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Общее количество найденных документов : 29
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Krasnov P. O. Interaction of Scandium and Titanium Atoms with a Carbon Surface Containing Five- and Seven-Membered Rings/P. O. Krasnov, N. S. Eliseeva, A. A. Kuzubov // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics:MAIK Nauka-Interperiodica / Springer, 2012. т.Vol. 114,N Is. 1.-С.80-84

Calculation of the energy of binding of titanium and scandium complexes to the surface of carbon nanotubes/A. A. Kuzubov [et al.] // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009. т.Vol. 3,N Is. 4.-С.679-683

Мартенситные превращения в никелиде титана через промежуточную фазу с ГЦК-решеткой/Л. И. Квеглис [и др.] // Физическая мезомеханика. -Томск, 2016. т.Т. 19,N № 2.-С.100-107

Особенности формирования линзовидных кристаллов при мартенситных превращениях в никелиде титана/А. С. Джес [и др.] // Фундаментальные проблемы современного материаловедения. -Барнаул:Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Научно-исследовательский центр "Системы управления", 2016. т.Т. 13,N № 1.-С.96-104

Magnetic properties of plastically deformed nickel-titanium alloy/L. I. Kveglis [et al.] // VI Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism" (EASTMAG-2016). -Krasnoyarsk:KIP RAS SB, 2016.- Ст.P9.30.-С.421

Titanium nitride as light trapping plasmonic material in silicon solar cell/N. Venugopal [et al.] // Optical Materials:Elsevier, 2017. т.Vol. 72.-С.397-402

Structure and magnetic properties of titanium nickelide nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed laser ablation method/A. K. Drozdova [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series:IOP, 2017. т.Vol. 857,N Is. 1.- Ст.012007

Superparamagnetic behavior of titanium nickelide nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation/A. K. Drozdova [и др.] // Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM-2017), 2017.- Ст.2PO-J-33.-С.286

Refractory titanium nitride two-dimensional structures with extremely narrow surface lattice resonances at telecommunication wavelengths/V. I. Zakomirnyi [et al.] // Applied Physics Letters:American Institute of Physics, 2017. т.Vol. 111,N Is. 12.- Ст.123107

Particular charactristics of the synthesis of titanium nitride nanopowders in the plasma of low pressure arc discharge/A. V. Ushakov [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017. т.Vol. 255,N Is. 1.- Ст.012006

Preparation of polymers based on fullerenes and nanoparticles of titanium carbide and their properties/G. N. Churilov [et al.] // 13th International Conference "Advanced Carbon Nanostructures", 2017. т.Poster session 1: Fullerenes and Nanodiamond Particles.- Ст.P1-14.-С.83

Titanium nitride nanoparticles as an alternative platform for plasmonic waveguides in the visible and telecommunication wavelength ranges/V. I. Zakomirnyi [et al.] // Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2018. т.Vol. 30.-С.50-56

Microstructure and phase composition of the two-phase ceramic synthesized from titanium oxide and zinc oxide/G. M. Zeer [et al.] // Science of Sintering, 2018. т.Vol. 50,N Is. 2.-С.173-181

Ultra-narrow surface lattice resonances in periodic structures of refractory titanium nitride nanodiscs/V. I. Zakomirnyi [et al.] // 14th Topical Meeting Novel Optical Materials and Applications, 2018. Polaritonics.- Ст.NOW4J.3.-С.85

Using titanium additives to produce high porous tiNi-based alloys with martensitic transformations/S. G. Anikeev, N. V. Artyukhova, M. I. Kaftaranova [et al.] // AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020. т.Vol. 2310.- Ст.020018

Emergence of ferromagnetism in nanoparticles of BeTiO3 ceramic with the perovskite structure/A. V. Pavlov, L. I. Kveglis, D. N. Saprykin [et al.] // Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, 2021. т.Vol. 12,N Is. 1.-С.88-93

Magnetic properties of nickel-titanium alloy during martensitic transformations under plastic and elastic deformation/L. I. Kveglis, F. M. Noskov, M. N. Volochaev [et al.] // Symmetry, 2021. т.Vol. 13,N Is. 4.- Ст.665

Structural, optical, and electronic properties of Cu-doped TiNxOy grown by ammonothermal atomic layer deposition/F. A. Baron, Y. L. Mikhlin, M. S. Molokeev [et al.] // ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021. т.Vol. 13,N Is. 27.-С.32531-32541

Mechanical activation of fullerene containing soot during extraction of higher and endohedral metallofullerenes/V. I. Elesina, G. N. Churilov, N. G. Vnukova [et al.] // Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2022. т.Vol. 30,N Is. 5.-С.553-558

Cu-doped TiNxOy thin film resistors DC/RF performance and reliability/L. V. Shanidze, A. S. Tarasov, M. V. Rautskiy [et al.] // Applied Sciences, 2021. т.Vol. 11,N Is. 16.- Ст.7498

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