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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Yehia, Moustafa R., Smolyarova, Tatyana E., Shabanov, Alexandr V., Sushko, Ekaterina S., Badun, Gennady A., Kudryasheva, Nadezhda S.
Заглавие : Adaptation of a Bacterial Bioluminescent Assay to Monitor Bioeffects of Gold Nanoparticles
Колич.характеристики :14 с
Место публикации : Bioengineering-Basel: MDPI, 2022. - Vol. 9, Is. 2. - Ст.61. - ISSN 2306-5354(eISSN), DOI 10.3390/bioengineering9020061
Примечания : Cited References:91
Аннотация: Our current study aimed to adapt a bioluminescent bacteria-based bioassay to monitor the bioeffects of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). Luminous marine bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum and AuNPs modified with polyvinylpyrrolidone were employed; low-concentration (
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Pilla, Rachel M., Mette, Elizabeth M., Williamson, Craig E., Adamovich, Boris V., Adrian, Rita, Anneville, Orlane, Balseiro, Esteban, Ban, Syuhei, Chandra, Sudeep, Colom-Montero, William, Devlin, Shawn P., Dix, Margaret A., Dokulil, Martin T., Feldsine, Natalie A., Feuchtmayr, Heidrun, Fogarty, Natalie K., Gaiser, Evelyn E., Girdner, Scott F., Gonzalez, Maria J., Hambright, K. David, Hamilton, David P., Havens, Karl, Hessen, Dag O., Hetzenauer, Harald, Higgins, Scott N., Huttula, Timo H., Huuskonen, Hannu, Isles, Peter D. F., Joehnk, Klaus D., Keller, Wendel Bill, Klug, Jen, Knoll, Lesley B., Korhonen, Johanna, Korovchinsky, Nikolai M., Koster, Oliver, Kraemer, Benjamin M., Leavitt, Peter R., Leoni, Barbara, Lepori, Fabio, Lepskaya, Ekaterina V., Lottig, Noah R., Luger, Martin S., Maberly, Stephen C., MacIntyre, Sally, McBride, Chris, McIntyre, Peter, Melles, Stephanie J., Modenutti, Beatriz, Muller-Navarra L., Pacholski, Laura, Paterson, Andrew M., Pierson, Don C., Pislegina, Helen V., Plisnier, Pierre-Denis, Richardson, David C., Rimmer, Alon, Rogora, Michela, Rogozin, Denis Y., Rusak, James A., Rusanovskaya, Olga O., Sadro, Steve, Salmaso, Nico, Saros, Jasmine E., Sarvala, Jouko, Saulnier-Talbot, Emilie, Schindler, Daniel E., Shimaraeva, Svetlana V., Silow, Eugene A., Sitoki, Lewis M., Sommaruga, Ruben, Straile, Dietmar, Strock, Kristin E., Swain, Hilary, Tallant, Jason M., Thiery, Wim, Timofeyev, Maxim A., Tolomeev, Alexander P., Tominaga, Koji, Vanni, Michael J., Verburg, Piet, Vinebrooke, Rolf D., Wanzenbock, Josef, Weathers, Kathleen, Weyhenmeyer, Gesa A., Zadereev, Egor S., Zhukova, Tatyana V.
Заглавие : Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes
Колич.характеристики :12 с
Коллективы : Belarus Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research; AnaEE-France; SILA (Syndicat Mixte du Lac d'Annecy); Castle Lake Environmental Research and Education Program, University of Nevada at Reno; EC project "Response of European Freshwater Lakes [ENV4-CT97-0453]; EC-project "Climate Impacts on European Lakes" [EVK1-CT-2002-00121]; Austrian Climate and Energy Fund [K09ACK00046]; NSFNational Science Foundation (NSF) [DEB 1950170]; Crater Lake National Park Long-Term Limnological Monitoring Program; Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment: Enhancing the Health and Resilience of New Zealand lakes [UOWX1503]; National Capital Authority; ACT, Australia [GB/NERC/BAS/AEDC/00063]; Belgian Science Policy OfficeBelgian Federal Science Policy Office; North Temperate Lakes LTER NTL-LTER [1440297]; NSERC CanadaNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC); Canada Research Chairs, Canada Foundation for InnovationCanada Foundation for InnovationCanada Research Chairs; University of Regina; Commissione Internazionale per la protezione delle acque italo-svizzere; Natural Environment Research CouncilUK Research & Innovation (UKRI)Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) [NE/R016429/1]; U.S. NSF Arctic LTER [DEB1637459, LTER_EU_IT_008]; Canton of Zurich [18-44-06201, 20-64-46003]; Russian Ministry of Higher Education and Research [FZZE-2020-0026, FZZE-2020-0023]; National Science Foundation Long Term Research in Environmental Biology program [DEB-1242626]; National Park Service (the Inventory and Monitoring Program); Acadia National Park monitoring program; Gordon and Betty Moore FoundationGordon and Betty Moore Foundation; Andrew Mellon Foundation; US National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation (NSF) [9318452, 9726877, 0235755, 0743192, 1255159]; Institut fur Seenforschung, Langenargen (Internationale Gewasserschutzkommission fur den Bodensee -IGKB); University of Michigan Biological StationUniversity of Michigan System; Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO)Belgian Federal Science Policy Office [CD/AR/02 A]; Waikato Regional Council; NIWA; Swedish Research CouncilSwedish Research CouncilEuropean Commission [2017-00635, NSF DEB 1754276]; Lacawac Sanctuary and Biological Field Station; Russian Foundation for Basic ResearchRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) [19-04-00362 A, 19-05-00428]
Место публикации : Sci. Data: NATURE PORTFOLIO, 2021. - Vol. 8, Is. 1. - Ст.200. - ISSN 2052-4463(eISSN), DOI 10.1038/s41597-021-00983-y
Примечания : Cited References:45. - This work was conceived at the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON), and benefited from continued participation and travel support from GLEON. This manuscript is dedicated to the late Karl Havens and Alon Rimmer, who provided data for this manuscript. Funding and support for this work came from the following sources: the Belarus Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research; the IGB Long-term Ecological Research Programme; SOERE OLA, AnaEE-France, INRA Thonon les Bains, SILA (Syndicat Mixte du Lac d'Annecy), CISALB (Comite Intercommunautaire pour l'Assainissement du Lac du Bourget), and CIPEL (Commission Internationale pour la protection des eaux du Leman); Shiga Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station (SPFES); Castle Lake Environmental Research and Education Program, University of Nevada at Reno and UC Davis; the Flathead Lake Monitoring program funded through a consortium of state and private funds, and thank the generous citizens of Flathead Lake for their continued support of lake monitoring; the Institute for water ecology, fish biology and lake research and the Institute for Limnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (until 2011), and acknowledge the sampling efforts by many individuals over the long period of investigation, especially H. Gassner, M. Luger, H. Ficker, and R. Kurmayer; the EC project "Response of European Freshwater Lakes to Environmental and Climatic Change" (REFLECT, ENV4-CT97-0453), the EC-project "Climate Impacts on European Lakes" (CLIME, EVK1-CT-2002-00121), the project "Risk Analysis of Direct and Indirect Climate effects on deep Austrian Lake Ecosystems" (RADICAL) funded by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund (No. K09ACK00046) -Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP, http://www.klimafonds.gv.at); O. Garcia and E. Bocel for data analysis and management; D. Cabrera, M.W. Dix, G. Ochaeta, S. van Tuylen, M. Orozco, E. Symonds for sampling efforts; NSF grant No. 0947096 to E. Rejmankova, U.S. PeaceCorps and Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales of Guatemala; H. Swain, L. Battoe, K. Main, N. Deyrup (Archbold Biological Station), the Florida Lakewatch program, E. Gaiser (Florida International University); the Crater Lake National Park Long-Term Limnological Monitoring Program; the City of Tulsa (R. West and A. Johnson), the Grand River Dam Authority (R. M. Zamor), W.M. Matthews and US ACE (T. Clyde), and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board; Bay of Plenty Regional Council; Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment: Enhancing the Health and Resilience of New Zealand lakes (UOWX1503); the field and laboratory staff of the South Florida Water Management District for collecting and analyzing the samples; the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), by courtesy of A. S. Kvambekk; the Lake Champlain Long-term Monitoring program (VT DEC and NY DEC); the National Capital Authority, ACT, Australia; Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks; FirstLight Power Resources and Friends of the Lake, especially G. Bollard and R. White; the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE database (Hertta) and S. Mitikka; N. Spinelli and the Lake Wallenpaupack Watershed Management District; Lakes Heywood, Moss, and Sombre: Long-Term Monitoring of Signy Lake Chemistry by BAS 1963-2004. Ref: GB/NERC/BAS/AEDC/00063, and dataset supplied by the Polar Data Centre under Open Government License (c) NERC-BAS, Lake Nkugute: Beadle (1966), CLANIMAE project funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office; Dr. L.; Garibaldi; NSF awards #1418698 and North Temperate Lakes LTER NTL-LTER #1440297; NSERC Canada, Canada Research Chairs, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Province of Saskatchewan, University of Regina, and Queen's University Belfast; Commissione Internazionale per la protezione delle acque italo-svizzere, Ufficio della protezione delle acque e dell'approvvigionamento idrico del Canton Ticino; KamchatNIRO scientists; Natural Environment Research Council award number NE/R016429/1 as part of the UK-SCaPE programme delivering National Capability; U.S. NSF Arctic LTER DEB1637459; Belgian Science Policy (Choltic, Climlake, Climfish); Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources' Harkness Laboratory of Fisheries Research, especially T. Middel; Max-Planck-Institute for Limnology Plon; staff at Erken Laboratory; Mohonk Preserve and D. Smiley; Lake Sunapee Protective Association; KLL database; International Commission for the Protection of Swiss-Italian Waters (CIPAIS) and the LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) Italian network, site "Southern Alpine lakes", LTER_EU_IT_008; staff and students at MECP's Dorset Environmental Science Centre; the LTER (Long-Term Ecological Research) Italian network, site "Southern Alpine lakes", IT08-005-A (http://www.lteritalia.it), with the support of the ARPA Veneto; Prof. L. Chapman, McGill University (Montreal, Quebec, Canada); Amt fur Abfall, Wasser, Energie und Luft (AWEL) of the Canton of Zurich; grants of RSCF project #18-44-06201 and #20-64-46003, of Russian Ministry of Higher Education and Research (projects. FZZE-2020-0026;. FZZE-2020-0023), and of Foundation for support of applied ecological studies "Lake Baikal" (https://baikalfoundation.ru/project/tochka-1/); National Science Foundation Long Term Research in Environmental Biology program (DEB-1242626); the National Park Service (the Inventory and Monitoring Program as well as the Air Resources Division) and Acadia National Park and the Acadia National Park monitoring program; Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Andrew Mellon Foundation, the US National Science Foundation and the Bristol Bay salmon processors; J. Franzoi, G. Larsen, and S. Morales, and the LTSER platform Tyrolean Alps, which belongs to the national and international long-term ecological research network (LTER-Austria, LTER Europe and ILTER); Institut fur Seenforschung, Langenargen (Internationale Gewasserschutzkommission fur den Bodensee -IGKB); University of Michigan Biological Station (A. Schubel) and Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (R. Miller); the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) is acknowledged for supporting research on Lake Kivu through the research project EAGLES (CD/AR/02 A); US National Science Foundation awards 9318452, 9726877, 0235755, 0743192 and 1255159; West Coast Regional Council, the Bay of Plenty Regional Council, and Waikato Regional Council, and NIWA; D. Schindler (funding and data access) and B. Parker (logistical support and data management); Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science (SITES) and the Swedish Research Council under the grant no 2017-00635; NSF DEB 1754276 and NSF DEB 1950170, the Ohio Eminent Scholar in Ecosystem Ecology fund, and Lacawac Sanctuary and Biological Field Station; Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant. 19-04-00362 A and. 19-05-00428.
Предметные рубрики: CLIMATE-CHANGE
Аннотация: Climate change and other anthropogenic stressors have led to long-term changes in the thermal structure, including surface temperatures, deepwater temperatures, and vertical thermal gradients, in many lakes around the world. Though many studies highlight warming of surface water temperatures in lakes worldwide, less is known about long-term trends in full vertical thermal structure and deepwater temperatures, which have been changing less consistently in both direction and magnitude. Here, we present a globally-expansive data set of summertime in-situ vertical temperature profiles from 153 lakes, with one time series beginning as early as 1894. We also compiled lake geographic, morphometric, and water quality variables that can influence vertical thermal structure through a variety of potential mechanisms in these lakes. These long-term time series of vertical temperature profiles and corresponding lake characteristics serve as valuable data to help understand changes and drivers of lake thermal structure in a time of rapid global and ecological change.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kovel, Ekaterina S., Kicheeva, Arina G., Vnukova, Natalia G., Churilov, Grigory N., Stepin, Evsei A., Kudryasheva, Nadezhda S.
Заглавие : Toxicity and Antioxidant Activity of Fullerenol C-60,C-70 with Low Number of Oxygen Substituents
Колич.характеристики :17 с
Коллективы : RFBRRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) [N18-29-19003]; RFBR, Krasnoyarsk Territory; Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science [N20-44-243001]; Program of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Fundamental Study 2020-2025 (Russian Federation)
Место публикации : Int. J. Mol. Sci.: MDPI, 2021. - Vol. 22, Is. 12. - Ст.6382. - ISSN 1422-0067(eISSN), DOI 10.3390/ijms22126382
Примечания : Cited References:93. - This research was funded by RFBR, N18-29-19003; RFBR, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science, N20-44-243001; and partly supported by the Program of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and HumanWellbeing, Fundamental Study 2020-2025 (Russian Federation).
Предметные рубрики: HUMIC SUBSTANCES
Аннотация: Fullerene is a nanosized carbon structure with potential drug delivery applications. We studied the bioeffects of a water-soluble fullerene derivative, fullerenol, with 10-12 oxygen groups (F10-12); its structure was characterized by IR and XPS spectroscopy. A bioluminescent enzyme system was used to study toxic and antioxidant effects of F10-12 at the enzymatic level. Antioxidant characteristics of F10-12 were revealed in model solutions of organic and inorganic oxidizers. Low-concentration activation of bioluminescence was validated statistically in oxidizer solutions. Toxic and antioxidant characteristics of F10-12 were compared to those of homologous fullerenols with a higher number of oxygen groups:F24-28 and F40-42. No simple dependency was found between the toxic/antioxidant characteristics and the number of oxygen groups on the fullerene's carbon cage. Lower toxicity and higher antioxidant activity of F24-28 were identified and presumptively attributed to its higher solubility. An active role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the bioeffects of F10-12 was demonstrated. Correlations between toxic/antioxidant characteristics of F10-12 and ROS content were evaluated. Toxic and antioxidant effects were related to the decrease in ROS content in the enzyme solutions. Our results reveal a complexity of ROS effects in the enzymatic assay system.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Stolyar, Sergey V., Kolenchukova, Oksana A., Boldyreva, Anna V., Kudryasheva, Nadezda S., Gerasimova, Yulia V., Krasikov, Alexandr A., Yaroslavtsev, Roman N., Bayukov, Oleg A., Ladygina, Valentina P., Birukova, Elena A.
Заглавие : Biogenic Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Properties In Vitro and In Vivo Testing and the Concentration Effect
Колич.характеристики :18 с
Коллективы : Russian Foundation for Basic ResearchRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR); Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory; Regional Science Foundation [20-416-242907]
Место публикации : Biomedicines: MDPI, 2021. - Vol. 9, Is. 3. - Ст.323. - ISSN 2227-9059(eISSN), DOI 10.3390/biomedicines9030323
Примечания : Cited References:52. - This research was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Regional Science Foundation, grant number 20-416-242907.
Аннотация: Biogenic ferrihydrite nanoparticles were synthesized as a result of the cultivation of Klebsiella oxytoca microorganisms. The distribution of nanoparticles in the body of laboratory animals and the physical properties of the nanoparticles were studied. The synthesized ferrihydrite nanoparticles are superparamagnetic at room temperature, and the characteristic blocking temperature is 23-25 K. The uncompensated moment of ferrihydrite particles was determined to be approximately 200 Bohr magnetons. In vitro testing of different concentrations of ferrihydrite nanoparticles for the functional activity of neutrophilic granulocytes by the chemiluminescence method showed an increase in the release of primary oxygen radicals by blood phagocytes when exposed to a minimum concentration and a decrease in secondary radicals when exposed to a maximum concentration. In vivo testing of ferrihydrite nanoparticles on Wister rats showed that a suspension of ferrihydrite nanoparticles has chronic toxicity, since it causes morphological changes in organs, mainly in the spleen, which are characterized by the accumulation of hemosiderin nanoparticles (stained blue according to Perls). Ferrihydrite can also directly or indirectly stimulate the proliferation and intracellular regeneration of hepatocytes. The partial detection of Perls-positive cells in the liver and kidneys can be explained by the rapid elimination from organs and the high dispersion of the nanomaterial. Thus, it is necessary to carry out studies of these processes at the systemic level, since the introduction of nanoparticles into the body is characterized by adaptive-proliferative processes, accompanied by the development of cell dystrophy and tension of the phagocytic system.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Shakirova, Anastasia A., Tomilin, Felix N., Pomogaev, Vladimir A., Vnukova, Natalia G., Churilov, Grigory N., Kudryasheva, Nadezhda S., Tchaikovskaya, Olga N., Ovchinnikov, Sergey G., Avramov, Pavel V.
Заглавие : Synthesis, Mass Spectroscopy Detection, and Density Functional Theory Investigations of the Gd Endohedral Complexes of C-82 Fullerenols
Колич.характеристики :12 с
Коллективы : RFBRRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) [18-29-19003 MK]; Russian Ministry of Science and EducationMinistry of Education and Science, Russian Federation [0721-2020-0033]; Collaborative NRF-RFBR grant (Korean) [NRF-2019K2A9A1A06100125]; Collaborative NRF-RFBR grant (Russian) [19-53-51005 NIFa RFFI-Korea]; NRF [2021R1A2C1010455]
Место публикации : Computation: MDPI, 2021. - Vol. 9, Is. 5. - Ст.58. - ISSN 2079-3197(eISSN), DOI 10.3390/computation9050058
Примечания : Cited References:41. - The experimental results were funded by RFBR project No. 18-29-19003 MK. The quantum chemical study was funded by project 0721-2020-0033 of the Russian Ministry of Science and Education. The collaboration and coordination of Russian and Korean teams was supported by Collaborative NRF-RFBR grant (Korean ID: NRF-2019K2A9A1A06100125; Russian ID: Project No. 19-53-51005 NIFa RFFI-Korea) and NRF 2021R1A2C1010455 grant.
Предметные рубрики: ZETA VALENCE QUALITY
Аннотация: Gd endohedral complexes of C-82 fullerenols were synthesized and mass spectrometry analysis of their composition was carried out. It was established that the synthesis yields a series of fullerenols Gd@C82Ox(OH)(y) (x = 0, 3; y = 8, 16, 24, 36, 44). The atomic and electronic structure and properties of the synthesized fullerenols were investigated using the density functional theory calculations. It was shown that the presence of endohedral gadolinium increases the reactivity of fullerenols. It is proposed that the high-spin endohedral fullerenols are promising candidates for application in magnetic resonance imaging.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kovel E. S., Kicheeva A. G., Vnukova N. G., Churilov G. N., Stepin E. A., Kudryasheva N. S.
Заглавие : Toxicity and antioxidant activity of fullerenol c60,70 with low number of oxygen substituents
Место публикации : Int. J. Mol. Sci.: MDPI AG, 2021. - Vol. 22, Is. 12. - Ст.6382. - ISSN 16616596 (ISSN), DOI 10.3390/ijms22126382
Аннотация: Fullerene is a nanosized carbon structure with potential drug delivery applications. We studied the bioeffects of a water-soluble fullerene derivative, fullerenol, with 10-12 oxygen groups (F10-12); its structure was characterized by IR and XPS spectroscopy. A bioluminescent enzyme system was used to study toxic and antioxidant effects of F10-12 at the enzymatic level. Antioxidant characteristics of F10-12 were revealed in model solutions of organic and inorganic oxidizers. Low-concentration activation of bioluminescence was validated statistically in oxidizer solutions. Toxic and antioxidant characteristics of F10-12 were compared to those of homologous fullerenols with a higher number of oxygen groups:F24-28 and F40-42. No simple dependency was found between the toxic/antioxidant characteristics and the number of oxygen groups on the fullerene’s carbon cage. Lower toxicity and higher antioxidant activity of F24-28 were identified and presumptively attributed to its higher solubility. An active role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the bioeffects of F10-12 was demonstrated. Correlations between toxic/antioxidant characteristics of F10-12 and ROS content were evaluated. Toxic and antioxidant effects were related to the decrease in ROS content in the enzyme solutions. Our results reveal a complexity of ROS effects in the enzymatic assay system. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Lisitsa, Albert E., Sukovatyi, Lev A., Bartsev, Sergey, I, Deeva, Anna A., Kratasyuk, Valentina A., Nemtseva, Elena, V
Заглавие : Mechanisms of Viscous Media Effects on Elementary Steps of Bacterial Bioluminescent Reaction
Колич.характеристики :19 с
Коллективы : Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation [FSRZ-2020-0006]; RFBR, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science [20-44-243002]; RFBRRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) [20-34-90118]
Место публикации : Int. J. Mol. Sci.: MDPI, 2021. - Vol. 22, Is. 16. - Ст.8827. - ISSN 1422-0067(eISSN), DOI 10.3390/ijms22168827
Примечания : Cited References:59. - The research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (projects No. FSRZ-2020-0006); by RFBR, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science (project No. 20-44-243002); by RFBR according to the research project No. 20-34-90118.
Предметные рубрики: FLAVIN INTERMEDIATE
Аннотация: Enzymes activity in a cell is determined by many factors, among which viscosity of the microenvironment plays a significant role. Various cosolvents can imitate intracellular conditions in vitro, allowing to reduce a combination of different regulatory effects. The aim of the study was to analyze the media viscosity effects on the rate constants of the separate stages of the bacterial bioluminescent reaction. Non-steady-state reaction kinetics in glycerol and sucrose solutions was measured by stopped-flow technique and analyzed with a mathematical model developed in accordance with the sequence of reaction stages. Molecular dynamics methods were applied to reveal the effects of cosolvents on luciferase structure. We observed both in glycerol and in sucrose media that the stages of luciferase binding with flavin and aldehyde, in contrast to oxygen, are diffusion-limited. Moreover, unlike glycerol, sucrose solutions enhanced the rate of an electronically excited intermediate formation. The MD simulations showed that, in comparison with sucrose, glycerol molecules could penetrate the active-site gorge, but sucrose solutions caused a conformational change of functionally important alpha Glu175 of luciferase. Therefore, both cosolvents induce diffusion limitation of substrates binding. However, in sucrose media, increasing enzyme catalytic constant neutralizes viscosity effects. The activating effect of sucrose can be attributed to its exclusion from the catalytic gorge of luciferase and promotion of the formation of the active site structure favorable for the catalysis.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Lisitsa A. E., Sukovatyi L. A., Bartsev S. I., Deeva A. A., Kratasyuk V. A., Nemtseva E. V.
Заглавие : Mechanisms of viscous media effects on elementary steps of bacterial bioluminescent reaction
Место публикации : Int. J. Mol. Sci.: MDPI AG, 2021. - Vol. 22, Is. 16. - Ст.8827. - ISSN 16616596 (ISSN), DOI 10.3390/ijms22168827
Аннотация: Enzymes activity in a cell is determined by many factors, among which viscosity of the microenvironment plays a significant role. Various cosolvents can imitate intracellular conditions in vitro, allowing to reduce a combination of different regulatory effects. The aim of the study was to analyze the media viscosity effects on the rate constants of the separate stages of the bacterial biolumi-nescent reaction. Non-steady-state reaction kinetics in glycerol and sucrose solutions was measured by stopped-flow technique and analyzed with a mathematical model developed in accordance with the sequence of reaction stages. Molecular dynamics methods were applied to reveal the effects of cosolvents on luciferase structure. We observed both in glycerol and in sucrose media that the stages of luciferase binding with flavin and aldehyde, in contrast to oxygen, are diffusion-limited. More-over, unlike glycerol, sucrose solutions enhanced the rate of an electronically excited intermediate formation. The MD simulations showed that, in comparison with sucrose, glycerol molecules could penetrate the active-site gorge, but sucrose solutions caused a conformational change of functionally important ?Glu175 of luciferase. Therefore, both cosolvents induce diffusion limitation of substrates binding. However, in sucrose media, increasing enzyme catalytic constant neutralizes viscosity effects. The activating effect of sucrose can be attributed to its exclusion from the catalytic gorge of luciferase and promotion of the formation of the active site structure favorable for the catalysis. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kolesnik, Olga V., Rozhko, Tatiana V., Lapina, Maria A., Solovyev, Vladislav S., Sachkova, Anna S., Kudryasheva, Nadezhda S.
Заглавие : Development of Cellular and Enzymatic Bioluminescent Assay Systems to Study Low-Dose Effects of Thorium
Колич.характеристики :13 с
Место публикации : Bioengineering-Basel: MDPI, 2021. - Vol. 8, Is. 12. - Ст.194. - ISSN 2306-5354(eISSN), DOI 10.3390/bioengineering8120194
Примечания : Cited References:77
Аннотация: Thorium is one of the most widespread radioactive elements in natural ecosystems, along with uranium, it is the most important source of nuclear energy. However, the effects of thorium on living organisms have not been thoroughly studied. Marine luminescent bacteria and their enzymes are optimal bioassays for studying low-dose thorium exposures. Luminescent bioassays provide a quantitative measure of toxicity and are characterized by high rates, sensitivity, and simplicity. It is known that the metabolic activity of bacteria is associated with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We studied the effects of thorium-232 (10(-11)-10(-3) M) on Photobacterium phosphoreum and bacterial enzymatic reactions; kinetics of bacterial bioluminescence and ROS content were investigated in both systems. Bioluminescence activation was revealed under low-dose exposures (0.1 Gy) and discussed in terms of "radiation hormesis". The activation was accompanied by an intensification of the oxidation of a low-molecular reducer, NADH, during the enzymatic processes. Negative correlations were found between the intensity of bioluminescence and the content of ROS in bacteria and enzyme systems; an active role of ROS in the low-dose activation by thorium was discussed. The results contribute to radioecological potential of bioluminescence techniques adapted to study low-intensity radioactive exposures.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Lagutkin D., Semyonov D., Yegorov Y. E., Lavrinenko I., Generalov E., Zaitceva A. Y., Matveeva O., Nechipurenko Y. D.
Заглавие : Positive feedback between acidosis and hypoxia during the transition of COVID-19 to a severe form of the disease
Колич.характеристики :1 с
Место публикации : FEBS Open Bio: WILEY, 2021. - Vol. 11. - С. 450-450. - ISSN 2211-5463
Примечания : Cited References:0
Аннотация: SARS­CoV­2 virus causes disease that has several distinctive characteristics compared to diseases caused by other viruses. We have put forward a hypothesis that relates COVID­19 pathogenesis with acidosis, which frequently characterizes severe cases of this disease. It has been shown that hypoxia and acidosis affect the progression of severe COVID­19 at various physiological levels such as organs, tissues, and cells. The physiological effects of acidosis and hypoxia range from the level of compensatory capabilities of the whole organism to the functioning of a single hemoglobin molecule. In our work, we consider several mechanisms that link the damaging factors of COVID­19 with acidosis. These mechanisms reveal step­by­step processes with a pronounced positive feedback. In accordance with the well­ known Bohr effect, a decrease in blood pH leads to a drop in blood oxygen saturation. At the same time, this drop in saturation contributes to the further development of acidosis. This indicates a depletion of the body's compensatory capabilities to regulate acidosis and leads to deterioration of the patient's condition. In addition, a decrease in pH can cause conformational changes in the viral S­protein, followed by changes in ability of some antibodies to recognize the virus. This might lead to the decrease in antibodies affinity and avidity, negatively affecting virus clearance. Low levels of pH and hypoxia in blood and tissues can induce a pro­inflammatory innate response even in the absence of antigen stimulation. Therefore, hypoxia and acidosis can lead to a restructuring of the immune system and multidirectional pro­ and anti­inflammatory responses, which often, instead of recovery, lead to the disease aggravation.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Nechipurenko, Yury D., Semyonov, Denis A., Lavrinenko, Igor A., Lagutkin, Denis A., Generalov, Evgenii A., Zaitceva, Anna Y., Matveeva, Olga, V, Yegorov, Yegor E.
Заглавие : The Role of Acidosis in the Pathogenesis of Severe Forms of COVID-19
Колич.характеристики :15 с
Коллективы : Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Molecular and Cellular Biology; Program of Fundamental Research for State Academies for years 2013-2020 [01201363818]
Место публикации : Biology-Basel: MDPI, 2021. - Vol. 10, Is. 9. - Ст.852. - ISSN 2079-7737(eISSN), DOI 10.3390/biology10090852
Примечания : Cited References:86. - This research was funded by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Molecular and Cellular Biology and the Program of Fundamental Research for State Academies for years 2013-2020, project no. 01201363818.
Предметные рубрики: RESPIRATORY-ACIDOSIS
Аннотация: Simple Summary Recently, several studies have shown that acidosis, which is increased acidity in the blood and other body tissues, is often associated with severe COVID-19. In this article, we look at the mechanisms and consequences of acidosis that can lead to an exacerbation of COVID-19. We want to draw the attention of readers to the threshold values of such disease characteristics as hypoxia and acidosis, which are associated with a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition. Hypoxia and acidosis mutually reinforce each other according to the principle of a vicious cycle (that is, they are involved in a system of positive feedbacks). Elevated blood lactate (lactic acid) levels are associated with poor clinical outcomes in COVID patients. As a practical recommendation, we propose to pay more attention to the prevention of acidosis, including in the early stages of the disease, when the adjustment of homeostasis requires less effort and is less risky. COVID-19 has specific characteristics that distinguish this disease from many other infections. We suggest that the pathogenesis of severe forms of COVID-19 can be associated with acidosis. This review article discusses several mechanisms potentially linking the damaging effects of COVID-19 with acidosis and shows the existence of a vicious cycle between the development of hypoxia and acidosis in COVID-19 patients. At the early stages of the disease, inflammation, difficulty in gas exchange in the lungs and thrombosis collectively contribute to the onset of acidosis. In accordance with the Verigo-Bohr effect, a decrease in blood pH leads to a decrease in oxygen saturation, which contributes to the exacerbation of acidosis and results in a deterioration of the patient's condition. A decrease in pH can also cause conformational changes in the S-protein of the virus and thus lead to a decrease in the affinity and avidity of protective antibodies. Hypoxia and acidosis lead to dysregulation of the immune system and multidirectional pro- and anti-inflammatory reactions, resulting in the development of a "cytokine storm". In this review, we highlight the potential importance of supporting normal blood pH as an approach to COVID-19 therapy.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Nechipurenko Y. D., Semyonov D. A., Lavrinenko I. A., Lagutkin D. A., Generalov E. A., Zaitceva A. Y., Matveeva O. V., Yegorov Y. E.
Заглавие : The role of acidosis in the pathogenesis of severe forms of COVID-19
Место публикации : Biology: MDPI, 2021. - Vol. 10, Is. 9. - Ст.852. - ISSN 20797737 (ISSN), DOI 10.3390/biology10090852
Аннотация: COVID-19 has specific characteristics that distinguish this disease from many other infec-tions. We suggest that the pathogenesis of severe forms of COVID-19 can be associated with acidosis. This review article discusses several mechanisms potentially linking the damaging effects of COVID-19 with acidosis and shows the existence of a vicious cycle between the development of hypoxia and acidosis in COVID-19 patients. At the early stages of the disease, inflammation, difficulty in gas exchange in the lungs and thrombosis collectively contribute to the onset of acidosis. In accordance with the Verigo-Bohr effect, a decrease in blood pH leads to a decrease in oxygen saturation, which contributes to the exacerbation of acidosis and results in a deterioration of the patient’s condition. A decrease in pH can also cause conformational changes in the S-protein of the virus and thus lead to a decrease in the affinity and avidity of protective antibodies. Hypoxia and acidosis lead to dysregu-lation of the immune system and multidirectional pro-and anti-inflammatory reactions, resulting in the development of a “cytokine storm”. In this review, we highlight the potential importance of supporting normal blood pH as an approach to COVID-19 therapy. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Rozhko T. V., Kolesnik O. V., Badun G. A., Stom D. I., Kudryasheva N. S.
Заглавие : Humic substances mitigate the impact of tritium on luminous marine bacteria. Involvement of reactive oxygen species
Место публикации : International Journal of Molecular Sciences: MDPI AG, 2020. - Vol. 21, Is. 18. - Ст.6783. - С. 1-12. - ISSN 16616596 (ISSN), DOI 10.3390/ijms21186783
Аннотация: The paper studies the combined effects of beta-emitting radionuclide tritium and Humic Substances (HS) on the marine unicellular microorganism—luminous bacteria—under conditions of low-dose radiation exposures (0.04 Gy). Tritium was used as a component of tritiated water. Bacterial luminescence intensity was considered as a tested physiological parameter. The bioluminescence response of the marine bacteria to tritium corresponded to the “hormesis” model: it included stages of bioluminescence inhibition and activation, as well as the absence of the effect. HS were shown to decrease the inhibition and activation effects of tritium, similar to those of americium-241, alpha-emitting radionuclide, studied earlier. Correlations between the bioluminescence intensity and the content of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) were found in the radioactive bacterial suspensions. The results demonstrate an important role of HS in natural processes in the regions of low radioactive contamination: HS can mitigate radiotoxic effects and adaptive response of microorganisms to low-dose radioactive exposures. The involvement of ROS in these processes was demonstrated. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Rozhko, Tatiana V., Kolesnik, Olga V., Badun, Gennadii A., Stom, Devard I., Kudryasheva, Nadezhda S.
Заглавие : Humic Substances Mitigate the Impact of Tritium on Luminous Marine Bacteria. Involvement of Reactive Oxygen Species
Колич.характеристики :12 с
Коллективы : RFBR-Krasnoyarsk Regional Foundation [N 18-44-242002, 18-44-240004]
Место публикации : Int. J. Mol. Sci.: MDPI, 2020. - Vol. 21, Is. 18. - Ст.6783. - ISSN 1422-0067(eISSN), DOI 10.3390/ijms21186783
Примечания : Cited References:74. - This work was supported by RFBR-Krasnoyarsk Regional Foundation N 18-44-242002, 18-44-240004.
Предметные рубрики: IONIZING-RADIATION
Аннотация: The paper studies the combined effects of beta-emitting radionuclide tritium and Humic Substances (HS) on the marine unicellular microorganism-luminous bacteria-under conditions of low-dose radiation exposures (0.04 Gy). Tritium was used as a component of tritiated water. Bacterial luminescence intensity was considered as a tested physiological parameter. The bioluminescence response of the marine bacteria to tritium corresponded to the "hormesis" model: it included stages of bioluminescence inhibition and activation, as well as the absence of the effect. HS were shown to decrease the inhibition and activation effects of tritium, similar to those of americium-241, alpha-emitting radionuclide, studied earlier. Correlations between the bioluminescence intensity and the content of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) were found in the radioactive bacterial suspensions. The results demonstrate an important role of HS in natural processes in the regions of low radioactive contamination: HS can mitigate radiotoxic effects and adaptive response of microorganisms to low-dose radioactive exposures. The involvement of ROS in these processes was demonstrated.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Pilla, Rachel M., Williamson, Craig E., Adamovich, Boris V., Adrian, Rita, Anneville, Orlane, Chandra, Sudeep, Colom-Montero, William, Devlin, Shawn P., Dix, Margaret A., Dokulil, Martin T., Gaiser, Evelyn E., Girdner, Scott F., Hambright, K. David, Hamilton, David P., Havens, Karl, Hessen, Dag O., Higgins, Scott N., Huttula, Timo H., Huuskonen, Hannu, Isles, Peter D. F., Joehnk, Klaus D., Jones, Ian D., Keller, Wendel Bill, Knoll, Lesley B., Korhonen, Johanna, Kraemer, Benjamin M., Leavitt, Peter R., Lepori, Fabio, Luger, Martin S., Maberly, Stephen C., Melack, John M., Melles, Stephanie J., Muller-Navarra D. C., Pierson, Don C., Pislegina, Helen V., Plisnier, Pierre-Denis, Richardson, David C., Rimmer, Alon, Rogora, Michela, Rusak, James A., Sadro, Steven, Salmaso, Nico, Saros, Jasmine E., Saulnier-Talbot, Emilie, Schindler, Daniel E., Schmid, Martin, Shimaraeva, Svetlana V., Silow, Eugene A., Sitoki, Lewis M., Sommaruga, Ruben, Straile, Dietmar, Strock, Kristin E., Thiery, Wim, Timofeyev, Maxim A., Verburg, Piet, Vinebrooke, Rolf D., Weyhenmeyer, Gesa A., Zadereev, Egor
Заглавие : Deeper waters are changing less consistently than surface waters in a global analysis of 102 lakes
Колич.характеристики :15 с
Коллективы : Belarus Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research; IGB Long-Term Research; European CommissionEuropean CommissionEuropean Commission Joint Research Centre; DFGGerman Research Foundation (DFG) [AD 91/22-1]; OLA-IS; AnaEE-France; INRAE of Thonon-les-Bains; CIPEL; SILA; CISALB; Universidad del Valle de Guatemala; Archbold Biological Station; Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation; Oklahoma Water Resources Board; Grand River Dam Authority; US Army Corps of EngineersUnited States Department of Defense; City of Tulsa; Ministry of Business, Innovation, and EmploymentNew Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) [UOW X1503]; Natural Environment Research Council of the UKNERC Natural Environment Research Council; IGB's International Postdoctoral Fellowship; NSERCNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Canada Foundation for InnovationCanada Foundation for InnovationCGIAR; Canada Research ChairsCanada Research ChairsCGIAR; Province of Saskatchewan; University of Regina; Queen's University Belfast; Natural Environment Research CouncilNERC Natural Environment Research Council; US-NSFNational Science Foundation (NSF); California Air Resources Board; NASANational Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA); US National Park Service; Ministry of Higher Education and ResearchMinistry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MHESR) [FZZE-2020-0026, FZZE-2020-0023]; RSCFRussian Science Foundation (RSF) [20-64-46003]; US National Science Foundation Long Term Research in Environmental Biology program [DEB-1242626]; Environmental Agency of Verona; US National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation (NSF); Gordon and Betty Moore FoundationGordon and Betty Moore Foundation; Mellon Foundation; University of WashingtonUniversity of Washington; KMFRI; LVEMP; University of Innsbruck; OeAD; IFSInternational Foundation for Science; LVFO-EU; Waikato Regional Council; Bay of Plenty Regional Council; Swedish Environmental Protection Agency; Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Sciences; US National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation (NSF) [DEB-1754276, DEB-1950170]
Место публикации : Sci Rep: NATURE RESEARCH, 2020. - Vol. 10, Is. 1. - Ст.20514. - ISSN 2045-2322, DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-76873-x
Примечания : Cited References:87. - This work was conceived at the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON), and benefited from continued participation and travel support from GLEON. This manuscript is dedicated to the late Alon Rimmer and Karl Havens, who provided data and contributed to earlier versions of this manuscript. Funding in support of this work came from the following sources: Belarus Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research; IGB Long-Term Research; the European Commission within the MANTEL project; the DFG within the LimnoScenES project (AD 91/22-1); OLA-IS, AnaEE-France, INRAE of Thonon-les-Bains, CIPEL, SILA, CISALB; Universidad del Valle de Guatemala; Archbold Biological Station; the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, the Grand River Dam Authority, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the City of Tulsa; the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (UOW X1503); the Natural Environment Research Council of the UK; the IGB's International Postdoctoral Fellowship; NSERC, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Canada Research Chairs, Province of Saskatchewan; University of Regina; Queen's University Belfast; Natural Environment Research Council; US-NSF, California Air Resources Board, NASA, and US National Park Service; the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (projects No FZZE-2020-0026; No FZZE-2020-0023) and RSCF 20-64-46003; US National Science Foundation Long Term Research in Environmental Biology program (DEB-1242626); the Environmental Agency of Verona; US National Science Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and the University of Washington; KMFRI, LVEMP, University of Innsbruck, OeAD, IFS, and LVFO-EU; Waikato Regional Council and Bay of Plenty Regional Council; Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Sciences; US National Science Foundation grants DEB-1754276 and DEB-1950170. We thank J. Klug, P. McIntyre, H. Swain, K. Tominaga, A. Voutilainen, and L. Winslow for their feedback on early drafts that substantially improved this manuscript. Additional detailed acknowledgements can be found in the Supplementary Information online.
Аннотация: Globally, lake surface water temperatures have warmed rapidly relative to air temperatures, but changes in deepwater temperatures and vertical thermal structure are still largely unknown. We have compiled the most comprehensive data set to date of long-term (1970-2009) summertime vertical temperature profiles in lakes across the world to examine trends and drivers of whole-lake vertical thermal structure. We found significant increases in surface water temperatures across lakes at an average rate of+0.37 degrees C decade(-1), comparable to changes reported previously for other lakes, and similarly consistent trends of increasing water column stability (+0.08 kg m(-3) decade(-1)). In contrast, however, deepwater temperature trends showed little change on average (+0.06 degrees C decade(-1)), but had high variability across lakes, with trends in individual lakes ranging from -0.68 degrees C decade(-1) to+0.65 degrees C decade(-1). The variability in deepwater temperature trends was not explained by trends in either surface water temperatures or thermal stability within lakes, and only 8.4% was explained by lake thermal region or local lake characteristics in a random forest analysis. These findings suggest that external drivers beyond our tested lake characteristics are important in explaining long-term trends in thermal structure, such as local to regional climate patterns or additional external anthropogenic influences.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kovel E. S., Sachkova A. S., Vnukova N. G., Churilov G. N., Knyazeva E. M., Kudryasheva N. S.
Заглавие : Antioxidant Activity and Toxicity of Fullerenols via Bioluminescence Signaling: Role of Oxygen Substituents
Место публикации : Int J Mol Sci: NLM (Medline), 2019. - Vol. 20, Is. 9. - ISSN 14220067 (ISSN) , DOI 10.3390/ijms20092324
Аннотация: Fullerenols are nanosized water-soluble polyhydroxylated derivatives of fullerenes, a specific allotropic form of carbon, bioactive compounds, and perspective basis for drug development. Our paper analyzes the antioxidant activity and toxicity of a series of fullerenols with different number of oxygen substituents. Two groups of fullerenols were under investigation: (1) C60Oy(OH)x, C60,70Oy(OH)x, where x + y = 24-28 and (2) C60,70Oy(OH)x, Fe0,5C60Oy(OH)x, Gd@C82Oy(OH)x, where x + y = 40-42. Bioluminescent cellular and enzymatic assays (luminous marine bacteria and their enzymatic reactions, respectively) were applied to monitor toxicity in the model fullerenol solutions and bioluminescence was applied as a signaling physiological parameter. The inhibiting concentrations of the fullerenols were determined, revealing the fullerenols' toxic effects. Antioxidant fullerenol' ability was studied in solutions of model oxidizer, 1,4-benzoquinone, and detoxification coefficients of general and oxidative types (DGT and DOxT) were calculated. All fullerenols produced toxic effect at high concentrations (0.01 g L-1), while their antioxidant activity was demonstrated at low and ultralow concentrations (0.001 g L-1). Quantitative toxic and antioxidant characteristics of the fullerenols (effective concentrations, concentration ranges, DGT, and DOxT) were found to depend on the number of oxygen substituents. Lower toxicity and higher antioxidant activity were determined in solutions of fullerenols with fewer oxygen substituents (x + y
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Belolipetskii, Victor M., Genova, Svetlana N., Degermendzhy, Andrey G., Zykov, Vladimir V., Rogozin, Denis Yu
Заглавие : One-dimensional Model for Studying Seasonal Changes of Vertical Structure of Salt Lake Uchum
Колич.характеристики :9 с
Коллективы : RFBR [16-05-00091]; Russian Foundation for Basic Research; government of the region of the Russian Federation [18-45-243002]
Место публикации : J. Sib. Fed. Univ.-Math. Phys.: SIBERIAN FEDERAL UNIV, 2019. - Vol. 12, Is. 1. - С. 100-108. - ISSN 1997-1397, DOI 10.17516/1997-1397-2019-12-1-100-108. - ISSN 2313-6022(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References:19. - The work was supported by the RFBR grants (16-05-00091) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the government of the region of the Russian Federation, grant 18-45-243002.
Предметные рубрики: CIRCULATION
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): salt lake--one-dimensioanal vertical model--temperature and salinity--profiles of water
Аннотация: Many salt lakes are meromictic, in which the water column is not mixed to the bottom for at least one year. In the stratified lake, the upper (epilimnion) and deep (hypolimnion) layers are distinguished, in which the density gradients are small. Between them is a layer of water (metalimnion), within which the density gradient is great. In the near-bottom layer, hydrogen sulphide accumulates and there is no oxygen. One-dimensional mathematical models are used to determine the dynamics of the vertical thermohaline structure of the salt lake Uchum. Two periods in the annual regime are considered: the period of the absence of the ice cover (IC) and the period with the existence of the IC. The vertical distributions of temperature and water salinity in Lake Uchum have been calculated in different seasons. The results of the calculations are consistent with the data of field measurements.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Rozhko T. V., Nogovitsyna E. I., Badun G. A., Lukyanchuk A. N., Kudryasheva N. S.
Заглавие : Reactive Oxygen Species and low-dose effects of tritium on bacterial cells
Место публикации : J. Environ. Radioact.: Elsevier Ltd, 2019. - Vol. 208-209. - Ст.106035. - ISSN 0265931X (ISSN) , DOI 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106035
Аннотация: The paper continues study of exposures of luminous marine bacteria to low-dose radiation of tritium; tritiated water (HTO) was applied as a source of the irradiation. Hypothesis on involvement of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) to signaling mechanism of bacterial cells under exposure to low-intensity tritium radiation was verified. Bacterial bioluminescence intensity was considered as a tested physiological parameter; it was compared to the ROS production in the bacterial environment of different activity concentrations: 0.03, 4.0, and 500 MBq/L. Exposure of the bacteria to chronic low-dose tritium irradiation (<0.08 Gy) increased bioluminescence intensity and ROS production considerably (up to 300%). Spearman rank correlation coefficients were calculated and confirmed relations between the bioluminescence intensity and ROS production. Additional peculiarities of HTO effect were: independence of the bioluminescence intensity and ROS content on HTO activity concentration; low ROS content in bacteria-free aquatic environment. Effects of HTO on bacterial bioluminescence were attributed to: (1) trigger function of tritium decay products in the bacterial metabolic oxygen-dependent processes, with bioluminescence involved; (2) signaling role of ROS as intercellular messengers in “bystander effect”; (3) fixed amount of bacterial cells (3•107 cells/mL) provided the upper limits of the bioluminescence intensity and ROS content. As an outlook, in spite of low energy of tritium decay, its influence on aquatic biota via ROS production by microorganisms should be taken into consideration. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Burakova L. P., Vysotski E. S.
Заглавие : Recombinant Ca2+-regulated photoproteins of ctenophores: current knowledge and application prospects
Место публикации : Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.: Springer Verlag, 2019. - Vol. 103, Is. 15. - С. 5929-5946. - ISSN 01757598 (ISSN) , DOI 10.1007/s00253-019-09939-0
Аннотация: Bright bioluminescence of ctenophores is conditioned by Ca2+-regulated photoproteins. Although they share many properties characteristic of hydromedusan Ca2+-regulated photoproteins responsible for light emission of marine animals belonging to phylum Cnidaria, a substantial distinction still exists. The ctenophore photoproteins appeared to be extremely sensitive to light—they lose the ability for bioluminescence on exposure to light over the entire absorption spectrum. Inactivation is irreversible because keeping the inactivated photoprotein in the dark does not recover its activity. The capability to emit light can be restored only by incubation of inactivated photoprotein with coelenterazine in the dark at alkaline pH in the presence of oxygen. Although these photoproteins were discovered many years ago, only the cloning of cDNAs encoding these unique bioluminescent proteins in the early 2000s has provided a new impetus for their studies. To date, cDNAs encoding Ca2+-regulated photoproteins from four different species of luminous ctenophores have been cloned. The amino acid sequences of ctenophore photoproteins turned out to completely differ from those of hydromedusan photoproteins (identity less than 29%) though also similar to them having three EF-hand Ca2+-binding sites. At the same time, these photoproteins reveal the same two-domain scaffold characteristic of hydromedusan photoproteins. This review is an attempt to systemize and critically evaluate the data scattered through various articles regarding the structural features of recombinant light-sensitive Ca2+-regulated photoproteins of ctenophores and their bioluminescent and physicochemical properties as well as to compare them with those of hydromedusan photoproteins. In addition, we also discuss the prospects of their biotechnology applications. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Ushakova S., Tikhomirova N., Velichko V., Trifonov S., Morozov Y., Kalacheva G., Pavlova A., Tikhomirov A.
Заглавие : Analysis of the gas exchange and water balance in a closed experimental model of the artificial ecosystem intended for an estimated portion of a human
Место публикации : Acta Astronaut: Elsevier Ltd, 2018. - ISSN 00945765 (ISSN) , DOI 10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.07.022
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): experimental model of a closed ecological system--higher plant community--human respiratory function--water balance--со2 and о2 gas exchange--carbon dioxide--evapotranspiration--closed ecological systems--gas exchange--higher plants--respiratory function--water balance--ecosystems
Аннотация: This study was performed to investigate water and gas exchange in the experimental model of a closed ecological system (CES) intended for an estimated portion of a human in the long-duration (several-month) experiment. The diversity of the vegetable conveyor in the system was increased. Human wastes were involved in mass exchange processes, and human respiratory function was periodically connected to the experimental model of a CES. The experimental model of a CES was used to quantify regeneration of the gaseous atmosphere with oxygen and carbon dioxide loops by linking the photosynthesizing compartment with the heterotrophic compartment (soil-like substrate) and by the periodic connection of the human respiratory function. Under the preset light and temperature conditions, atmospheric CO2 concentration in the CES model intended for a portion of a human was maintained at a level that neither limited photosynthetic processes nor was harmful to humans (800–2000 ppm) during the 154-day experiment. At the same time, O2 concentration did not either drop below 20.8% or rise above 22.6%. The amount of the evapotranspiration water collected in the system could satisfy 50% of the daily water requirement of a human (with all the water used and excreted by the human being processed and used to irrigate plants). The evapotranspiration water did not need to be additionally purified before being used by humans. Thus, in the experimental model of the closed ecological system, human oxygen and food requirements (per 0.05 portion of a human) were matched to the function of the heterotrophic compartment and the photosynthesizing activity of the multispecies uneven-aged higher plant community. © 2018 IAA
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