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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-34 

Aksenov S. V. Strong Coulomb interactions in the problem of Majorana modes in a wire of the nontrivial topological class BDI/S. V. Aksenov, A. O. Zlotnikov, M. S. Shustin // Physical Review B, 2020. т.Vol. 101,N Is. 12.- Ст.125431

Anionic-cationic surfactant mixture providing the electrically controlled homeotropic surface anchoring of liquid crystals/M. N. Krakhalev [et al.] // Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019. т.Vol. 282:Suzdal Conference (2018, Suzdal, RUSSIA).-С.57-62

Broadband light emitting zero-dimensional antimony and bismuth-based hybrid halides with diverse structures/C. K. Deng, S. Q. Hao, K. J. Liu [et al.] // Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021. т.Vol. 9,N Is. 44.-С.15942-15948

Effect of intensive plastic deformation on structure and magnetic properties of Al2O3/Co(P) nanocomposite particles/Е. А. Денисова [et al.] // V International conference "Fundamental bases of mechanochemical technologies". FBMT- 2018, 2018.-С.141

Efficiency of high energy impact in synthesis of coal-water suspensions/L. V. Kashkina [et al.] // Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018. т.Vol. 5,N Is. 12, Pt. 3.-С.26033-26037

Euro-asian symposium "Trends in magnetism" (EASTMAG-2004)/Рос. акад. наук, Сиб. отд-ние, Ин-т физики им. Л.В. Киренского, Краснояр. гос. ун-т, Краснояр. гос. технич. ун-т, Урал. отд-ние , Ин-т физики металлов. Euro-asian symp. "Trends in magnetism". - 2004

Evolution of the optical absorption spectra and electronic structure of the VBO3 crystal under high pressures/N. V. Kazak [et al.] // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2009. т.Vol. 109,N Is. 3.-С.455-465

Formation of phases and microstructure of ZnO and TiO2 based ceramic/G. M. Zeer [et al.] // Glass and ceramics:Springer, 2015. т.Vol. 72,N Is. 7-8.-С.242-245

Fundamental basis of production and application of biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoates/T. G. Volova [et al.] // Journal of Siberian Federal University - Biology, 2012. т.Vol. 5,N Is. 3.-С.280-299;Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия "Биология"

Hierarchy of low-energy models of the electronic structure of cuprate HTSCs: The role of long-range spin-correlated hops/V. V. Val'kov [et al.] // Low Temperature Physics, 2018. т.Vol. 44,N Is. 2.-С.130-138
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