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    Volatile metabolites of higher plant crops as a photosynthesizing life support system component under temperature stress at different light intensities / I. I. Gitelson [et al.] // Advances in Space Research. - 2003. - Vol. 31, Is. 7. - P1781-1786, DOI 10.1016/S0273-1177(03)00121-2 . - ISSN 0273-1177
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Composition -- Crops -- Heat resistance -- Metabolites -- Photosynthesis -- Volatile metabolites -- Space research -- biosphere -- article -- comparative study -- gas -- growth, development and aging -- heat -- indoor air pollution -- light -- metabolism -- microclimate -- photon -- photosynthesis -- physiology -- radiation exposure -- volatilization -- wheat -- Air Pollution, Indoor -- Environment, Controlled -- Gases -- Heat -- Life Support Systems -- Light -- Photons -- Photosynthesis -- Triticum -- Volatilization
Аннотация: The effect of elevated temperatures of 35 and 45В°C (at the intensities of photosynthetically active radiation 322, 690 and 1104 ?mol-m-2-s-1) on the photosynthesis, respiration, and qualitative and quantitative composition of the volatiles emitted by wheat (Triticum aestuvi L., cultivar 232) crops was investigated in growth chambers. Identification and quantification of more than 20 volatile compounds (terpenoids - ?-pinene, ?3 carene, limonene, benzene, ?-and transcaryophyllene, ?- and ?-terpinene, their derivatives, aromatic hydrocarbons, etc.) were conducted by gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry. Under light intensity of 1104 ?mol-m-2-s-1, heat resistance of photosynthesis and respiration increased at 35В°C and decreased at 45В°C. The action of elevated temperatures brought about variations in the rate and direction of the synthesis of volatile metabolites. The emission of volatile compounds was the greatest under a reduced irradiation of 322 ?mol-m-2-s-1 and the smallest under 1104 ?mol-m-2-s-1 at 35В°C. During the repair period, the contents and proportions of volatile compounds were different from their initial values, too. The degree of disruption and the following recovery of the functional state depended on the light intensity during the exposure to elevated temperatures. The investigation of the atmosphere of the growth chamber without plants has revaled the substances that were definitely technogenic in origin: tetramethylurea, dimethylsulfide, dibutylsulfide, dibutylphthalate, and a number of components of furan and silane nature. В© 2003 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Держатели документа:
Institute of Biophysics, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russian Federation : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Gitelson, I.I.; Tikhomirov, A.A.; Parshina, O.V.; Ushakova, S.A.; Kalacheva, G.S.

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    Spectral composition of light and plant productivity / A. A. Tikhomirov // Advances in Space Research. - 1996. - Vol. 18, Is. 4-5. - P259-263 . - ISSN 0273-1177
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
article -- biology -- cucumber -- growth, development and aging -- illumination -- light -- maize -- photon -- photosynthesis -- plant -- radiation exposure -- spectroscopy -- sunflower -- tomato -- wheat -- Cucumis sativus -- Helianthus -- Light -- Lighting -- Lycopersicon esculentum -- Photobiology -- Photons -- Photosynthesis -- Plants -- Spectrum Analysis -- Triticum -- Zea mays

Держатели документа:
Institute of Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Academgorodok, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Tikhomirov, A.A.

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    Bios-3: Siberian experiments in bioregenerative life support / F. B. Salisbury, J. I. Gitelson, G. M. Lisovsky // BioScience. - 1997. - Vol. 47, Is. 9. - P575-585 . - ISSN 0006-3568
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
agriculture -- Chlorella -- construction work and architectural phenomena -- crop -- energy metabolism -- evaluation -- growth, development and aging -- human -- metabolism -- methodology -- microbiology -- microclimate -- NASA Discipline Life Support Systems -- Non-NASA Center -- photon -- review -- Russian Federation -- space flight -- NASA Discipline Life Support Systems -- Non-NASA Center -- Agriculture -- Chlorella -- Crops, Agricultural -- Ecological Systems, Closed -- Energy Metabolism -- Environment, Controlled -- Environmental Microbiology -- Evaluation Studies -- Facility Design and Construction -- Humans -- Life Support Systems -- Photons -- Siberia -- Space Flight -- Space Simulation

Держатели документа:
Dept. Plants, Soils, Biometeorology, College of Agriculture, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-4820, United States
Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of Russia, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Salisbury, F.B.; Gitelson, J.I.; Lisovsky, G.M.

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    PHOTON-PHONON INTERACTION INFLUENCE ON THE EXTERNAL VIBRATION SPECTRA OF MOLECULAR CRYSTALS. / A. N. Botvich [et al.] // Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. - 1986. - Vol. 134, Is. 2. - P515-522 . - ISSN 0370-1972
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: A method is developed to determine the parameters of electromagnetic and elastic excitations in molecular crystals including the polariton resonance region. The dependence of eigenvectors and eigenfrequencies on the wavevector of elementary excitations is calculated numerically for m-chloronitrobenzene crystals. The conditions are found when the photon-phonon resonance effect becomes observable in the Raman scattering (RS) spectra of this crystal.

Держатели документа:
Acad of Sciences of the USSR, Krasnoyarsk, USSR, Acad of Sciences of the USSR, Krasnoyarsk, USSR : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Botvich, A.N.; Shabanov, V.F.; Vtyurin, A.N.; Pozdnyakova, T.A.

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    Characterization of recombinant obelin as an intracellular Ca++ indicator [Text] / V. A. Illarionova [et al.] ; ed.: JW Hastings, LJ Kricka, J Kricka, // BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE: MOLECULAR REPORTING WITH PHOTONS : JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, 1997. - 9th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (OCT, 1996, WOODS HOLE, MA). - P427-430. - Cited References: 0 . - 4. - ISBN 0-471-97502-8
РУБ Biochemistry & Molecular Biology + Biophysics + Chemistry, Physical

: 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50
Доп.точки доступа:
Illarionova, V.A.; Illarionov, B.A.; Bondar, V.S.; Vysotski, E.S.; Blinks, J.R.; Hastings, JW \ed.\; Kricka, LJ \ed.\; Kricka,, J \ed.\

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    Removal of essential ligand in N-terminal calcium binding domain of obelin does not inactivate the photoprotein or reduce its calcium sensitivity, but dramatically alters the kinetics of the luminescent reaction [Text] / V. A. Illarionova [et al.] ; ed.: JW Hastings, LJ Kricka, J Kricka, // BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE: MOLECULAR REPORTING WITH PHOTONS : JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, 1997. - 9th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (OCT, 1996, WOODS HOLE, MA). - P431-434. - Cited References: 0 . - 4. - ISBN 0-471-97502-8
РУБ Biochemistry & Molecular Biology + Biophysics + Chemistry, Physical

: 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50
Доп.точки доступа:
Illarionova, V.A.; Illarionov, B.A.; Bondar, V.S.; Vysotski, E.S.; Blinks, J.R.; Hastings, JW \ed.\; Kricka, LJ \ed.\; Kricka,, J \ed.\

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    Bioluminescent immunoassay of alphafetoprotein with Ca2+-activated photoprotein obelin [Text] / L. A. Frank, E. S. Vysotski ; ed.: JW Hastings, LJ Kricka, J Kricka, // BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE: MOLECULAR REPORTING WITH PHOTONS : JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, 1997. - 9th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (OCT, 1996, WOODS HOLE, MA). - P439-442. - Cited References: 0 . - 4. - ISBN 0-471-97502-8
РУБ Biochemistry & Molecular Biology + Biophysics + Chemistry, Physical

: 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50
Доп.точки доступа:
Frank, L.A.; Vysotski, E.S.; Hastings, JW \ed.\; Kricka, LJ \ed.\; Kricka,, J \ed.\

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    Use of proZZ-obelin fusion protein in bioluminescent immunoassay [Text] / L. A. Frank, V. A. Illarionova, E. S. Vysotski // Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. - 1996. - Vol. 219, Is. 2. - P475-479, DOI 10.1006/bbrc.1996.0258. - Cited References: 21 . - 5. - ISSN 0006-291X
РУБ Biochemistry & Molecular Biology + Biophysics




Аннотация: Obelin is a photoprotein that emits light by Ca2+-binding. To develop a bioluminescent immunoassay based on the light emission property of obelin, we have expressed the apoobelin fusion protein with ZZ-domain of S. aureus protein A in E. coil by recombinant DNA techniques. The pro2Z-obelin expressed was purified by one-step affinity chromatography on IgG-Agarose. The purified proZZ-obelin has both the luminescent activity of obelin and the IgG-binding ability of ZZ-domain. The specific activity of fusion protein was 8.5 x 10(15) photons per mg of protein. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
: 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Frank, L.A.; Illarionova, V.A.; Vysotski, E.S.

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    OBELIN MESSENGER-RNA - A NEW TOOL FOR STUDIES OF TRANSLATION IN CELL-FREE SYSTEMS [Text] / S. V. MATVEEV [et al.] // Anal. Biochem. - 1995. - Vol. 231, Is. 1. - P34-39, DOI 10.1006/abio.1995.1499. - Cited References: 17 . - ISSN 0003-2697
РУБ Biochemical Research Methods + Biochemistry & Molecular Biology + Chemistry, Analytical




Аннотация: Obelin mRNA obtained in vitro with the aid of SP6 RNA polymerase was translated in a wheat germ cell-free system, Only the polypeptide with a molecular mass of about 20 kDa was synthesized. The activation of apoobelin with a synthetic coelenterazine revealed a luminescence activity initiated by calcium. The specific activity was 3.6 +/- 0.4 x 10(15) photons per mg of the in vitro synthesized obelin (k = 6.9 s(-1)). The luminescence of the obelin was in a good correlation with the protein concentration calculated by the incorporation of [C-14]Leu. The determination of the amount of de novo synthesized obelin based on measurement of its luminescence is one-thousand times more sensitive than the approach based on the incorporation of labeled amino acid. Thus, obelin mRNA has some advantages for evaluating the efficiency of cell-free translation when compared with standard methods. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.

Держатели документа:
ИБФ СО РАН : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:

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    Obelin as a carrier protein and reporter enzyme for in vitro synthesized small bioactive polypeptides: New approach to obtain sarcotoxin [Text] / B. A. Illarionov [et al.] ; ed.: JW Hastings, LJ Kricka, J Kricka, // BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE: MOLECULAR REPORTING WITH PHOTONS : JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, 1997. - 9th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (OCT , 1996, WOODS HOLE, MA). - P435-438. - Cited References: 0 . - ISBN 0-471-97502-8
РУБ Biochemistry & Molecular Biology + Biophysics + Chemistry, Physical

: 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50
Доп.точки доступа:
Illarionov, B.A.; Matveev, S.V.; Bondar, V.S.; Skosyrev, V.A.; Alakhov, Y.B.; Hastings, JW \ed.\; Kricka, LJ \ed.\; Kricka,, J \ed.\

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    Bacterial bioluminescence in ecological education [Text] / V. A. Kratasyuk, A. M. Kuznetsov, J. I. Gitelson ; ed.: JW Hastings, LJ Kricka, J Kricka, // BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE: MOLECULAR REPORTING WITH PHOTONS : JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, 1997. - 9th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (OCT, 1996, WOODS HOLE, MA). - P. 177-180. - Cited References: 0 . - ISBN 0-471-97502-8
РУБ Biochemistry & Molecular Biology + Biophysics + Chemistry, Physical

WOS : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50
Доп.точки доступа:
Kratasyuk, V.A.; Kuznetsov, A.M.; Gitelson, J.I.; Hastings, JW \ed.\; Kricka, LJ \ed.\; Kricka,, J \ed.\

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    Obelin as a carrier protein and reporter enzyme for in vitro synthesized small bioactive polypeptides: New approach to obtain sarcotoxin [Text] / B. A. Illarionov [et al.] ; ed.: JW Hastings, LJ Kricka, J Kricka, // BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE: MOLECULAR REPORTING WITH PHOTONS : JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, 1997. - 9th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (OCT , 1996, WOODS HOLE, MA). - P. 435-438. - Cited References: 0 . - ISBN 0-471-97502-8
РУБ Biochemistry & Molecular Biology + Biophysics + Chemistry, Physical

WOS : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50
Доп.точки доступа:
Illarionov, B.A.; Matveev, S.V.; Bondar, V.S.; Skosyrev, V.A.; Alakhov, Y.B.; Hastings, JW \ed.\; Kricka, LJ \ed.\; Kricka,, J \ed.\

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