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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-47 

Естественный ферромагнитный резонанс в порошках феррита кобальта на частоте 8,9 ГГц/С. В. Столяр, О. А. Ли, О. А. Баюков [и др.] // Новое в магнетизме и магнитных материалах, 2024,N Секция 6 [Сборник 6]:Резонансные явления в магнетиках.-С.44-47

Microwave heating of oxidized iron powders in ferromagnetic resonance mode/S. V. Stolyar, E. D. Nikolaeva, O. A. Li [et al.] // Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, 2024. т.Vol. 15,N Is. 4.-С.927-930

Effect of the addition of Cu and Al on the microstructure, phase composition and properties of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy obtained by selective laser melting/G. M. Zeer, Yu. I. Gordeev, E. G. Zelenkova [et al.] // Metals, 2024. т.Vol. 14,N Is. 9.- Ст.991

The effect of aluminum-oxide powders on the structure and properties of copper electrodeposited composite coatings/I. R. Volkova, L. E. Tyryshkina, M. N. Volochaev [et al.] // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2023. т.Vol. 59,N Is. 1.-С.71-75

Heating of magnetic powders in the ferromagnetic resonance mode at a frequency of 8.9 GHz/S. V. Stolyar, O. A. Li, E. D. Nikolaeva [et al.] // Physics of the Solid State, 2023. т.Vol. 65,N Is. 6.-С.963-970

Frequency-field dependences of FMR in NiFe2O4 superparamagnetic powders/S. V. Stolyar, O. A. Li, E. D. Nikolaeva [et al.] // V International Baltic Conference on Magnetism. IBCM, 2023.-С.138

Comparison of the microstructure and magnetic properties of films and composite powders based on 3-D metal/L. A. Chekanova, N. A. Shepeta, E. A. Denisova [et al.] // Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2022. т.Vol. 35,N Is. 11.-С.3241-3247

Comparison of the microstructure and magnetic properties of films and composite powders based on 3-d metal/E. A. Denisova, L. A. Chekanova, N. A. Shepeta, L. A. Kuzovnikova // 4th International Baltic Conference on Magnetism (IBCM 2021), 2021.-С.193

Experimental Study of Transport Coefficients of Aqueous Suspensions of Nanodiamonds/M. I. Pryazhnikov, A. V. Minakov, A. I. Lyamkin [et al.] // Colloid Journal, 2020. т.Vol. 82,N Is. 6.-С.705-712

Preparation, phase evolution, and magnetic properties of lanthanum manganite perovskite powders synthesized by solid-state reaction/R. D. Ivantsov [et al.] // Euro-asian symposium "Trends in magnetism" (EASTMAG-2019), 2019,N Vol. 1.- Ст.C.P14.-С.294-295
 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-47 

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