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 1-20    21-40   41-53 

New station for optical observation of electron beam parameters at electron storage ring Siberia-2/A. Stirin [et al.] // 2014 20th International Workshop on Beam Dynamics and Optimization, BDO 2014; St. Petersburg; Russian Federation; 30 June-4 July 2014. -Danvers:IEEE, 2014.- Art.nr 6890083

Development of the Methods of Beam Energy Spread Determination in the VEPP-4M Collider/O. I. Meshkov [et al.] // Proceedings of the 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC’08, Genoa, Italy, 23-27 June 2008. -S.l.:EPAC, 2008.-С.1209-1211

The VEPP-4M Dynamic Aperture Determination with Beam-beam Effects/V. A. Kiselev [et al.] // Proceedings of the 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC’08, Genoa, Italy, 23-27 June 2008. -S.l.:EPAC, 2008.-С.3170-3172

Meshkov O.I. Multi-pinhole camera for beam position and vertical angle stabilization/O. I. Meshkov, A. N. Zhuravlev // XXIth Russian Particle Accelerator Conference (RuPAC 2008), Zvenigorod, September 28 – October 3, 2008 : proceedings. -Dubna:JINR, 2008.-С.279-281

Direct comparison of the methods of beam energy spread determination in the VEPP-4M collider/O. I. Meshkov [et al.] // 8th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, DIPAC 2007; Venice, Mestre; Italy; 20-23 May 2007. -S.l., 2007.-С.244-246

The NSLS-II Booster development and commisioning/V. Kiselev [et al.] // XXIV Russian Particle Accelerator Conference “RuPAC2014”, Obninsk, 6-10 October 2014. -S.l., 2014.-С.293-295

Comparison of the Methods for Beam Energy Spread Measurement at the VEPP-4M/V. A. Kiselev [et al.] // Proceedings of the 4th Asian Particle Accelerator conference (APAC2007), Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India, January 29 - February 2, 2007. -S.l., 2007.-С.416-418

The VEPP-4M dynamic aperture determunation through the precise measurement of the beam lifetime/A. N. Zhuravlev [et al.] // 8th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, DIPAC 2007; Venice, Mestre; Italy; 20-23 May 2007. -S.l., 2007.-С.238-240

Beam energy spread measurement at the VEPP-4M electron-positron collider/V. A. Kiselev [et al.] // XXth Russian Conference on Charged Particle Accelerators (RuPAC 2006), September 10-14, 2006, Novosibirsk, Russia : Contributions to the Proceedings. -S.l.:JACoW, 2006.-С.61-63

Recent results from the KEDR detector/S. I. Eidelman [et al.] // XV International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy : Hadron 2013, Nara, Japan, November 4-8, 2013, 2013.- Art.nr PoS(Hadron 2013)064

Status of VEPP-4M Collider/E. Levichev [et al.] // IPAC 2016 : Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, 8-13 May 2016, Busan, Korea. -S.l.:JACoW, 2016.-С.3818-3820

Study of beam energy spread at the VEPP-4M/O. I. Meshkov [et al.] // Proceedings of the 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26-30 June 2006. -S.l.:EPAC, 2006.-С.1178-1180

Study of Beam Dynamics during the Crossing of the Third-Order Resonance at VEPP-4M/S. A. Glukhov [et al.] // PAC09 : Proceedings of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 4 – 8 May 2009. -Vancouver:TRIUMF, 2009.-С.1894-1898

Accelerator Physics Activity at the VEPP-4M Collider/V. E. Blinov [et al.] // PAC09 : Proceedings of the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 4 – 8 May 2009. -Vancouver:TRIUMF, 2009.-С.4012-4014

New station for optical observation of electron beam parameters at electron storage ring Siberia-2/E. Fomin [et al.] // BIW12 : Fifteenth Beam Instrumentation Workshop, 15-19 April 2012, Newport News, Virginia, USA. -S.l.:JACoW, 2012.-С.189-191

NSLS-II injector commissioning and initial operation/B. Bacha [et al.] // IPAC 2015 : Proceedings of the 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, Virginia, USA, 3 - 9 May, 2015. -S.l.:JACoW, 2015.-С.1944-1946

Commissioning of NSLS-II booster/S. Gurov [et al.] // IPAC2014 : Proceedings of the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, June 15-20 2014, Dresden, Germany. -Dresden, 2014.-С.295-297

Turn-by-turn beam profile study at VEPP-4M/E. B. Levichev [et al.] // IPAC2014 : Proceedings of the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, June 15-20 2014, Dresden, Germany. -Dresden, 2014.-С.3620-3622

Experimental comparison of performance of various fluorescent screens applied for relativistic electron/positron beam imaging/O. I. Meshkov [et al.] // DIPAC 2011: 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, Hamburg, Germany, May 16-18, 2011: proceedings. -Hamburg:DESY, 2011.-С.558-560

New station for optical observation of electron beam parameters at electron storage ring SIBERIA-2/A. Stirin [et al.] // IPAC2014 : Proceedings of the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, June 15-20 2014, Dresden, Germany. -Dresden, 2014.-С.3611-3613
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