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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Аверьянов, Евгений Михайлович
Заглавие : Температурные зависимости показателей преломления одноосных каламитных жидких кристаллов с высоким двупреломлением
Место публикации : Жидк. кристаллы и их практич. использ. - 2018. - Т. 18, № 2. - С. 53-63. - ISSN 1991-3966, DOI 10.18083/LCAppl.2018.2.53; Liq. Cryst. Appl.
Примечания : Библиогр.: 29
Предметные рубрики: PHASE-TRANSITION
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): жидкие кристаллы--температурные зависимости показателей преломления--liquid crystals--temperature dependences of the refractive indices
Аннотация: Температурные зависимости показателей преломления nj(t) и величин n(t) = (n|| + 2n⊥)/3, n(t) =ε-1/2, ε= (ε|| + 2ε⊥)/3, εj = nj2 для световых волн с поляризацией вдоль (j = ||) и нормально директору (j = ⊥) в одноосных каламитных жидких кристаллах (ЖК) исследованы в рамках микроскопического подхода с учетом анизотропии тензора локального поля fj(t) =1 + Lj(t)[εj(t)–1] и тензора Лорентца Lj(t). Показано, что известные отрицательные производные n(t)' = dn(t)/dt, n' и точка to минимума на зависимости n⊥(t) в каламитных ЖК отвечают малым и средним значениям двупреломления Δn = n|| – n⊥. Для ЖК с высокими величинами Δn и компонентами L⊥, превышающими пороговое значение L⊥e(nj), предсказаны два новых эффекта: положительные значения n', и наличие точки te максимума на зависимости n||(t). Для ряда нематиков с высокими значениями Δn определены компоненты Lj(t), подтверждено наличие предсказанных эффектов и условий их проявления, получены значения te и прослежена их связь с величиной Δn. Выяснены особенности перехода от ЖК с точкой to к ЖК с точкой te по мере роста Δn.The temperature dependences of the refractive indices nj(t) and the values n(t) = (n|| + 2n⊥)/3, n(t) =ε-1/2, ε= (ε|| + 2ε⊥)/3, εj = nj2 for the light waves polarized along (j = ||) and across (j = ⊥) the director in uniaxial calamitic liquid crystals (LCs) were studied within the microscopic approach with taking into account the anisotropy of the local-field tensor fj(t) =1 + Lj(t)[εj(t)–1] and the Lorentz tensor Lj(t). The known negative derivatives n(t)' = dn(t)/dt, n' and the point to of minimum at the dependence n⊥(t) for calamite LCs were shown to correspond to small and medium values of the birefringence Δn = n|| – n⊥. For LCs with high values of δn and components L⊥ exceeding the threshold value L⊥e two new effects were predicted: positive derivatives n', and the presence of the point te of maximum at the dependence n||(t). For a number of nematics with high values of Δn the components Lj(t) were determined, the presence of the predicted effects and the conditions for their manifestation were confirmed, the values te were obtained and their connection with the magnitude Δn were established. The features of the transition from LCs with point to to LCs with point c under gradual increase in Δn were cleared up.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Аверьянов, Евгений Михайлович
Заглавие : Температурное поведение показателей преломления дискотических нематиков с высоким двупреломлением
Место публикации : Жидк. кристаллы и их практич. использ. - 2018. - Т. 18, № 3. - С. 37-44. - ISSN 1991-3966, DOI 10.18083/LCAppl.2018.3.37; Liq. Cryst. Appl. - ISSN 2499-9644
Примечания : Библиогр.: 29
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): дискотические нематики--температурное поведение показателей преломления--discotic nematics--temperature behavior of refractive indices
Аннотация: Температурное поведение показателей преломления nj(t) и величин n(t) = (n|| + 2n⊥)/3, n(t) = ε1/2, ε = (ε|| + 2ε⊥)/3, εj = nj2 для световых волн с поляризацией вдоль (j = ||) и нормально директору (j = ⊥) в дискотических нематиках ND исследовано в рамках микроскопического подхода с учетом анизотропии тензора локального поля fj(t) =1 + Lj(t)[εj(t) – 1] и тензора Лорентца Lj(t). Показано, что известные отрицательные производные n(t)' = dn(t)/dt, и точка te минимума на зависимости n||(t) в нематиках ND отвечают малым и средним значениям двупреломления Δn = n|| – n⊥. Для ЖК с высокими величинами Δn и компонентами L⊥, меньшими порогового значения Δn(to), предсказаны два новых эффекта: положительные значения n',n', и наличие точки максимума to на зависимости n⊥(t). Установлена связь to с величиной Δn(to) и зависимостью Δn(λ) от длины световой волны λ. Выяснены особенности перехода от объектов с точкой te к объектам с точкой to по мере роста Δn. Указаны молекулы, для которых можно ожидать наличия предсказанных эффектов. Отмечена роль этих эффектов в улучшении визуальных характеристик дисплеев с нематиком ND в граничной компенсирующей пленке.Temperature behavior of refractive indices nj(t) and values of n(t) = (n|| + 2n⊥)/3, n(t) = ε1/2, ε= (ε|| + 2ε⊥)/3, εj = nj2 for the light waves polarized along (j = ||) and across (j = ⊥) the director in discotic nematics ND was studied within the microscopic approach with accounting for the anisotropy of the local-field tensor fj(t) =1 + Lj(t)[εj(t) – 1] and the Lorentz tensor Lj(t). The known negative derivatives n(t)' = dn(t)/dt, and the point te of minimum at the dependence n||(t) for nematics ND were shown to correspond to small and medium values of the birefringence Δn = n|| – n⊥. For nematics ND with high values of Δn and components L⊥ less than the threshold value L⊥o(nj), two new effects were predicted: positive derivatives n',n' and the presence of the maximum point to at the dependence n⊥(t). The correlation of to with the magnitude of Δn(to) and the dependence Δn(λ) on the light wavelength λ was established. The features of the transition from objects with point te to objects with point to under gradual increase of Δn were cleared up. The molecules were pointed for which one could expect the presence of the predicted effects. The role of these effects in the improvement of visual characteristics of liquid crystal displays with nematic ND in the boundary compensation film was observed.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Bogdanov E. V., Pogoreltsev E. I., Kartashev A. V., Gorev M. V., Molokeev M. S., Mel'nikova S. V., Flerov I. N., Laptash N. M.
Заглавие : Thermodynamic properties of vanadium oxypentafluoride (IV) (NH4)3VOF5
Место публикации : Phys. Solid State. - 2020. - Vol. 62, Is. 7. - P.1271-1279. - ISSN 10637834 (ISSN), DOI 10.1134/S1063783420070057
Примечания : Cited References: 17. - This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and the Krasnoyarsk Territorial Foundation for Support of Scientific and R&D Activity, project no. 18-42-243003 “Effect of Deuteration on Orientational Ordering and Phase Transitions in Ammonium Fluorine-Oxygen Vanadates”
Аннотация: The (NH4)3VOF5 crystals have been synthesized and their homogeneity and single-phase structure has been established by the X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies. The investigations of the temperature dependences of specific heat, entropy, strain, and pressure susceptibility show the occurrence of three phase transitions caused by the structural transformations in the (NH4)3VOF5 crystals. The T–p phase diagram shows the temperature limits of stability of the crystalline phases implemented in (NH4)3VOF5. The optical and dielectric studies disclose the ferroelastic nature of the phase transitions. An analysis of the experimental data together with the data on the isostructural (NH4)3VO2F4 crystal makes it possible to distinguish the physical properties of oxyfluorides containing vanadium of different valences (IV and V).
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Bedarev V. A., Merenkov D. N., Pashchenko M. I., Gnatchenko S. L., Gudim I. A., Bezmaternykh L. N., Temerov V. L.
Заглавие : The Pockels effect in TmAl3(BO3)4
Место публикации : Ferroelectrics: Taylor and Francis, 2017. - Vol. 506, Is. 1. - P.152-158. - ISSN 00150193 (ISSN), DOI 10.1080/00150193.2017.1282298
Примечания : Cited References: 5
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): electric field--pockels effect--birefringence--refractive indexes
Аннотация: The Pockels effect was studied in TmAl3(BO3)4 crystal. The electro-optic coefficient of the compound was determined. The principal refractive indexes of the crystal were determined by measuring the Brewster angles. Both contributions to the electric field induced birefringence associated with the redistribution of connected charges and deformation were estimated. © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Aleksandrov K. S., Melnikova S. V., Kokov I. T.
Заглавие : Phase-transitions in CS2CDI4 from measurements of birefringence and dielectric-properties
Место публикации : Fiz. Tverd. Tela: MEZHDUNARODNAYA KNIGA, 1987. - Vol. 29, Is. 8. - P.2487-2490. - ISSN 0367-3294
Примечания : Cited References: 8
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Melnikova S. V., Vasiliev A. D., Grankina V. A., Voronov V. N., Aleksandrov K. S.
Заглавие : Phase transitions in polar crystal RbLiCrO4
Место публикации : Ferroelectrics. - 1993. - Vol. 143, Is. 1. - P.73-78. - ISSN 0015-0193, DOI 10.1080/00150199308008314
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): crystal structure--phase transition--pyroelectric--birefringence
Аннотация: At room temperature rubidium lithium chromate belongs to the sp. gr. P31c with unit cell parameters a = b − 5.396, c = 9.171 Å, γ = 120[ddot]. The X-ray and optical measurements have shown symmetry changes on successive phase transitions at 843 K, 606 K, and 550 K. Unusual time dependence of an X-ray reflections intensity have been found above 653 K, an explanation of this effect is suggested., crystal structure, pyroelectric, birefringence
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Aleksandrov K. S., Melnikova S. V., Flerov I. N., Vasiliev A. D., Kruglik A. I., Kokov I. T.
Заглавие : Phase transitions in Cs2CdI4 single crystals
Место публикации : Phys. Status Solidi A. - 1988. - Vol. 105, Is. 2. - P.441-446. - ISSN 0031-8965
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): calorimetry--crystals - structure--dielectric properties--optical properties--x-ray analysis--birefringence--cesium cadmium iodide--dielectric permeability--specific heat--symmetry--cesium compounds
Аннотация: Cs//2CdI//4 crystals were grown from the melt (A) and from water solution (B). Optic, dielectric, X-ray, and calorimetric investigations were carried out. Crystal A shows three phase transitions at 332. 3, 259. 6, and 183. 4 K with the following sequence of phases: commensurate orthorhombic of beta -K//2SO//4 type ( alpha //0 equals 1. 074, b//0 equals 0. 8458, c equals 1. 4852 nm) B ARR LR incommensurate B ARR LR monoclinic ferroelastic (P2//1/n) B ARR LR triclinic ferroelastic (P1 OVER BAR ). The B-crystal belongs to monoclinic symmetry (P2//1/m) and undergoes transformation into the orthorhombic phase of beta -K//2SO//4 type at 420 K.
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Zaitsev A. I., Molokeev M. S., Cherepakhin A. V., Radionov N. V., Zamkov A. V.
Заглавие : Optical birefringence of β-SrB4O7 crystals with strontium substitutions
Коллективы : International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (17; 2013 ; Aug. ; 11-16; Warsaw, Poland)
Место публикации : 17th Int. Conf. on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-17): Book of Abstracts. - 2013. - P.464-465
Материалы конференции
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Melnikova S. V., Vasiliev A. D., Grankina V. A., Voronov V. N., Aleksandrov K. S.
Заглавие : Optical and X-ray studies of mixed crystals CsxRb1-xLiSO4
Коллективы : Russian-Japanese symposium on ferroelectricity
Место публикации : Ferroelectrics: Proceedings of the 1994 5th Russian-Japanese Symposium on Ferroelectricity. Part 2 (of 2) (22 August 1994 through 27 August 1994, Moscow, Russia. - 1995. - Vol. 170, Is. 1. - P.139-143. - ISSN 0015-0193
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): birefringence--cesium compounds--differential scanning calorimetry--phase diagrams--phase transitions--polarization--single crystals--solid solutions--thermal effects--twinning--x ray analysis--mixed crystals--ferroelectric materials
Аннотация: (T-x) phase diagram has been investigated by polarizing optic and birefringence methods, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray study. A small amount of rubidium in CsLiSO4 as well as cesium in RbLiSO4 reduces the temperature of transition into ferroelastic phase P1121/n which disappear for x?0.15 and x?0.9. The region of phase P21/c11 (c = 2c0) expands and becomes the most stable below ambient temperature for 0.9>x>0.2.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Fedorov Y. M., Leksikov A. A., Aksyonov A. E., Edelman I. S.
Заглавие : Magnetic linear dichroism and birefringence of FeBO3 in the 6A1G-]4T1G transition region
Место публикации : Phys. Status Solidi B. - 1981. - Vol. 106, Is. 2. - PK127-K130. - ISSN 0370-1972, DOI 10.1002/pssb.2221060249
Примечания : Cited References: 5
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kuzmenko A. M., Dziom V., Shuvaev A., Pimenov A., Schiebl M., Mukhin A. A., Ivanov V. Y., Gudim, I. A., Bezmaternykh L. N., Pimenov A.
Заглавие : Large directional optical anisotropy in multiferroic ferroborate
Место публикации : Phys. Rev. B: American Physical Society, 2015. - Vol. 92, Is. 18. - Ст.184409. - ISSN 10980121 (ISSN), DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.184409
Примечания : Cited References: 44. - This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (14-02-91000, 15-02-07647, 14-02-00307, 13-02-12442, 15-42-04186), Sci. school-924.2014.2, and by the Austrian Science Fund (I815-N16, I1648-N27, W1243)
Предметные рубрики: DICHROISM
Аннотация: One of the most fascinating and counterintuitive recent effects in multiferroics is directional anisotropy, the asymmetry of light propagation with respect to the direction of propagation. In such case the absorption in a material can be different for opposite directions. Besides absorption, different velocities of light for different directions of propagation may be also expected, which is termed directional birefringence. In this work, we demonstrate large directional anisotropy in multiferroic samarium ferroborate. The effect is observed for linear polarization of light in the range of millimeter wavelengths, and it survives down to low frequencies. The dispersion and absorption close to the electromagnon resonance can be controlled by external magnetic field and are fully suppressed in one direction. By changing the geometry of the external field, samarium ferroborate shows giant optical activity, which makes this material a universal tool for optical control: with a magnetic field as an external parameter it allows switching between two functionalities: polarization rotation and directional anisotropy.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Flerov I. N., Gorev M. V., Melnikova S. V., Afanasyev M. L., Aleksandrov K. S.
Заглавие : Investigations of ferroelastic phase transitions in ABF6 6H2O crystals (A: Zn, Co, Mg, Mn, Fe; B: Ti, Si)
Место публикации : Ferroelectrics. - 1993. - Vol. 143, Is. 1. - P.11-16. - ISSN 00150193, DOI 10.1080/00150199308008307
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): ferroelastic--phase transition, --birefringence--phase diagram--deuteration
Аннотация: Investigations of twinning, birefringence, heat capacity, effect both of deuteration and of hydrostatic pressure were carried out on crystals of ABF6-6H2O family. The high-temperature and high-pressure phases were found in some compounds. The hypothetic p-T phase diagram was suggested describing the variety of phases observed up to now in this family of crystals.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Malakhovskii A. V.
Заглавие : Influence of crystal-field on the magnetic circular birefringence
Место публикации : Phys. Status Solidi B. - 1981. - Vol. 106, Is. 1. - P.327-336. - ISSN 0370-1972, DOI 10.1002/pssb.2221060137
Примечания : Cited References: 8
Аннотация: Magnetic circular birefringence (MCB) is decomposed into diamagnetic and paramagnetic terms for arbitrary values of the fields on the atom and the influence of crystal field on these terms in considered. It is shown that a crystal field is the necessary condition for an existence of the temperature-independent term in the paramagnetic part of MCB and the properties of this term are considered taking into account the mixing of states inside and between atomic terms. MCB for the transition 3d1 → 4p1 in the cubic octahedral crystal field is found taking into consideration the mixing of states inside the atomic terms. Field and temperature dependences of paramagnetic MCB are calculated for this case.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Melnikova S. V., Shabanova L. A., Zaitsev A. I., Parshikov S. A., Ageev O. A., Aleksandrov K. S.
Заглавие : Ferroelastic phase transition in Cs3Bi2I9 crystal
Место публикации : Ferroelectrics, Letters Section. - 1996. - Vol. 20, Is. 5-6. - P.163-167. - ISSN 0731-5171
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): birefringence--cesium compounds--crystal symmetry--crystals--differential scanning calorimetry--elasticity--ferroelectricity--permittivity--stiffness--twinning--cesium bismuth iodide--elastic constant--elastic stiffness--ferroelastic phase transition--phase transitions
Аннотация: Phase transition (PT) was found in Cs3Bi2I9 single crystal at T0=223 K. Optical birefringence, dielectric and elastic constants and differential scanning calorimetry have been studied. It was found that birefringence ?nc and twinning picture appeared on (001) - and (100) - plates below T0, as well as softening of elastic stiffness C44 above T0. It allows to classify the PT as proper ferroelastic one with symmetry change 6/mmm - 2/m. В© 1996 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) Amsterdam B.V. Published in The Netherlands under license by Gordon and Breach Science Publishers SA.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Pashchenko M. I., Bedarev V. A., Merenkov D. N., Gnatchenko S. L., Bezmaternykh L. N., Sukhachev A. L., Temerov V. L.
Заглавие : Electric-field-induced linear birefringence in TmAl3(BO3)4
Место публикации : Appl. Optics: Optical Society of America, 2016. - Vol. 55, Is. 12. - P.B11-B13. - ISSN 1559128X (ISSN), DOI 10.1364/AO.55.000B11. - ISSN 15394522 (eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 6
Аннотация: The linear birefringence induced by the electric field was first detected in a TmAl3(BO3)4 single crystal. The electric field dependence of the birefringence was investigated. The estimation of the electro-optical coefficient of the material gives ≈1.5×10−10  cm/V for a wavelength 632.8 nm.Линейное двулучепреломление, индуцированное электрическим полем, было впервые обнаружено в монокристалле TmAl3(BO3)4. Была исследована зависимость двойного лучепреломления от электрического поля. Оценка электрооптического коэффициента материала дает ≈1.5 × 10-10 см/V для длин волн 632,8 нм.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Bogdanov E. V., Pogoreltsev E. I., Gorev M. V., Mel'nikova S. V., Molokeev M. S., Laptash N. M., Flerov I. N.
Заглавие : Effect of the size of the central atom on the stability of crystalline phases in solid solutions (NH4)3TixSn1-xF7
Колич.характеристики :8 с
Место публикации : J. Solid State Chem. - 2023. - Vol. 328. - Ст.124373. - ISSN 00224596 (ISSN), DOI 10.1016/j.jssc.2023.124373. - ISSN 1095726X (eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 20. - The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation № 23-22-00115, https://rscf.ru/project/23-22-00115/X-ray and dilatometric data and SEM images were obtained using the equipment of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Center for Collective Use of the Federal Research Center — Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. We are grateful to Dr. A.V. Shabanov for examination of the SEM images
Аннотация: The effect of a change in internal pressure as a result of partial substitution of the central atom on the realization and stability of the initial and distorted crystalline phases in (NH4)3TixSn1-xF7 solid solutions has been studied. It was found that at a Ti concentration in the range of x = 0.15–0.40, the reconstructive transition Pm-3m ↔ Pa-3 is transformed into a sequence of phase transitions Pm-3m ↔ P4/mbm ↔ P4/mnc ↔ Pa-3. In the (NH4)3Ti0.15Sn0.85F7 solid solution, the first-order phase transition between two cubic phases at T0 = 352 K is characterized by a significant volume jump δ(ΔV/V0) ≈ 1 %, comparable with that in (NH4)3SnF7. An increase of the Ti concentration leads to a strong decrease in the stability of the Pm-3m cubic phase: the first tetragonal P4/mbm phase appears in (NH4)3Ti0.4Sn0.6F7 at T0 = 400 K, which proves the existence of the predicted high-temperature cubic phase in (NH4)3TiF7. In solid solutions, a decrease in birefringence and entropy of phase transitions was observed in comparison with the initial compounds with Sn and Ti as central atoms. The role of critical parameters (unit cell volume, temperature, external pressure) in the formation of cubic and distorted phases is discussed.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Aleksandrov K. S., Anistratov A. T., Mel'nikova S. V., Zinenko V. I., Shabanova L. A., Beznosikov B. V.
Заглавие : Birefringence, twinning and structural phase transitions in ABCl3 single crystals
Коллективы : International meeting on ferroelectricity
Место публикации : Ferroelectrics. - 1978. - Vol. 20, Spesial issue. - P.305-307. - DOI 10.1080/00150197808237245
Аннотация: The temperature investigations of birefringence, twinning and elasticity of CsPbCl3, CsSrCl3, TlMnCl3, RbCdCl3, CsCaCl3 and RbMnCl3, were carried out. A group-theoretical analysis is made and the description of phase transitions is given.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Popov E. A., Kotlyarskii M. M.
Заглавие : Birefringence of anti-ferromagnetic Rb2MnCl4
Место публикации : Fiz. Tverd. Tela. - 1980. - Vol. 22, Is. 10. - P.3019-3023. - ISSN 0367-3294
Примечания : Cited References: 16
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Mel'nikova S. V., Aleksandrov K. S., Anistratov A. T., Beznosikov B. V.
Заглавие : Birefringence and structural phase transitions in ABCl//3-type crystals
Место публикации : Sov. Phys. Solid State. - 1977. - Vol. 19, Is. 1. - P.18-20; Phys. Solid State
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): electrooptical effects--crystals
Аннотация: The refractive indices and birefringence of CsPbCl//3, TlMnCl//3, and CsSrCl//3 were determined a wide temperature range, which included phase transition points. Relatively high values of the photoelastic and acoustooptic characteristics were obtained: the th acoustooptic figure of merit M//2 was 12 multiplied by (times) 10** minus **1**8 cgs units for TlMnCl//3 and 98 multiplied by (times) 10** minus **1**8 cgs units for CsPbCl//3. A strong influence of partial Sr for Ca substitution on the properties and transition temperatures was observed. A phenomenological theory was used to analyze the relationship between the birefringence anomalies and the theromodynamic parameters of the transitions. A comparison was made with KMnF//3 and SrTiO//3.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Boldyrev K. N., Pisarev R. V., Bezmaternykh L. N., Popova M. N.
Заглавие : Antiferromagnetic dichroism in a complex multisublattice magnetoelectric CuB2O4
Коллективы : Russian Academy of Sciences under the Programs for Basic Research; Russian Federation [MK-3521.2015.2], Russian Foundation for Basic Research [15-32-20613, 15-02-04222], Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation [14.B25.0031.25]
Место публикации : Phys. Rev. Lett.: American Physical Society, 2015. - Vol. 114, Is. 24. - Ст.247210. - ISSN 0031, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.247210. - ISSN 10797114(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References:40. - This study was supported by the Russian Academy of Sciences under the Programs for Basic Research, by the President of the Russian Federation (Grant No. MK-3521.2015.2, K. N. B.), by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grants No. 15-32-20613, K. N. B., and No. 15-02-04222, R. V. P.), and by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Grant No. 14.B25.0031.25, R. V. P.).
Аннотация: Magnetic control of the crystal chirality was announced by Saito et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, (2008)] on the ground of experiments in CuB2O4. This claim has raised a sharp dispute in the literature because it seemed to contradict the fundamental symmetry principles. We settle this dispute on the basis of a high-resolution optical spectroscopy study of excitonic transitions in CuB2O4. We find that a large sublattice-sensitive antiferromagnetic linear dichroism (LD) emerges at the Néel temperature TN=21 K and show how it could simulate a “magnetic-field control of the crystal chirality.” We prove that the discovered LD is related microscopically to the magnetic Davydov splitting. This LD is highly sensitive to subtle changes in the spin subsystems, which allowed us to observe a splitting of the phase transition into an incommensurate magnetic phase into two transitions (T∗1=8.5 and T∗2=7.9 K) and to suggest elliptical spiral structures below T∗1, instead of a simple circular helix proposed earlier.О магнитном контроле кристаллической хиральности сообщил Сайто и др. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 117402 (2008)] на основании экспериментов в CuB2O4. Это требование вызвало резкий спор в литературе, потому что это казалось, противоречат основным принципам симметрии. Мы урегулировать этот спор на основе исследования с помощью оптической спектроскопии высокого разрешения экситонных переходов в CuB2O4. Мы считаем, что большой подрешетко-чувствительный антиферромагнитный линейный дихроизм (LD) возникает при температуре Нееля TN= 21 Kи показываем, как это может имитировать "контроль магнитным полем кристаллической хиральности." Мы докажем, что обнаруженный LD связанс микроскопическим магнитным Давыдовским расщеплением. Этот Л.Д. весьма чувствителен к тонким изменениям в спиновых подсистем, которые позволили нам наблюдать расщепление фазового перехода в несоизмеримы магнитная фаза в двух переходов (T*1= 8,5 и Т*2 = 7,9 К) и предположить эллиптическую спиральную структуру ниже T*1, вместо простой круговой спирали предложенный ранее.
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