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Edelman I. S. Tranparent glass-ceramics containing nanoparticles of transition and rare earth elements/I. S. Edelman // Workshop "Trends in Nanomechanics and Nanoengineering", 2009.-С.25

Features of the Preparation and Study of Electrophysical Characteristics (BeO+TiO2)-Ceramics by Impedance Spectroscopy/A. A. Lepeshev [et al.] // Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, 2019. т.Vol. 60,N Is. 3.-С.309-317

The appearance of ferromagnetism in beryllium ceramics/A. V. Pavlov, L. I. Kveglis, R. Nasibulin [et al.] // Euro-asian symposium "Trends in magnetism" (EASTMAG-2019), 2019,N Vol. 2.- Ст.K.P36.-С.378

Лепешев А. А. Импедансная спектроскопия (ВеО+TiO2)-керамики с добавкой наночастиц TiO2/А. А. Лепешев, А. В. Павлов, Н. А. Дрокин // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Техника и технологии, 2019. т.Т. 12,N № 3.-С.366-380;Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies

Raman scattering study of SrTiO3: Bi ceramics with higher (x = 0.16) bismuth content/S. N. Krylova [et al.] // 3th International Conference "Scanning Probe Microscopy". 4th Russia-China Workshop on Dielectric and Ferroelectric Materials (SPM-2019-RCWDFM). International Youth Conference "Functional Imaging of Nanomaterials", 2019.- Ст.P62.-С.188

Dumping soft modes in Raman spectra of antiferroelectric (Pb-La)(Zr-Sn-Ti)O3 ceramics/A. N. Vtyurin [et al.] // Joint Conference of the IEEE ISAF, EMF, ICE, IWPM and PFM, 2019.-С.694

Anharmonicity and local noncentrosymmetric regions in BaTiO3 pressed powder studied by the Raman line temperature dependence/A. M. Pugachev, I. V. Zaytseva, N. V. Surovtsev, A. S. Krylov // Ceramics International, 2020. т.Vol. 46,N Is. 14.-С.22619-22623

Size effect on sensitivity to external pressure and caloric effects in TGS: Ceramics and nanocomposites/E. A. Mikhaleva, I. N. Flerov, E. V. Bogdanov [et al.] // Materials Today Communications, 2020. т.Vol. 25.- Ст.101463

Thallium ionic conductivity of new thallium indium hafnium molybdate ceramics/V. G. Grossman, J. G. Bazarova, M. S. Molokeev, B. G. Bazarov // Ionics, 2020. т.Vol. 26.-С.6157-6165

Glass-ceramics with thermally stable blue-red emission for high-power horticultural LED applications/W. B. Chen, X. J. Zhang, J. X. Zhou [et al.] // Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020. т.Vol. 8,N Is. 12.-С.3996-4002

Thermoelectric properties of the SmCoO3 and NdCoO3 cobalt oxides/V. A. Dudnikov, A. S. Fedorov, Y. S. Orlov [et al.] // Ceramics International, 2020. т.Vol. 46,N Is. 11.-С.17987-17991

Structure analysis, tuning photoluminescence and enhancing thermal stability on Mn4+-doped La2-xYxMgTiO6 red phosphor for agricultural lighting/S. Gai, H. Zhu, P. Gao [et al.] // Ceramics International, 2020. т.Vol. 46,N Is. 12.-С.20173-20182

X-Ray, Dielectric, and Thermophysical Studies of Rubidium Tetrachlorozincate inside Porous Glasses/L. N. Korotkov [et al.] // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2019. т.Vol. 83,N Is. 9.-С.1072-1076

Restoration of soft modes in Raman spectra of antiferroeelectric (Pb-La)(Zr-Sn-Ti)O3 ceramics/A. N. Vtyurin [et al.] // Joint 14th Russia/CIS/Baltic/Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity (RCBJSF)/ Young scientists school on the spectroscopic studies of critical dynamics at structural phase transitions, 2018.-С.26

Temperature behavior of BaBi2Nb2O9 ceramics/S. N. Krylova [et al.] // Joint 14th Russia/CIS/Baltic/Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity (RCBJSF)/ Young scientists school on the spectroscopic studies of critical dynamics at structural phase transitions, 2018.-С.181

ε-Fe2O3 nanoparticles embedded in silica xerogel – Magnetic metamaterial/S. S. Yakushkin [et al.] // Ceramics International, 2018. т.Vol. 44,N Is. 15.-С.17852-17857

Belyaev B. A. Impedance spectroscopy study of the electrical properties of cation-substituted barium hexaaluminate ceramics/B. A. Belyaev, N. A. Drokin, V. A. Poluboyarov // Physics of the Solid State, 2018. т.Vol. 60,N Is. 2.-С.274-280

The effects of Ga3+ substitution on local structure and photoluminescence of Tb3Al5O12:Ce garnet phosphor/J. Bi [et al.] // Ceramics International, 2018. т.Vol. 44,N Is. 7.-С.8684-8690

Effect of A-site cation ordering on the thermoelectric properties of the complex cobalt oxides Gd1-xSrxCoO3-δ (x = 0.8 and 0.9)/V. A. Dudnikov [et al.] // Ceramics International, 2018. т.Vol. 44,N Is. 9.-С.10299-10305

Thermoelectric properties and stability of the Re0.2Sr0.8CoO3-δ (Re = Gd, Dy) complex cobalt oxides in the temperature range of 300‒800 K/V. A. Dudnikov [et al.] // Ceramics International, 2019. т.Vol. 45,N Is. 5.-С.5553-5558

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