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Flerov I. N. Entropy of Rb2KB3+F6 (B3+: Se, In, Lu, Er, Ho) ferroelastics and the triple point on T(R(B)(3+)) diagram/I. N. Flerov, M. V. Gorev, V. N. Voronov // FIZIKA TVERDOGO TELA:MEZHDUNARODNAYA KNIGA, 1996. т.Vol. 38,N Is. 3.-С.717-727

Flerov I. N. Entropy and the mechanism of phase transitions in elpasolites/I. N. Flerov, M. V. Gorev // PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE:AMER INST PHYSICS, 2001. т.Vol. 43,N Is. 1.-С.127-136

The p-T phase diagram of ammonium hexafluoroaluminate/M. V. Gorev [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter:IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2002. т.Vol. 14,N Is. 25.-С.6447-6453

Gorban A. Codon usage trajectories and 7-cluster structure of 143 complete bacterial genornic sequences/A. .. Gorban, T. .. Popova, A. .. Zinovyev // PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2005. т.Vol. 353.-С.365-387

Specific heat of YFe3(BO3)(4), Y0.5Gd0.5Fe3(BO3)(4), and GdFe3(BO3)(4)/A. N. Vasiliev [et al.] // JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2006. т.Vol. 102,N Is. 2.-С.262-265

Heat capacity of a mixed-valence manganese oxide Pb(3)Mn(7)O(15)/N. V. Volkov [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter:IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2008. т.Vol. 20,N Is. 44.- Ст.445214

Disorder and phase transitions in oxyfluoride (NH4)(3)Ta(O-2)(2)F-4/I. N. Flerov [et al.] // Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2011. т.Vol. 132,N Is. 10.-С.713-718

Thermal properties and phase transitions in (NH4) 3ZrF7/V. D. Fokina [et al.] // Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2013. т.Vol. 154.-С.1-6

Heat capacity, entropy, dielectric properties and T–p phase diagram of (NH4)3TiF7/E. I. Pogoreltsev [et al.] // Journal of Fluorine Chemistry:Elsevier Science, 2014. т.Vol. 168.-С.247-250

Thermal properties and phase transition in the fluoride, (NH4)3SnF7/A. V. Kartashev [et al.] // Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016. т.Vol. 237.-С.269-273

Thermal properties of (NH4)2MeF6·NH4F (Me: Ti, Sn) crystals undergoing transformation between two cubic phases/E. I. Pogoreltsev [et al.] // Ferroelectrics:Taylor and Francis, 2016. т.Vol. 501,N Is. 1.-С.20-25

Thermal, structural, optical, dielectric and barocaloric properties at ferroelastic phase transition in trigonal (NH4)2SnF6: A new look at the old compound/I. N. Flerov [et al.] // Journal of Fluorine Chemistry:Elsevier, 2016. т.Vol. 183.-С.1-9

Gorev M. V. T-p phase diagrams and the barocaloric effect in materials with successive phase transitions/M. V. Gorev, E. V. Bogdanov, I. N. Flerov // Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics:IOP Publishing, 2017. т.Vol. 50,N Is. 38.- Ст.384002

Anomalous behaviour of thermodynamic properties at successive phase transitions in (NH4)3GeF7/E. V. Bogdanov [et al.] // Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017. т.Vol. 256.-С.162-167

Thermal, dielectric and barocaloric properties of NH4HSO4 crystallized from an aqueous solution and the melt/E. A. Mikhaleva [et al.] // Solid State Sciences:Elsevier, 2017. т.Vol. 67.-С.1-7

Zinenko V. I. Thermodynamics of spin ice in staggered and direct (along the [111] axis) fields in the cluster approximation/V. I. Zinenko, M. S. Pavlovskii // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics:MAIK Nauka-Interperiodica / Springer, 2017. т.Vol. 124,N Is. 2.-С.295-303

Gorev M. V. Conventional and inverse barocaloric effects around triple points in ferroelastics (NH4)3NbOF6 and (NH4)3TiOF5/M. V. Gorev, E. V. Bogdanov, I. N. Flerov // Scripta Materialia, 2017. т.Vol. 139.-С.53-57

Conventional and inverse barocaloric effects in ferroelectric NH4HSO4/M. V. Gorev [et al.] // Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019. т.Vol. 806.-С.1047-1051

Structural, thermal and optical properties of elpasolite-like (NH4)2KZrF7/E. I. Pogoreltsev [et al.] // Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019. т.Vol. 277.-С.376-380

Heat capacity, thermal expansion and sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure of (NH 4 ) 3 SiF 7 at successive structural phase transitions/E. V. Bogdanov [et al.] // Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019. т.Vol. 276.-С.152-158

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