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 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-80   81-100   101-120      

Methanolobus halotolerans sp. nov., isolated from the saline Lake Tus in Siberia/Y. Shen, S. C. Chen, M. C. Lai [et al.] // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY:MICROBIOLOGY SOC, 2020. т.Vol. 70,N Is. 10.-С.5586-5593

Recombinant Ca2+-regulated photoproteins of ctenophores: current knowledge and application prospects/L. P. Burakova, E. S. Vysotski // Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology:Springer Verlag, 2019. т.Vol. 103,N Is. 15.-С.5929-5946

Effects of zooplankton carcasses degradation on freshwater bacterial community composition and implications for carbon cycling/O. V. Kolmakova [et al.] // Environmental Microbiology:Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2018

Polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis based on glycerol and implementation of the process under conditions of pilot production/T. Volova [et al.] // Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology:Springer Verlag, 2018

Comprehensive Insights Into Composition, Metabolic Potentials, and Interactions Among Archaeal, Bacterial, and Viral Assemblages in Meromictic Lake Shunet in Siberia/Y. T. Wu [et al.] // FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY:FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2018. т.Vol. 9.- Ст.1763

Structure of microbial communities of peat soils in two bogs in Siberian tundra and forest zones/I. D. Grodnitskaya [et al.] // Microbiology (Russian Federation):Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM, 2018. т.Vol. 87,N Is. 1.-С.89-102

Methanolobus psychrotolerans sp. nov., a psychrotolerant methanoarchaeon isolated from a saline meromictic lake in siberia/S. -C. Chen [et al.] // International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology:Microbiology Society, 2018. т.Vol. 68,N Is. 4.-С.1378-1383

Production and properties of bacterial cellulose by the strain Komagataeibacter xylinus B-12068/T. G. Volova [et al.] // Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology:Springer Verlag, 2018.-С.1-12

Analytical Enzymatic Reactions in Microfluidic Chips/K. A. Lukyanenko [et al.] // APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2017. т.Vol. 53,N Is. 7.-С.775-780

Mercury, selenium and fish oils in marine food webs and implications for human health/M. O. Gribble [et al.] // Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2016. т.Vol. 96,N Is. 1.-С.43-59

Dynamics of purple sulfur bacteria in a meromictic saline Lake Shunet (Khakassia, Siberia) in 2007–2013/D. Y. Rogozin, V. V. Zykov, M. O. Tarnovskii // Microbiology (Russian Federation), 2016. т.Vol. 85,N Is. 1.-С.93-101

Total peroxidase and catalase activity of luminous basidiomycetes Armillaria borealis and Neonothopanus nambi in comparison with the level of light emission/O. A. Mogil'naya [et al.] // APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2015. т.Vol. 51,N Is. 4.-С.419-424

Synthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by the autotrophic CO-oxidizing bacterium Seliberia carboxydohydrogena Z-1062/T. Volova, N. Zhila, E. Shishatskaya // JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY:SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2015. т.Vol. 42,N Is. 10.-С.1377-1387

Aliidiomarina shirensis sp. nov., a halophilic bacterium isolated from Shira Lake in Khakasia, southern Siberia, and a proposal to transfer Idiomarina maris to the genus Aliidiomarina/H. -H. Chiu [et al.] // International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2014. т.Vol. 64,N Is. PART 4.- Ст.057851.-С.1334-1339

Spatial biodiversity of bacteria along the largest Arctic river determined by next-generation sequencing/O. V. Kolmakova [et al.] // FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY:WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2014. т.Vol. 89,N Is. 2.-С.442-450

Aliidiomarina shirensis sp nov., a halophilic bacterium isolated from Shira Lake in Khakasia, southern Siberia, and a proposal to transfer Idiomarina maris to the genus Aliidiomarina/H. H. Chiu [et al.] // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY:SOC GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY, 2014. т.Vol. 64.-С.1334-1339

In vivo study of 2D PHA matrices of different chemical compositions: Tissue reactions and biodegradations/T. G. Volova [et al.] // Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom), 2014. т.Vol. 30,N Is. 5.-С.549-557

Spatial biodiversity of bacteria along the largest Arctic river determined by next-generation sequencing/O. V. Kolmakova [et al.] // FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2014. т.Vol. 89,N Is. 2.-С.442-450

Effects of intracellular poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) reserves on physiological-biochemical properties and growth of Ralstonia eutropha/T. G. Volova [et al.] // Research in Microbiology, 2013. т.Vol. 164,N Is. 2.-С.164-171

Biodegradation of polyhydroxyalkanoates by soil microbial communities of different structures and detection of PHA degrading microorganisms/A. N. Boyandin [et al.] // APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2012. т.Vol. 48,N Is. 1.-С.28-36
 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-80   81-100   101-120      

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