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   В3 ксерокопия

    International conference on low temperature physics (12 ; 1970 ; Sept. ; 4-10 ; Kyoto, Japan).
    Proceeding of the Twelfth International conference on low temperature physics [Xerocopy] : [В 2-х кн.] / ed. E. Kanda. - [S. l.] : Academic press of Japan, 1971. - 895 с. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - 38.88 р.
Foreword E Kanda
List of contributors
Brain Josephson and macroscopic
Inside neutron stars D Pines
Experimental tests of scaling laws near the superfluid
Third sound fourth sound and the healing length of
Recent experimental work on solid helium ed Adams
A simple demonstration of the scaling laws for the
Critical heat currents in liquid helium II near 1
He quas1particle mean free path below 100 mK D S Betts
Energy spectrum of the excitations in liquid helium II
The velocity of second sound in liquid mixtures of He3 and
On the pair theory of many boson system S Nakajima
Superconducting properties of some homogeneous and
Electromagnetic response of type II superconductors in
Flux flow and transport properties of superconductors
Critical heat currents in liquid helium II near 1 51
Specific heat of liquid 3hE4hE mixtures near the junctioN
Experimental study of the interdependence of normaL
Quantized rotation in superfluid helium R W Guernsey Jr
Generation of high density charge carriers In liquid He II
Evidence for a superfluidinduced surface barrier for
Measurements of equilibrium and flowing helium films
Thickness of the static and moving He II film W E Keller
Superconductivity and the anderson model F Takano and 2
NMR studies on magnetic field and magnetic impurity
Fluctuations of the order parameter in zero dimensional
Critical behaviour in the linear response of a supercon
Fluctuations near the onset of the resistive transition in
Measurement of superconducting energy gaps with microwave
Phonon contribution to the far infrared absorptivity of
Investigation of highly anisotropic superconductors Zn
ББК В368.3я431

Держатели документа:
Библиотека Института физики им. Л.В. Киренского СО РАН
Доп.точки доступа:
Kanda, Eizo \ed.\
Экземпляры всего: 1
КФ (1)
Свободны: КФ (1)}
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