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Общее количество найденных документов : 42
Показаны документы с 1 по 20

Comparison of magnetic properties of GdFe3(BO3)4, ferroborates grown using various solvents/I. A. Gudim, E. V. Eremin, N. V. Mikhashenok, V. R. Titova // Physics of the Solid State, 2023. т.Vol. 65,N Is. 2.-С.235-239

Inclined magnetic structures and magnetic phase diagrams for the Pb2Fe2−xMnxGe2O9 (x = 0.16) single crystal/A. I. Pankrats, A. D. Balaev, S. A. Skorobogatov [et al.] // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2022. т.Vol. 563.- Ст.170021

Martynov S. N. Single-ion mechanism of weak ferromagnetism and a spin-flop transition in one- and two-position antiferromagnets/S. N. Martynov // JETP Letters, 2018. т.Vol. 108,N Is. 3.-С.196-200

Val'kov V. V. Spin wave theory of heavy-fermion antiferromagnets in the framework of the periodic anderson model/V. V. Val'kov, A. O. Zlotnikov // Spin Waves 2015, International Symposium. -СПб., 2015

Uniaxial anisotropy and low-temperature antiferromagnetism of Mn2BO4 single crystal/N. V. Kazak [et al.] // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials:Elsevier Science, 2015. т.Vol. 393.-С.316-324

Magnetic properties of Ni3B2O6 and Co3B2O6 single crystals/L. N. Bezmaternykh [et al.] // Physica status solidi B - Basic Solid State Physics, 2012. т.Vol. 249,N Is. 8.-С.1628-1633

Optical and magneto-optical properties of Nd0.5Gd0.5Fe3(BO3)4 single crystal in the near IR spectral region/A. V. Malakhovskii [et al.] // Journal of Alloys and Compounds:Elsevier, 2012. т.Vol. 542.-С.157-163

Nature of optical properties of GdFe3(BO3)4 and GdFe2.1Ga0.9(BO3)4 crystals and other 3d5 antiferromagnets/A. V. Malakhovskii [et al.] // European Physical Journal B:Springer, 2012. т.Vol. 85,N Is. 2.-С.80

Low-temperature resistance and magnetoresistance hysteresis in polycrystalline (La0.5Eu0.5)(0.7)Pb0.3MnO3/K. A. Shaykhutdinov [et al.] // JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS:AMER INST PHYSICS, 2011. т.Vol. 109,N Is. 5.- Ст.53711

Val'kov V. V. Kinematic mechanism of the modulation of the spectral intensity in the spatially uniform system of Hubbard fermions/V. V. Val'kov, A. A. Golovnya, M. M. Korovushkin // JETP Letters, 2011. т.Vol. 94,N Is. 3.-С.197-201

Val'kov V. V. Pseudogap formation in copper oxide superconductors with inclusion of spin and charge fluctuations/V. V. Val'kov, A. A. Golovnya, M. M. Korovushkin // PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2011. т.Vol. 53,N Is. 10.-С.2001-2004

Val'kov V. V. Thermodynamic properties of two-layer quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnets/V. V. Val'kov, A. D. Fedoseev // THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS:SPRINGER, 2011. т.Vol. 168,N Is. 3.-С.1216-1224

The effect of spin correlations on a superconducting phase of the spin polarons in 2D Kondo lattice/V. V. Val'kov, A. A. Shklyaev, A. F. Barabanov // International Conference on Magnetism, ICM 2009 (26 July 2009 through 31 July 2009, Karlsruhe, 2010. т.Vol. 200,N Is. SECTION 1

Val'kov V. V. Electron spectrum and heat capacity of heavy fermions in the canted phase of antiferromagnetic intermetallides/V. V. Val'kov, D. M. Dzebisashvili // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2010. т.Vol. 110,N Is. 2.-С.301-318

Single magnetic chirality in the magnetoelectric NdFe3((BO3)-B-11)(4)/M. .. Janoschek [et al.] // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2010. т.Vol. 81,N Is. 9.- Ст.94429

Thermal expansion, phase diagrams and barocaloric effects in (NH4)(2)NbOF5/M. .. Gorev [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter:IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2010. т.Vol. 22,N Is. 18.- Ст.185901

Martynov S. N. The incommensurate magnetic structure of a tetragonal antiferromagnet with antisymmetric exchange/S. N. Martynov // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2009. т.Vol. 109,N Is. 6.-С.979-988

Val'kov V. V. The magnetoelastic mechanism of singlet phase formation in a two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet/V. V. Val'kov, V. A. Mitskan, G. A. Petrakovskii // JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2006. т.Vol. 102,N Is. 2.-С.234-247

Gekht R. S. A quantum spin liquid in a two-layer triangular antiferromagnet/R. S. Gekht, I. N. Bondarenko // JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS:AMER INST PHYSICS, 2005. т.Vol. 101,N Is. 5.-С.868-880

Studies of magnetic and optic properties of rare-earth gallo-ferroborates by Mossbauer and optical spectroscopy/O. A. Bayukov [et al.] // PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2005. т.Vol. 359:International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 04) (JUL 26-30, 2004, Karlsruhe, GERMANY).-С.1321-1323

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