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Общее количество найденных документов : 173
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X-Ray, Dielectric, and Thermophysical Studies of Rubidium Tetrachlorozincate inside Porous Glasses/L. N. Korotkov [et al.] // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2019. т.Vol. 83,N Is. 9.-С.1072-1076

Structural features associated with multiferroic behavior in the RX3(BO3)4 system/H. Zhang [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2019. т.Vol. 31,N Is. 50.- Ст.505704

Anisotropy of piezocaloric effect at ferroelectric phase transitions in ammonium hydrogen sulphate/E. V. Bogdanov, I. N. Flerov // E-MRS fall meeting, 2019.- Ст.E.P.4

Investigation of phase transitions in multiferroics HоFe3-xGax(BO3)4 and TbFe3-xGax(BO3)4 solid solution with huntite structure/Yu. V. Krylov [et al.] // 3th International Conference "Scanning Probe Microscopy". 4th Russia-China Workshop on Dielectric and Ferroelectric Materials (SPM-2019-RCWDFM). International Youth Conference "Functional Imaging of Nanomaterials", 2019.-С.38

Structural phase transitions in elpasolite-like fluorides comprising rare earth elements – Raman scattering study/A. N. Vtyurin [et al.] // 3th International Conference "Scanning Probe Microscopy". 4th Russia-China Workshop on Dielectric and Ferroelectric Materials (SPM-2019-RCWDFM). International Youth Conference "Functional Imaging of Nanomaterials", 2019.-С.29

Specific heat and thermal expansion of triglycine sulfate-porous glass nanocomposites/E. A. Mikhaleva [et al.] // Physics of the Solid State, 2018. т.Vol. 60,N Is. 7.-С.1338-1343

Andryushin N. D. Pressure induced ferroelectric phase transition in GdFe3(BO3)4/N. D. Andryushin, M. S. Pavlovski, V. I. Zinenko // Joint 14th Russia/CIS/Baltic/Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity (RCBJSF)/ Young scientists school on the spectroscopic studies of critical dynamics at structural phase transitions, 2018.-С.92

Effect of interaction of components on thermal properties of ferroelectric nanocomposites/E. A. Mikhaleva [et al.] // Eleventh Seminar Porous Glasses-Special Glasses (PGL'2018), 2018.- Ст.18.-С.23

Conventional and inverse barocaloric effects in ferroelectric NH4HSO4/M. V. Gorev [et al.] // Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019. т.Vol. 806.-С.1047-1051

Comparing the magnetic and magnetoelectric properties of the SmFe3(BO3)4 ferroborate single crystals grown using different solvents/E. Eremin [et al.] // Journal of Crystal Growth, 2019. т.Vol. 518.-С.1-4

Raman spectroscopy study of the switchable phases metal-organic frameworks DUT-8(Ni)/A. S. Krylov [et al.] // 3th International Conference "Scanning Probe Microscopy". 4th Russia-China Workshop on Dielectric and Ferroelectric Materials (SPM-2019-RCWDFM). International Youth Conference "Functional Imaging of Nanomaterials", 2019.- Ст.P60.-С.186

Anisotropy of piezocaloric effect at ferroelectric phase transitions in ammonium hydrogen sulphate/E. A. Mikhaleva, M. V. Gorev, M. S. Molokeev [et al.] // Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020. т.Vol. 839.- Ст.155085

Temperature dependence of the spontaneous polarization, acoustic and strain anomalies in strontium barium niobate crystals of different chemical compositions probed by the second harmonic generation technique/A. M. Pugachev, I. V. Zaytseva, V. K. Malinovsky [et al.] // Ferroelectrics, 2020. т.Vol. 560,N Is. 1.-С.54-60

Size effect on sensitivity to external pressure and caloric effects in TGS: Ceramics and nanocomposites/E. A. Mikhaleva, I. N. Flerov, E. V. Bogdanov [et al.] // Materials Today Communications, 2020. т.Vol. 25.- Ст.101463

Andryushin N. D. Lattice dynamics in improper ferroelectric YGaO3/N. D. Andryushin, M. S. Pavlovskiy, V. I. Zinenko // Ferroelectrics, 2020. т.Vol. 567,N Is. 1:Special Issue in Honor of Professor Stanislav A. Grindev on the Occasion of His 83rd Birthday.-С.28-36

Comparative analysis of elastocaloric and barocaloric effects in single-crystal and ceramic ferroelectric (NH4)2SO4/E. Mikhaleva, M. Gorev, V. Bondarev [et al.] // Scripta Materialia, 2021. т.Vol. 191.-С.149-154

Raman scattering study of SrTiO3: Bi ceramics with higher (x = 0.16) bismuth content/S. N. Krylova [et al.] // 3th International Conference "Scanning Probe Microscopy". 4th Russia-China Workshop on Dielectric and Ferroelectric Materials (SPM-2019-RCWDFM). International Youth Conference "Functional Imaging of Nanomaterials", 2019.- Ст.P62.-С.188

Krylova S. N. Lattice dynamics of HoGa3(BO3)4 and HoFe3(BO3)4 crystals/S. N. Krylova, A. S. Krylov, E. M. Roginskii // 3th International Conference "Scanning Probe Microscopy". 4th Russia-China Workshop on Dielectric and Ferroelectric Materials (SPM-2019-RCWDFM). International Youth Conference "Functional Imaging of Nanomaterials", 2019.- Ст.P61.-С.187

Cubic to cubic phase transition in (NH4)3SnF7 ferroelastic crystal– Raman scattering study/A. N. Vtyurin [et al.] // 3th International Conference "Scanning Probe Microscopy". 4th Russia-China Workshop on Dielectric and Ferroelectric Materials (SPM-2019-RCWDFM). International Youth Conference "Functional Imaging of Nanomaterials", 2019.- Ст.P182.-С.285

Features of the behavior of the barocaloric effect near ferroelectric phase transition close to the tricritical point/E. A. Mikhaleva, I. N. Flerov, M. V. Gorev [et al.] // Crystals, 2020. т.Vol. 10,N Is. 1.- Ст.51

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