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Поисковый запрос: (<.>A=Попов, Александр Кузьмич$<.>)
Общее количество найденных документов : 133
Показаны документы с 1 по 20
 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-80   81-100   101-120      

Tunable Narrow-band Filtering, Parametric Amplification and Mirrorless Oscillations in Doped Negative - index Materials/Popov A.K., Myslivets S.A., Shalaev V.M. // Proceedings of NATO Advance Research Workshop & META'08. -Paris:LGEP-SUPELE C.-С.580-585

Backward-wave optical parametric amplification and mirrorless oscillations in negative-index materials/Popov A.K., Myslivets S.A., Shalaev V.M. // APS March Meeting, March 10-14, 2008; New Orleans, Louisiana; Bulletin of the American Physical Society Series II, 2008. - V. 53, № 2, Abstract V28.00002, p.476

Effects of losses and phase mismatch on transient processes in optical Parametric amplification through three-wave mixing of ordinary and backward electromagnetic waves/V. A. Tkachenko [et al.] // Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), 2017.-С.933-934

Frequency mixing of guided electromagnetic waves in hyperbolic metamaterials/A. K. Popov [et al.] // International conference "Days on diffraction" , 2017.-С.119

Effects of losses and phase mismatch on transient processes in optical parametric amplification through three-wave mixing of ordinary and backward electromagnetic waves/V. A. Tkachenko [et al.] // Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall:IEEE, 2017.-С.720-723

Особенности переходных процессов при параметрическом взаимодействии встречных волн/В. В. Слабко [и др.] // Квантовая электроника:Физический институт им. П. Н. Лебедева РАН, 2015. т.Т. 45,N №. 12.-С.1151–1152

Mimicking Frequency-mixing in Nonlinear Optical Negative-index Metamaterials: nidirectional Raman Amplification and Shaping of Optical Pulses/A. K. Popov [et al.] // 16th International Conference Laser Optics (LO 2014):IEEE Computer Society, 2014.- Ст.WeR8-25

Nonlinear-optical up and down frequency-converting backward-wave metasensors and metamirrors/A. K. Popov [et al.] // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2013. т.Vol. 8725.- Ст.87252E

Компенсация поглощения в метаматериалах с отрицательным показателем преломления с помощью оптического параметрического усиления/С. В. Карпов [и др.] // Метаматериалы и структурно организованные среды для оптоэлектроники, СВЧ-техники и нанофотоники. -Новосибирск:Изд-во СО РАН, 2013.-С.13-40

Unidirectional amplification and shaping of optical pulses by three-wave mixing with negative phonons/A. K. Popov [et al.] // Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing:Springer, 2013. т.Vol. 115,N Is. 2.-С.523-529

Nonlinear backward-wave photonic metamaterials/A. K. Popov [et al.] // Advances in Science and Technology, 2013. т.Vol. 77.-С.246-252

Nonlinear backward-wave photonic metamaterials/A. K. Popov [и др.] // Proceedings 4th International Conference "Smart Materials, Structures, and Systems", 2012.-С.47

Photonic devices with negative phonons: a concept, extraordinary properties and materials/A. K. Popov [et al.] // 8th International Conference on Optics-Photonics Design and Fabrication (ODF12), 2012.-С.4S4-02

Enhancing coherent nonlinear-optical processes in nonmagnetic backward-wave materials/A. K. Popov [и др.] // The 3th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META’12), 2012.-С.66

Photonic amplification and switching through nonlinear coupling with negative phonons/A. K. Popov [et al.] // International Conference on Photonics in Switching, PS 2012, 2012.- Ст.6608287

Popov A. K. Numerical simulations of metamaterial-based infrared sensor for remote environmental monitoring/A. K. Popov, S. A. Myslivets // Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2011

Coherent Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Control in Negative-Index Metamaterials/A. K. Popov, S. A. Myslivets, V. M. Shalaev // arXiv, 2009.- Ст.arXiv:0906.0276

Mirrorless optical parametric oscillations in Negative-index microstructures/A. K. Popov, S. A. Myslivets, V. M. Shalaev // Proceedings of 2008 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON. -Athens, 2008. т.Vol. 4.- Ст.Mo.C4.6.-С.34-37

Popov A. K. Transformable broad-band transparency and amplification in negative-index films/A. K. Popov, S. A. Myslivets // Applied Physics Letters, 2008. т.Vol. 93,N Is. 19.- Ст.191117

Transformable broad-band transparency and amplification in negative-index films/A. K. Popov, S. A. Myslivets // Applied Physics Letters:American Institute of Physics, 2008. т.Т. 93,N № 19.-С.191117
 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-80   81-100   101-120      

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