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A hybrid approach for predicting the distribution of vibro-acoustic energy in complex built-up structures/D. N. Maksimov, G. Tanner // Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2011. т.Vol. 130,N Is. 3.-С.1337-1347

A novel single-phase white light emitting phosphor Ca9La(PO4)5(SiO4)F2:Dy3+: Synthesis, crystal structure and luminescence properties/H. Liu [et al.] // RSC Advances:Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016. т.Vol. 6,N Is. 29.-С.24577-24583

Fransson J. A perfect spin-filter quantum dot system/J. .. Fransson, I. .. Sandalov, O. .. Eriksson // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter:IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2004. т.Vol. 16,N Is. 16.-С.L249-L254

Gluck M. A quantum cable car for Wannier-Stark ladders/M. .. Gluck, A. R. Kolovsky, H. J. Korsch // Physics Letters A, 2000. т.Vol. 276,N Is. 1-4.-С.167-174

Fedorov A. S. Ab initio study of hydrogen chemical adsorption on platinum surface/carbon nanotube join system/A. S. Fedorov, P. B. Sorokin, A. A. Kuzubov // Physica Status Solidi B - Basic Solid State Physics, 2008. т.Vol. 245,N Is. 8.-С.1546-1551

Ab-initio investigation of hydrogen absorption by magnesium nanoparticles/A. S. Fedorov, G. N1. Churilov [et al.] // Carbon Nanomaterials in Clean-Energy Hydrogen Systems:Springer, 2008.-С.603-610

Fedorov A. S. Ab-initio investigation of thermoactivated directional transport of hydrogen molecules inside narrow carbon nanotubes/A. S. Fedorov, A. F. Sadreev // Physica status solidi B - Basic Solid State Physics, 2009. т.Vol. 246:23rd Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (MAR 14, 2009, Kirchberg, GERMANY),N Is. 11.-С.2598-2601

Analysis of the electrical and optical properties of VBO3 single crystals and Fe1-xVxBO3 solid solutions on the basis of a many-electron model of energy band structure/N. B. Ivanova [et al.] // PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE:AMER INST PHYSICS, 2004. т.Vol. 46,N Is. 8.-С.1462-1468

Analytic gradient for the adaptive frozen orbital bond detachment in the fragment molecular orbital method/D. G. Fedorov [et al.] // Chemical Physics Letters, 2009. т.Vol. 477,N Is. 1-3.-С.169-175

Anisotropic thermal expansion and electronic transitions in the Co3BO5 ludwigite/N. Kazak, A. Arauzo, J. Bartolome [et al.] // Dalton Transactions:Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022. т.Vol. 51,N Is. 16.-С.6345-6357

Kagan M. Y. Anomalous superconductivity and superfluidity in repulsive fermion systems/M. Y. Kagan, V. A. Mitskan, M. M. Korovushkin // Physics-Uspekhi:Turpion, 2015. т.Vol. 58,N Is. 8.-С.733-761

Atypical quantum confinement effect in silicon nanowires/P. B. Sorokin [et al.] // JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A. -WASHINGTON:AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2008. т.Vol. 112,N Is. 40.-С.9955-9964

Rotter I. Avoided level crossings, diabolic points, and branch points in the complex plane in an open double quantum dot/I. .. Rotter, A. F. Sadreev // PHYSICAL REVIEW E:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 2005. т.Vol. 71,N Is. 3.- Ст.36227

Band-gap unification of partially Si-substituted single-wall carbon nanotubes/P. V. Avramov [et al.] // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2006. т.Vol. 74,N Is. 24.- Ст.245417

Biogenic ferrihydrite nanoparticles produced by Klebsiella oxytoca: Characterization, physicochemical properties and bovine serum albumin interactions/N. Cazacu, C. G. Chilom, S. Iftimie [et al.] // Nanomaterials, 2022. т.Vol. 12,N Is. 2.- Ст.249

Broad luminescence tuning in Mn2+-doped Rb2Zn3(P2O7)2 via doping level control based on multiple synergies/Q. Liu, P. Dang, G. Zhang [et al.] // CrystEngComm, 2022. т.Vol. 24,N Is. 31.-С.5622-5629

Broadband light emitting zero-dimensional antimony and bismuth-based hybrid halides with diverse structures/C. K. Deng, S. Q. Hao, K. J. Liu [et al.] // Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021. т.Vol. 9,N Is. 44.-С.15942-15948

BT-30 Ceramic Electrophysical Properties/N. A. Drokin, V. S. Kiiko, A. V. Pavlov, A. I. Malkin // Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, 2020. т.Vol. 61,N Is. 3.-С.341-348

Buckminsterfullerene's movability on the Fe(001) surface/A. A. Kuzubov [et al.] // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials:Elsevier, 2016. т.Vol. 410.-С.41-46

Ca/Sr ratio dependent structure and up-conversion luminescence of (Ca1-xSrx)In2O4 : Yb3+/Ho3+ phosphors/M. Guan [et al.] // RSC Advances:Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015. т.Vol. 5,N Is. 73.-С.59403-59407

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