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Аверьянов Е. М. Оптическая анизотропия и ориентационный порядок одноосных пленок сопряженных полимеров/Е. М. Аверьянов // Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование, 2020. т.Т. 20,N № 1.-С.53-63;Liquid Crystals and their Application

Аверьянов Е. М. Новые методы исследования ориентационного порядка одноосных молекулярных пленок на основе оптических данных/Е. М. Аверьянов // Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование, 2020. т.Т. 20,N № 1.-С.41-46;Liquid Crystals and their Application

CoPt-Al2O3 nanocomposite films: synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties/V. S. Zhigalov, L. E. Bykova, V. G. Myagkov [et al.] // Journal of Surface Investigation, 2020. т.Vol. 14,N Is. 1.-С.47-53

Electrical properties of thin In2O3/C films/I. V. Babkina, M. N. Volochaev, O. V. Zhilova [et al.] // Inorganic Materials, 2020. т.Vol. 56,N Is. 4.-С.374-381

Magnetoresistive effect in the cobalt-doped bismuth ferrite films/O. B. Romanova, S. S. Aplesnin, M. N. Sitnikov [et al.] // Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020. т.Vol. 31,N Is. 10.-С.7946-7952

Altunin R. R. Effect of the structural properties on the electrical resistivity of the Al/Ag thin films during the solid-state reaction/R. R. Altunin, E. T. Moiseenko, S. M. Zharkov // Physics of the Solid State, 2020. т.Vol. 62,N Is. 4.-С.708-713

Altunin R. R. Structural phase transformations during a solid-state reaction in a bilayer Al/Fe thin-film nanosystem/R. R. Altunin, E. T. Moiseenko, S. M. Zharkov // Physics of the Solid State, 2020. т.Vol. 62,N Is. 1.-С.200-205

Nanocomposite FeCo films based on arabinogalactan: synthesis and magnetic properties /L. A. Chekanova [et al.] // Euro-asian symposium "Trends in magnetism" (EASTMAG-2019), 2019,N Vol. 2.- Ст.J.P36.-С.250-251

Spectral dependences of transmittance and polarizing ability of stretched PDLC films with homogeneous and inhomogeneous interface anchoring/M. N. Krakhalev [et al.] // EuroDisplay 2019, 2019.- Ст.O-9.-С.25

Electro-optical response of PDLC films with conical boundary conditions/M. N. Krakhalev [et al.] // EuroDisplay 2019, 2019.- Ст.O-31.-С.63

The structure, electrical and magnetoresistance properties of heterogeneous films [In2O3/(Co40Fe40B20)34(SiO2)66]92/M. N. Volochaev, O. V. Zhilova, S. Yu. Pankov [et al.] // AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019. т.Vol. 2174:6th International Young Researchers' Conference on Physics, Technologies and Innovation, PTI 2019 (20-23 May 2019) Conference code: 155607.- Ст.020274

Moiseenko E. T. In situ electron diffraction and resistivity characterization of solid state reaction process in Cu/Al bilayer thin films/E. T. Moiseenko, R. R. Altunin, S. M. Zharkov // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2020. т.Vol. 51,N Is. 3.-С.1428-1436

Inhomogeneity of magnetic states in polycrystalline Sr doped PrMnO3 films/Yu. E. Samoshkina, M. V. Rautskii, D. S. Neznakhin [et al.] // Euro-asian symposium "Trends in magnetism" (EASTMAG-2019), 2019,N Vol. 2.- Ст.H.P10.-С.88-89

Microwave giant magnetoresistance and ferromagnetic and spin-wave resonances in (CoFe)/Cu nanostructures/V. V. Ustinov, A. B. Rinkevich, I. G. Vazhenina, M. A. Milyaev // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2020. т.Vol. 131,N Is. 1.-С.139-148

Tarasov I. A. α-FeSi2 as a buffer layer for β-FeSi2 growth: analysis of orientation relationships in silicide/Silicon, silicide/silicide heterointerfaces/I. A. Tarasov, I. A. Bondarev, A. I. Romanenko // Journal of Surface Investigation, 2020. т.Vol. 14,N Is. 4.-С.851-861

Structural changes of Co caused a change of the solution pH during chemical deposition/S. A. Podorozhnyak, A. V. Chzhant, V. K. Maltsevt [et al.] // Journal of Siberian Federal University - Mathematics and Physics, 2020. т.Vol. 13,N Is. 4.-С.451-458;Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия "Математика и физика"

Soft magnetic FeCo films produced by green chemistry technique/E. A. Denisova, L. A. Chekanova, I. V. Nemtsev [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020. т.Vol. 1582,N Is. 1.- Ст.012077

Unit for measuring the magnetic characteristics of thin ferromagnetic films/S. Kleshnina, B. Belyaev, N. Boev [et al.] // Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2020, 2020.- Ст.9117609.-С.326-329

Measuring the imaginary part of the complex magnetic permeability of thin films using resonant and non-resonant automated measuring systems/A. V. Burmitskikh, B. A. Belyaev, N. M. Boev, S. A. Kleshnina // Proceedings - 2020 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2020:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020.- Ст.9117770.-С.265-268

Magnetic and structure properties of CoPt-In2O3 nanocomposite films/L. E. Bykova, V. G. Myagkov, V. S. Zhigalov [et al.] // Journal of Siberian Federal University - Mathematics and Physics, 2020. т.Vol. 13,N Is. 4.-С.431-438;Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия "Математика и физика"

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