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Общее количество найденных документов : 24
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Theoretical study of atomic and electronic struc?ture of magnesium diboride single-wall nanotubes/P. B. Sorokin, L. A. Chernozatonskii, B. I. Yakobson // 23rd International Winterschool on: Electronic Properties of Novel Materials: "Molecular nanostructures".-С.155

Influence of Size Effect on the Electronic and Elastic Properties of Diamond Films with Nanometer Thickness/L. A. Chernozatonskii [et al.] // Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011. т.Vol. 115,N Is. 1.-С.132-136

Atomic Structure and Energetic Stability of Complex Chiral Silicon Nanowires/P. V. Avramov [et al.] // Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010. т.Vol. 114,N Is. 35.-С.14692-14696

Theoretical study of elastic properties of SiC nanowires of different shapes/P. B. Sorokin [et al.] // Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 2010. т.Vol. 10,N Is. 8.-С.4992-4997

Magnesium Boride Nanotubes: Relative Stability and Atomic and Electronic Structure/P. B. Sorokin [et al.] // Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010. т.Vol. 114,N Is. 11.-С.4852-4856

Theoretical Study of Atomic Structure and Elastic Properties of Branched Silicon Nanowires/P. B. Sorokin [et al.] // ACS Nano, 2010. т.Vol. 4,N Is. 5.-С.2784-2790

Atomic structure and electronic properties of beta-phase silicon nanowires/V. A. Demin [et al.] // Workshop "Trends in Nanomechanics and Nanoengineering" , 2009.-С.36

Beta-phase silicon nanowires: structure and properties/P. B. Sorokin, P. V. Avramov [et al.] // 9th Biennial International Workshop "Fullerenes and Atomic Clusters" (IWFAC 2009), 2009.- Ст.P4.4.-С.99

The theoretical prediction of new MgB2 nanotubes/P. B. Sorokin, L. A. Chernozatonskii // 9th Biennial International Workshop "Fullerenes and Atomic Clusters" (IWFAC 2009), 2009.- Ст.P4.8.-С.103

New carbon materials: modeling nanotube-graphene nanoribbons composites/L. A. Chernozatonskii, E. F. Sheka [et al.] // 9th Biennial International Workshop "Fullerenes and Atomic Clusters" (IWFAC 2009), 2009.- Ст.P2.4.-С.75

Graphene biribbons: the features of electronic properties/L. A. Chernozatonskii, P. B. Sorokin // 9th Biennial International Workshop "Fullerenes and Atomic Clusters" (IWFAC 2009), 2009.- Ст.P2.3.-С.74

The theoretical study of elastic properties of silicon nanowires/P. B. Sorokin [et al.] // Workshop "Trends in Nanomechanics and Nanoengineering", 2009.-С.17

Quantum dots embedded into silicon nanowires effectively partition electron confinement/P. V. Avramov, P. B. Sorokin [et al.] // J. Appl. Physics, 2008. т.Vol. 104.-С.054305(6)

New symmetric families of silicon quantum dots and their conglomerates as a tunable source of photoluminescence in nanodevices/Avramov P.V., Fedorov D.G., Sorokin P.B., Chernozatonskii L.A., Gordon M.S. // arXiv:Cornell University, 2008.- Ст.0709.2279v1

Chernozatonskii L. A. Electronic superlattices and waveguides based on graphene: structures, properties and applications/L. A. Chernozatonskii, P. B. Sorokin // , 2008. т.Vol. 245,N Is. 10.-С.2086-2089

Atypical quantum confinement effect in silicon nanowires/P. B. Sorokin [et al.] // JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A. -WASHINGTON:AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2008. т.Vol. 112,N Is. 40.-С.9955-9964

Chernozatonskii L. A. New boron barrelenes and tubulenes/L. A. Chernozatonskii, P. B. Sorokin, B. I. Yakobson // JETP Letters, 2008. т.Vol. 87,N Is. 9.-С.489-493

Quantum dots embedded into silicon nanowires effectively partition electron confinement/P. V. Avramov [et al.] // JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS:AMER INST PHYSICS, 2008. т.Vol. 104,N Is. 5.- Ст.54305

Multiterminal nanowire junctions of silicon: A theoretical prediction of atomic structure and electronic properties/P. V. Avramov [et al.] // Nano Letters:American Chemical Society, 2007. т.Т. 7,N № 7.-С.2063-2067

Superlattices consisting of "lines" of adsorbed hydrogen atom pairs on graphene/L. A. Chernozatonskii [et al.] // JETP Letters, 2007. т.Vol. 85,N Is. 1.-С.77-81

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