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Общее количество найденных документов : 33
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Biogenic ferrihydrite nanoparticles doped with gadolinium/S. V. Stolyar [и др.] // V Euro-Asian simposium "Trend in MAGnetism": Nanomagnetism. -Vladivostok:FEFU, 2013.-С.232

Structure and magnetic properties of biogenic ferrihydrite nanoparticles doped with gadolinium/S. V. Stolyar [et al.] // Journal of Siberian Federal University - Mathematics and Physics, 2013. т.Vol. 6,N Is. 3.-С.358-365;Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия "Математика и физика"

Magnetic and thermophysical properties of GdxMn1-xS solid solutions/S. S. Aplesnin [et al.] // Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 2013. т.Vol. 25,N Is. 2.- Ст.025802

Coupled R and Fe magnetic excitations in RFe 3(BO 3) 4 multiferroics/A. M. Kuzmenko [et al.] // Diffusion and Defect Data Pt.B: Solid State Phenomena, 2012. т.Vol. 190.-С.269-272

Тонкие пленки железогадолиниевых сплавов/Л. В. Киренский [и др.] // Известия Академии наук СССР. Сер. физическая, 1965. т.Т. 29,N № 4.-С.689-694

Gd3Ga5O12:Nd3+ crystals for a continuous-wave diode-pumped laser operating in 4F3/2 > 4I11/2 and 4F3/2 > 4I13/2 channels/A. A. Kaminskii [et al.] // Crystallography Reports, 2002. т.Vol. 47,N Is. 2.-С.308-312

Magnetic nanoparticles origin in glasses co-doped with iron and gadolinium oxides/R. D. Ivantsov [et al.] // Third Asian school-conference on physics and technology of nanostructured materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015). -Vladivostok:Dalnauka, 2015.- Ст.VI.21.06p

Magnetic properties and the metal-insulator transition in GdXMn1-XS solid solutions/O. B. Romanova [et al.] // SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2010. т.Vol. 150,N Is. 13-14.-С.602-604

Magnetic structure of the field-induced multiferroic GdFe3(BO3)(4)/H. D. Mo [et al.] // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2008. т.Vol. 78,N Is. 21.- Ст.214407

Magnetoelectric interactions in rare-earth ferroborates/A. M. Kadomtseva [et al.] // JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2007. т.Vol. 105,N Is. 1.-С.116-119

Magneto-optical properties of Dy3+ in oxide glasses: The origin of the magneto-optical activity of f-f transitions and its anomalous temperature dependence/A. V. Malakhovskii [et al.] // PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2007. т.Vol. 49,N Is. 4.-С.701-707

Unusual magnetic phase transitions in Gd3+ clusters in multicomponent oxide glasses/J. .. Kliava [et al.] // JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM:SPRINGER, 2007. т.Vol. 20,N Is. 2.-С.149-153

Optical transitions in GdFe3(BO3)(4) and FeBO3 under high pressures/A. G. Gavriliuk [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter:IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2005. т.Vol. 17:2nd International Symposium on Physics of Solids Under High Presure Using Nuclear Probes (JUL 22-25, 2004, Cologne, GERMANY),N Is. 48.-С.7599-7604

Studies of magnetic and optic properties of rare-earth gallo-ferroborates by Mossbauer and optical spectroscopy/O. A. Bayukov [et al.] // PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2005. т.Vol. 359:International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 04) (JUL 26-30, 2004, Karlsruhe, GERMANY).-С.1321-1323

Unusual magnetic transitions and nature of magnetic resonance spectra in oxide glasses containing gadolinium/J. .. Kliava [et al.] // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2005. т.Vol. 71,N Is. 10.- Ст.104406

Magnetoelectric effects in gadolinium iron borate GdFe3(BO3)(4)/A. K. Zvezdin [et al.] // JETP Letters, 2005. т.Vol. 81,N Is. 6.-С.272-276

Spin reorientation effects in GdFe3(BO3)(4) induced by applied field and temperature/S. A. Kharlamova [et al.] // JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS:AMER INST PHYSICS, 2005. т.Vol. 101,N Is. 6.-С.1098-1105

Linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy of gadolinium iron borate GdFe3(BO3)(4)/A. M. Kalashnikova [et al.] // JETP Letters, 2004. т.Vol. 80,N Is. 5.-С.293-297

Structural and electronic transitions in gadolinium iron borate GdFe3(BO3)(4) at high pressures/A. G. Gavriliuk [et al.] // JETP Letters, 2004. т.Vol. 80,N Is. 6.-С.426-432

Antiferromagnetic resonance and phase diagrams of gadolinium ferroborate GdFe3(BO3)(4)/A. I. Pankrats [et al.] // JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS:AMER INST PHYSICS, 2004. т.Vol. 99,N Is. 4.-С.766-775

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