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    Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 42 / ed.: H. L. Strauss, G. T. Babcock, S. R. Leone. - [S. l.] : Palo Alto, 1991. - 819 p. - Bibliogr. at the end ot the art. - Ind.: p. 769-819. - ISSN 0084-6600. - ISBN 0-8243-1042-X : 3000.00 р.
Hirota, Eizi. From High-Resolution Spectroscopy to Chemical Reactions / Eizi Hirota. - P .1–23
Barrat, J. L. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Supercooled Liquids near the Glass Transition / J. L. Barrat, Klein . - P .23–53
Shida, T. Photochemistry and Spectroscopy of Organic Ions and Radicals / T Shida. - P .55–81
Elsaesser, T. Vibrational and Vibronic Relaxation of Large Polyatomic Molecules in Liquids / T Elsaesser, W Kaiser. - P .83–107
Muller-Dethlefs, K. High-Resolution Zero Kinetic Energy (ZEKE) Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Molecular Systems / K Muller-Dethlefs, E W Schlag. - P .109–136
Jones, R. B. Dynamics of Suspended Colloidal Spheres / R B Jones, P N Pusey. - P .137–169
McConnell, H. M. Structures and Transitions in Lipid Monolayers at the Air-Water Interface / H M McConnell. - P .171–195
Brunger, A. T. Simulated Annealing in Crystallography / A T Brunger. - P .197–223
Ediger, M. D. Time-Resolved Optical Studies of Local Polymer Dynamics / M D Ediger. - P .225–250
Friend, C. M. Reactions on Transition Metal Surfaces / C M Friend, X Xu. - P .251–278
Warshel, A. Computer Simulations of Electron-Transfer Reactions in Solution and in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers / A Warshel, W W Parson. - P .279–309
Martin, J. E. The Sol-Gel Transition in Chemical Gels / J E Martin, D Adolf. - P .311–339
Friesner, R. A. New Methods For Electronic Structure Calculations on Large Molecules / R A Friesner. - P .341–367
Cohen, R. C. Multidimensional Intermolecular Potential Surfaces From Vibration-Rotation-Tunneling (VRT) Spectra of Van Der Waals Complexes / R C Cohen, J Saykally R. - P .369–392
Shannon, C. Electrode Reactions of Well-Characterized Adsorbed Molecules / C Shannon, G Frank D, T Hubbard A. - P .393–431
Dybowski, C. NMR Spectroscopy of Xenon in Confined Spaces: Clathrates, Intercalates, and Zeolites / C Dybowski, Bansal N, M Duncan T. - P .433–464
Moskovits, M. Metal Clusters / M Moskovits. - P .465–499
James, T. L. Generation of High-Resolution Protein Structures in Solution From Multidimensional NMR / T L James, J Basus V. - P .501–542
Lewis, N. S. An Analysis of Charge Transfer Rate Constants for Semiconductor/Liquid Interfaces / N S Lewis. - P .543–580
Miller, R. J. D. Vibrational Energy Relaxation and Structural Dynamics of Heme Proteins / R J D Miller. - P .581–614
Raghavachari, K. Electron Correlation Techniques in Quantum Chemistry: Recent Advances / K Raghavachari. - P .615–642
F, Celii G. Diamond Chemical Vapor Deposition / Celii F, E Butler J. - P .643–684
Goldman, A. I. Quasicrystal Structure and Properties / A I Goldman, Widom M. - P .685–729
Rowland, S. F. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion / S F Rowland. - P .731–768
ББК Ж3 + В341.8 + З854.3
   Материалы оптические--Сборники

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Держатели документа:
Библиотека Института физики им. Л.В. Киренского СО РАН

Доп.точки доступа:
Strauss, Herbert L. \ed.\; Babcock, Gerald T. \ed.\; Leone, Stephen R. \ed.\
Экземпляры всего: 1
КФ (1)
Свободны: КФ (1)}
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    Magnetism. A treatise on modern theory and materials / ed.: G. T. Rado, H. Suhl. - New York : Academic Press, 1963 - . - Пер.загл.: Магнетизм. Монография по современной теории и материалам.
   Vol. 1 : Magnetic ions in insulators, their interactions, resonances, and optical properties. - 1963. - 688 p. : il. - Bibliogr. at the end of the articles
Перевод заглавия: Магнитные ионы в непроводниках, их взаимодействие, резонансные и оптические свойства
Stevens, K. W.H. Spin Hamiltonians / K.W.H. Stevens
Anderson, Philip W. Exchange in insulators / P. W. Anderson
Moriya, Toru. Weak ferromagnetism / T. Moriya
Kanamori, Junjiro. Anisotropy and magnetostrictions of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials / J. Kanamori
Slonczewski, John C. Magnetic annealing / J. C. Slonczewski
Sugano, Satoru. Optical spectra in magnetically ordered materials / S. Sugano, Y. Tanabe
Wickersheim, Kenneth A. Optical and infrared properties of magnetic materials / K. A. Wickersheim
Walker, L. R. Spin waves and other magnetic modes / L. R. Walker
Foner, Simon. Antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic resonance / S. Foner
Haas, C. Warren. Ferromagnetic relaxation and resonance line widths / C. W. Haas, H. B. Callen
Damon, Richard W. Ferromagnetic resonance at high power / R. W. Damon
Button, Kenneth J. Microwave devices / K. J. Button, T. S. Hartwick
   Перевод заглавия: Магнитные ионы в непроводниках, их взаимодействие, резонансные и оптические свойства
ББК В373.3 + В334

Держатели документа:
Библиотека Института физики им. Л.В. Киренского СО РАН

Доп.точки доступа:
Rado, George T. \ed.\; Suhl, Harry \ed.\ КФ
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