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    Biological-physical-chemical aspects of a human life support system for a lunar base / J. I. Gitelson [et al.] // Acta Astronautica. - 1995. - Vol. 37, Is. C. - P385-394 . - ISSN 0094-5765
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
animal -- aquaculture -- article -- biomass -- construction work and architectural phenomena -- Cyprinodontiformes -- filtration -- growth, development and aging -- human -- microbiology -- microclimate -- moon -- nutritional value -- photoperiodicity -- plant -- space flight -- standard -- Tilapia -- waste management -- water management -- wheat -- Animals -- Aquaculture -- Biomass -- Cyprinodontiformes -- Ecological Systems, Closed -- Facility Design and Construction -- Filtration -- Humans -- Life Support Systems -- Moon -- Nutritive Value -- Photoperiod -- Plants, Edible -- Space Flight -- Tilapia -- Triticum -- Waste Management -- Water Microbiology -- Water Purification
Аннотация: To create a life support system based on biological and physical-chemical processes is the optimum solution providing full-valued condidtions for existence and efficient work of people at a lunar base. Long-standing experinece in experimental research or closed ecosystems and their components allows us to suggest a realistic functional structure of the lunar base and to estimate qualitatively its parameters. The original restrictions are as follows: 1) the basic source of energy to support the biological processes has to be the solar radiation; 2) the initial amount of basic biological elelments forming the turnover of substances (C, O, H, P, K, N) has to be delivered from Earth; 3). Moon materials are not to be used in the biological turnover inside the base; 4) the base is to supply the crew fully with atmosphere and water, and with 90% (A scenario) or 40% (B scenario) of food. Experimental data about the plant productivity under the "Moon" rhythm of light and darkness allow us to suggest that the A scenario requires per one human: plant area - 40 m2 irradiated during the lunar day by 250-300 W/m2 PAR producing 1250 g of dry biomass a terrestrial day; a heterotrophic component of "biological incineration" of inedible plant biomass (800 g/day) including the aquaculture of fish to produce animal products and contaminating the environment less than birds and mammals, and the culture of edible mushrooms; a component of physical-chemical correction for the LSS envi ronment including the subsystems of: deep oxidation of organic impurities in the atmosphere and of water, organic wastes of human activity and that biological components (420 g/day) Co2 concentration in "Moon" nights, damping O2 in "Moon" days, etc. The stock of presotred or delivered from Earth substances (food additions, seeds, etc.) to be involved in biological turnover is to be about 50 kg/year per man. Increase of the mass of prestored substances per man up to 220 kg/year would reduce twice the plant area and consumed amount of radiant energy to exclude the components of "biological incineration" and physical-chemical destruction of organic wastes. В© 1995.

Держатели документа:
Institute of Biophysics (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch) Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Ruhr-University of Bochum, C.E.B.A.S. Center of Excellence., Bochum, Germany
Institute of Medical-Biological Problems, Moscow, Russian Federation : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Gitelson, J.I.; V, B.; Grigoriev, A.I.; Lisovsky, G.M.; Manukovsky, N.S.; Sinyak, Y.u.E.; Ushakova, S.A.

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    Multiple antibiotic resistance of heterotrophic bacteria in the littoral zone of Lake Shira as an indicator of human impact on the ecosystem / T. I. Lobova [et al.] // Microbiological Research. - 2008. - Vol. 163, Is. 2. - P152-160, DOI 10.1016/j.micres.2006.03.014 . - ISSN 0944-5013
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Antibiotic resistance -- Aquatic ecosystems -- Heterotrophic bacteria -- Human impact -- Monitoring -- Antibiotics -- Bacteria -- Ecosystems -- Environmental impact -- Mammals -- Antibiotic resistance -- Aquatic ecosystems -- Heterotrophic bacteria -- Materials -- antiinfective agent -- fresh water -- allochthony -- anthropogenic effect -- antibiotic resistance -- bacterium -- concentration (composition) -- heterotrophy -- intertidal environment -- monitoring -- recreational facility -- spring (season) -- summer -- animal -- article -- bacterial count -- bacterium -- drug effect -- ecosystem -- environmental monitoring -- heterotrophy -- human -- isolation and purification -- methodology -- microbiological examination -- microbiology -- multidrug resistance -- Russian Federation -- season -- Animals -- Anti-Bacterial Agents -- Bacteria -- Colony Count, Microbial -- Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial -- Ecosystem -- Environmental Monitoring -- Fresh Water -- Heterotrophic Processes -- Humans -- Microbial Sensitivity Tests -- Russia -- Seasons -- Eurasia -- Khakassia -- Lake Shira -- Russian Federation -- Animalia -- Bacteria (microorganisms)
Аннотация: Resistance to Ampicillin and Kanamycin displayed by heterotrophic bacteria isolated in Summer and in Spring from the littoral and the central parts of Lake Shira (a therapeutic lake in the Khakasia Republic, Russia) has been investigated. It has been found that in Summer, human and animal microflora featuring multiple antibiotic resistance (to Ampicillin and Kanamycin) predominates in all the studied stations of the littoral zone of the lake. In Spring, concentrations of bacteria featuring multiple antibiotic resistance decrease significantly and bacteria sensitive to antibiotics predominate in the lake. Emergence of multiple antibiotic resistance in bacteria of Lake Shira is caused by the input of allochthonous bacteria into the lake; this feature of heterotrophic bacteria of Lake Shira can be used to monitor the impact on the ecosystem made by health resorts. В© 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Держатели документа:
LTD Territory-oriented information systems, Institute of Computational Modeling, Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademgorodok 50, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russian Federation
Institute of Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Akademgorodok 50, 660036, Russian Federation
Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Krasnoyarsk Region, Sopochnaya 38, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk Scientific Centre, Akademgorodok 50, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Lobova, T.I.; Barkhatov, Y.V.; Salamatina, O.V.; Popova, L.Yu.

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    The general evolution of energy–matter interactions on earth: From a gas whirlwind to a technogenic civilization / N. S. Pechurkin, A. N. Shuvaev // Biophysics. - 2015. - Vol. 60, Is. 2. - P331-334, DOI 10.1134/S0006350915020153 . - ISSN 0006-3509
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
biosphere -- energy transfer -- evolution -- Animalia -- Mammalia -- Protozoa
Аннотация: An idea of the general evolution through the long-term response of the Earth to the external flow of radiant energy from the Sun is proposed. Due to the finiteness of matter on Earth, as well as on any other planet, the continuous pumping flow of radiant energy has been shown to lead to cyclization of transformations and mass transfer along the emerging gradients. The evolution of the energy–matter interaction follows the pathway of capturing and transferring more energy by a smaller quantity of matter, i.e., the pathway of the increase in the amount of energy used by each unit mass. According to this parameter, the least effective mass transfer is a simple transfer as vortices of gases along the gradients of temperature and pressure, which took place on the primary surface of the planet. Long-term natural selection towards water accumulation on the planet has played a special role in the development of the interaction between energy and matter. Phase transitions (ice, water, and vapor) and mechanical transfers are the most common energy–matter processes. Chemical transformation of substances became possible based on water cycles, cyclic transfers, and transformations and developed with time into biological transformation. This type of energy–matter interaction is the most efficient. In particular, the energy of our star is captured during photosynthesis and utilized in the most active region of its radiation spectrum. During the biological evolution of heterotrophs, a increase in the coefficient that characterizes the energy exchange intensity from protozoa to mammals by several hundred times is most illustrative. The development and current dominance of humans as the species that is most active in the capturing of energy and meaningful organization of its new flows, in particular, based on the organic debris of former biospheres, is amazing but quite natural from the energy standpoint. During the technological evolution of humankind, the energy-exchange intensity for homoiotherms (warm-blooded animals) has increased by 20 times if it is recalculated for the technological energy that is used by the average inhabitant of the Earth. Thus, the victory of our species in planetary evolution fits well into the mainstream of the general evolution through energy–matter interactions: a multiple increase in star energy has been used to transform the matter on the surface of the irradiated planet. © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Inc.

Держатели документа:
Institute of Biophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Institute of Engineering Physics and Radioelectronics, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Pechurkin, N.S.; Shuvaev, A.N.

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    Low-temperature argon and ammonia plasma treatment of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate films: Surface topography and chemistry changes affect fibroblast cells in vitro / R. A. Surmenev [et al.] // Eur Polym J. - 2019. - Vol. 112. - P137-145, DOI 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2018.12.040 . - ISSN 0014-3057
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Cell adhesion -- Dielectric barrier discharge -- Plasma treatment -- Surface etching -- Wetting behaviour -- Ammonia -- Argon -- Cell adhesion -- Cell culture -- Chemical modification -- Contact angle -- Dielectric materials -- Electric discharges -- Fibroblasts -- Mammals -- Nitrogen plasma -- Plasma applications -- Surface roughness -- Surface treatment -- Temperature -- Topography -- Ammonia plasma treatment -- Dielectric barrier discharges -- Different proportions -- Plasma treatment -- Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate -- Poly3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) -- Surface etching -- Wetting behaviour -- Wetting
Аннотация: Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) films were plasma-treated using pure NH3, pure Ar or mixtures of the two different proportions (20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 70% NH3 in Ar). Surface chemistry and surface topography changes of PHB films were observed after plasma processing in all plasma regimes. The XPS results confirmed the absence of chemical modification in the case of pure Ar plasma treatment. Nitrogen-containing groups (e.g., N–C[dbnd]O) were detected on the surfaces of P3HB films treated with NH3-containing plasma. The surfaces of the untreated P3HB films were hydrophobic, and plasma treatment turned the surfaces hydrophilic, irrespective of the treatment. A significant decrease in the contact angle and an increase in the free surface energy were observed. An insignificant surface ageing effect was observed when P3HB samples were exposed to air for 10 days. In NIH 3T3 mice fibroblast cells, cell adhesion was significantly improved after plasma treatment in an Ar atmosphere, which is likely related to the fact that there was a surface ? potential of 88.6 mV at neutral pH, causing a cleavage of the polymer chains and an increase in surface roughness. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd

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Держатели документа:
Physical Materials Science and Composite Materials Centre, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation
Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, Stuttgart, 70569, Germany
Synchrotron Radiation Facility ANKA, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Institute of Biophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS”, 50/50 Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation
School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology, Siberian Federal University, 79 Svobodny pr., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Surmenev, R. A.; Chernozem, R. V.; Syromotina, D. S.; Oehr, C.; Baumbach, T.; Krause, B.; Boyandin, A. N.; Dvoinina, L. M.; Volova, T. G.; Surmeneva, M. A.

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