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    Deich, L. I.
    Absorption of light by glasses in the far infrared / L. I. Deich // Jetp Lett. - 1992. - Vol. 56, Is. 10. - P. 492-495. - Cited References: 9 . - ISSN 0021-3640
РУБ Physics, Multidisciplinary
Аннотация: An explanation is proposed for the deviation from the Debye shape of the absorption curve of glasses in the far infrared.


Доп.точки доступа:
Дейч, Лев Исаакович
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    Deich, L. I.
    On far-infrared attenuation in glasses / L. I. DEICH ; ed.: M Meissner, er, M Meis // Phonon scattering in condensed matter : proceedings : Springer Verlag, 1993. - Vol. 112. - P. 233-234. - (Springer series in solid-state sciences). - Cited References: 0 . - ISBN 0171-1873. - ISBN 3-540-56395-4
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter

Держатели документа:
Доп.точки доступа:
Meissner, M \ed.\; Meis, er, M \ed.\; Дейч, Лев Исаакович
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    Deich, L. I.
    Far-infrared attenuation in glasses / L. I. Deich // Phys. Rev. B. - 1994. - Vol. 49, Is. 1. - P. 109-113, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.49.109. - Cited References: 29 . - ISSN 0163-1829
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter






Аннотация: The influence of quasilocal vibrations on the far-infrared spectra of glasses is investigated under the supposition that the quasilocal vibrations are directly inactive in the attenuation. It is shown that taking into account phonon-quasilocal-vibration coupling and both medium- and short-range structure of the inhomogeneities of a photon-phonon coupling parameter can give rise to an attenuation curve similar to one observed for a-SiO2 and related materials.

Держатели документа:
L. V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Дейч, Лев Исаакович
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    MIXING THE MOLECULAR EXCITATIONS IN MONOAXIAL LIQUID-CRYSTALS / E. M. AVERYANOV // Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi Teor. Fiz. - 1995. - Vol. 108, Is. 1. - P. 258-280. - Cited References: 60 . - ISSN 0044-4510
РУБ Physics, Multidisciplinary


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    Bulgakov, E. N.
    Current-voltage characteristics of the resonant tunnelling double-barrier structure under time-periodical perturbation / E. N. Bulgakov, A. F. Sadreev // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. - 1996. - Vol. 8, Is. 45. - P. 8869-8887, DOI 10.1088/0953-8984/8/45/020. - Cited References: 38 . - ISSN 0953-8984
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter









Аннотация: We consider a typical semiconductor resonant tunnelling GaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs nanostructure which forms a double-barrier potential with quasienergy levels corresponding to transition frequencies in the infrared and microwave regions. Two types of dynamical perturbation of the heterostructure in the form V-1(x, t) = V(1)x cos Omega t and V-2(t) = V-2 cos Omega t are considered. We analyse numerically a reconstruction of the electron transmission through the heterostructure and the current-voltage characteristics (IVC) under the influence of these dynamical perturbations. Both weak and strong perturbations are considered. We investigate the dependences of the transmission on the electron energy and the frequency of the external field with the main accent on the case where a frequency of the perturbation is tuned to a transition between quasienergies of the double-barrier structure. it is found that these resonant phenomena give rise to new peaks and dips in the IVC. In particular, it is shown that the dipole type of perturbation V-1(x, t) gives rise to a Rabi splitting of the transmission peaks and under certain conditions to a Rabi splining of the IVC peaks and dips. We demonstrate that dynamical perturbation may induce a direct current opposite to the direction of the applied voltage, and that this phenomenon takes the form of a sharp dip which has a resonant origin. It is observed that the dipole type of perturbation V-1(x, t) of laser radiation is more effective for tuning the IVC than the first perturbation V-2(t). Also absorption and emission of energy by an electron transmitted through the DBRTS are considered.

Держатели документа:
Kirensky Institute of Physics, 660036, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Sadreev, A. F.; Садреев, Алмаз Фаттахович; Булгаков, Евгений Николаевич
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    Electronic and atomic structures of the isomers of endohedral and exohedral fullerene complexes with two lithium atoms / A. A. Kuzubov [et al.] // Phys. Solid State. - 2001. - Vol. 43, Is. 9. - P. 1794-1799, DOI 10.1134/1.1402242. - Cited References: 21 . - ISSN 1063-7834
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter




Аннотация: The electronic structures of all the possible isomers of endohedral and exohedral C(60) fullerene complexes with two lithium atoms are theoretically investigated. It is found that the electronic structures of these compounds are characterized by an impurity filled-level state determining the band gap. The location of the impurity state and, correspondingly, the band gap of the exohedral fullerene complexes depend on the coordination mode and the distance between the alkali metal ions. A similar dependence is observed for the total energy of the exohedral fullerene complex under investigation. (C) 2001 MAIK "Nauka/ Interperiodica".

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Держатели документа:
Krasnoyarsk State Tech Univ, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Russian Acad Sci, LV Kirensky Phys Inst, Siberian Div, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
Russian Acad Sci, Inst Chem & Chem Technol, Siberian Div, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia

Доп.точки доступа:
Kuzubov, A. A.; Кузубов, Александр Александрович; Avramov, P. V.; Аврамов, Павел Вениаминович; Ovchinnikov, S. G.; Овчинников, Сергей Геннадьевич; Varganov, S. A.; Tomilin, F. N.; Томилин, Феликс Николаевич
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    Aplesnin, S. S.
    Formation of a spin density wave in copper metaborate by a spin polaron / S. S. Aplesnin // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. - 2004. - Vol. 16, Is. 32. - P. 5907-5914, DOI 10.1088/0953-8984/16/32/023. - Cited References: 12 . - ISSN 0953-8984
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Absorption -- Correlation methods -- Electric fields -- Infrared radiation -- Magnetization -- Mathematical models -- Polarons -- Specific heat -- Intraband transition -- Optical conductivity -- Spin density waves -- Spin polaron -- Copper compounds
Аннотация: Formation of incommensurate three-dimensional magnetic order below T* similar to 10 K in CuB2O4 is explained on the basis of strong correlation between the holes and localized spins. The Kondo lattice model is analysed for the case where spin polarons are the elementary excitations. The origin of the low-temperature specific heat maximum at T similar to 5 K is associated with a displacement of the polaron band bottom. A set of anomalies in the temperature dependence of the conductivity, shift of the optical conductivity maximum in the range of energies 0.02-0.12 eV and decreasing of the infrared absorption intensity is predicted.

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Держатели документа:
Russian Acad Sci, Siberian Branch, Kirensky Inst Phys, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Аплеснин, Сергей Степанович
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    Magnetic ordering of NdFe3(BO3)(4) studied by infrared absorption spectroscopy / E. P. Chukalina [et al.] // Phys. Lett. A. - 2004. - Vol. 322, Is. 3-4. - P. 239-243, DOI 10.1016/j.physleta.2003.12.062. - Cited References: 8 . - ISSN 0375-9601
РУБ Physics, Multidisciplinary
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
ferroborates -- Fourier-transform spectroscopy -- magnetic ordering -- Ferroborates -- Fourier-transform spectroscopy -- Magnetic ordering -- iron -- neodymium -- absorption spectroscopy -- article -- electronics -- infrared spectroscopy -- magnetism -- molecular interaction -- molecular physics -- temperature
Аннотация: We report the first measurements of the optical spectra of NdFe3(BO3)(4), a promising material for optoelectronics. Exchange splitting of Nd3+ spectral lines due to magnetic interactions in a magnetically ordered state was observed. The temperature dependences of the exchange splitting and of the linewidth point to the temperature T-c 33 +/- 1K of the magnetic ordering in both iron and neodymium. magnetic subsystems. 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Держатели документа:
Russian Acad Sci, Inst Spect, Troitsk 142190, Moscow Region, Russia
RAS, LV Kirensky Phys Inst, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 142190 Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russian Federation
L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Chukalina, E. P.; Kuritsin, D. Y.; Popova, M. N.; Bezmaternykh, L. N.; Безматерных, Леонард Николаевич; Kharlamova, S. A.; Temerov, V. L.; Темеров, Владислав Леонидович
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    Experimental observation of the virtual electronic states of a mott-Hubbard insulator FeBO3 in infrared absorption spectra / S. G. Ovchinnikov [et al.] // JETP Letters. - 2009. - Vol. 90, Is. 7. - P. 519-523, DOI 10.1134/S0021364009190059. - Cited References: 17. - We are grateful to I. S. Edelman, Yu. P. Sukhorukov, V. F. Shabanov, and A. N. Vtyurin for discussions of the results. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project nos. 07-02-00226, 09-02-00171-a, and 09-02-90730-mob_st); by the Council of the President of the Russian Federation for Support of Young Scientists and Leading Scientific Schools (project no. MK-4278.2008.2); by the Branch of Physical Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (program "Strong Electron Correlations"); and by the Siberian Branch and Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences (integration project no. 40). . - ISSN 0021-3640
РУБ Physics, Multidisciplinary



Аннотация: A number of new peaks close to the previously predicted energies of virtual electronic states [S.G. Ovchinnikov and V.N. Zabluda, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 125, 150 (2004) [JETP 98, 135 (2004)]] have been observed in the absorption spectra of FeBO3 single crystals in the infrared range. The 0.27-eV peak was absent in the scheme presented in the work cited above and, to explain it, a multielectron theory taking into account the (2) T (2) low-spin term of the Fe3+ ion has been developed.

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Держатели документа:
[Ovchinnikov, S. G.
Kazak, N. V.
Rudenko, V. V.] Russian Acad Sci, Siberian Branch, LV Kirensky Phys Inst, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
[Ovchinnikov, S. G.] Siberian Fed Univ, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia
[Gizhevskii, B. A.
Telegin, A. V.] Russian Acad Sci, Ural Div, Inst Met Phys, Ekaterinburg 620041, Russia
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation
Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. S. Kovalevskoi 18, Yekaterinburg, 620041, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Ovchinnikov, S. G.; Овчинников, Сергей Геннадьевич; Gizhevskii, B. A.; Kazak, N. V.; Казак, Наталья Валерьевна; Rudenko, V. V.; Руденко, Валерий Васильевич; Telegin, A. V.; Russian Foundation for Basic Research [07-02-00226, 09-02-00171-a, 09-02-90730]; Russian Federation; Young Scientists and Leading Scientific Schools [MK-4278.2008.2]; Branch of Physical Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (program "Strong Electron Correlations"); Siberian Branch and Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences
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    Optical spectroscopy of PrFe3(BO3)(4): Crystal-field and anisotropic Pr-Fe exchange interactions / M. N. Popova [et al.] // Phys. Rev. B. - 2009. - Vol. 80, Is. 19. - Ст. 195101, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.195101. - Cited References: 36. - We thank S. Klimin for useful information concerning the structure of PrFeINF3/INF(BOINF3/INF)INF4/INF and E. Chukalina for participating in some measurements. This work was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grants No. 07-02-01185 and No. 09-02-00930) and by the Russian Academy of Sciences under the Programs for Basic Research. . - ISSN 1098-0121
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter






Кл.слова (ненормированные):
antiferromagnetic materials -- crystal field interactions -- exchange interactions (electron) -- infrared spectra -- iron compounds -- magnetic susceptibility -- magneto-optical effects -- paramagnetic materials -- praseodymium compounds -- spin Hamiltonians -- visible spectra
Аннотация: High-resolution polarized optical absorption spectra of PrFe3(BO3)(4) in the paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases are reported. The measured energies of the crystal-field (CF) levels within the 4f(2) configuration of Pr3+ in the paramagnetic PrFe3(BO3)(4) are described by the CF model that involves the 4f(2)/4f5d and 4f(2)/4f6p configuration interactions. Ordering of Fe spins along the crystalline c axis below T-N=32 K is confirmed by the analysis of the spectra of Er3+ introduced as a probe into PrFe3(BO3)(4). To account for the observed changes in the optical spectra of Pr3+ at temperatures below T-N, in particular, for the shift of the CF levels, splitting of the CF doublets, and the appearance of forbidden lines, the Pr-Fe exchange Hamiltonian defined by seven parameters is considered. The theoretical approach has been tested by calculating the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility. A good agreement between theory and optical and magnetic experimental data is found demonstrating the validity of the model used. The obtained results confirm that the model of the iron dimers inside the spiral chains of Fe3+(O2-)(6) octahedrons introduced by us earlier for NdFe3(BO3)(4) and modified in the present work may serve as a basis for analyzing the low-temperature properties of other rare-earth iron borates.

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Держатели документа:
[Popova, M. N.
Stanislavchuk, T. N.] Russian Acad Sci, Inst Spect, Troitsk 142190, Moscow Region, Russia
[Malkin, B. Z.] Kazan VI Lenin State Univ, Kazan 420008, Russia
[Bezmaternykh, L. N.] RAS, Siberian Branch, LV Kirensky Phys Inst, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, 142190 Moscow Region, Russian Federation
Kazan State University, 420008 Kazan, Russian Federation
L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch, RAS, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Popova, M. N.; Stanislavchuk, T. N.; Malkin, B. Z.; Bezmaternykh, L. N.; Безматерных, Леонард Николаевич; Russian Foundation for Basic Research [07-02-01185, 09-02-00930]; Russian Academy of Sciences under the Programs for Basic Research
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    Ordering processes and phase transitions in ammonium-containing crystals of A2BWO3F3 elpasolites – com?parative Raman and infrared study / A. N. Vtyurin, A. S. Krylov [et al.] // The 12th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity and 18th IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IMF-ISAF 2009) : Xi'an, China, August 23-27, 2009 . - 2009. - Ст. OA-040

Доп.точки доступа:
Vtyurin, A.N.; Krylov, A.S.; Gerasimova, Ju.V.; Ivanenko, A.A.; Shestakov, N.P.; Laptash, N.M.; IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics(18 ; 2009 ; Aug ; Xi'an, China); International Meeting on Ferroelectricity(12 ; 2009 ; Aug ; Xi'an, China)
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    Korets, A.
    Structural heterogeneity of diamond-containing detonation material / A. . Korets, A. . Krylov, E. . Mironov // Eur. Phys. J. - Appl. Phys. - 2010. - Vol. 52, Is. 1. - P. 10901-10905, DOI 10.1051/epjap/2010126. - Cited References: 17 . - ISSN 1286-0042
РУБ Physics, Applied
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Influence of density -- Raman and infrared spectra -- Structural heterogeneity -- Variable ratio -- Detonation -- Diamonds -- Diffraction -- Holographic interferometry -- Spectroscopy -- X ray diffraction -- Synthetic diamonds
Аннотация: Diamond-containing material (DCM) synthesized by detonation was separated into fractions. Raman and infrared spectra and X-ray diffraction patterns of the individual fractions were measured. The particles of this material were characterized by the variable ratio of the diamond (sp(3)) and non-diamond components. The distribution of sp(3)-grains in the particles was of complicated character. The fine DCM particles contained an insignificant amount of diamond. The influence of density fluctuations on the DCM formation is discussed.

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Держатели документа:
[Korets, A.] Siberian Fed Univ, Krasnoyarsk 660074, Russia
[Krylov, A.] SB RAS, Inst Phys, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
[Mironov, E.] Filial Irkutsk State Univ Railway Engn, Krasnoyarsk Inst Railway Transport, Krasnoyarsk 660028, Russia
Siberian Federal University, 26 Kirensky str., 660074 Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Institute of Physics, SB RAS, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport, Filial of Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering, 89, L. Ketskhoveli str., 660028 Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Krylov, A. S.; Крылов, Александр Сергеевич; Mironov, E.
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    Vibrational spectroscopy of alkaline tungsten oxyfluoride crystals: structure, lattice dynamics, ordering processes, and phase transitions [Text] / A. N. Vtyurin [et al.] // J. Raman Spectrosc. - 2010. - Vol. 41, Is. 12. - P1784-1791, DOI 10.1002/jrs.2637. - Cited Reference Count: 13. - Гранты: We would like to thank Prof. Igor Flerov for fruitful discussion. Technical assistance of Victor Ouskin is highly appreciated. This work has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches, grant no. 08-02-00066-a. - Финансирующая организация: Russian Foundation for Basic Researches [08-02-00066-a] . - DEC. - ISSN 0377-0486

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Raman scattering -- infrared absorption -- alcaline tungsten oxyfluorides -- phase transitions -- alcaline tungsten oxyfluorides -- infrared absorption -- phasetransitions -- Raman scattering
Аннотация: Raman scattering (RS) and infrared absorption (IR) of ammonium oxyfluoride crystals (NH(4))(3)WO(3)F(3), (NH(4))(2)KWO(3)F(3), and Cs(2)(NH(4))WO(3)F(3) are compared. Conformation of the WO(3)F(3) octahedral groups has been established; anomalies have been found close to the transition temperatures in the internal vibrational regions of ammonium and WO(3)F(3) groups. The phase transition in (NH(4))(3)WO(3)F(3) is associated mostly with the ordering of octahedral groups and formation of W-O center dot center dot center dot H-N hydrogen bonds. In (NH(4))(2)KWO(3)F(3) crystal, the transition is not related to the ordering processes; CS(2)(NH(4))WO(3)F(3) retains its disordered structure down to 10 K. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Держатели документа:
LV Kirenskii Inst Phys, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
Siberian Fed Univ, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia
Russian Acad Sci, Inst Chem, Vladivostok 690022, Russia

Доп.точки доступа:
Vtyurin, A.N.; Gerasimova, J.V.; Krylov, A.S.; Ivanenko, A.A.; Shestakov, N.P.; Laptash, N.M.; Voyt, E.I.
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    Popov, A. K.
    Numerical simulations of metamaterial-based infrared sensor for remote environmental monitoring / A. K. Popov, S. A. Myslivets ; Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (10 July - 14 July 2011 ; Toronto) // Opt.InfoBase Conf. Papers. - 2011. - Conference code: 102614. . - ISBN 21622701. - ISBN 9781557529145
Аннотация: The possibility of creation of all-optically controlled, remotely actuated and interrogated, ultraminiature nonlinear-optical sensor, which utilizes negative-index metamaterial and can be exploited for the remote environmental sensing is shown and numerically simulated. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


Доп.точки доступа:
Myslivets, S. A.; Мысливец, Сергей Александрович; Fourier Transform Spectroscopy(2011 ; Jul. ; 10-14 ; Toronto)
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    Magnetic properties and morphology of manganese ferrite nanoparticles in glasses / I. Edelman [et al.] // IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. - 2011. - Vol. 25, Is. 1. - Ст. 012017, DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/25/1/012017
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Average diameter -- Borate glass -- Co-doped -- Electron magnetic resonance -- Magnetic and magneto-optical properties -- Magnetic behaviour -- Magnetic circular dichroisms -- Magnetic nanoparticles -- Magnetically ordered material -- Manganese ferrite nanoparticles -- Manganese ferrites -- Morphological characteristic -- Paramagnetic ions -- Resonance field -- Size and shape -- Static magnetization -- Temperature dependence -- Temperature dependent -- Variable temperature -- Visible and near infrared -- Alumina -- Dichroism -- Ferrite -- Glass -- Iron oxides -- Magnetic properties -- Magnetic resonance -- Magnetocrystalline anisotropy -- Manganese -- Manganese oxide -- Nanoparticles -- Paramagnetism -- Silicates -- Spectroscopy -- Nanomagnetics
Аннотация: Static magnetization (SM), magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and electron magnetic resonance (EMR) studies are reported of borate glasses 22.5 K 2O-22.5 Al 2O 3-55 B 2O 3 co-doped with iron and manganese oxides. In as-prepared glasses the paramagnetic ions usually are in diluted state; however, if the ratio of the iron and manganese oxides in the charge is 3/2, magnetic nanoparticles are found already in as-prepared glass. After additional thermal treatment all glasses show magnetic behaviour, MCD and EMR due to the presence of magnetic nanoparticles with characteristics close to those of manganese ferrite. By computer simulating the EMR spectra at variable temperatures, their morphological characteristics are deduced: relatively broad size and shape distribution with average diameter of ca. 3-4 nm. The characteristic temperature-dependent shift of the apparent resonance field is explained by a strong temperature dependence of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy in the nanoparticles. The potassium-alumina-borate glasses containing magnetic nanoparticles represent a novel class of materials: "transparent magnets". Indeed, they remain transparent in a part of visible and near infrared spectral range while showing magnetic and magneto-optical properties characteristic of magnetically ordered materials.

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Доп.точки доступа:
Edelman, I. S.; Эдельман, Ирина Самсоновна; Ivanova, O. S.; Иванова, Оксана Станиславовна; Ivantsov, R. D.; Иванцов, Руслан Дмитриевич; Velikanov, D. A.; Великанов, Дмитрий Анатольевич; Petrakovskaja, E. A.; Петраковская, Элеонора Анатольевна; Artemenko, A.; Curely, J.; Kliava, J.; Zaikovskiy, V. I.; Stepanov, S.; Baltic Conference on Silicate Materials(5 ; 2011 ; May ; 23-25 ; Riga, Latvia)
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    Popov, A. K.
    Numerical simulations of metamaterial-based infrared sensor for remote environmental monitoring / A. K. Popov, S. A. Myslivets ; , Conference code: 102606) // Opt.InfoBase Conf. Papers. - 2011. - Conference code: 102606. . - ISBN 21622701. - ISBN 9781557529145
Аннотация: The possibility of creation of all-optically controlled, remotely actuated and interrogated, ultraminiature nonlinear-optical sensor, which utilizes negative-index metamaterial and can be exploited for the remote environmental sensing is shown and numerically simulated. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


Доп.точки доступа:
Myslivets, S. A.; Мысливец, Сергей Александрович; Попов, Александр Кузьмич; Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (2011 ; Jul. ; 10-14 ; Toronto)
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    Popov, A. K.
    Numerical simulations of metamaterial-based infrared sensor for remote environmental monitoring [3] / A. K. Popov, S. A. Myslivets // Opt.InfoBase Conf. Papers. - 2011. - Conference code: 102597. . - ISBN 2162-2701. - ISBN 9781557529145
Аннотация: The possibility of creation of all-optically controlled, remotely actuated and interrogated, ultraminiature nonlinear-optical sensor, which utilizes negative-index metamaterial and can be exploited for the remote environmental sensing is shown and numerically simulated. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


Доп.точки доступа:
Myslivets, S. A.; Мысливец, Сергей Александрович; Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology (2011 ; Jul. ; 10-14 ; Toronto)
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    Применение оптоэлектронных устройств для наблюдения доменных структур в ферромагнитных материалах / А. В. Чжан [и др.] // Изв. вузов. Приборостроение. - 2012. - T. 55, № 12. - С. 30-32. - Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ №11–0200695-А . - ISSN 0021-3454
   Перевод заглавия: Application of optoelectronic devices for observation of domain structures in ferromagnetic materials
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Показана возможность использования устройств, снабженных приборами с зарядовой связью, для определения магнитных характеристик ферромагнитных материалов.
The possibility of the use of domain structures for determination of magnetic characteristics of ferromagnetic materials is demonstrated.

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Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского СО РАН

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Чжан, Анатолий Владимирович; Chzhan, A. V.; Задворный, А. Г.; Середкин, Виталий Александрович; Seredkin V.A.; Патрин, Геннадий Семёнович; Patrin G.S.
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    Gerasimova, J. V.
    Evans hole in internal modes IR spectrum of WO3F33-ions in (NH4)(3)WO3F3 crystal / J. V. Gerasimova, A. N. Vtyurin // Chem. Phys. Lett. - 2012. - Vol. 523. - P. 144-147, DOI 10.1016/j.cplett.2011.12.041. - Cited References: 11. - We would like to thank Prof. E. M. Aver'yanov for discussion, and V. A. Ouskin for the technical assistance. This work has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches, Grant No. 11-02-98002-r_sibir_a. . - ISSN 0009-2614
РУБ Chemistry, Physical + Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical



Аннотация: Infrared absorption of (NH4)(3)WO3F3 compound has been studied. Profile of asymmetric band in 600-1000 cm (1) range associated with polar W-O vibrations of WO3F33- ions is explicable on the basis of multi-oscillatory dynamics with account of damping. Complex profile with Evans holes proves that internal modes of WO3F33- anions in the fluorine-oxygen octahedron interact due to the effects of the local field. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.

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Держатели документа:
[Gerasimova, Ju V.
Vtyurin, A. N.] Russian Acad Sci, LV Kirensky Phys Inst, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia

Доп.точки доступа:
Vtyurin, A. N.; Втюрин, Александр Николаевич; Герасимова, Юлия Валентиновна
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    Изучение роли октаэдрических групп при фазовом переходе в кристалле Rb2KMoO3F3 методом инфракрасного поглощения / Ю. В. Герасимова [и др.] // Физ. тверд. тела. - 2013. - Т. 55, Вып. 11. - С. 2215-2217
Аннотация: Получены спектры инфракрасного поглощения оксифторида Rb2KMoO3F3 в области частот, соответствующих валентным колебаниям Mo-O анионного октаэдра, с целью выяснения их роли при фазовом переходе. Проведен полуэмпирический расчет двух возможных конфигураций квазиоктаэдрических групп MoO3F3. Результаты исследований показали, что при фазовом переходе (T=197 K) в структуре кристалла часть октаэдров меняет локальную симметрию с C3v на C2v.

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Переводная версия Infrared absorption investigation of the role of octahedral groups upon the phase transition in the Rb2KMoO3F3 crystal. - [Б. м. : б. и.]

Держатели документа:
Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского СО РАН

Доп.точки доступа:
Герасимова, Юлия Валентиновна; Gerasimova, J.V.; Орешонков, Александр Сергеевич; Oreshonkov, A.S.; Втюрин, Александр Николаевич; Vtyurin, A. N.; Иваненко, Александр Анатольевич; Ivanenko, A. A.; Исаенко, Л. И.; Ершов, Александр Андреевич; Ershov, A. A.; Погорельцев, Евгений Ильич; Pogoreltsev, E. I.
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