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Electron-microscopy and mossbauer study of superlattices in iron films/G. I. Frolov, O. A. Bayukov, V. S. Zhigalov [et al.] // JETP Letters, 1995. т.Vol. 61,N Is. 1.-С.63-67

Dissipative chaos in semiconductor superlattices/K. N. Alekseev [et al.] // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 1996. т.Vol. 54,N Is. 15.-С.10625-10636

Cluster structure and superlattices in Co and Fe films/S. M. Zharkov [et al.] // JETP Letters, 1997. т.Vol. 65,N Is. 12.-С.915-918

Zhigalov V. S. Nanocrystalline cobalt films prepared under ultrafast condensation conditions/V. S. Zhigalov, G. I. Frolov, L. I. Kveglis // PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 1998. т.Vol. 40,N Is. 11.-С.1878-1883

Coherent carrier dynamics in semiconductor superlattices/E. .. Diez [et al.] // Physics Letters A, 1998. т.Vol. 240,N Is. 1-2.-С.109-111

Ignatchenko V. A. Spin - Wave spectrum in randomly modulated superlattices/V. A. Ignatchenko, Y. I. Mankov, A. A. Maradudin ; ed.: VG Baryakhtar, PE Wigen, E Wigen, // FRONTIERS IN MAGNETISM OF REDUCED DIMENSION SYSTEMS. Ser. NATO ADVANCED SCIENCE INSTITUTE SERIES, SUB-SERIES 3, HIGH TECHNOLOGY:SPRINGER, 1998. т.Vol. 49:NATO Advanced Study Institute on Frontiers in Magnetism of Reduced Dimension Systems (MAY 25-JUN 03, 1997, CRIMEA, UKRAINE).-С.217-222

Alekseev K. N. Direct-current generation due to wave mixing in semiconductors/K. N. Alekseev, M. V. Erementchouk, F. V. Kusmartsev // Europhysics Letters, 1999. т.Vol. 47,N Is. 5.-С.595-600

Ignatchenko V. A. Spin-wave susceptibility of partially randomized ferromagnetic superlattices/V. A. Ignatchenko, Y. I. Man'kov, A. V. Pozdnyakov // JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 1999. т.Vol. 89,N Is. 4.-С.717-722

Ignatchenko V. A. Spectrum of waves in randomly modulated multilayers/V. A. Ignatchenko, Y. I. Mankov, A. A. Maradudin // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 1999. т.Vol. 59,N Is. 1.-С.42-45

Ignatchenko V. A. The spectrum and damping of waves in partially randomized multilayers/V. A. Ignatchenko, Y. I. Mankov, A. A. Maradudin // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter:IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 1999. т.Vol. 11,N Is. 13.-С.2773-2790

Multistability, absolute negative conductivity and spontaneous current generation in semiconductor superlattices in large magnetic fields/E. H. Cannon [et al.] // Superlattices and Microstructures, 2000. т.Vol. 27,N Is. 5-6.-С.495-498

Multilayer composite epitaxial CuCo single crystals/E. S. Mushailov [et al.] // JETP Letters, 2000. т.Vol. 71,N Is. 5.-С.195-197

Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis in Pt/Co/MgO(001) epitaxial thin films/V. G. Myagkov [et al.] // PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE:AMER INST PHYSICS, 2000. т.Vol. 42,N Is. 5.-С.968-972

Wannier-Stark states of a quantum particle in 2D lattices/M. .. Gluck [et al.] // PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 2001. т.Vol. 86,N Is. 14.-С.3116-3119

Fractional and unquantized dc voltage generation in THz-driven semiconductor superlattices/K. N. Alekseev [et al.] // Europhysics Letters, 2001. т.Vol. 56,N Is. 6.-С.842-848

Magnetic properties of Fe/Si/Fe trilayer films/G. S. Patrin [et al.] // PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE:AMER INST PHYSICS, 2001. т.Vol. 43,N Is. 9.-С.1712-1714

Vetrov S. Y. Localized electromagnetic modes and the transmission spectrum of a one-dimensional photonic crystal with lattice defects/S. Y. Vetrov, A. V. Shabanov // JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS:AMER INST PHYSICS, 2001. т.Vol. 93,N Is. 5.-С.977-984

Gluck M. Wannier-Stark resonances in optical and semiconductor superlattices/M. .. Gluck, A. R. Kolovsky, H. J. Korsch // PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2002. т.Vol. 366,N Is. 3.-С.103-182

Alekseev K. N. Pendulum limit, chaos and phase-locking in the dynamics of ac-driven semiconductor superlattices/K. N. Alekseev, F. V. Kusmartsev // PHYSICS LETTERS A:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2002. т.Vol. 305,N Is. 5.-С.281-288

Wannier-Stark resonances in semiconductor superlattices/M. .. Gluck [et al.] // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 2002. т.Vol. 65,N Is. 11.- Ст.115302

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