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Общее количество найденных документов : 86
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Anisotropy of the electromechanical characteristics of SH-waves and Lamb waves in yttrium aluminum borate single crystals/P. P. Turchin, S. I. Burkov, V. I. Turchin [et al.] // Journal of Siberian Federal University - Mathematics and Physics, 2022. т.Vol. 15,N Is. 1.-С.80-87;Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия "Математика и физика"

Antiferromagnetic resonance in ferroborate NdFe3(BO3)(4)/M. I. Kobets, K. G. Dergachev, E. N. Khatsko [et al.] // Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2011. т.Vol. 406,N Is. 18.-С.3430-3435

Application of DMA 242 C for quasi-static measurements of piezoelectric properties of solids/P. P. Turchin, V. I. Turchin, S. V. Yurkevich [et al.] // Journal of Siberian Federal University - Mathematics and Physics, 2020. т.Vol. 13,N Is. 1.-С.97-103;Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия "Математика и физика"

Ivanov Y. N. B-11 NMR study of Ho1−x Y x Al3(BO3)4 multiferroics/Y. N. Ivanov, A. A. Sukhovskii, N. V. Volkov // Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2013. т.Vol. 54,N Is. 1:Suppl..-С.130-136

Caloric and multicaloric effects in oxygen ferroics and multiferroics/I. N. Flerov [et al.] // Physics of the Solid State:MAIK Nauka-Interperiodica / Springer, 2015. т.Vol. 57,N Is. 3.-С.429-441

Aplesnin S. S. Change in the magnetocapacity in the paramagnetic region in a cation-substituted manganese selenide/S. S. Aplesnin, M. N. Sitnikov, A. M. Zhivul'ko // Physics of the Solid State, 2018. т.Vol. 60,N Is. 4.-С.673-680

Complex interplay between 3d and 4f magnetic systems in multiferroic DyMnO3/A. N. Matveeva, I. A. Zobkalo, M. Meven [et al.] // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2023. т.Vol. 569.- Ст.170415

Control of coexisting magnetic phases by electric fields in NdFe3(BO3)(4)/S. Partzsch [et al.] // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics:American Physical Society, 2016. т.Vol. 94,N Is. 5.- Ст.054421

Petrova A. E. Copper metaborate CuB2O4 phase diagrams bAsed on the results of measuring the magnetic moment/A. E. Petrova, A. I. Pankrats // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2018. т.Vol. 126,N Is. 4.-С.506-513

Coupled R and Fe magnetic excitations in RFe 3(BO 3) 4 multiferroics/A. M. Kuzmenko [et al.] // Diffusion and Defect Data Pt.B: Solid State Phenomena, 2012. т.Vol. 190.-С.269-272

Direct and inverse magnetoelectric effect in orthorhombic single crystals of Dy1−xHoxMnO3/A. L. Freydman, I. N. Horoshiy, M. I. Kolkov, K. Yu. Terent’ev // Physics of the Solid State, 2022. т.Vol. 64,N Is. 14.-С.2347-2352

Dynamics of structural and magnetic phase transitions in ferroborate YFe3(BO3)4/K. V. Frolov [et al.] // Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018. т.Vol. 748.-С.989-994

Effect of electric field on magnetization and magnetic susceptibility in rare-earth ferroborite multiferroics/A. A. Mukhin [et al.] // Euro-asian symposium "Trends in magnetism" (EASTMAG-2019), 2019,N Vol. 2.- Ст.K.O8.-С.312-313

Effects of the Interaction between R and Fe Modes of the Magnetic Resonance in RFe3(BO3)(4) Rare-Earth Iron Borates/A. M. Kuz'menko [et al.] // JETP Letters, 2011. т.Vol. 94,N Is. 4.-С.294-300

Elastic, magnetoelastic, magnetopiezoelectric, and magnetodielectric characteristics of HoAl3(BO3)4/I. V. Bilych, M. P. Kolodyazhnaya, K. R. Zhekov [et al.] // Low Temperature Physics, 2020. т.Vol. 46,N Is. 9.-С.923-931

Electromechanical Properties and Anisotropy of Acoustic Waves Characteristics in Single Crystals YAl3(BO3)4/P. P. Turchin [et al.] // Journal of Siberian Federal University - Mathematics and Physics, 2019. т.Vol. 12,N Is. 6.-С.756-771;Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия "Математика и физика"

Enhancement of the magnetocapacitance effect in an external electric field in LaxBi1-xFeO3 films/S. S. Aplesnin [et al.] // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics:MAIK Nauka-Interperiodica / Springer, 2015. т.Vol. 121,N Is. 3.-С.422-428

Features of magnetic, magnetoelectric and magnetoelastic properties of HoAl3(BO3)4/A. I. Begunov [et al.] // Solid State Phenomena:Trans Tech Publications, 2014. т.Vol. 215:Trends in Magnetism: Nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013).-С.352-357

Giant magnetoelectric effect in HoAl3(BO3)(4)/K. C. Liang [et al.] // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2011. т.Vol. 83,N Is. 18.- Ст.180417

Hidden magnetic instability in the substituted multiferroics (Nd, Tb)Fe3(BO3)4/I. V. Golosovsky, A. A. Mukhin, V. Skumryev [et al.] // Physical Review B, 2024. т.Vol. 109,N Is. 1.- Ст.014421

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