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    Cation Distribution in the Composite Materials of the CaFe2O4-α-Fe2O3 Series / Y. V. Knyazev [et al.] // J. Struct. Chem. - 2019. - Vol. 60, Is. 5. - P. 763-771, DOI 10.1134/S0022476619050081. - Cited References: 25. - The study was performed with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, the Krasnoyarsk Regional Science Foundation within the project No. 18-42-243011 "The effect of the composition and the defective structure of CaFe2O4 based "core-shell" composite materials on their electronic and catalytic properties" and the UMNIK program. . - ISSN 0022-4766. - ISSN 1573-8779
РУБ Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear + Chemistry, Physical


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
solid-phase synthesis -- scanning electron microscopy -- Mössbauer spectroscopy -- cation vacancies
Аннотация: Structured composite materials CaFe2O4-α-Fe2O3 (α-Fe2O3 content is 2–82 wt.%) are obtained with the method of solid-phase synthesis at 1000 °C. The phase composition of the samples is studied using powder X-ray diffraction. It is shown that the content of CaFe2O4 and α-Fe2O3 phases changes linearly, depending on the composition of the starting material. The scanning electron microscopy data indicate the formation of a two-phase system α-Fe2O3-CaFe2O4. The Mössbauer spectroscopy data at room temperature testify the formation of cationic iron vacancies in the CaFe2O4 crystal structure in the absence of α-Fe2O3 structural defects. Cationic vacancies can be formed during the synthesis in the atmosphere of air.

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Публикация на русском языке Особенности катионного распределения в композиционных материалах ряда СaFe2O4—α-Fe2O3 [Текст] / Ю. В. Князев [и др.] // Журн. структ. химии. - 2019. - Т. 60 № 5. - С. 796-805

Держатели документа:
Russian Acad Sci, Kirensky Inst Phys, Siberian Branch, Fed Krasnoyarsk Res Ctr, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
Russian Acad Sci, Inst Chem & Chem Technol, Siberian Branch, Fed Krasnoyarsk Res Ctr, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

Доп.точки доступа:
Knyazev, Yu. V.; Князев, Юрий Владимирович; Shishkina, N. N.; Bayukov, O. A.; Баюков, Олег Артемьевич; Kirik, N. P.; Solovyov, L. A.; Zhizhaev, A. M.; Rabchevsky, E. V.; Anshits, A. G.; Russian Foundation for Basic Research; Government of the Krasnoyarsk Krai; Krasnoyarsk Regional Science Foundation [18-42-243011]; UMNIK program
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    Balaev, D. A.
    Tunnel Conductivity and Tunnel Magnetoresistance of the Fe-SiO Films: Interplay of the Magnetotransport and Magnetic Properties / D. A. Balaev, A. D. Balaev // Phys. Solid State. - 2019. - Vol. 61, Is. 7. - P. 1203-1210, DOI 10.1134/S1063783419070047. - Cited References: 48 . - ISSN 1063-7834. - ISSN 1090-6460
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter



Аннотация: The electrical properties of a system of nanogranular amorphous Fe–SiO films with a SiO concentration between 0 and 92 vol % have been investigated. The samples with a low SiO content are characterized by the metal-type conductivity. With an increase in the dielectric content x in the films, the concentration transition from the metal to tunneling conductivity occurs at x ≈ 0.6. At the same concentration, the ferromagnet–superparamagnet transition is observed, which was previously investigated by the magnetic method. The temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity ρ(T) for the compositions corresponding to the dielectric region obey the law ρ(T) ~ exp(2(C/kT)1/2), which is typical of the tunneling conductivity. The estimation of the metal grain sizes from the tunneling activation energy C has shown good agreement with the sizes obtained previously by analyzing the magnetic properties. In the dielectric region of the compositions, the giant magnetoresistive effect attaining 25% at low temperatures has been obtained.

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Публикация на русском языке

Держатели документа:
Russian Acad Sci, Kirensky Inst Phys, Krasnoyarsk Sci Ctr, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia.

Доп.точки доступа:
Balaev, A. D.; Балаев, Александр Дмитриевич; Балаев, Дмитрий Александрович
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    Electrophysical properties of hydroxylated endohedral metallofullerene with gadolinium / A. I. Dudnik [et al.] // J. Phys. Chem. Solids. - 2019. - Vol. 135. - Ст. 109094, DOI 10.1016/j.jpcs.2019.109094. - Cited References: 35. - The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project No 18-29-19003. . - ISSN 0022-3697
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Endohedral metallofullerene -- Fullerenol -- Impedance -- Dielectric permittivity -- Ionic and proton conductivity -- Dielectric hysteresis -- Polarizability
Аннотация: The paper presents the results of experimental measurements of constitutive and electrophysical properties in hydroxylated endohedral metallofullerene with gadolinium sample. We extracted endohedral metallofullerene from carbon condensate, synthesized in high-frequency arc discharge plasma. Later hydroxyl groups were added. Via methods of infrared and x-ray photoelectronic spectroscopy, it was established that the molecules of hydroxylated endohedral metallofullerene have the Gd@C82Ox(OH)y, x + y=(40–42) composition. The method of measuring the electrical impedance in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 100 MHz shows that the resulting hydroxylated fullerene is an ion conductor. The measured frequency dependences of the dielectric permittivity and conductivity of hydroxylated fullerene are explained based on the assumption of an inhomogeneous distribution of electric charges in the material volume. Dielectric-hysteresis loops in the frequency range of 25 Hz–1 MHz and temperature range of 80–300 K, and volt-ampere characteristics were measured. The obtained results imply the appearance of residual polarization induced by the electric field in hydroxylated fullerene. However, the constant dipole moment is absent. © 2019

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Держатели документа:
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS, Russian Federation
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Dudnik, A. I.; Дудник, Александр Иванович; Vnukova, N. G.; Внукова, Наталья Григорьевна; Drokin, N. A.; Дрокин, Николай Александрович; Bondarev, V. S.; Бондарев, Виталий Сергеевич; Shestakov, N. P.; Шестаков, Николай Петрович; Tomashevich, Y. V.; Churilov, G. N.; Чурилов, Григорий Николаевич
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    SiCxNy:Fe films as a tunable ferromagnetic material with tailored conductivity / R. Pushkarev [et al.] // J. Mater. Chem. C. - 2019. - Vol. 7, Is. 14. - P. 4250-4258, DOI 10.1039/c9tc00299e. - Cited References: 51 . - ISSN 2050-7526. - ISSN 2050-7534
РУБ Materials Science, Multidisciplinary + Physics, Applied

Аннотация: Amorphous ferromagnetic materials with variable composition are promising candidates for application in rapidly-growing technological fields, such as spintronics. However, the significant downside of current state-of-the-art materials is a conductivity mismatch between the injector and the semiconductor, which often is associated with the inability to control and precisely tailor the magnetic properties and conductivity. We report on the synthesis of soft-magnetic SiCxNy:Fe films with a saturation magnetization of 20 emu cm−3 and a conductivity similar to the one of Si, which is crucial for possible applications. XRD with synchrotron radiation and EXAFS revealed the complex composite structure of the films: crystals of Fe3Si, Fe5Si3, SiC and graphite are embedded into the amorphous matrix of SiCxNy. Variation of the deposition conditions allowed us to separately control the magnetic properties through the iron concentration and the conductivity of the material through the amorphous SiCxNy matrix composition. The reported results revealed significant potential of SiCxNy:Fe films as a prospective object for analysis of spin-polarized transport in amorphous semiconductors and for application in the field of spintronics.

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Держатели документа:
Russian Acad Sci, Nikolaev Inst Inorgan Chem, Siberian Branch, Pr Acad Lavrentev 3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia.
Russian Acad Sci, Rzhanov Inst Semicond Phys, Siberian Branch, Pr Acad Lavrentev 13, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia.
Russian Acad Sci, Kirensky Inst Phys, Siberian Branch, Akademgorodok 50,38, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia.
Ural Fed Univ, St Mira 19, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia.
Russian Acad Sci, Budker Inst Nucl Phys, Siberian Branch, Pr Acad Lavrentev 11, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia.
ESRF, Rossendorf Beamline, F-38043 Grenoble, France.
HZDR, Inst Resource Ecol, D-01314 Dresden, Germany.

Доп.точки доступа:
Pushkarev, Roman; Fainer, Nadezhda; Kirienko, Victor; Matsynin, A. A.; Мацынин, Алексей Александрович; Nadolinnyy, Vladimir; Merenkov, Ivan; Trubina, Svetlana; Ehrenburg, Simon; Kvashnina, Kristina
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    Синтез и электрофизические свойства композитов на основе сверхвысокомолекулярного полиэтилена и углеродных нанотрубок / И. А. Маркевич [и др.] // Журн. СФУ. Техн. и технол. - 2018. - Т. 11, № 2. - С. 190-197 ; J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. Technol., DOI 10.17516/1999-494X-0022. - Библиогр.: 8. - Работа выполнена при поддержке Фонда содействия развитию малых форм предприятий в научно-технической сфере в рамках договора № 9594ГУ/2015 от 01.02.2016. . - ISSN 1999-494X
   Перевод заглавия: Synthesis and electrophysical properties of ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene and carbon nanotubes based composites
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
композиты -- сверхвысокомолекулярный полиэтилен -- углеродные нанотрубки -- диэлектрическая проницаемость -- проводимость -- composites -- ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene -- carbon nanotubes -- dielectric permittivity -- conductivity
Аннотация: Получены композиты на основе сверхвысокомолекулярного полиэтилена и углеродных нанотрубок методом смешивания компонентов в ксилоле при определенных температурах. Комплексные проводимости и диэлектрические проницаемости образцов материалов измерены в диапазоне частот от 100 Гц до 1 ГГц. Установлены условия синтеза как электропроводящих, так и диэлектрических композитов. При этом величина проводимости зависит не только от концентрации углеродных нанотрубок, но и от структуры их распределения в полимерной матрице, которая, в свою очередь, зависит от температурных условий получения композита.
Composites based on ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene and carbon nanotubes were obtained by mixing the components in xylene at certain temperatures. The complex conductivities and permittivities of the material samples were measured in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 1 GHz. The conditions for the synthesis of both electrically conducting and dielectric composites were established. The conductivity depends not only on the concentration of carbon nanotubes, but also on the structure of their distribution in the polymer matrix, which in turn depends on the temperature conditions for obtaining the composite.

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Держатели документа:
Институт химии и химической технологии СО РАН ФИЦ «Красноярский научный центр СО РАН»
Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского СО РАН ФИЦ «Красноярский научный центр СО РАН»
Сибирский федеральный университет

Доп.точки доступа:
Маркевич, И. А.; Markevich I. A.; Селютин, Г. Е.; Selyutin G. E.; Дрокин, Николай Александрович; Drokin, N. A.; Беляев, Борис Афанасьевич; Belyaev, B. A.

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    Теплоперенос в щелевых каналах / Т. А. Енютина [и др.] // Вестник КрасГАУ. - 2018. - Вып. 3. - С. 78-83. - Библиогр.: 5 . - ISSN 1819-4036
   Перевод заглавия: Heat transfer in annular channels
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
конвективный теплообмен -- теплопроводность -- коэффициент теплоотдачи -- тепловой поток -- плотность теплового потока -- convective heat exchange -- heat conductivity -- heat transfer coefficient -- heat flux -- heat flux density
Аннотация: С целью создания дополнительной защиты боевой одежды пожарных от перегрева была разработана конструкция специального вкладыша, содержащего эле-менты из материала с памятью формы. Устройство имеет щелевое пространство, заполняемое азотом, поступающим из специального баллончика. Для разработки вкладыша необходимо знать теплотехнические характеристики, в частности коэффициенты теплоотдачи для вычисления тепловых потоков. Цель исследования: проведение анализа системы дифференциаль-ных уравнений применительно к данному конкретному случаю теплопереноса, получение расчетных формул для местного (локального) и среднего коэффициентов теплоотдачи, расчет тепловых потоков Q для двух инертных газов - азота и гелия. На основании получен-ных результатов были сделаны следующие выводы: 1) сформулированы упрощения для решения системы дифференциальных уравнений конвективного теплообмена; 2) получены уравнения для вычисления местного (локального) коэффициента теплоотдачи и среднего по высоте плоской стенки коэффициента теплоотдачи для случая свободного движения потока газа в ограниченном пространстве; 3) результаты анализа системы дифференциальных уравнений позволяют рассчитать тепловые потоки для щелевых пространств в условиях переноса теплоты, что достаточно часто встречается в технических устройствах, в частности, для уменьшения тепловых потерь в окружающую среду (создание тонких воздушных слоев в обмуровке паровых котлов и промышленных печей, в тепловой изоляции трубопроводов отопления и горячего водоснабжения и так далее); 4) выполнены расчеты тепловых потоков для инертных газов - азота и гелия, результаты которых указывают, что для заполнения пространства защитного вкладыша следует использовать азот.
In order to create additional protection of fighting clothes for firefighters against overheating the design of special insert containing elements from material with shape memory was developed. The construction has slot-hole space filled by the nitrogen arriving from special barrel. For the development of the insert it is necessary to know heat technical characteristics, in particular heat transfer coefficients. The research ob-jective was carrying out the analysis of the system of differential equations in relation to this concrete case of heat transfer, receiving settlement formulas for local and average heat transfer coefficients, calculation of Q thermal streams for two inert gases, i.e. nitrogen and helium. On the basis of received results the following conclusions were drawn: 1) simplifications for the decision of the system of differential equations of convective heat exchange were formulated; 2) the equations for calculation of local coefficient of thermolysis and the aver-age on height of a flat wall of coefficient of thermolysis for the case of free movement of the stream of gas in limited space were received; 3) the results of the analysis of the system of differential equations allowed to calculate thermal streams for slot-hole spaces in the conditions of warmth transfer that rather often meets in technical devices, in particular, for the reduction of thermal losses in the environment (creation of thin air beds in a brickwork envelope of boilers and industrial furnaces, in thermal isolation of pipelines of heating and hot water supply and so on); 4) calculations of thermal streams for inert gases, i.e. nitrogen and helium were executed which results specified that for filling the space of protective insert it was necessary to use nitrogen.

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Держатели документа:
Балтийский государственный технический университет «Военмех» им. Д.Ф. Устинова
Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского СО РАН
Сибирский федеральный университет

Доп.точки доступа:
Енютина, Т. А.; Enyutina T. A.; Терещенко, В. М.; Tereshchenko V. M.; Патрушева, Т. Н.; Patrusheva T. N.; Бондарев, Виталий Сергеевич; Bondarev, V. S.; Марченкова, С. Г.; Marchenkova S. G.
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    Effect of oxygen nonstoichiometry on electrical conductivity and thermopower of Gd0.2Sr0.8FeO3-δ ferrite samples / V. Dudnikov [et al.] // Materials. - 2019. - Vol. 12, Is. 1. - Ст. 74, DOI 10.3390/ma12010074. - Cited References: 24 . - ISSN 1996-1944
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Rare-earth-substituted cobalt oxides -- Stability -- Thermoelectric properties
Аннотация: The behavior of the resistivity and thermopower of the Gd0.2Sr0.8FeO3−δ ferrite samples with a perovskite structure and the sample stability in an inert gas atmosphere in the temperature range of 300–800 K have been examined. It has been established that, in the investigated temperature range, the thermoelectric properties in the heating‒cooling mode are stabilized at δ ≥ 0.21. It is shown that the temperature dependencies of the resistivity obtained at different δ values obey the activation law up to the temperatures corresponding to the intense oxygen removal from a sample. The semiconductor‒semiconductor electronic transitions accompanied by a decrease in the activation energy have been observed with increasing temperature. It is demonstrated that the maximum thermoelectric power factor of 0.1 µW/(cm·K2) corresponds to a temperature of T = 800 K.

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Держатели документа:
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation
Institute of Engineering Physics and Radio Electronics, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation
Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Dudnikov, V. A.; Дудников, Вячеслав Анатольевич; Orlov, Yu. S.; Орлов, Юрий Сергеевич; Fedorov, A. S.; Федоров, Александр Семенович; Solovyov, L.; Vereshchagin, S.; Burkov, A. T.; Novikov, S.; Ovchinnikov, S. G.; Овчинников, Сергей Геннадьевич
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    References regulating the BiMnxFe1-xO3 film conductivity upon cooling in magnetic and electric fields / S. S. Aplesnin [et al.] // Mater. Res. Express. - 2019. - Vol. 6, Is. 11. - Ст. 116125, DOI 10.1088/2053-1591/ab4ec7. - Cited References: 19. - This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research project no. 18-52-00009 bel_a, No. 18-32-00079 mol_a. This work is part of the research program the state order No. 3.5743.2017/6.7. . - ISSN 2053-1591
РУБ Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
multiferroic -- curie temperature -- conductivity -- cooling in magnetic field
Аннотация: The magnetic and electrical properties of the BiFe1-xMnxO3 (x = 0.05, 0.15) films in the temperature range of 80–600 K have been investigated. The Curie temperature (Tc) of the films has been determined. A decrease in the conductivity of the films with x = 0.05 upon cooling in an electric field from the temperatures T ˂ Tc has been found. This effect has been described in the model of decreasing quantum well (domain wall) density and the tunneling coefficient drop. A decrease in the conductivity of the BiFe1-xMnxO3 film by more than an order of magnitude upon cooling from high temperatures in a magnetic field has been established. The experimental data are interpreted using the magnetic-field-induced magnetic structure variation and exchange splitting of the impurity subband.

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Держатели документа:
RAS, Kirensky Inst Phys, Fed Res Ctr KSC SB, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia.
Reshetnev Siberian State Univ Sci & Technol, Krasnoyarsk 660014, Russia.
Sci Pract Mat Res Ctr NAS, Minsk 220072, BELARUS.

Доп.точки доступа:
Aplesnin, S. S.; Аплеснин, Сергей Степанович; Masyugin, A. N.; Kretinin, V. V.; Yanushkevich, K. I.; Russian Foundation for Basic ResearchRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) [18-52-00009 bel_a, 18-32-00079 mol_a, 3.5743.2017/6.7]
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    Moiseenko, E. T.
    In situ electron diffraction and resistivity characterization of solid state reaction process in Cu/Al bilayer thin films / E. T. Moiseenko, R. R. Altunin, S. M. Zharkov // Metall. Mat. Trans. A. - 2020. - Vol. 51, Is. 3. - P. 1428-1436, DOI 10.1007/s11661-019-05602-5. - Cited References: 52. - The authors wish to thank the financial support from the Russian Science Foundation (Grant #18-13-00080) . - ISSN 1073-5623
   Перевод заглавия: In situ исследования процесса твердофазной реакции в двухслойных тонких пленках Cu/Al методами дифракции электронов и изменения электросопротивления
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Aluminum alloys -- Binary alloys -- Crystallites -- Electric conductivity -- Electron diffraction -- Intermetallics -- Solid state reactions -- Thin films
Аннотация: Solid state reaction processes in Cu/Al thin films have been studied using the methods of in situ electron diffraction and electrical resistivity measurements. The solid state reaction in the Cu/Al thin films has been found to begin already at 88 °C with the formation of the Al2Cu phase in the process of thermal heating in vacuum. The phase sequence at the solid state reaction in the films under study has been determined to be the following: Al2Cu → AlCu → Al4Cu9. A model has been suggested for describing the initial formation stage of intermetallic compounds at the solid state reaction in Cu/Al thin films. According to this model, at the initial stage, the intermetallic compounds are formed as separate crystallites at the interface in the Cu/Al thin films. The suggested model can be applied both to the formation of the first phase, Al2Cu, and to the subsequent phases: AlCu and Al4Cu9. For the Al4Cu9 phase the temperature coefficient of the electrical resistivity has been determined to be equal to αAl4Cu9= 1.1 × 10−3 K−1.

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Держатели документа:
Siberian Federal University, 79 Svobodny pr., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS, Akademgorodok 50/38, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Altunin, R. R.; Zharkov, S. M.; Жарков, Сергей Михайлович
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    Transport and magnetic phenomena in ZnO-С thin-film heterostructures / M. N. Volochaev, A. B. Granovsky, O. V. Zhilova [et al.] // Superlattices Microstruct. - 2020. - Vol. 140. - Ст. 106449, DOI 10.1016/j.spmi.2020.106449. - Cited References: 36. - The work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (project No. 3.1867.2017/4.6 ) and the RFBR (project No. 19-07-00471). The work was partially funded by the Academy of Finland . - ISSN 0749-6036
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Zinc oxide -- Amorphous carbon -- Multi-layered structures -- Composites -- Hopping conductivity -- Weak localization -- Magnetoresistance
Аннотация: ZnO- and C-based heterostructures were fabricated by the layer-by-layer deposition technique using the ion-beam sputtering process. Structure, electrical and magnetic properties of fabricated heterostructures are discussed. The two-phase (ZnO and C) films are evolved into a multilayer structure, consisting of amorphous carbon and crystalline ZnO layers when the bilayer thickness increases. When carbon is added to ZnO, its electrical resistivity reduces. The conduction mechanism changes from the variable-range hopping in a narrow energy band to the nearest neighbors hopping in ZnO–C films with a thickness of h ˂ 150 nm. The temperature dependence of conductivity changes from the Arrhenius-like to logarithmic law, indicating that the strong charge localization turns into a weak one when the film thickness is about 150 nm. The negative magnetoresistance of up to 1% was detected at 77 K. The film ferromagnetism at the temperature of 10 K was not found.

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Держатели документа:
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk660036, Russian Federation
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow119991, Russian Federation
Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh394026, Russian Federation
National Research Centre ‘‘Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow123182, Russian Federation
Voronezh State University, Voronezh394003, Russian Federation
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, Lappeenranta FI53851, Finland

Доп.точки доступа:
Volochaev, M. N.; Волочаев, Михаил Николаевич; Granovsky, A. B.; Zhilova, O. V.; Kalinin, Y. E.; Ryl'kov, V. V.; Sumets, M. P.; Makagonov, V. A.; Pankov, S. Y.; Sitnikov, A. V.; Fadeev, E.; Lahderanta, E.; Foshin, V.
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    Structural and electron transport properties of CaFe2O4 synthesized in air and in helium atmosphere / Yu. V. Knyazev [et al.] // J. Alloys Compd. - 2020. - Vol. 820. - Ст. 153073, DOI 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.153073. - Cited References: 37. - The reported study was partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science (grant #18-42-243011) and the UMNIK Program. . - ISSN 0925-8388. - ISSN 1873-4669
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
CaFe2O4 -- Mössbauer spectroscopy -- EXAFS/XANES -- XPS -- Conductivity measurements -- Activation energy
Аннотация: The samples with the CaFe2O4-type crystal structure were obtained by the solid-state reaction method at 1000 °C in the air and the helium atmosphere for the first time. We investigated the modification of the structural and electronic properties of the obtained samples. Mössbauer, XAFS-, XPS-spectroscopies, and dc-, ac-conductivity measurements were carried out. Mössbauer and XAFS-spectroscopies showed that the local environment of Fe and Ca cations does not change in the case of the inert atmosphere synthesis. Nevertheless, a sharp six-order increase in the electrical resistance observed at room temperature for the sample obtained in the in the helium atmosphere. Moreover, calculated from dc-conductivity data activation energy rises from 0.327 for the air-synthesized sample to 0.585 eV for helium-obtained one. This behavior indicates significant modification of in-band-gap energy structure, which correlated with thermally activated charge carriers. Our ac-conductivity measurements in the frequency range of 1 kHz–2 MHz for the CaFe2O4 obtained in the air showed the presence of defect levels in the energy band structure. Oxygen pressure reduction during the synthesis results in levels vanishing. Therefore, we suppose the key role of oxygen atoms in the transport properties of the material, which is indirectly confirmed by XPS data. In prospect, CaFe2O4 can be used in promising gas analyzers.

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Держатели документа:
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS, 660036, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, 123182, Moscow, Russia
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS, 660036, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Доп.точки доступа:
Knyazev, Yu. V.; Князев, Юрий Владимирович; Tarasov, A. S.; Тарасов, Антон Сергеевич; Platunov, M. S.; Платунов, Михаил Сергеевич; Trigub, A. L.; Bayukov, O. A.; Баюков, Олег Артемьевич; Boronin, A. I.; Solovyov, L. A.; Rabchevskii, E. V.; Shishkina, N. N.; Anshits, A. G.
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    Markevich, I. A.
    Impedance Spectroscopy Study of a Polymer Composite with Carbon Nanotubes in Contact with an Electrolyte / I. A. Markevich, N. A. Drokin, G. E. Selyutin // Tech. Phys. - 2019. - Vol. 64, Is. 9. - P. 1324-1329, DOI 10.1134/S1063784219090093. - Cited References: 14 . - ISSN 1063-7842. - ISSN 1090-6525
РУБ Physics, Applied


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
impedance spectroscopy -- nanotubes -- electrolyte
Аннотация: The measured frequency dependence of the electric impedance of a composite based on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene reinforced with carbon nanotubes in contact with an electrolyte is presented. The behavior of the active and reactive impedance components, permittivity, and conductivity in the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 120 MHz is analyzed. An equivalent electric circuit simulating the dispersion of the impedance of the polymer composite making contact with the electrolyte is proposed. The formation of a double electric layer at the interface between the polymer composite and electrolyte layer is demonstrated and the electrical characteristics of this layer are determined.

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Публикация на русском языке Маркевич И. А. Исследование методом импедансной спектроскопии полимерного композита с углеродными нанотрубками в контакте с электролитом [Текст] / И. А. Маркевич, Н. А. Дрокин, Г. Е. Селютин // Журн. техн. физ. - 2019. - Т. 89 Вып. 9. - С. 1400-1405

Держатели документа:
Russian Acad Sci, Krasnoyarsk Sci Ctr, Inst Chem & Chem Technol, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia.
Russian Acad Sci, Krasnoyarsk Sci Ctr, Kirensky Inst Phys, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia.

Доп.точки доступа:
Drokin, N. A.; Дрокин, Николай Александрович; Selyutin, G. E.
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    Thermal conductivity and magnetic phase diagram of CuB2O4 / T. Kawamata [et al.] // J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. - 2019. - Vol. 88, Is. 11. - Ст. 114708, DOI 10.7566/JPSJ.88.114708. - Cited References: 42. - This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, (Grant Number 17038002) and also by CREST of Japan Science and Technology Corporation. . - ISSN 0031-9015. - ISSN 1347-4073
Аннотация: We have measured temperature and magnetic field dependences of the thermal conductivity along the c-axis, κc, and that along the [110] direction, κ110, of CuB2O4 single crystals in zero field and magnetic fields along the c-axis and along the [110] direction. It has been found that the thermal conductivity is nearly isotropic and very large in zero field and that the thermal conductivity due to phonons is dominant in CuB2O4. The temperature and field dependences of κc and κ110 have markedly changed at phase boundaries in the magnetic phase diagram, which has been understood to be due to the change of the mean free path of phonons caused by the change of the phonon-spin scattering rate at the phase boundaries. It has been concluded that thermal conductivity measurements are very effective for detecting magnetic phase boundaries.

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Держатели документа:
Department of Applied Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Sophia University, Chiyoda, Tokyo 102-8554, Japan
Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University, Okayama 700-8530, Japan
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of Fukui, Fukui 910-8507, Japan
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Fukui, Fukui 910-8507, Japan
Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Доп.точки доступа:
Kawamata, T.; Sugawara, N.; Haidar, S. M.; Adachi, T.; Noji, T.; Kudo, K.; Kobayashi, N.; Fujii, Yu.; Kikuchi, H.; Chiba, M.; Petrakovskii, G. A.; Петраковский, Герман Антонович; Popov, M. A.; Попов, Михаил Александрович; Bezmaternykh, L. N.; Безматерных, Леонард Николаевич; Koike, Yo.
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    Structure and Electrical Properties of (ZnO/SiO2)25 Thin Films / M. N. Volochaev [et al.] // Semiconductors. - 2019. - Vol. 53, Is. 11. - P. 1465-1471, DOI 10.1134/S106378261911023X. - Cited References: 16. - This study was carried out in the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, project no. 3.1867.2017/4.6. . - ISSN 1063-7826. - ISSN 1090-6479
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
thin films -- multilayers -- oxide semiconductors -- hopping conductivity -- thermal stability
Аннотация: (ZnO/SiO2)25 thin-film multilayers consisting of nanocrystalline ZnO layers and amorphous SiO2 spacers with a bilayer thickness from 6 to 10 nm are synthesized in a single deposition process. An analysis of the temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity of (ZnO/SiO2)25 thin films shows that, in the temperature range of 77–300 K, the dominant conductivity mechanism successively changes from hopping conductivity with a variable hopping length in a narrow energy band near the Fermi level at temperatures of 77–250 K to thermally activated impurity conductivity around room temperature. Using the obtained temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity, the effective density of localized states at the Fermi level and the activation energy of impurity levels are estimated. The effect of heat treatment on the structure and electrical properties of the synthesized films is examined. It is established that in (ZnO/SiO2)25 thin-film systems at temperatures of 580–600°C, the ZnO and SiO2 layers chemically interact, which is accompanied by destruction of the multilayer structure and formation of the Zn2SiO4 compound with a tetragonal structure (sp. gr. I-42d).

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Публикация на русском языке

Держатели документа:
Russian Acad Sci, Krasnoyarsk Sci Ctr, Kirensky Inst Phys, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
Voronezh State Tech Univ, Voronezh 394026, Russia.

Доп.точки доступа:
Volochaev, M. N.; Волочаев, Михаил Николаевич; Kalinin, Yu E.; Kashirin, M. A.; Makagonov, V. A.; Pankov, S. Yu; Bassarab, V. V.; Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation [3.1867.2017/4.6]
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    The alternating-sign magnetoresistance of polycrystalline manganese chalcogenide films / S. S. Aplesnin [et al.] // Semicond. Sci. Technol. - 2018. - Vol. 33, Is. 8. - Ст. 085006, DOI 10.1088/1361-6641/aace44. - Cited References: 33. - The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) according to the research project No 18-52-00009 Bel_a; No 18-32-00079 mol_a; No 18-42-240001 r_a; the state order No 3.5743.2017/6.7. . - ISSN 0268-1242. - ISSN 1361-6641
РУБ Engineering, Electrical & Electronic + Materials Science,




Кл.слова (ненормированные):
polycrystalline films -- magnetoresistance -- impedance -- polaron -- magnetic -- properties -- thermoelectric
Аннотация: The correlation between the dc and ac electrical resistance and the structural, magnetic, and thermoelectric properties of polycrystalline MnSe1−X Te Х (0.3 ≤ X ≤ 0.4) manganese chalcogenide films in the temperature range of 80–400 K has been investigated. Inhomogeneous electronic states and transitions between them accompanied by structural lattice deformations have been found at temperatures including the Neel temperature region. The magnetic susceptibility maximum above the Neel temperature in a magnetic field of 8.6 kOe has been observed. Temperature ranges of the coexistence of two types of electrically inhomogeneous states have been established by impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range of 0.1–1000 kHz and the change of the hopping conductivity for diffusion one accompanied by the magnetic susceptibility minimum has been found. The magnetoresistance in magnetic fields of up to 12 kОе has been established. It has been revealed that the thermopower and magnetoresistance change its sign upon heating. The experimental data are explained using a spin polaron model with the localization of polarons and formation of the electron phase-separation. The alternation of magnetoresistance in sign is attributed to the ferromagnetic orbital ordering of electrons and the negative magnetoresistance is explained by suppression of spin fluctuations in a magnetic field.

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Держатели документа:
Fed Res Ctr KSC SB RAS, Kirensky Inst Phys, Akademgorodok 50,Bld 38, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia.
Reshetnev Siberian State Univ Sci & Technol, Krasnoyarskii Rabochi Ave 31, Krasnoyarsk 660014, Russia.
Sci Pract Mat Res Ctr NAS Belarus, P Brovki Str 19, Minsk 220072, BELARUS.

Доп.точки доступа:
Aplesnin, S. S.; Аплеснин, Сергей Степанович; Romanova, O. B.; Романова, Оксана Борисовна; Sitnikov, M. N.; Kretinin, V. V.; Galyas, A., I; Yanushkevich, K., I; Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) [18-52-00009 Bel_a, 18-32-00079 mol_a, 18-42-240001 r_a]; [3.5743.2017/6.7]
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    IONIC MOTION AND CONDUCTIVITY IN K2TIF6 / Y. N. MOSKVICH, B. I. CHERKASOV, A. A. SUKHOVSKII // Fiz. Tverd. Tela. - 1986. - Vol. 28, Is. 4. - P. 1148-1154. - Cited References: 11 . - ISSN 0367-3294
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter

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    Berzhanskii, V. N.
    Magnetic-ordering effect on the conductivity of n-type and p-type CDCR2SE4 single-crystals / V. N. Berzhanskii, V. K. CHERNOV // Fiz. Tverd. Tela. - 1982. - Vol. 24, Is. 6. - P. 1895-1897. - Cited References: 9 . - ISSN 0367-3294
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter


Доп.точки доступа:
CHERNOV, V. K.; Бержанский, Владимир Наумович
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    EFFECT OF MIXING THE STATES OF CONDUCTIVITY ELECTRONS AND IMPURITY D(F) IONS ON ELECTRIC-CONDUCTIVITY / I. S. SANDALOV, M. S. YERUKHIMOV // Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi Teor. Fiz. - 1982. - Vol. 82, Is. 1. - P. 246-253. - Cited References: 17 . - ISSN 0044-4510
РУБ Physics, Multidisciplinary

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    Babkin, E. V.
    Anomalous features of the conductivity and of the galvanomagnetic properties of vanadium dioxide in strong electric-fields / E. V. Babkin, G. A. Petrakovskii, A. A. Charyev // JETP Letters. - 1986. - Vol. 43, Is. 11. - P. 697-700. - Cited References: 5 . - ISSN 0021-3640
РУБ Physics, Multidisciplinary

Доп.точки доступа:
Petrakovskii, G. A.; Петраковский, Герман Антонович; Charyev, A. A.
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    MANKOV, Y. I.
    HIGH-FREQUENCY ELECTRIC-CONDUCTIVITY OF FERROMAGNETIC SEMICONDUCTOR WITH SURFACE ANISOTROPY / Y. I. MANKOV // Fiz. Tverd. Tela. - 1990. - Vol. 32, Is. 4. - P. 1208-1215. - Cited References: 19 . - ISSN 0367-3294
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter

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