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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Bondarenko L., Baimuratova R., Dzeranov A., Pankratov D., Kicheeva A., Sushko E., Kudryasheva N., Valeev R., Tropskaya N., Dzhardimalieva G., Kydralieva K.
Заглавие : Fenton reaction-driven pro-oxidant synergy of ascorbic acid and iron oxide nanoparticles in MIL-88B(Fe)
Колич.характеристики :19 с
Место публикации : New J. Chem. - 2024. - Vol. 48, Is. 22. - P.10142-10160. - ISSN 11440546 (ISSN), DOI 10.1039/D4NJ00963K. - ISSN 13699261 (eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 94. - This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, grant number 22-73-10222. XPS spectra of the FeO-AA MOF sample were recorded on the equipment of the shared core facilities "Center of physical and physicochemical methods of analysis, investigations of properties and characteristics of surface, nanostructures, materials and products" of the Udmurt Federal Research Center of UB RAS. The Mossbauer analysis was performed in accordance with the state order of Lomonosov Moscow State University "Solving of problems of nuclear energy and environmental safety, as well as diagnostics of materials using ionizing radiation" (project no. 122030200324-1)
Аннотация: MIL-88B, a promising Fe-based 3D porous metal–organic framework (MOF) catalyst for the Fenton reaction, requires modifications to enhance its pro-oxidant activity and enable magnetic control of the sample. This study reports the successful modification of MIL-88B with iron oxide (Fe3O4) and ascorbic acid (AA). The characterization of the crystal structure and morphology of the Fe3O4–AA MOF sample using X-ray diffraction, Raman and Mossbauer spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy revealed that AA facilitated the formation of magnetite with a composition approaching a stoichiometry of Fe2.96O4 while preserving the MOF structure. Specifically, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), Fe3O4–AA–MOF exhibited a 3-fold increase in the Fenton reaction rate for methylene blue degradation compared to the conventional homogeneous system at pH 4.5. Furthermore, Fe3O4–AA–MOF retained the antibacterial properties of AA, as evidenced by its ability to increase reactive oxygen species in luminescent marine bacterium Photobacterium phosphoreum at low concentrations while exhibiting moderate cytotoxicity. The enhanced pro-oxidant activity of the Fe3O4–AA–MOF/H2O2 system is attributed to an AA-promoted surface Fe2+/Fe3+ cycle. A possible mechanism for this system is proposed.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Shvets P., Krylov A. S., Maksimova K., Goikhman A.
Заглавие : Raman spectroscopy of Wadsley phases of vanadium oxide
Колич.характеристики :14 с
Место публикации : J. Raman Spectrosc. - 2024. - Vol. 55, Is. 4. - P.445-458. - ISSN 03770486 (ISSN), DOI 10.1002/jrs.6644. - ISSN 10974555 (eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 133. - This work was prepared with support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (project FZWM-2020-0008)
Аннотация: We summarize the current knowledge on crystal structures, synthesis, applications, and Raman spectroscopy of Wadsley phases of vanadium oxide, including VO2 (B), V6O13, V4O9, V3O7, and V2O5. While these oxides have garnered significant attention for potential energy storage applications and have been studied for decades, there remains inconsistency in data regarding their characteristic Raman spectra. To address this, we synthesized a series of Wadsley phases by physical vapor deposition of amorphous vanadium oxide films and subsequent annealing in a controlled environment. X-ray diffraction studies confirmed the formation of VO2 (B), V6O13, V4O9, and V3O7. We meticulously measured the room-temperature Raman spectra of these phases, offering robust reference data for the easy identification of vanadium oxides in unknown samples. Finally, we studied low-temperature phase transitions in VO2 (B) and V6O13.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Nikiforov A. A., Krylov A. S., Krylova S. N., Gorshkov V. S., Pelegov D. V.
Заглавие : Temperature Raman study of Li4Ti5O12 and ambiguity in the number of its bands
Колич.характеристики :10 с
Место публикации : J. Raman Spectrosc. - 2024. - Vol. 55, Is. 3. - P.406-415. - ISSN 03770486 (ISSN), DOI 10.1002/jrs.6641. - ISSN 10974555 (eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 51. - The research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (project No 22-22-00350, https://rscf.ru/project/22-22-00350)
Аннотация: The two primary physical methods for identifying lithium titanate, a negative electrode material used commercially, are X-Ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Although there are many publications on this topic, they are focused mainly on chemistry, so there are still some points that require clarification from a physical and methodological point of view. Difference of experimentally observed and theoretically predicted Raman spectra was explained through a combination of experiments and computations. The work comprises experiments and computations to explain why there are different numbers of predicted and observed Raman-active bands. Our low-temperature study and the analysis of thermal shifts during heating led us to conclude that the approach with surplus bands is advantageous and we recommend using major F2g band shifts to estimate the sample heating.
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Дубровский, Андрей Александрович, Семенов, Сергей Васильевич, Князев, Юрий Владимирович, Кириллов В. Л., Балаев, Дмитрий Александрович, Мартьянов, Олег Николаевич
Заглавие : Эволюция фазового состава и магнитных свойств композита на основе наночастиц ε-Fe2O3, иммобилизированных в ксерогель SiO2, при увеличении концентрации оксида железа и магнитные свойства наночастиц ε-Fe2O3, извлеченных из композита ε-Fe2O3/ксерогель
Коллективы : "Новое в магнетизме и магнитных материалах", международная конференция, Научный совет по физике конденсированных сред РАН, МИРЭА - Российский технологический университет, Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Магнитное общество России
Место публикации : Новое в магнетизме и магнитных материалах: сборник трудов XXV международной конференции/ прогр. ком.: Р. С. Исхаков, С. Г. Овчинников [и др.]. - 2024. - Секция 9 [Сборник 9]: Магнитные наноструктуры. Малые магнитные частицы. - С. 120-123. - ISBN 978-5-4465-1869-2
Примечания : Библиогр.: 4. - РНФ, Красноярский краевой фонд науки, грант № 24-12-20011
Аннотация: ε-Fe2O3 является достаточно редкой полиморфной модификацией оксида железа и существует только в виде наночастиц. Как и во всех наноструктурах, поверхностные и размерные эффекты играют важную роль в проявляемых магнитных свойствах. В данной работе мы исследовали эволюцию фазового состава и магнитных свойств композита на основе наночастиц ε-Fe2O3, иммобилизированных в ксерогель SiO2, при увеличении концентрации оксида железа и сопутствующего данному увеличению роста размеров наночастиц оксида железа, а также магнитные свойства наночастиц ε-Fe2O3, извлеченных из композита ε-Fe2O3/ксерогель.
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Яцык И. В., Еремина Р. М., Мошкина, Евгения Михайловна, Попов Д. В., Шестаков А. В.
Заглавие : Спин-волновой резонанс в монокристалле железо-галлиевого оксида
Коллективы : "Новое в магнетизме и магнитных материалах", международная конференция, Научный совет по физике конденсированных сред РАН, МИРЭА - Российский технологический университет, Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Магнитное общество России
Место публикации : Новое в магнетизме и магнитных материалах: сборник трудов XXV международной конференции/ прогр. ком.: Р. С. Исхаков, С. Г. Овчинников [и др.]. - 2024. - Секция 6 [Сборник 6]: Резонансные явления в магнетиках. - С. 17-20. - ISBN 978-5-4465-1869-2
Примечания : Библиогр.: 15
Аннотация: В спектрах электронного спинового резонанса для монокристалла Fe1.1Ga0.9O3 обнаруженo множество линий, которые можно отнести к проявлению спин-волнового резонанса. Для данного соединения из температурной зависимости намагниченности определена температура фазового перехода ферримагнетик-парамагнетик TC = 288 K и из температурной зависимости спектров электронного спинового резонанса определена температура Кюри – Вейсса (θCW = 289 K).
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Karpov I.V., Fedorov L. Yu, Abkaryan A.K., Zharkov S. M., Molokeev M. S., Ivanenko A. A., Nemtsev I. V., Irtyugo L.A.
Заглавие : Resistive switching properties of a nanostructured layer of mixed ZrO2 phases obtained in low-pressure arc discharge plasma
Колич.характеристики :9 с
Место публикации : Vacuum. - 2024. - Vol. 227. - Ст.113375. - ISSN 0042207X (ISSN), DOI 10.1016/j.vacuum.2024.113375. - ISSN 18792715 (eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 34. - The work was performed with a support of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 24-29-00374, https://rscf.ru/project/24-29-00374/)
Аннотация: The controlled vacuum-arc synthesis of zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) nanoparticles is considered, which makes it possible to regulate the percentage ratio of the monoclinic and tetragonal phases. The samples were characterized using XRD analysis, SEM, HRTEM analysis, FT-IR analysis, TG/DTA analysis and EPR spectroscopy. It has been established that the formation of the tetragonal phase is associated with the formation of a large number of oxygen vacancies formed due to high-speed quenching of nanoparticles. Reducing the operating gas pressure in a vacuum chamber from 180 Pa to 30 Pa makes it possible to obtain nanoparticles up to 2 nm in size. The synthesized ZrO2 nanoparticles do not contain foreign impurities and when heated, the weight loss is up to 7 %. The process of local resistive switching in the contact of an atomic force microscope (AFM) probe to a nanostructured ZrO(2-x) layer on a conducting substrate has been studied. Cyclic current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the existence of stable states of high and low resistance, switched by changing the polarity of the applied voltage. The coexistence of the m- and t-ZrO2 phases (and the resulting oxygen nonstoichiometry in the interboundary regions) provides conditions for the formation/destruction of a filament from oxygen vacancies, which determine the conductivity of the dielectric in the LRS state.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Volkova I. R., Tyryshkina L. E., Volochaev M. N., Zaloga A. N., Shabanova K. A., Ovchinnikov A. V., Lyamkin A. I.
Заглавие : The effect of aluminum-oxide powders on the structure and properties of copper electrodeposited composite coatings
Место публикации : Prot. Met. Phys. Chem. Surf. - 2023. - Vol. 59, Is. 1. - P.71-75. - ISSN 20702051 (ISSN), DOI 10.1134/S2070205122700022. - ISSN 2070206X (eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 9
Аннотация: Copper electrodeposited composite coatings containing two types of aluminum-oxide powders with different dispersities (alumina Al2O3-1 and electroexplosive aluminum-oxide nanopowder Al2O3-2) are obtained during the work. The studies show that introducing the powders leads to a change in the microstructure of the composites and a change in the grain growth principles during the formation of the coatings. Refinement and ordering of the grain structure of the coatings occurs and twinning defects and texture are formed. The change in the formation of the microstructure of the composites leads to a change in some operational characteristics: an increase in the microhardness (by 10% in the composites with the addition of alumina and by more than 30% in the coatings with electroexplosive aluminum oxide) and ultimate tensile strength (by 20% in the composites with Al2O3-1 and almost 1.5-fold in the samples with Al2O3-2).
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Samoshkina Yu. E., Rautskii M. V., Neznakhin D. S., Stepanova E. A., Edelman I. S., Chou, Hsiung
Заглавие : Particles–matrix bond in ZnCoO:H and ZnCoAlO:H films: Issues of magnetism and spin injection
Место публикации : Materials. - 2023. - Vol. 16, Is. 10. - Ст.3659. - ISSN 19961944 (eISSN), DOI 10.3390/ma16103659
Примечания : Cited References: 45. - This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation [grant number 21-72-00061]
Аннотация: ZnCoO:H and ZnCoAlO:H films were synthesized by radio frequency magnetron sputtering in a (1 − x)Ar + xH2 mixed atmosphere with x = 0.2–0.5. The films contain different amounts of metallic Co particles (from 7.6% and higher) ~4–7 nm in size. The magnetic and magneto-optical (MO) behavior of the films was analyzed in combination with their structural data. The samples exhibit high values of magnetization (up to 377 emu/cm3) and MO response at room temperature. Two situations are considered: (1) the film magnetism is associated only with isolated metal particles and (2) magnetism is present both in the oxide matrix and in metal inclusions. It has been established that the formation mechanism of the magnetic structure of ZnO:Co2+ is due to the spin-polarized conduction electrons of metal particles and zinc vacancies. It was also found that in the presence of two magnetic components in the films, these components are exchange-coupled. In this case, the exchange coupling generates a high spin polarization of the films. The spin-dependent transport properties of the samples have been studied. A high value of the negative magnetoresistance of the films at room temperature (~4%) was found. This behavior was explained in terms of the giant magnetoresistance model. Thus, the ZnCoO:H and ZnCoAlO:H films with high spin polarization can be considered as sources of spin injection.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Patrin G. S., Kobyakov A. V., Yushkov V. I., Anisimov I. O., Zharkov S. M., Semenov S. V., Moiseenko, Evgeniy T.
Заглавие : Influence of a thin V2O3 spacer on interlayer interactions in Fe-Ni/V2O3/FeNi film structures
Колич.характеристики :10 с
Место публикации : Processes. - 2023. - Vol. 11, Is. 7. - Ст.2084. - ISSN 22279717 (eISSN), DOI 10.3390/pr11072084
Примечания : Cited References: 25. - The research was conducted according to the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Siberian Federal University (No. FSRZ-2023-0008)
Аннотация: In this paper, we explore the suggestions of the results of experimental studies on low-dimensional layered systems in FeNi/V2O3/FeNi film structures. The multifunctional material V2O3 is used as an interlayer between the magnetically active FeNi layers. The films were obtained by ultrahigh vacuum magnetron sputtering on a glass substrate with a base size of 10−10 Torr. It has been found that for V2O3 films, the decrease in the metal–semiconductor transition temperature increases significantly. Magnetic characteristics were studied on the MPMS-XL SQUID magnetometer. The exchange effect occurs both in the region where the oxide has a magnetic order and in the paramagnetic region. The latter is due to the effect of the magnetic panel in the oxide package. The phenomenon of oscillation of the exchange field occurs depending on the phenomenon of intermediate observation observed experimentally.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Balaev D. A., Dubrovskii A. A., Knyazev Yu. V., Semenov S. V., Kirillov V. L., Martianov O. N.
Заглавие : The manifestation of surface and size effects in the magnetic properties of ε-Fe2O3 nanoparticles. (Brief overview)
Колич.характеристики :9 с
Коллективы : Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics, International Symposium
Место публикации : Phys. Solid State. - 2023. - Vol. 65, Is. 6. - P.938-946. - ISSN 10637834 (ISSN), DOI 10.21883/PSS.2023.06.56105.12H. - ISSN 10906460 (eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 66
Аннотация: Polymorphic modification of iron oxide, known as ε-Fe2O3, exists only in the form of nanoparticles with characteristic sizes up to several tens of nanometers. Particles of these sizes exhibit a large coercive force, about 20 kOe at room temperature. In the temperature range of 80–150 K, a magnetic transition occurs in ε-Fe2O3, accompanied by a sharp decrease in the coercive force. At the same time, there are significant differences in the magnetic behavior of "large" (~20 nm) particles and ultra-small particles (up to 6 nm). A number of experimental facts indicate the manifestation of size effects that lead to a change in the magnetic structure in particles of these sizes. In addition, a surface effect is also manifested for such particles - a significant contribution to the magnetic behavior is governed by surface magnetic anisotropy. In this paper, a brief review of the manifestation of these size and surface effects in the magnetic properties of ε-Fe2O3 nanoparticles is carried out.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Vazhenina I. G., Stolyar S. V., Tyumentsev A. V., Volochaev M. N., Iskhakov R. S., Komogortsev S. V., Pyankov V. F., Nikolaeva E. D.
Заглавие : Study of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles coated with silicon oxide by ferromagnetic method
Колич.характеристики :5 с
Коллективы : Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics, International Symposium
Место публикации : Phys. Solid State. - 2023. - Vol. 65, Is. 6. - P.884-888. - ISSN 10637834 (ISSN), DOI 10.21883/PSS.2023.06.56095.01H. - ISSN 10906460 (eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 20. - The study was supported by grant No. 22-14-20020 provided by the Russian Science Foundation, Krasnoyarsk Regional Science Foundation
Аннотация: agnetic nanoparticles of magnetite with a size of ~8 nm synthesized with a different type of coating were studied by ferromagnetic resonance in the temperature range from 7 to 300 K. The features of the experimental temperature dependences of the parameters of the ferromagnetic resonance curve (the magnitude of the resonant field, line width and intensity) and their approximation allowed us to estimate the values of characteristic temperatures. Firstly, the value of the Vervey temperature and the dependence of its value on the type of coating were determined. Secondly, the temperature of transition of nanoparticles to the superparamagnetic state (blocking temperature) and the temperature range within which the magnetic structure of the outer shell of the magnetic nanoparticle is in the spin glass state are established.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Moshkina E. M., Krylov A. S., Kokh D., Shabanova K., Molokeev M. S., Bovina A. F., Plyaskin M., Rostovtsev N., Bezmaternykh L. N.
Заглавие : Multicomponent flux growth and composition control of Cu2MnBO5:Ga ludwigites
Место публикации : CrystEngComm. - 2022. - Vol. 24, Is. 19. - P.3565-3575. - ISSN 14668033 (ISSN), DOI 10.1039/d2ce00258b
Примечания : Cited References: 26. - This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 21-72-00130). The Raman, X-ray, and EDX data were obtained using the analytical equipment of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Center of Research Equipment of the Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS”
Аннотация: To reach the concentration phase boundary between antiferromagnetic Cu2GaBO5 and ferrimagnetic Cu2MnBO5 ludwigites, solid solutions Cu2Mn1−xGaxBO5 (x = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.175) were grown by the flux technique using a multi-component solvent based on Bi2Mo3O12 with the addition of Na2B4O7 which significantly influenced the crystal formation and cation composition of the studied compounds. The content of the flux system was corrected taking into account the earlier established relationship of the partition coefficients of Mn2O3 and Ga2O3. The influence of the solvent components on the ludwigite crystallization was analyzed. The maximum size of the grown crystal was 1 × 1 × 4 mm3. The structure and cation composition of the grown compounds were studied using X-ray (X-ray diffraction, EDX (energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy)) and vibrational (Raman) spectroscopy techniques. The phase boundary of Cu2MnBO5–Cu2GaBO5 was found to be in the concentration range of x = 0.15–0.175, corresponding to a change in the monoclinic axis direction and a leap in the lattice parameters. The symmetry evolution of metal–oxygen octahedra for four nonequivalent cation positions was analyzed, and the unique crystal structure of Cu2MnBO5 demonstrated high rigidity relative to the introduction of Ga3+ cations. The polarized Raman spectra of monoclinic ludwigites were obtained and studied for the first time. A comparison of the spectra of the studied samples in both phases and orthorhombic ludwigites was made. A number of spectral features due to the monoclinic distortions in the crystal were found. In agreement with the Raman experiment, the concentration phase boundary was close to 0.15.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Dorovskikh S. I., Klyamer D. D., Maksimovskiy E. A., Volchek V. V., Zharkov S. M., Morozova N. B., Basova T. V.
Заглавие : Heterostructures based on cobalt phthalocyanine films decorated with gold nanoparticles for the detection of low concentrations of ammonia and nitric oxide
Место публикации : Biosensors. - 2022. - Vol. 12, Is. 7. - Ст.476. - ISSN 20796374 (ISSN), DOI 10.3390/bios12070476
Примечания : Cited References: 74. - This work was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (grant 21-73-10142). The authors acknowledge the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (project 121031700314-5) for the access to literature search databases. TEM investigations were conducted in the SFU Joint Scientific Center
Аннотация: This work is aimed at the development of new heterostructures based on cobalt phthalocyanines (CoPc) and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), and the evaluation of the prospects of their use to determine low concentrations of ammonia and nitric oxide. For this purpose, CoPc films were decorated with AuNPs by gas-phase methods (MOCVD and PVD) and drop-casting (DC), and their chemiresistive sensor response to low concentrations of NO (10–50 ppb) and NH3 (1–10 ppm) was investigated. A comparative analysis of the characteristics of heterostructures depending on the preparation methods was carried out. The composition, structure, and morphology of the resulting hybrid films were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission (ICP-AES) spectroscopy, as well as electron microscopy methods to discuss the effect of these parameters on the sensor response of hybrid films to ammonia and nitric oxide. It was shown that regardless of the fabrication method, the response of Au/CoPc heterostructures to NH3 and NO gases increased with an increase in the concentration of gold. The sensor response of Au/CoPc heterostructures to NH3 increased 2–3.3 times compared to CoPc film, whereas in the case of NO it increased up to 16 times. The detection limits of the Au/CoPc heterostructure with a gold content of ca. 2.1 µg/cm2 for NH3 and NO were 0.1 ppm and 4 ppb, respectively. It was shown that Au/CoPc heterostructures can be used for the detection of NH3 in a gas mixture simulating exhaled air (N2—74%, O2—16%, H2O—6%, CO2—4%).
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Orlov Yu. S., Vereshchagin S. N., Solovyov L. A., Borus A. A., Volochaev M. N., Nikitin A. V., Bushinsky M. V., Lanovsky R. A., Rymski G. S., Dudnikov V. A.
Заглавие : Stability and thermoelectric properties of mechano-activated solid solutions of Sr1-xLnxTiO3-δ (Ln = Nd, Gd, Dy)
Место публикации : J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng. - 2022. - Vol. 138. - Ст.104449. - ISSN 18761070 (ISSN), DOI 10.1016/j.jtice.2022.104449
Примечания : Cited References: 39. - This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 20-52-04008 Bel_mol_a. Thermal analysis was performed within the scope of Budget Project No. 0287-2021-00-13 for the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS
Аннотация: Background: The effect of mechanochemical activation on the microstructure, morphology, and thermoelectric parameters of the materials leading to an increase in the power factor (PF) is demonstrated by the example of the Sr1-xLnxTiO3-δ (Ln = Nd, Gd, Dy; x = 0.05, 0.075, 0.1) solid solutions. Methods: The strontium titanate solid solutions have been synthesized using a conventional ceramic technology from particles of different sizes obtained by mechanical activation of annealed ceramics. Findings: It is shown that different sizes of initial particles cause the morphological and microstructural differences and significantly affect the stability and thermoelectric properties of the synthesized samples. It has been established that a decrease in the initial particle size ensures the thermal stability of the samples and leads to an increase in their electrical conductivity and PF at the minor variation in the Seebeck coefficient. The PF of the Sr0.925Nd0.075TiO3 solid solution changes by a factor of 7. It has been found that the mechanically activated samples have the much lower porosity than the nonactivated ones, which noticeably reduces the effective area of their interaction with the environment (oxygen release and absorption); therefore, all the measurement data obtained on the mechanically activated samples upon their heating and cooling are reversible.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Krasitskaya V. V., Kudryavtsev A. N., Yaroslavtsev R. N., Gerasimova Yu. V., Velikanov D. A., Bayukov O. A., Stolyar S. V., Frank L. A.
Заглавие : Starch-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for affinity purification of recombinant proteins
Место публикации : Int. J. Mol. Sci. - 2022. - Vol. 23, Is. 10. - Ст.5410. - ISSN 16616596 (ISSN), DOI 10.3390/ijms23105410
Примечания : Cited References: 37. - This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation and the Krasnoyarsk Territorial Foundation for Support of Scientific and R&D Acitvities, project No. 22-14-20020
Аннотация: Starch-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles have been synthesized by a simple, fast, and cost-effective co-precipitation method with cornstarch as a stabilizing agent. The structural and magnetic characteristics of the synthesized material have been studied by transmission electron microscopy, Mossbauer spectroscopy, and vibrating sample magnetometry. The nature of bonds between ferrihydrite nanoparticles and a starch shell has been examined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The data on the magnetic response of the prepared composite particles have been obtained by magnetic measurements. The determined magnetic characteristics make the synthesized material a good candidate for use in magnetic separation. Starch-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles have been tested as an affinity sorbent for one-step purification of several recombinant proteins (cardiac troponin I, survivin, and melanoma inhibitory activity protein) bearing the maltose-binding protein as an auxiliary fragment. It has been shown that, due to the highly specific binding of this fragment to the starch shell, the target fusion protein is selectively immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles and eluted with the maltose solution. The excellent efficiency of column-free purification, high binding capacity of the sorbent (100–500 µg of a recombinant protein per milligram of starch-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles), and reusability of the obtained material have been demonstrated.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Koblischka, Michael R., Koblischka-Veneva, Anjela, Gokhfeld D. M., Naik, S. Pavan Kumar, Nouailhetas, Quentin, Berger, Kevin, Douine, Bruno
Заглавие : Flux pinning docking interfaces in satellites using superconducting foams as trapped field magnets
Коллективы : ANRFrench National Research Agency (ANR); DFGGerman Research Foundation (DFG)European Commission [ANR-17-CE05-0030, DFG-ANR Ko2323-10]
Место публикации : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. - 2022. - Vol. 32, Is. 4. - Ст.4900105. - ISSN 1051-8223, DOI 10.1109/TASC.2022.3147734. - ISSN 1558-2515(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 44. - This work was supported in part by SUPERFOAM international project funded by ANR and DFG under Grants ANR-17-CE05-0030 and DFG-ANR Ko2323-10.
Предметные рубрики: BULK
Аннотация: Flux-Pinning Docking Interfaces (FPDI) in satellite systems were developed using bulk superconductors and permanent magnets in previous works. However, such FPDIs have limited magnetic field strength, consist of heavy-weight material, and can only be used with a single purpose, i.e., as chasing or docking satellite. Replacing the magnetic material in the FPDI by a trapped field (TF)-magnet would enable the interface to operate for both purposes, i.e., generating a (stronger) magnetic field and trapping it. We show the requirements for such a system and discuss the possible gains when using a TF-FPDI in satellites. To reduce the system weight, the use of superconducting foams as superconducting material is discussed in detail. Furthermore, the use of superconducting foams, the size of which can be easily upscaled, may also comprise the function of the damping material, so even more weight could be saved for the payload.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Morozov E. V., Voronin A. S., Kniga, S., V, Buznik V. M.
Заглавие : Nuclear magnetic resonance study of ice-based composite materials reinforced with nanodisperse aluminum oxide fibers
Коллективы : Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology (Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences) [0287-2021-0012]; Russian Science FoundationRussian Science Foundation (RSF) [18-1300392]
Место публикации : Inorg. Mater. Appl. Res. - 2022. - Vol. 13, Is. 1. - P.217-224. - ISSN 2075-1133, DOI 10.1134/S2075113322010270. - ISSN 2075-115X(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 21. - This work was performed within the scope of state contract no. 0287-2021-0012 of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology (Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences) in the part of developing the MRI methods for studying composite materials; also the work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 18-1300392) in the part of the study of the processes of water crystallization and ice melting in ice-based composite materials
Предметные рубрики: SELF-DIFFUSION
Аннотация: Pulsed-field gradient NMR spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging methods were used to investigate water suspensions of nanosized fibers of aluminum oxide and ice composite materials based on these fibers. Introduction of the nanofibers was shown to have no noticeable structural effect in the suspensions in the Al2O3 concentration range of 1-10 wt %. High content of the filler was found to change the morphology and texture of the ice matrix in the composites remarkably: it becomes more homogeneous and acquires a higher degree of continuity; the melting front does not visualize internal melting zones or integrity defects in the composite. At the same time, addition of the nanofibers to the ice composites weakly influences the quantitative dynamics of the heat transfer, which is manifested in close values of the propagation speeds of the freezing/melting front in the samples at similar temperatures.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Omelyanchik A., Kamzin A. S., Valiullin A. A., Semenov V. G., Vereshchagin S. N., Volochaev M. N., Dubrovskiy A. A., Sviridova T., Kozenkov I., Dolan E., Peddis D., Sokolov A. Е., Rodionova V.
Заглавие : Iron oxide nanoparticles synthesized by a glycine-modified coprecipitation method: Structure and magnetic properties
Место публикации : Colloids Surf. A Physicochem. Eng. Asp. - 2022. - Vol. 647. - Ст.129090. - ISSN 09277757 (ISSN), DOI 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2022.129090
Примечания : Cited References: 80. - This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 21-72-20158 . The study of the structure was carried out on the equipment of the Center Collective Use " Materials Science and Metallurgy " which was purchased with the financial support of the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Education and Science (No. 075-15-2021-696)
Аннотация: Iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are of interest in biomedicine and research owing to their moderate cytotoxicity and advanced properties, such as extensive surface-to-volume ratio and possibilities for tailoring their functionality through surface chemistry. To date, various approaches have been used for the synthesis of MNPs with controllable structural properties and various coatings to enhance their stability and functionality. This study describes a modified one-step method of coprecipitation in the presence of glycine allowing the production of particles with controllable size and in situ surface decoration. The effect of different glycine concentrations on the morphostructural and magnetic properties of iron oxide MNPs is studied. The particle size is reduced from 10.2 ± 0.3 to 7.2 ± 0.5 nm by increasing the glycine concentration from 0.06 up to 0.60 mol. The magnetic properties of obtained particles were tracked by SQUID magnetometry and Mossbauer spectroscopy. All samples of glycine capped iron oxide MNPs showed superparamagnetic behaviour at room temperature with maximal value of the saturation magnetization of 69 ± 4 Am2/kg. The results show the optimal concentration range of glycine which can be used in this method: a lower concertation than 0.15 mol does not affect the properties of obtained particles while higher concentrations than 0.3 mol lead to the reduction of magnetic properties (the saturation magnetisation reduces to 59 ± 3 Am2/kg when glycine concentration was 0.6 mol). The proposed economic and environment-friendly approach can be utilized to synthesise –NH2 functionalised MNPs for biomedical or wastewater treatment.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Шабанова К. А., Логинов Ю. Ю., Шабанова О. В., Кох Д. Кох Д., Немцев, Иван Васильевич
Заглавие : Синтез и исследование методом электронной микроскопии инверсных опалов из оксида циркония
Место публикации : Сиб. аэрокосм. журн. - 2022. - Т. 23, № 4. - С. 763-770. - ISSN 27128970 (ISSN), DOI 10.31772/2712-8970-2022-23-4-763-770; Sib. Aerospace J.
Примечания : Библиогр.: 15. - Работа выполнена в рамках проекта No FWES-2022-0012 «Оптические свойства и структурное упорядочение природных и природоподобных органических ламеллярных систем». Исследования были выполнены на оборудовании Красноярского регионального центра коллективного пользования ФИЦ КНЦ СО РАН
Аннотация: Диоксид циркония обладает высокой диэлектрической проницаемостью и высокой термической стабильностью. Существует множество методов синтеза нанокристаллических материалов из диоксида циркония. В их число входит гидротермальный синтез, газофазные химические реакции, криохимический синтез, методы плазмохимии – эти методы отличаются дороговизной и сложностью. В данной работе предложен относительно простой метод управления ростом нанокристаллов диоксида циркония путем синтеза в полимерных шаблонах (темплатный синтез инверсных опалов). Инверсные опалы обладают уникальными физико-химическими свойствами, поэтому они могут находить широкое применение в оптике, оптоэлектронике, биологических исследованиях, катализе, в функциональной керамике, что актуально и в ракетно-космической отрасли. В качестве исходного материала использовали водно-спиртовой раствор оксихлорида циркония, которым пропитывали шаблоны из монодисперсных субмикронных сферических частиц из полиметилметакрилата. После пропитки этих шаблонов, раствор затвердевал в условиях ограниченного пространства пор размером 20–40 нм. После этого проводили обжиг полученных шаблонов для удаления по- лимерной матрицы. При этом формировались структуры, состоящие из нанокристаллов диоксида циркония. Методами растровой и просвечивающей электронной микроскопии проведена оценка морфологии полученных материалов и показано, что в условиях ограниченной диффузии диоксид циркония образует кристаллы размерами 10–30 нм. Также, в зависимости от температуры прокаливания, получаются материалы с разными кристаллическими модификациями. В результате показано, что водно-спиртовые растворы оксихлорида циркония являются удобным средством для получения методом темплатного синтеза нанокристаллических материалов, в том числе инверсных опалов из диоксида циркония.Zirconia has a high dielectric constant and high thermal stability. There are many methods for the synthesis of nanocrystalline materials from zirconium dioxide. These include hydrothermal synthesis, gas-phase chemical reactions, cryochemical synthesis, plasma chemistry methods - these methods are expensive and complex. In this work, we propose a relatively simple method for controlling the growth of zirconium dioxide nanocrystals by synthesis in polymer templates (template synthesis of inverse opals). Inverse opals have unique physical and chemical properties, so they can be widely used in optics, optoelectronics, biologicalesearch, catalysis, functional ceramics, which is also relevant in the rocket and space industry. As a starting material, we used a water-alcohol solution of zirconium oxychloride, with which we impregnated templates of monodisperse submicron spherical particles of polymethyl methacrylate. After impregnation of these templates, the solution solidified in a limited pore space of 20–40 nm. After that, we fired the resulting templates to remove the polymer matrix. In this case, structures consisting of zirconium dioxide nanocrystals were formed. Using the methods of scanning and transmission electron microscopy, we assessed the morphology of the obtained materials, and showed that under conditions of limited diffusion, zirconium dioxide forms crystals with a size of 10–30 nm. Also, depending on the calcination temperature, materials with different crystalline modifications are obtained. As a result, we have shown that aqueous-alcoholic solutions of zirconium oxychloride are a convenient means for obtaining nanocrystalline materials, including inverse opals from zirconium dioxide, by template synthesis.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Eftifeeva, Anna S., Panchenko, Elena Y., Fatkullin, Ilya D., Volochaev M. N., Tagiltsev, Anton I., Chumlyakov, Yuriy I.
Заглавие : The cyclic stability of superelasticity in aged Ti49.3Ni50.7 single crystals with oxide surface
Место публикации : Metals. - 2022. - Vol. 12, Is. 12. - Ст.2113. - ISSN 20754701 (eISSN), DOI 10.3390/met12122113
Примечания : Cited References: 30. - This research was funded by grant under the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 220 of 9 April 2010 (Agreement No. 075-15-2021-612 of 4 June 2021)
Аннотация: The cyclic stability of superelasticity in compression in [001]B2-oriented Ti49.3Ni50.7 single crystals is considered in this paper. The crystals were aged at 823 K for 1.0 h in air and helium. It has been experimentally shown that a two-layered surface thin film, consisting of a Ni-free oxide layer and a Ni-rich sublayer, appears after the oxidation at 823 K in air. The surface layers have a weak effect on the forward B2-R-B19’ martensitic transformation temperatures: TR temperature increases by 4 K; Ms and Mf temperatures decrease by 6 K. The oxide layer does not affect either the superelasticity response during fatigue tests or the temperatures of reverse B19’-B2 martensitic transformation. The cracking of the surface oxide layer during fatigue tests was not found in [001]B2-oriented single crystals aged in air. This is contributed by the relaxation of internal stresses. Such internal stresses are caused by both the formation of an oxide layer during aging and the matrix deformation at the stress-induced martensitic transformation. The main relaxation mechanisms of the internal stresses are the oriented growth of Ti3Ni4 precipitation near a thin surface film at aging in air, the formation of dislocations near the precipitation-matrix interface and a fine twinned B19’-martensite at fatigue tests.
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