlorella--growth, development and aging--human--instrumentation--intestine--male--metabolism--microbiology--microclimate--photosynthesis--physiology--plant--space flight--task performance--vegetable--water supply--wheat--adaptation, physiological--chlorella--ecological systems, closed--environment, controlled--humans--intestines--life support systems--male--metabolism--photosynthesis--plants--space simulation--task performance and analysis--triticum--vegetables--water supply
Аннотация: This research was aimed at obtaining a closed control system. This was achieved by placing all the technological processes providing for human vital activities within the hermetically sealed space, and by transferring the entire control and guidance of these processes to people inhabiting the system. In contrast to existing biological life support systems, man has been included not only as a participant of metabolism, but as an operator who is the central figure in collecting information, making decisions and controlling all technological processes. To tackle this problem, the "BIOS-3" experimental complex was created for performing long-term experiments using different structures of biological life-support system. The experiment lasted six months and consisted of three stages. During the first stage the system was comprised of two equivalent phytotrons with the culture of wheat and an assortment of vegetable plants, and the living compartment. At the second stage, one of the phytotrons was removed while a compartment of chlorella cultivators was introduced. The third stage differed from the second, the former using wheat phytotron and the latter employing phytotron with an assortment of vegetable cultures. Three men inhabited the system simultaneously. The experiment demonstrated that a biological life support system controlled autonomously from the inside is feasible within a small confined space. However, immunological and microbiological research shows, that the medium created by the system is not fully adequate for man. In conclusion, some prospects have been outlined for further studies of biological life support systems. В© 1976.
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Shirobokova I.M., Pechurkin N.S.
Заглавие : The effect of cannibalism intensity on net primary production and dynamics of trophic links in aquatic ecosystems
Колич.характеристики :5 с
Место публикации : SPACE LIFE SCIENCES: CLOSED ARTIFICIAL ECOSYSTEMS AND LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS. Ser. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2003. - Vol. 31: Meeting of F4 1 Session of the 34th Scientific Assembly of COSPAR (OCT, 2002, HOUSTON, TEXAS), Is. 7. - P1737-1741. - ISBN 0273-1177, DOI 10.1016/S0273-1177(03)00112-1
Примечания : Cited References: 13
Аннотация: A mathematical model was used to investigate the effect of cannibalism intensity on the net primary production and the dynamics of trophic links in an aquatic ecosystem characterized by cannibalism at the upper trophic level. A mathematical model of an aquatic ecosystem has been constructed, with the following principal trophic links: limiting nutrient concentration, producers (phytoplankton), nonpredatory and predatory zooplankton. The model takes into account the age structure of the predator and includes two age groups (the young and adults). The adult predators are cannibals feeding on both nonpredatory zooplankton and their own young, which consume phytoplankton. It has been found that when cannibalism intensity increases above a certain level, the concentrations of both adults and the young of the predators decrease. At the same time, the concentrations of the nonpredatory zooplankton and of nutrients increase, while the biomass of producers decreases. When the cannibalism intensity is low, the net primary production of the system increases to a certain level correlated with the increase in cannibalism intensity and drops sharply when the level of consumption of young is high. There is an optimal intensity of cannibalism, at which the productivity in the photosynthesis link is maximal. (C) 2003 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Fu, Yuming, Li, HongYan, Yu, Juan, Liu, Hui, Cao, ZeYu, Manukovsky N. S., Liu, Hui
Заглавие : Interaction effects of light intensity and nitrogen concentration on growth, photosynthetic characteristics and quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. Var. youmaicai)
Колич.характеристики :7 с
Коллективы : Ministry of Science and Technology of China [2013AA103004]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [31301706]
Место публикации : Sci. Hortic.: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2017. - Vol. 214. - С. 51-57. - ISSN 0304-4238, DOI 10.1016/j.scienta.2016.11.020. - ISSN 1879-1018(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References:43. - This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No. 2013AA103004) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31301706).
Предметные рубрики: WATER-USE EFFICIENCY
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): light intensity--nitrogen concentration--vitamin c--vegetable quality--facility agriculture
Аннотация: Light intensity and nitrogen concentration of nutrient solution are considered crucial for the contents of vitamin C and nitrate in cultivated leaf vegetables. We here investigated the effects of various combinations of light intensity (60,140 and 220 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) and nitrogen concentration (7,15 and 23 mmol L-1) of the solution on the growth, photosynthetic characteristics, vitamin C and nitrate content of lettuce. Our results demonstrate that the lettuce had the largest dry biomass at the high illumination of 220 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) and low nitrogen of 7 mmol L-1. The higher light and low nitrogen also contributed to the accumulation of vitamin C and decrease of nitrate in lettuce leaves. The effect of nitrogen supply on chlorophyll concentrations was more efficient under low light than high illumination. Our results reveal that there was an obvious interaction between light intensity and nitrogen available for the photosynthesis, yield and quality of lettuce. This study provides valuable insights into the combinational regulation of light intensity and nitrogen supply for improving growth and nutritional quality of vegetables grown in greenhouse and plant factory. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Tikhomirov, Alexander A., Ushakova, Sofia A., Shikhov, Valentin N.
Колич.характеристики :5 с
Коллективы : Russian scientific Fund [14-14-00599P]
Место публикации : Light Eng.: ZNACK PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2018. - Vol. 26, Is. 4. - С. 117-121. - ISSN 0236-2945
Примечания : Cited References:22. - The study of the efficiency of irradiators with LEDs for the cultivation of wheat, radish and chufa was carried out at the Institute of Biophysics of SB RAS with the support of the Russian scientific Fund (project No. 14-14-00599P), and its results correspond to the topic of state assignment VI.56.1.4.
Предметные рубрики: EMITTING-DIODES
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): light sources--light spectral composition--leds--led lamps--life support--systems
Аннотация: The historical aspects and prospects of the use of artificial light sources in the biological and technical systems of life support for space applications are considered. According to the given data, the most promising for such systems are LED light sources. Based on the results of photobiological studies it is shown that radiation, perceived by a man as white, in his spectral efficiency unreliable differs from radiation, a spectral curve similar to the average action spectrum of photosynthesis the green sheet ("Phyto"). In accordance with this, the possibility of choosing either a phyto spectrum or a spectrum close to the equal energy for the cultivation of plants in life support systems is justified.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Pechurkin N.S., Shuvaev A.N.
Заглавие : The general evolution of energy–matter interactions on earth: From a gas whirlwind to a technogenic civilization
Место публикации : Biophysics. - 2015. - Vol. 60, Is. 2. - С. 331-334. - ISSN 00063509 (ISSN) , DOI 10.1134/S0006350915020153
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): biosphere--energy transfer--evolution--animalia--mammalia--protozoa
Аннотация: An idea of the general evolution through the long-term response of the Earth to the external flow of radiant energy from the Sun is proposed. Due to the finiteness of matter on Earth, as well as on any other planet, the continuous pumping flow of radiant energy has been shown to lead to cyclization of transformations and mass transfer along the emerging gradients. The evolution of the energy–matter interaction follows the pathway of capturing and transferring more energy by a smaller quantity of matter, i.e., the pathway of the increase in the amount of energy used by each unit mass. According to this parameter, the least effective mass transfer is a simple transfer as vortices of gases along the gradients of temperature and pressure, which took place on the primary surface of the planet. Long-term natural selection towards water accumulation on the planet has played a special role in the development of the interaction between energy and matter. Phase transitions (ice, water, and vapor) and mechanical transfers are the most common energy–matter processes. Chemical transformation of substances became possible based on water cycles, cyclic transfers, and transformations and developed with time into biological transformation. This type of energy–matter interaction is the most efficient. In particular, the energy of our star is captured during photosynthesis and utilized in the most active region of its radiation spectrum. During the biological evolution of heterotrophs, a increase in the coefficient that characterizes the energy exchange intensity from protozoa to mammals by several hundred times is most illustrative. The development and current dominance of humans as the species that is most active in the capturing of energy and meaningful organization of its new flows, in particular, based on the organic debris of former biospheres, is amazing but quite natural from the energy standpoint. During the technological evolution of humankind, the energy-exchange intensity for homoiotherms (warm-blooded animals) has increased by 20 times if it is recalculated for the technological energy that is used by the average inhabitant of the Earth. Thus, the victory of our species in planetary evolution fits well into the mainstream of the general evolution through energy–matter interactions: a multiple increase in star energy has been used to transform the matter on the surface of the irradiated planet. © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Inc.
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