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Шифр: I095023 (Журнал)
IEEE Spectrum . - New York : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1964 - . - Выходит ежемесячно. - ISSN 0018-9235
Зарегистрированы поступления:
      1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1983
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Держатели документа:
Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского СО РАН

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Шифр: P014640/2001/Special issue

Physica Status Solidi . - Berlin : Akademie-Verlag GmbH, 1963 - - 1970. - Выходит ежемесячно
2001г. Special issue . - XII. - 400pp. - 40 Years of Phisica Status Solidi
Bernard, Maurice G. A. Laser Conditions in Semiconductors / M. G.A. Bernard, G. Duraffourg. - P.15
Berezis, A. A. Electron-positron colour centre in alkali halides / A. A. Berezis, R. A. Evakestov. - P.113
Müuller, E. W. Atom-probe FIM studies of vanadium, rhenium, and a copper-beryllium alloy / E. W. Müuller, S. V. Krishnaswamy. - P.107
Chadi, D. J. Tight-binding calculations of the valence bands of diamond and zincblende crystals / D. J. Chadi, M. L. Cohen. - P.151
Gutsche, E. Spin-Orbit Splitting of the Valence Band of Wurtzite Type Crystals / E. Gutsche, E. Jahne. - P.51
Davydov, A. S. Solitary excitons in one-dimensional molecular chains / A. S. Davydov, N. I. Kislukha. - P.121
Efros, A. L. Critical Behaviour of Conductivity and Dielectric Constant near the Metal-Non-Metal Transition Threshold / A. L. Efros, B. I. Shklovskii. - P.167
Barnett, D. M. Dislocations and line charges in anisotropic piezoelectric insulators / D. M. Barnett, J. Lothe. - P.135
Mott, N. F. Localized States in Disordered Lattices / N. F. Mott, R. S. Allgaier. - P.61
Phillips, J. C. Structure and conductivity of bilinear organic compounds / J. C. Phillips. - P.179
Kronmüller, H. Theory of Nucleation Fields in Inhomogeneous Ferromagnet / H. Kronmüller. - P.257
Landsberg, P. T. Electron Interaction Effects on Recombination Spectra / P. T. Landsberg. - P.35
Bonch-Bruevich, V. L. On the Theory of Electrical Domains in Hot Electron Semiconductors / V. L. Bonch-Bruevich. - P.95
Böer, K. W. Artificial Initiation of Layer-Like Field Inhomogeneities in CdS Single Crystals / K. W. Böer, Wilhelm W. E. . - P.21
Stutznan, Martin. Preface: Looking back and looking forward / M. Stutznan. - P.VII
Wannier, G. H. A Result Not Dependent on Rationality for Bloch Electrons in a Magnetic Field / G. H. Wannier. - P.185
Shanks, H. Infrared Spectrum and Structure of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon / H. Shanks [и др.]. - P.201
Другие авторы: Fang C. J., Ley L., Cardona M., Demond F. J., Kalbitzer S.
Gevers, K. wo Beam Kinematical Theory for the Diffraction of Electrons by Crystals with Stacking Faults / K. Gevers, J. van Landuyt, S. Amelinckx. - P.75
Dersch, H. Electron Spin Resonance of Doped Glow-Discharge Amorphous Silicon / H. Dersch, J. Stuke, J. Beichler. - P.231
Hewett, C. A. Pulsed ion beam annealing of Ti-Au alloys / C. A. Hewett [и др.]. - P.251
Другие авторы: Lac S. S., Fastow R., Mayer J. W.
Skrotzki, W. Plasticity of polycrystalline ionic solids / W. Skrotzki, O. Frommeyer, P. Haasen. - P.241
Bloom, S. Band Structure and Reflectivity of GaN / S. Bloom [и др.]. - P.127
Другие авторы: Harbeke G., Meier E., Ortenburger I. B.
Myciblski, J. Theory of free-carrier absorption in polar semiconductors due to electron-LO-phonon interaction / J. Myciblski [и др.]. - P.143
Другие авторы: Aziza A., Mycielski A., Balkanski M.
Englert, Th. On the Electronic g-Faetor in n-Type Silicon Inversion Layers / Th. Englert [и др.]. - P.195
Другие авторы: von Klitzing K., Nicholas R. J. , Landwehr G., Dorda G., Pepper M.
Mann, E. Das elastische Verschiebungsfeld von Einzel- und Doppelkräften in anisotropen Medien / E. Mann, R.v. Jan, A. Seeder. - P.1
Gong, J. Noise measurements on photo avalanche diodes / J. Gong [и др.]. - P.215
Другие авторы: van Vliet K. M., Sutherland A. D., Chenette E. R.
Tauc, J. Optical Properties and Electronic Structure of Amorphous Germanium / J. Tauc, R. Grigorovici, A. Vancu. - P.39
Zimmermann, R. Nonlinear Optics and the Mott Transition in Semiconductors / R. Zimmermann. - P.269
Meinel, K. On twin and stacking fault formation during the epitaxial film growth of f.c.c. materials on (111) substrates / K. Meinel, M. Klaua, H. Bethge. - P.283
Ma, E. Pt2Al3 formation on evaporated and large-grained Al substrates / E. Ma, M-A. Nicolet. - P.291
Rührig, M. Domain Observations on Fe-Cr-Fe Layered Structnres. Evidence for a Biquadratic Coupling Effect / M. Rührig [и др.]. - P.297
Другие авторы: Schäfer R., Hubert A., Mosler R., Wolf J. A., Demokritov S., Grünberg P.
Fau, C. Non-Linear Temperature—Band Gap Variation in Small-Gap Semiconductors and Semimetals / C. Fau, S. Charar, M. Averous. - P.319
Horváth, Á. Electroabsorption in Conjugated Polymers / Á. Horváth, H. Bässler, G. Weiser. - P.325
Yoo, I. K. Mechanism of Fatigue in Ferroelectric Thin Films / I. K. Yoo, S. B. Desu. - P.335
Bauer, E. Low Energy Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures / E. Bauer. - P.345
Bimberg, D. InAs-GaAs quantum dots: From growth to lasers / D. Bimberg [и др.]. - P.359
Другие авторы: Ledentsov N. N., Grundmann M., Kirstaedter N., Schmidt O.G., Mao M.H., Ustinov V.M., Egorov A. Yu., Zhukov A. E., Kopev P. S., Alferov Zh. I., Ruvimov S. S. , Gösele U., Heydenreich J.
Kaminskii, A. A. Stimulated Raman Scattering in α-Al2O3 Leucosapphire Single Crystals at Room Temperature / A. A. Kaminskii [и др.]. - P.375
Другие авторы: Eichler H. J., Grebe D., Macdonals R., Butashin A. V.
Nakamura, S. Present Status of InGaN-Based Laser Diodes / S. Nakamura. - P.377
Shan, L. Vortex Dynamic Properties of Vortex-Liquid Phase in YBa2Cu3O7–δ Epitaxial Films / L. Shan [и др.]. - P.385
Другие авторы: Wang Z.H., Xu X.N., Jin X., Shen L.J., Lam C.C., Chen Y.S.
Nikl, M. Efficient Medium-Speed PbWO4:Mo,Y Scintillator / M. Nikl [и др.]. - P.393
Другие авторы: Bohacek P., Vedda A., Martini M., Pazzi G.P., Fabeni P., Kobayashi M.
Schön, J. H. Composite Fermions in Organic Semiconductors / J. H. Schön. - P.397
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