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Общее количество найденных документов : 77
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Wavelength- and angle-selective photodetectors enabled by graphene hot electrons with Tamm plasmon polaritons/C.-H. Huang, C.-H. Wu, R. G. Bikbaev [et al.] // Nanomaterials, 2023. т.Vol. 13,N Is. 4.- Ст.693

Phonon-assisted insulator-metal transitions in correlated systems driven by doping/E. I. Shneyder, M. V. Zotova, S. V. Nikolaev, S. G. Ovchinnikov // Physical Review B, 2021. т.Vol. 104,N Is. 15.- Ст.155153

Dynamics of resonant x-ray and Auger scattering/F. Gel'mukhanov, M. Odelius, S. P. Polyutov [et al.] // Reviews of Modern Physics, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N Is. 3.- Ст.035001

Doping and temperature evolution of pseudogap and spin-spin correlations in the two-dimensional Hubbard model/V. I. Kuz'min, M. A. Visotin, S. V. Nikolaev, S. G. Ovchinnikov // ArXiv, 2020.- Ст.2001.05143

Aksenov S. V. Majorana modes in BDI-class wire with strong Coulomb correlations/S. V. Aksenov, A. O. Zlotnikov, M. S. Shustin // ArXiv, 2019.- Ст.1911.01035

Gavrichkov V. A. Cation spin and superexchange interaction in oxide materials below and above spin crossover under high pressure/V. A. Gavrichkov, S. I. Polukeev, S. G. Ovchinnikov // ArXiv, 2019.- Ст.1911.06482

Komarov K. K. Effect of Coulomb repulsion on the London penetration depth in cuprate superconductors/K. K. Komarov, D. M. Dzebisashvili // ArXiv, 2019.- Ст.1912.04577

Low-temperature Schottky anomalies and the magnetic state of the p electrons of oxygen in substituted Gd0.4Sr0.6CoO3 – δ cobaltites/Y. S. Orlov [et al.] // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2018. т.Vol. 126,N Is. 2.-С.217-223

Val'kov V. V. Nonequilibrium Green’s functions in the atomic representation and the problem of quantum transport of electrons through systems with internal degrees of freedom/V. V. Val’kov, S. V. Aksenov // Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2018. т.Vol. 194,N Is. 2.-С.236-251

Bifurcations of coupled electron-phonon modes in an antiferromagnet subjected to a magnetic field/K. N. Boldyrev [et al.] // Physical Review Letters:American Physical Society, 2017. т.Vol. 118,N Is. 16.- Ст.167203

Reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy of structures based on silicon and transition metals/A. S. Parshin [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017. т.Vol. 255,N Is. 1.- Ст.012019

Ivantsov I. D. Itinerant-localized model of strongly correlated electrons: Fermi surface reconstruction/I. Ivantsov, A. Ferraz, E. Kochetov // Physical Review B, 2017. т.Vol. 96,N Is. 19.- Ст.195161

Fine structure of inelastic electron scattering cross-section spectra for MN/A. S. Parshin [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016. т.Vol. 122,N Is. 1

Ivantsov I. D. Quantum Monte Carlo study of the itinerant-localized model of strongly correlated electrons: Spin-spin correlation functions/I. Ivantsov, A. Ferraz, E. Kochetov // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics:American Physical Society, 2016. т.Vol. 94,N Is. 23.- Ст.235118

Effect of external pressure on the normal and superconducting properties of high-Tc cuprates/K. A. Sidorov [et al.] // Physica Status Solidi B - Basic Solid State Physics, 2016. т.Vol. 253,N Is. 3.-С.486-493

Electron transitions and local properties of Nd3+ ion in Nd0.5Gd0.5Fe3(BO3)4 single crystal/A. V. Malakhovskii [et al.] // ArXiv, 2015.- Ст.arXiv:1507.04210

Quasiparticle band structure, spectral weights and degree of d-electron localization in iron silicides/I. S. Sandalov [et al.] // Acta crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances:Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. т.Vol. 71,N Supplement.- Ст.s362

Maksimov D. N. Wannier-Stark states in double-periodic lattices. I. One-dimensional lattices/D. N. Maksimov, E. N. Bulgakov, A. R. Kolovsky // Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics:American Physical Society, 2015. т.Vol. 91,N Is. 5.- Ст.053631

Control of the magnetic phase coexistence in NdFe3(BO3)4 by electric fields/S. Partzsch [et al.] // Cornell university library, 2015. т.15 Apr..- Ст.1504.03848v1

Ovchinnikov S. G. Different physical mechanism of the UFM in ferromagnets with itinerant and localized electrons /S. G. Ovchinnikov, A. Kimel // Ultrafast Magnetism Conference (UMC2015), 2015

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