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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   51-60      

12th International symposium on high-energy spin physics SPIN 96, Amsterdam, 10-14 September 1996, and Workshop on polarized electron sources and low-energy polarimeters, 6-7 September 1996, and Workshop on high-energy polarimeters, 9 September 1996. - 1996

International conference on instrumentation for colliding beam physics(5;1990;Novosibirsk). 5th International conference on instrumentation for colliding beam physics, Institute of nuclear physics, Novosibirsk, USSR, March 15-21, 1990/ed. by E. P. Solodov. - 1990

International school-seminar on automation and computing in science, engineering and industry(7;1996;Moscow). 7th International school-seminar on automation and computing in science, engineering and industry/Russ. acad. of sciences, Inst. for nuclear research, Moscow state univ., Intern. informatization acad., Joint RAS-MSU center "ELICS". - 1996]

Meeting on the tau-charm factory detector and machine, Seville, Spain, 29 April - 2 May 1991/ed. by J. Kirkby, J. M. Quesada. - 1991

Nuclear electronics & computing/Объединенный институт ядерных исследований. - 2010

Nuclear instruments and their uses. Vol. 1:Ionization detectors, scintillators, cerenkov counters, amplifiers: assay, dosimetry, health physics/Wolfgang Franzen, L. W. Cochran, R. B. Murray [et al.]. - 1962

Production and neutralization of negative ions and beams/ed. M. P. Stockli. - 2002

Production and neutralization of negative ions and beams/American institute of physics. - 2005

Production and neutralization of negative ions and beams. - 1996

Production and neutralization of negative ions and beams/ed.: James G. Alessi, Ady Hershcovitch. - 1994
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