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Общее количество найденных документов : 157
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On the use of dual-polarized multi-angular observations of P-band brightness temperature for soil moisture profile retrieval in thawed mineral soil/K. V. Muzalevskiy, J. P. Walke, F. Brakhasi [et al.] // International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2024. т.Vol. 45,N Is. 5.-С.1498-1521

Influence of arabinogalactan-coated selenium nanoparticles on the formation of free radicals in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells/K. V. Shadrin, Yu. A. Yakovleva, O. V. Kryukova [et al.] // BioNanoScience, 2024. т.Vol. 14,N Is. 1.-С.268-275

Microwave heating of oxidized iron powders in ferromagnetic resonance mode/S. V. Stolyar, E. D. Nikolaeva, O. A. Li [et al.] // Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, 2024. т.Vol. 15,N Is. 4.-С.927-930

Dual band HTSC power limiter/A. O. Afonin, A. A. Alexandrovsky, I. V. Govorun [et al.] // Journal of Siberian Federal University - Mathematics and Physics, 2024. т.Vol. 17,N Is. 2.-С.162-168;Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Математика и физика

Muzalevskiy K. V. Calibration of UWB UAV radar for the remote measurement of reflection coefficient/K. Muzalevskiy, M. Mikhaylov, Z. Ruzicka // IEEE Ural-Siberian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT), 2023.-С.105-108

Structural and spectroscopic effects of Li+ substitution for Na+ in LixNa1–xCaLa0.5Er0.05Yb0.45(MoO4)3 upconversion scheelite-type phosphors/C. S. Lim, A. Aleksandrovsky, M. Molokeev [et al.] // Crystals, 2023. т.Vol. 13,N Is. 2.- Ст.362

Microwave-assisted synthesis of the new solid-solution (V1–xCrx)2GaC (0 ≤ x ≤ 1), a Pauli paramagnet almost matching the Stoner criterion for x = 0.80/N. Kubitza, R. Xie, I. Tarasov [et al.] // Chemistry of Materials, 2023. т.Vol. 35,N Is. 11.-С.4427-4434

Muzalevskiy K. V. UWB reflectometric method for the measuring of vegetation biometric parameters and soil moisture/K. Muzalevskiy, S. Fomin, M. Mikhaylov // IEEE Ural-Siberian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT), 2023.-С.166-169

Устройство для измерения шумов тонких магнитных пленок в СВЧ-диапазоне/А. Н. Бабицкий, Н. М. Боев, С. А. Клешнина [и др.] // Изобретения. Полезные модели, 2023. т.№ 10

Electrically-tunable reflectarrays for millimeter waves based on liquid-crystal-loaded high-impedance surfaces/S. A. Kuznetsov, V. I. Lapanik, A. A. Lugouskiy [et al.] // The 5-th International conference "Terahertz and microwave radiation: generation, detection and applications" (TERA-2023). -Москва, 2023.-С.11

Музалевский К. В. Особенности радиометрического зондирования влажности тундровых почв в P-диапазоне частот/К. В. Музалевский // Журнал радиоэлектроники, 2023,N № 12;Journal of Radio Electronics

Second harmonic generation as a probe of parametric spin wave instability processes in thin magnetic films/P. N. Solovev, A. O. Afonin, B. A. Belyaev [et al.] // Physical Review B, 2022. т.Vol. 106,N Is. 6.- Ст.064406

Tailoring the microwave properties of thin permalloy films using a periodically grooved substrate/A. V. Izotov, B. A. Belyaev, N. M. Boev [et al.] // Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2022. т.Vol. 629.- Ст.413654

Design for a self-packaged aLl-PCB wideband filter with good stopband performance/B. A. Belyaev, A. M. Serzhantov, Y. F. Balva [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2022. т.Vol. 12,N Is. 7.-С.1186-1195

Muzalevskiy K. V. Synthesizing of ultra-wide band impulse by means of a log-periodic dipole antenna. Case study for a radar stand experiment/K. Muzalevskiy, M. Mikhaylov, Z. Ruzicka // 2022 IEEE International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, SIBIRCON 2022:IEEE, 2022.-С.1140-1143

Validation of Dobson's, Schmugge's, and Mironov's dielectric models at four typical agrosoils of Krasnoyarsk and Krasnodar krais/S. Fomin, K. Muzalevskiy, A. Karavayskiy [et al.] // Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 8th All-Russian Microwave Conference, RMC 2022, 2022. 8th IEEE All-Russian Microwave Conference, RMC 2022 (23 - 25 November 2023, Moscow, Russian Federation) Conference code: 187597.-С.349-352

Muzalevskiy K. V. Numerical-analytical model of reflection coefficient for rough soil surface in wide frequency range/K. Muzalevskiy // Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 8th All-Russian Microwave Conference, RMC 2022, 2022. 8th IEEE All-Russian Microwave Conference, RMC 2022 (23 - 25 November 2023, Moscow, Russian Federation) Conference code: 187597.-С.305-308

Muzalevskiy K. V. Optimum frequency range for remote sensing of soil moisture with various texture, density and organic matter content/K. Muzalevskiy, S. Fomin, A. Karavayskiy // 2022 IEEE International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, SIBIRCON 2022:IEEE, 2022.-С.1130-1133

Sadreev A. F. Interference traps waves in an open system: bound states in the continuum/A. F. Sadreev // Reports on Progress in Physics, 2021. т.Vol. 84,N Is. 5.- Ст.055901

Structure constant and grain size determination by ferromagnetic resonance in thin magnetic films/B. A. Belyaev, N. M. Boev, A. A. Gorchakovskii [et al.] // Russian Physics Journal, 2021. т.Vol. 64,N Is. 1.-С.1-8

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