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    Microbiological and isotopic-geochemical investigations of meromictic lakes in Khakasia in winter / A. S. Savvichev [и др.] // Mikrobiologiya. - 2005. - Vol. 74, Is. 4. - С. 552-561 . - ISSN 0026-3656
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Meromictic water bodies -- Microbial production and oxidation of methane -- Photosynthesis -- Stable isotopes of carbon (? 13C) and sulfur (? 34S) -- Sulfate reduction -- Bacteria (microorganisms) -- Chlorobi -- Chromatiaceae -- Lamprocystis purpurea -- Pelodictyon luteolum -- Photobacteria -- carbon -- fresh water -- methane -- sulfate -- sulfur -- article -- bacterial phenomena and functions -- bacterium -- comparative study -- isolation and purification -- metabolism -- microbiology -- oxidation reduction reaction -- photosynthesis -- Russian Federation -- season -- species difference -- Bacteria -- Bacterial Physiology -- Carbon Isotopes -- Fresh Water -- Methane -- Oxidation-Reduction -- Photosynthesis -- Seasons -- Siberia -- Species Specificity -- Sulfates -- Sulfur Isotopes -- Water Microbiology
Аннотация: Microbiological and isotopic-geochemical investigations of the brackish meromictic lakes Shira and Shunet were performed in the steppe region of Khakasia in winter. Measurements made with a submersed sensor demonstrated that one-meter ice transmits light in a quantity sufficient for oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis. As in the summer season, in the community of phototrophic bacteria found in Lake Shira, the purple sulfur bacteria Amoebobacter purpureus dominated, whereas, in Lake Shunet, the green sulfur bacteria Pelodictyon luteolum were predominant. Photosynthetic production, measured using the radioisotopic method, was several times lower than that in summer. The rates of sulfate reduction and production and oxidation of methane in the water column and bottom sediments were also lower than those recorded in summer. The process of anaerobic methane oxidation in the sediments was an exception, being more intense in winter than in summer. The data from radioisotopic measurements of the rates of microbial processes correlate well with the results of determination of the isotopic composition of organic and mineral carbon (? 13C) and hydrogen sulfide and sulfate (? 34S) and suggest considerable seasonal variations in the activity of the microbial community in the water bodies investigated.

Держатели документа:
Winogradsky Institute of Microbiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. 60-letiya Oktyabrya, Moscow, 117811, Russian Federation
Institute of Biophysics, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk 36, 660036, Russian Federation : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Savvichev, A.S.; Rusanov, I.I.; Rogozin, D.Yu.; Zakharova, E.E.; Lunina, O.N.; Bryantseva, I.A.; Yusupov, S.K.; Pimenov, N.V.; Degermendzhi, A.G.; Ivanov, M.V.

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    Survival and alteration of the plasmid-containing microorganism Escherichia coli Z905/pPHL7 introduced into manmade closed aquatic microcosms / A. N. Boyandin [et al.] // Advances in Space Research. - 2003. - Vol. 31, Is. 7. - P1763-1768, DOI 10.1016/S0273-1177(03)00118-2 . - ISSN 0273-1177
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Cells -- Escherichia coli -- Salts -- Recombinant plamid -- Space research -- ampicillin -- chloride -- inorganic salt -- magnesium -- mineral -- potassium -- sodium -- sulfate -- genetically modified organism -- article -- bacterial count -- chemoluminescence -- culture medium -- drug effect -- Escherichia coli -- genetics -- growth, development and aging -- microbiology -- microclimate -- penicillin resistance -- plasmid -- Russian Federation -- transgenic organism -- Ampicillin -- Ampicillin Resistance -- Chemiluminescent Measurements -- Chlorides -- Colony Count, Microbial -- Culture Media -- Ecological Systems, Closed -- Escherichia coli -- Magnesium -- Minerals -- Organisms, Genetically Modified -- Plasmids -- Potassium -- Russia -- Salts -- Sodium -- Sulfates -- Water Microbiology
Аннотация: It has been demonstrated that the transgenic microorganism Escherichia coli Z905/pPHL7 (Ap'Lux+) can exist for a long time at an elevated concentration of mineral salts. The microorganism was introduced into microcosms with sterile brackish water (salinity variable from 21 to 22 g 1-1) taken from Lake Shira (Khakasia, Russia). The survivof the microorganism was estimated both by measuring the growth of the colonies on solid nutrient media and by the bioluminescence exhibited by the transgenic strain in samples from the microcosms and in the enrichment culture with the added selective factor - ampicillin (50 ?g/ml). In the enrichment culture, the bioluminescent signal was registered through the 160-day experiment. It has been shown that in the closed microcosms with brackish water the E. coli strain becomes heterogeneous in its ampicillin resistance. The populations of the transgenic strain were mainly represented by isolates able to persist in the medium containing 50 ?g/ml, but there were also the cells (about 10%) with the threshold of ampicillin resistance not more than 0.05 ?g/ml. Thus, it was shown that in the microcosms with brackish water and in the absence of the selective factor the transgenic strain survives and retains the recombinant plasmid. В© 2003 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Держатели документа:
Institute of Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russian Federation : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Boyandin, A.N.; Lobova, T.I.; Popova, L.Yu.; Pechurkin, N.S.

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    Microbial processes of the carbon and sulfur cycles in Lake Shira (Khakasia) / N. V. Pimenov [и др.] // Mikrobiologiya. - 2003. - Vol. 72, Is. 2. - С. 259-267 . - ISSN 0026-3656
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Anoxygenic photosynthesis -- Lake Shira -- Production and oxidation of methane -- Purple sulfur bacteria -- Sulfate reduction -- Bacteria (microorganisms) -- Chromatiaceae -- Lamprocystis -- Proteobacteria -- Thiocapsa -- carbon -- fresh water -- methane -- sulfate -- sulfur -- article -- Chromatiaceae -- comparative study -- metabolism -- microbiology -- oxidation reduction reaction -- photosynthesis -- Russian Federation -- Carbon -- Chromatiaceae -- Fresh Water -- Methane -- Oxidation-Reduction -- Photosynthesis -- Russia -- Sulfates -- Sulfur
Аннотация: Microbiological and biogeochemical studies of the meromictic saline Lake Shira (Khakasia) were conducted. In the upper part of the hydrogen-sulfide zone, at a depth of 13.5-14 m, there was a pale pink layer of water due to the development of purple bacteria (6 ? 10 5 cells/ml), which were assigned by their morphological and spectral characteristics to Lamprocystis purpureus (formerly Amoebobacter purpurea). In August, the production of organic matter (OM) in Lake Shira was estimated to be 943 mg C/(m 2 day). The contribution of anoxygenic photosynthesis was insignificant (about 7% of the total OM production). The share of bacterial chemosynthesis was still less (no more than 2%). In the anaerobic zone, the community of sulfate-reducing bacteria played a decisive role in the terminal decomposition of OM. The maximal rates of sulfate reduction were observed in the near-bottom water (114 ?g S/(1 day)) and in the surface layer of bottom sediments (901 ?g S/(dm 3 day)). The daily expenditure of C org for sulfate reduction was 73% of C org formed daily in the processes of oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis and bacterial chemosynthesis. The profile of methane distribution in the water column and bottom sediments was typical of meromictic reservoirs. The methane content in the water column increased beginning with the thermocline (7-8 m), and reached maximum values in the near-bottom water (17 ?l/l). In bottom sediments, the greatest methane concentrations (57 ?l/l) were observed in the surface layer (0-3 cm). The integral rate of methane formation in the water column and bottom sediments was almost an order of magnitude higher than the rate of its oxidation by aerobic and anaerobic methanotrophic microorganisms.

Держатели документа:
Institute of Microbiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. 60-letiya Oktyabrya 7, k. 2, Moscow, 117312, Russian Federation
Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Institute of Biophysics, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation : 660036, Красноярск, Академгородок, д. 50, стр. 50

Доп.точки доступа:
Pimenov, N.V.; Rusanov, I.I.; Karnachuk, O.V.; Rogozin, D.Yu.; Bryantseva, I.A.; Lunina, O.N.; Yusupov, S.K.; Parnachev, V.P.; Ivanov, M.V.

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