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Общее количество найденных документов : 87
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Bacterial ferrihydrite nanoparticles: preparation, magnetic properties, and application in medicine/S. V. Stolyar [et al.] // Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2018. т.Vol. 31,N Is. 8.-С.2297-2304

Bacterial ferrihydrite nanoparticles: preparation, magnetic properties, and application in medicine/S. V. Stolyar [и др.] // Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM-2017), 2017.- Ст.3RP-O-10.-С.417

Change in the magnetic properties of nanoferrihydrite with an increase in the volume of nanoparticles during low-temperature annealing/D. A. Balaev [et al.] // Physics of the Solid State:MAIK Nauka-Interperiodica / Springer, 2016. т.Vol. 58,N Is. 9.-С.1782-1791

Comparative study of magnetoelectric effect in HoAl3(BO3)4 and HoGa3(BO3)4 single crystals/A. L. Freydman [et al.] // Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM-2017), 2017.- Ст.5PO-I2-5.-С.1050

Contributions from Inter-grain Boundaries to the Magneto-resistive Effect in Polycrystalline High-T (C) Superconductors. The Underlying Reason of Different Behavior for YBCO and BSCCO Systems/D. A. Balaev [et al.] // JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM:SPRINGER, 2011. т.Vol. 24,N Is. 7.-С.2129-2136

Control of peak effect in YBCO by Nd substitution/D. M. Gokhfel'd [et al.] // VI Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism" (EASTMAG-2016). -Krasnoyarsk:KIP RAS SB, 2016.- Ст.O2.7.-С.140

Dimethylsulfoxide as a media for one-stage synthesis of the Fe3O4-based ferrofluids with a controllable size distribution/V. L. Kirillov [et al.] // Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019. т.Vol. 225.-С.292-297

Direct and inverse magnetoelectric effects in HoAl3(BO3)4 single crystal/A. L. Freydman [et al.] // Journal of Applied Physics:American Institute of Physics, 2014. т.Vol. 115,N Is. 17.- Ст.174103

Dubrovskiy A. A. Possibility of forming of ε-Fe2-phase in the xerogel matrix/A. A. Dubrovskiy // International school/workshop on actual problems of condensed matter physics. -Norilsk, 2018.-С.12

Dynamic magnetization of ε-Fe2O3 in pulse field: Evidence of surface effect/D. A. Balaev [et al.] // Journal of Applied Physics:American Institute of Physics, 2015. т.Vol. 117,N Is. 6.- Ст.063908

Dynamic magnetization switching in NiO nanoparticles: Pulsed field magnetometry study/D. A. Balaev [et al.] // Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2019. т.Vol. 32,N Is. 2.-С.405–411

Dynamic processes of the water sublattice in FeTiF6·xH2O·yD2O crystal/Yu. V. Gerasimova, A. S. Krylov, A. N. Vtyurin [et al.] // Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2022. т.Vol. 53,N Is. 10:Special Issue: Vibrational Spectroscopy of Water.-С.1704-1709

Enhancement of pinning in cerium doped Y(1-x)CexBa2Cu3O7HTSC/M. I. Petrov [et al.] // PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2007. т.Vol. 460:8th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors (JUL 09-14, 2006, Dresden, GERMANY).-С.1192-1193

EPR-determined anisotropy of the g-factor and magnetostriction of a Cu2MnBO5 single crystal with a ludwigite structure/A. A. Dubrovskiy [et al.] // JETP Letters, 2017. т.Vol. 106,N Is. 11.-С.716-719

Establishing of peak effect in YBCO by Nd substitution/D. M. Gokhfeld [et al.] // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials:Elsevier Science, 2017. т.Vol. 440.-С.127-128

Evolution of the Fe3+ ion local environment during the phase transition ε-Fe2O3 → α-Fe2O3/S. S. Yakushkin [et al.] // Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2018. т.Vol. 31,N Is. 4.-С.1209–1217

Exchange bias in nano-ferrihydrite/D. A. Balaev [et al.] // Journal of Applied Physics:American Institute of Physics, 2016. т.Vol. 120,N Is. 18.- Ст.183903

Features of the quasi-static and dynamic magnetization switching in NiO nanoparticles: Manifestation of the interaction between magnetic subsystems in antiferromagnetic nanoparticles/D. A. Balaev, A. A. Krasikov, S. I. Popkov [et al.] // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2020. т.Vol. 515.- Ст.167307

Giant anisotropy of magnetic properties of hydrated iron fluoridotitanate molecular single crystal/A. A. Dubrovskiy, Yu. V. Knyazev, D. A. Velikanov [et al.] // V International Baltic Conference on Magnetism. IBCM, 2023.-С.57

Giant anisotropy of magnetic properties of hydrated iron fluoridotitanate single crystal/A. A. Dubrovskiy, Y. V. Knyazev, D. A. Velikanov [et al.] // Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022. т.Vol. 898.- Ст.162748

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