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Ordering processes and phase transitions in ammonium-containing crystals of A2BWO3F3 elpasolites – com?parative Raman and infrared study/A. N. Vtyurin, A. S. Krylov [et al.] // The 6th International Seminar on Ferroelastics Physics (ISFP-6).-С.23

Effects of endohedral Gd-containing fullerenols with a different number of oxygen substituents on bacterial bioluminescence/E. A. Stepin, E. S. Sushko, N. G. Vnukova [et al.] // International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024. т.Vol. 25,N Is. 2.- Ст.708

Optical thermometer based on efficient near-infrared dual-emission of Cr3+ and Ni2+ in magnetoplumbite structure/Q. Zhang, G. Li, G. Li [et al.] // Advanced Optical Materials, 2024. т.Vol. 12,N Is. 1.- Ст.2301429

Tamm plasmon polariton-based planar hot-electron photodetector for the near-infrared region/Yu. V. Konov, D. A. Pykhtin, R. G. Bikbaev, I. V. Timofeev // Nanoscale, 2024. т.Vol. 16,N Is. 19.-С.9570-9575

Germanium metasurface near-infrared high-Q absorber with symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum/M.-J. Ye, R. G. Bikbaev, D. N. Maksimov [et al.] // Chinese Journal of Physics, 2024. т.Vol. 92.-С.188-194

Visualization of brain tumors with infrared-labeled aptamers for fluorescence-guided surgery/G. Zamay, A. Koshmanova, A. Narodov [et al.] // Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024. т.Vol. 146,N Is. 36.-С.24989-25004

Solid state synthesis, structural, DFT and spectroscopic analysis of EuAl3(BO3)4/A. S. Oreshonkov, A. S. Aleksandrovsky, O. D. Chimitova [et al.] // Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2024. т.Vol. 320.- Ст.129400

Regulating Eu2+ multisite occupation through structural disorder toward broadband near-infrared emission/Y. Zhu, X. Wang, J. Qiao [et al.] // Chemistry of Materials, 2023. т.Vol. 35,N Is. 3.-С.1432-1439

Double-site occupation triggered broadband and tunable NIR-I and NIR-II luminescence in AlNbO4:Cr3+ phosphors/K. Lyu, G. Liu, M. S. Molokeev, Z. Xia // Advanced Physics Research, 2023. т.Vol. 2,N Is. 4.- Ст.2200056

Evolution of structures and optical properties in a series of infrared nonlinear optical crystals LixAg1–xInSe2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)/L. Isaenko, L. Dong, K. Korzhneva [et al.] // Inorganic Chemistry, 2023. т.Vol. 62,N Is. 39.-С.15936-15942

Infrared bound states in the continuum: random forest method/M. S. Molokeev, A. S. Kostyukov, A. E. Ershov [et al.] // Optics Letters, 2023. т.Vol. 48,N Is. 17.-С.4460-4463

Modulation of Bi3+ luminescence from broadband green to broadband deep red in Lu2WO6 by Gd3+ doping and its applications in high color rendering index white LED and near-infrared LED/X. Wang, X. Feng, M. S. Molokeev [и др.] // Dalton Transactions, 2023. т.Vol. 52,N Is. 9.-С.2619-2630

Germanium metasurfaces with lattice Kerker effect in near-infrared photodetectors/Z.-X. Zhou, M.-J. Ye, M.-W. Yu [et al.] // ACS Nano, 2022. т.Vol. 16. Is. 4.-С.5994-6001

Liu G. C. Structural rigidity control toward Cr3+-based broadband near-infrared luminescence with enhanced thermal stability/G. C. Liu, M. S. Molokeev, Z. G. Xia // Chemistry of Materials, 2022. т.Vol. 34,N Is. 3.-С.1376-1384

A highly efficient and suitable spectral profile Cr3+-doped garnet near-infrared emitting phosphor for regulating photomorphogenesis of plants/X. Zou, X. Wang, H. Zhang [et al.] // Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022. т.Vol. 428.- Ст.132003

Giant red-shifted emission in (Sr,Ba)Y2O4:Eu2+ phosphor toward broadband near-infrared luminescence/Z. Y. Yang, Y. F. Zhao, Y. Y. Zhou [et al.] // Advanced Functional Materials, 2022. т.Vol. 32,N Is. 1.- Ст.2103927

Synthesis and characterization of nanoscale composite particles formed by 2D layers of Cu-Fe sulfide and Mg-based hydroxide/Y. L. Mikhlin, R. V. Borisov, S. A. Vorobyev [et al.] // Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022. т.Vol. 10,N Is. 17.-С.9621-9634

Effect of surfactants on the structure, phase composition, and magnetic properties of FexSy nanoparticles synthesized by thermal decomposition/R. D. Ivantsov, C.-R. Lin, Y.-Z. Chen [et al.] // Nanobiotechnology Reports, 2022. т.Vol. 17,N Is. 3.-С.336-344

LixAg1–xGaSe2: interplay between lithium and silver in mid-infrared nonlinear optical chalcogenides/L. Isaenko, L. Dong, A. Kurus [et al.] // Advanced Optical Materials, 2022. т.Vol. 10,N Is. 24.- Ст.2201727

Highly efficient Fe3+-doped A2 BB′O6 (A = Sr2+, Ca2+; B, B′ = In3+, Sb5+, Sn4+) broadband near-infrared-emitting phosphors for spectroscopic analysis/D. Liu, G. Li, P. Dang [et al.] // Light: Science and Applications, 2022. т.Vol. 11,N Is. 1.- Ст.112

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