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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Ovchinnikov S. G., Burkova L. V., Seredkin V. A., Yakovchuk V. Y.
Заглавие : An analysis of the mechanism of Kerr effect enhancement in Mn/Dy/Bi
Место публикации : Phys. Solid State: AMER INST PHYSICS, 1999. - Vol. 41, Is. 1. - P80-86. - ISSN 1063-7834, DOI 10.1134/1.1130733
Примечания : Cited References: 35
Предметные рубрики: ELECTRONIC-STRUCTURE
Аннотация: A study is reported of the structural, magnetic, and magneto-optic properties of Mn/Dy/Bi films obtained by multilayer technology. The maximum Kerr rotation angle in such films is shown to be theta(k) = 2.25 degrees. Possible reasons for such a large Kerr effect enhancement are considered, namely, an increase in the 6p - 3d transition probability caused by symmetry distortion, polarization of the Bi6p band, and a change in the density of states near the Fermi level. The latter reason has been analyzed by simulating the electronic structure of Mn/Dy/Bi through superposition of Dy levels on the MnBi band structure. This approach has revealed possible additional transitions which may be induced by the presence of a Dy buffer and could contribute to the Kerr magneto-optic effect. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S1063=7834(99)02001-8].
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Burkova L. V., Seredkin V. A., Yakovchuk V. Y.
Заглавие : Enhancement of the Kerr effect in magnetooptical DyFeCo/GeO carriers
Место публикации : Tech. Phys.: AMER INST PHYSICS, 2000. - Vol. 45, Is. 3. - P359-361. - ISSN 1063-7842, DOI 10.1134/1.1259634
Примечания : Cited References: 11
Аннотация: The optimum parameters of a dielectric layer near the substrate in the interference multilayer structure are calculated. The calculations showed that this layer should have the index of refraction n similar to 3. The results are presented of measuring the Kerr angle of magnetooptical rotation in the multilayer structure, in which GeO films were used as dielectric layers for the first time. The maximum Kerr angle of rotation and magnetooptical quality observed in this system were 0.75 degrees and 0.34 degrees, respectively. These values exceed those inherent in the known information carriers, which demonstrates the advantage of this structure for use in magnetooptical discs. (C) 2000 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Iskhakov R. S., Frolov G. I., Zhigalov V. S., Prokof'ev D. E., Burkova L. V.
Заглавие : From superparamagnetic to magnetically ordered state in Co-Sm-О nanocrystalline films
Место публикации : Physics of Metals and Metallography. - 2006. - Vol. 102, Suppl. 1. - P.S61-S63. - DOI 10.1134/S0031918X06140158
Примечания : Библиогр.: 11
Аннотация: Transition of the system of Co nanoparticles from a superparamagnetic state into the region of cooperative magnetic ordering caused by effects of magnetic interaction between particles has been analyzed. The possibility of the preparation of materials with soft magnetic properties and higher electrical resistivity was shown.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Chzhan A. V., Patrin G. S., Kiparisov S. Y., Seredkin V. A., Burkova L. V., Velikanov D. A.
Заглавие : Magnetic and magneto-optical properties of Co-P films prepared by chemical deposition
Место публикации : J. Magn. Magn. Mater. - 2011. - Vol. 323, Is. 20. - P.2493-2496. - OCT. - ISSN 0304-8853, DOI 10.1016/j.jmmm.2011.05.024
Примечания : Cited Reference Count: 22. - Гранты: This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project no. 08-02-00397a and the departmental target program Development of Scientific Potential of Higher Education, 2009-2010, Project no. 2.1.1./4399.Финансирующая организация: Russian Foundation for Basic Research [08-02-00397a]; departmental target program Development of Scientific Potential of Higher Education [2.1.1./4399]
Предметные рубрики: SPECTROSCOPY
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): co-p films--chemically deposition--the polar kerr and faraday effects--hysteresis loops--chemically deposition--cop films--hysteresis loops--the polar kerr and faraday effects--chemical deposition--chemically deposition--co films--cop films--film magnetization--film surface morphology--incident light--magnetic and magneto-optical properties--magnetic layers--polar kerr effect--polar-kerr--polycrystalline--underlayers--chemical analysis--faraday effect--hysteresis loops--kerr magnetooptical effect--light reflection--magnetic materials--optical kerr effect--palladium--cobalt
Аннотация: Features in the formation of chemically deposited polycrystalline Co-P films with thicknesses of a few nanometers are established by analyzing film surface morphology and variation in the film magnetization. It is shown that in the thickness range below 30 nm the polar Kerr effect value OK changes nonmonotonically and depends on a wavelength of the incident light. For the films thicker than 30 nm, this value depends weakly on both the thickness and the wavelength. These features in the OK behavior are attributed to the Faraday effect, which is revealed at small thicknesses upon light reflection from the lower surface of a magnetic layer. It is found that the Faraday effect in the Co-P films exceeds that in the Co films by a factor of more than two. This effect is assumed to be caused by the presence of a Pd underlayer in the samples under study. (C) 2011 Elsevier BY. All rights reserved.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Chzhan A. V., Patrin G. S., Kiparisov S. Ya., Seredkin V. A., Pal'Chik M. G., Burkova L. V.
Заглавие : Magnetic and magnetooptical properties of nanothick polycrystalline Co-P films
Место публикации : Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci.: Phys. - 2012. - Vol. 76, Is. 2. - P.180-182. - ISSN 1062-8738, DOI 10.3103/S106287381202027X
Примечания : Cited References: 9
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): co films--film surface morphology--magnetic and magneto-optical properties--magnetic polarizations--magneto-optical faraday effect--polycrystalline--specific values--underlayers--faraday effect--metallic films--phosphorus--cobalt
Аннотация: Features of the formation of chemically deposited polycrystalline Co-P films with nanometer thicknesses are established by magnetic measurements and analysis of film surface morphology. It is found that the specific value of the magnetooptical Faraday effect in Co-P films exceeds that in Co films by a factor of more than two. This is attributed to the magnetic polarization of a Pd underlayer. It is shown the Kerr effect in Co films is negligibly influenced by the embedding of phosphorus. © 2012 Allerton Press, Inc.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Burkova L. V., Chzhan A. V., Sokolov A. E., Kosyrev N. N., Tabakaeva K. V., Patrin G. S.
Заглавие : Magneto-optical and optical properties of polycrystalline Со–Р films with nanometer thickness
Место публикации : Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys.: Allerton Press, 2016. - Vol. 80, Is. 11. - P.1314-1316. - ISSN 10628738 (ISSN), DOI 10.3103/S1062873816110162
Примечания : Cited References: 6. - This work was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 14-02-00238-а.
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): dichroism--films--thin films--different mechanisms--magnetic circular dichroisms--magneto-optical--magneto-optical activity--nanometer thickness--optical and magneto-optical properties--optical parameter--polycrystalline--optical properties
Аннотация: Features of the optical and magneto-optical properties of polycrystalline Со–Р films with nanometer thickness are established experimentally. It is found that the spectra of optical parameters n and k and magnetic circular dichroism depend largely on film thickness, suggesting that magneto-optical activity is governed by different mechanisms in thin films and bulk materials. © 2016, Allerton Press, Inc.
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Sokolov V. V., Tabakaeva K. V., Burkova L. V., Chzhan A.V., Patrin G. S.
Заглавие : Magnetooptical properties of amorphous Co–P thin films
Коллективы : Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism", "Trends in MAGnetism", Euro-Asian Symposium, Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского Сибирского отделения РАН
Место публикации : VI Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism" (EASTMAG-2016): abstracts/ ed.: O. A. Maksimova, R. D. Ivantsov. - Krasnoyarsk: KIP RAS SB, 2016. - Ст.P6.4. - P.312. - ISBN 978-5-904603-06-9 (Шифр -478014040)
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): co-p thin films--magnetic circular dichroism--faraday rotation
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Burkova L. V., Kosyrev N. N., Sokolov A. E., Chzhan A. V., Pilyaeva O. V., Sibirina T. F., Maximova O. A., Patrin G. S.
Заглавие : Optical and magneto-optical properties of amorphous Co-P films
Коллективы : Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism", "Trends in MAGnetism", Euro-Asian Symposium, Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского Сибирского отделения РАН
Место публикации : VI Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism" (EASTMAG-2016): abstracts/ ed.: O. A. Maksimova, R. D. Ivantsov. - Krasnoyarsk: KIP RAS SB, 2016. - Ст.P6.19. - P.327. - ISBN 978-5-904603-06-9 (Шифр -478014040)
Примечания : References: 2
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): layered structure--ellipsometry--magneto-optical kerr effect
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Место публикации : Zhurnal Tek. Fiz.: MEZHDUNARODNAYA KNIGA, 1985. - Vol. 55, Is. 4. - P707-713. - ISSN 0044-4642
Примечания : Cited References: 17
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Овчинников, Сергей Геннадьевич, Буркова, Людмила Викторовна, Середкин, Виталий Александрович, Яковчук, Виктор Юрьевич
Заглавие : Анализ механизма увеличения эффекта Керра в Mn/Dy/Bi
Место публикации : Физ. тверд. тела. - С.-Петербург, 1999. - Т. 41, Вып. 1. - С. 91-97. - ISSN 0367-3294
Примечания : Библиогр.: 35 назв.
ГРНТИ : 29.19.39
Аннотация: Приведены результаты исследований структурных, магнитных и магнитооптич. свойств пленок Mn/Dy/Bi, полученных с помощью мультислойной технологии. Показано, что в таких пленках максим. угол вращения Керра равен 'тэта'[k]=2.25'ГРАДУС'. Рассмотрены возможные причины столь значительного увеличения эффекта Керра: увеличение вероятности 6p-3d-переходов вследствие искажения симметрии, поляризация 6p-зоны Bi, изменение плотности состояний вблизи уровня Ферми. Проведен анализ последней причины с помощью моделирования электронной структуры Mn/Dy/Bi наложением уровней Dy на зонную структуру MnBi, что позволило выявить возможные дополнительные переходы, которые могут возникать в результате введения прослойки Dy и давать вклад в магнитооптич. эффект Керра
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