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Andreev reflection in natural grain boundaries of polycrystalline high-T-c superconductor La1.85Sr0.15CuO4/M. I. Petrov [et al.] // PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE:AMER INST PHYSICS, 2003. т.Vol. 45,N Is. 7.-С.1219-1222

Anisotropic thermal expansion and electronic transitions in the Co3BO5 ludwigite/N. Kazak, A. Arauzo, J. Bartolome [et al.] // Dalton Transactions:Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022. т.Vol. 51,N Is. 16.-С.6345-6357

Aplesnin S. S. Conductivity of HoxMn1-xS magnetic semiconductors with orbital ordering/S. S. Aplesnin, M. N. Sitnikov // Internnational conference "Spin physics, spin chemistry, and spin technology", 2015.-С.47

Aplesnin S. S. Effect of bond fluctuations on the transport properties of manganites and nickelates/S. S. Aplesnin // JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2007. т.Vol. 104,N Is. 5.-С.766-774

Aplesnin S. S. Formation of a spin density wave in copper metaborate by a spin polaron/S. S. Aplesnin // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter:IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2004. т.Vol. 16,N Is. 32.-С.5907-5914

Aplesnin S. S. Influence of spin-phonon coupling on the magnetic moment in 2D spin-1/2 antiferromagnet/S. S. Aplesnin // Physics Letters A, 2003. т.Vol. 313,N Is. 1-2.-С.122-125

Aplesnin S. S. Magnetoresistance effect in anion-substituted manganese chalcogenides/S. S. Aplesnin, O. B. Romanova, K. I. Yanushkevich // Physica status solidi B - Basic Solid State Physics, 2015. т.Vol. 252,N Is. 8.-С.1792-1798

Aver'yanov E. M. Effective refractive index of a two-dimensional polycrystal/E. M. Aver’yanov // JETP Letters, 2015. т.Vol. 101,N Is. 10.-С.685-689

Aver'yanov E. M. Influence of the dimension of a polycrystalline film and the optical anisotropy of crystallites on the effective dielectric constant of the film/E. M. Aver’yanov // Physics of the Solid State:MAIK Nauka-Interperiodica / Springer, 2016. т.Vol. 58,N Is. 8.-С.1634-1641

Babkin E. V. Anomalous features of the conductivity and of the galvanomagnetic properties of vanadium dioxide in strong electric-fields/E. V. Babkin, G. A. Petrakovskii, A. A. Charyev // JETP Letters, 1986. т.Vol. 43,N Is. 11.-С.697-700

Balaev D. A. Tunnel Conductivity and Tunnel Magnetoresistance of the Fe-SiO Films: Interplay of the Magnetotransport and Magnetic Properties/D. A. Balaev, A. D. Balaev // Physics of the Solid State, 2019. т.Vol. 61,N Is. 7.-С.1203-1210

Belyaev B. A. Impedance spectroscopy investigation of electrophysical characteristics of the electrode-liquid crystal interface/B. A. Belyaev, N. A. Drokin // Physics of the Solid State:MAIK Nauka-Interperiodica / Springer, 2015. т.Vol. 57,N Is. 1.-С.181-187

Berzhanskii V. N. Magnetic-ordering effect on the conductivity of n-type and p-type CDCR2SE4 single-crystals/V. N. Berzhanskii, V. K. CHERNOV // Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1982. т.Vol. 24,N Is. 6.-С.1895-1897

Bobrov P. P. Dielectric permittivity spectra of oil-water-saturated sandy-clayey rocks of different mineralogical compositions and relaxation properties of water in these rocks/P. P. Bobrov, V. L. Mironov, A. V. Repin // Russian Geology and Geophysics:Elsevier Science, 2015. т.Vol. 56,N Is. 7.-С.1065-1073

Cation Distribution in the Composite Materials of the CaFe2O4-α-Fe2O3 Series/Y. V. Knyazev [et al.] // Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2019. т.Vol. 60,N Is. 5.-С.763-771

Chemical exchange in NH4HSeO4 single crystals studied by two-dimensional H-2 nuclear magnetic resonance/Y. N. Ivanov [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter:IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 1999. т.Vol. 11,N Is. 18.-С.3751-3760

Conductivity study of Co3O2BO3 and Co 3-xFexO2BO3 oxyborates/N. V. Kazak [et al.] // Solid State Phenomena, 2009. т.Vol. 152-153.-С.104-107

Conductivity, structural and magnetic properties of manganese chalcogenide films under anionic substitution by tellurium/O. B. Romanova [et al.] // Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM-2017), 2017.- Ст.4PO-I1-30.-С.885

Conductivity, weak ferromagnetism, and charge instability in an alpha-MnS single crystal/S. S. Aplesnin [et al.] // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 2005. т.Vol. 71,N Is. 12.- Ст.125204;Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 2005. т.Vol. 71,N Is. 12.- Ст.125204

Dark conductivity and photoconductivity of germanium-sillenite crystals doped with aluminum and boron/A. T. Anistratov [et al.] // Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1980. т.Vol. 22,N Is. 6.-С.1865-1867

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