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    High-temperature magnetoelectricity of terbium aluminum borate: The role of excited states of the rare-earth ion / A. M. Kadomtseva [et al.] // Phys. Rev. B. - 2014. - Vol. 89, Is. 1. - Ст. 014418, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.014418. - Cited References: 25. - We thank Dr. Daniel Sando for useful comments and remarks. This work is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Projects No. 13-02-01093, No. 13-02-12443, No. 13-02-01093, No. 12-02-01261, and No. 13-02-12442) and a grant from the Russian Federation President on support of sciences schools no. 4828.2012.2, The Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Project No. 8365. . - ISSN 1098-0121. - ISSN 1550-235X
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter


Аннотация: Recently discovered magnetoelectricity in the rare-earth aluminum borates RAl3(BO3)4 has attracted attention due to the large values of magnetoinduced electric polarization. We have observed for the first time the magnetoelectric polarization in TbAl3(BO3)4 exhibiting anomalous temperature dependence: an electric polarization induced by in-plane magnetic field (P||a,H⊥c axis) which is small at low temperatures (4K), remarkably increases by almost an order of magnitude at high temperatures (150–300K). The observed nonmonotonic temperature behavior of the field-induced polarization, including a change of sign at ∼65–70K, is attributed to the competition of the ground and excited crystal-field states of Tb3+ ions. Quantum theory analysis, involving the combination of analytical and numerical methods, has enabled us to quantitatively describe the observed magnetic and magnetoelectric properties of TbAl3(BO3)4.
Недавно обнаруженное магнетоэлектричество в редкоземельных алюмоборатах RAl3 (BO3) 4 привлекло к себе внимание из-за больших значений магнитоиндуцированной электрической поляризации. Мы наблюдали в первый раз магнитоэлектрическую поляризацию в TbAl3 (BO3) 4, показывающую аномальную температурную зависимость: электрическая поляризация индуцируется в плоскости магнитного поля (Р | |, Н ⊥ оси с), и является небольшой при низких температурах (4K), Значительно увеличивается, почти на порядок величины, при высоких температурах (150-300 К). Наблюдаемая с изменением температуры немонотонность поляризации от поля, в том числе изменению знака на ~ 65-70 К, может быть отнесена к конкуренции между основном и возбужденном кристаллическим полем состояниями ионов ТЬ3 +. Теория квантового анализа, предполагающей сочетание аналитических и численных методов, позволила нам количественно описать наблюдаемые магнитные и магнитоэлектрические свойства TbAl3 (BO3) 4.

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Держатели документа:
Moscow MV Lomonosov State Univ, MSU, Dept Phys, Moscow 119992, Russia
Russian Acad Sci, Prokhorov Gen Phys Inst, Moscow, Russia
State Univ, Moscow Inst Phys & Technol, Moscow, Russia
Natl Res Univ Elect Technol MIET, Zelenograd, Russia
RAS, LV Kirensky Phys Inst, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia

Доп.точки доступа:
Kadomtseva, A. M.; Popov, Y. F.; Vorob'ev, G. P.; Kostyuchenko, N. V.; Popov, A. I.; Mukhin, A. A.; Ivanov, V. Y.; Bezmaternykh, L. N.; Безматерных, Леонард Николаевич; Gudim, I. A.; Гудим, Ирина Анатольевна; Temerov, V. L.; Темеров, Владислав Леонидович; Pyatakov, A. P.; Zvezdin, A. K.; Russian Foundation for Basic Research [13-02-12443, 13-02-01093, 12-02-01261, 13-02-12442]; Russian Federation President on support of sciences schools [4828.2012.2]; Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation [8365]
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    Raman scattering under structural and magnetic phase transitions in terbium ferroborate / A. V. Peschanskii [et al.] // Low Temp. Phys. - 2014. - Vol. 40, Is. 2. - P. 171-178, DOI 10.1063/1.4865566. - Cited References: 24 . - ISSN 1063-777X. - ISSN 1090-6517
РУБ Physics, Applied

Аннотация: The Raman scattering spectrum of single crystal TbFe3(BO3)4 was studied in the frequency range 3–500 cm−1 at temperatures from 2 to 300 K. It was found that in high- and low-temperature phases there exist additional phonon lines which were not known before. In the high-temperature phase, these lines originate from LO–TO splitting of polar phonons. Appearance of the additional lines in the low temperature phase is due to both a reduction of the crystal symmetry under the phase transition and an increase of the primitive cell volume. It was established that the frequencies of some phonon lines in the magneto-ordered phase are shifted towards the high-energy region upon applying an external magnetic field along the third-order axis. The spectrum of two-magnon Raman scattering was investigated. It was shown that at low temperatures the two-magnon band has a complex shape that reflects specific features in the density of state of the magnon branches. The magnon energy at the Brillouin zone boundary was determined.

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Публикация на русском языке Рамановское рассеяние света при структурном и магнитном фазовых переходах в ферроборате тербия [Текст] / А. В. Песчанский [и др.] // Физ. низких температур : Физико-технический институт низких температур им. Б.И. Веркина НАН Украины, 2014. - Т. 40 Вып. 2. - С. 219-229

Держатели документа:
Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, BI Verkin Inst Low Temp Phys & Engn, UA-61103 Kharkov, Ukraine
Russian Acad Sci, LV Kirenskii Inst Phys, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia

Доп.точки доступа:
Peschanskii, A. V.; Yeremenko, A. V.; Fomin, V. I.; Bezmaternykh, L. N.; Безматерных, Леонард Николаевич; Gudim, I. A.; Гудим, Ирина Анатольевна
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    Magneto-optical properties of terbium iron borate [] / M. I. Pashchenko [et al.] // Appl. Optics. - 2014. - Vol. 53, Is. 10. - P. B116-B120, DOI 10.1364/AO.53.00B116. - Cited References: 19 . - ISSN 1559-128X. - ISSN 2155-3165
РУБ Optics


Аннотация: The Faraday effect induced by an external magnetic field in TbFe3(BO3)4 and TbAl3(BO3)4 borates at a wavelength 633 nm has been investigated. It was found that the terbium subsystem brings the dominant magnetic contribution to the Faraday rotation at low temperatures in borate TbFe3(BO3)4. For both TbFe3(BO3)4 and TbAl3(BO3)4 the magneto-optical coefficients of the terbium subsystem were determined.

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Держатели документа:
Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, B Verkin Inst Low Temp Phys & Engn, UA-61103 Kharkov, Ukraine
Russian Acad Sci, LV Kirenskii Inst Phys, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia

Доп.точки доступа:
Pashchenko, M. I.; Bedarev, V. A.; Merenkov, D. N.; Savina, Yu. O.; Pashchenko, V. O.; Gnatchenko, S. L.; Bezmaternykh, L. N.; Безматерных, Леонард Николаевич; Temerov, V. L.; Темеров, Владислав Леонидович
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    Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of multiferroic β΄-Tb2(MoO4)3 / V. V. Atuchin [et al.] // Opt. Mater. - 2014. - Vol. 36, Is. 10. - P. 1631–1635, DOI 10.1016/j.optmat.2013.12.008. - Cited References: 43. - This study was partly supported by SB RAS under Projects 28.13 and 24.31, and by the PSB RAS Project No. 3.9.5b, and RFBR Projects . - ISSN 0925-3467. - ISSN 1873-1252
   Перевод заглавия: Синтез и спектроскопические свойства мультиферроика β'-Tb2(MoO4)3






   Tb-2(MoO4)3 CRYSTALS



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Terbium molybdate -- Raman spectrum -- Optical properties
Аннотация: Orthorhombic terbium molybdate, β΄-Tb2(MoO4)3, microcrystals have been fabricated by solid state synthesis at T = 750-1270 K for t = 290 h. The crystal structure β΄-Tb2(MoO4)3 has been refined by Rietveld method in space group Pba2 with cell parameters of a = 10.35387(6), b = 10.38413(6) and c = 10.65695(7) A (RB = 1.83%). About 40 narrow Raman lines have been observed in the Raman spectrum recorded for the β΄-Tb2(MoO4)3 powder sample. The luminescence spectrum of β΄-Tb2(MoO4)3 has been measured under the excitation at 355 nm, and the intensive photoluminescence band at 540-550 nm has been found. В© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Доп.точки доступа:
Grinberg, M. \ed.\; Bojarski, P. \ed.\; Suchocki, A. \ed.\; Atuchin, V. V.; Aleksandrovsky, A. S.; Александровский, Александр Сергеевич; Chimitova, O. D.; Krylov, A. S.; Крылов, Александр Сергеевич; Molokeev, M. S.; Молокеев, Максим Сергеевич; Bazarov, B. G.; Bazarova, J. G.; Xia, Zhiguo; International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (4th ; 14–19 July 2013 ; Gdańsk, Poland)
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    Magnetic and magnetoelectric properties of terbium aluminum borate / A. M. Kadomtseva [et al.] // Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. - 2014. - Vol. 78, Is. 2. - P. 97-99, DOI 10.3103/S1062873814020142. - Cited References: 9. - This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, projects nos. 13-02-01093 and 12-02-01261. . - ISSN 1062-8738. - ISSN 1934-9432
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Aluminum -- Terbium -- Aluminum borate -- Magnetoelectric properties -- Rare earth ions -- Temperature dependence -- Terbium compounds
Аннотация: The magnetic and magnetoelectric properties of terbium aluminum borate are studied. It is established that temperature dependences of the magnetoelectric effects of terbium aluminum borate are analogous to those of terbium ferroborate, despite the difference in effective magnetic fields acting on rare-earth ions in these compounds. This confirms the general assumption on the decisive role of the rare-earth element in the magnetoelectric properties of borates. © 2014 Allerton Press, Inc.

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Публикация на русском языке Магнитные и магнитоэлектрические свойства алюмобората тербия [Текст] / А. М. Кадомцева [и др.] // Изв. РАН. Сер. физич. - 2014. - Т. 78 № 2. - С. 165-167

Держатели документа:
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russian Federation
Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, 660036, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Kadomtseva, A. M.; Кадомцева А.М.; Popov, Yu. F.; Попов Ю. Ф.; Vorob'ev, G. P.; Воробьев Г. П.; Pyatakov, A. P.; Пятаков А.П.; Zvezdin, A. K.; Звездин А. К.; Mukhin, A. A.; Мухин А. А.; Ivanov, V. Yu.; Иванов В. Ю.; Bezmaternykh, L. N.; Безматерных, Леонард Николаевич; Gudim, I. A.; Гудим, Ирина Анатольевна; Temerov, V. L.; Темеров, Владислав Леонидович
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    IR spectroscopy of the low-frequency phonon spectrum of the TbFe3(BO3)(4) single-crystal / V. S. Kurnosov [et al.] // Low Temp. Phys. - 2014. - Vol. 40, Is. 12. - P. 1087-1096, DOI 10.1063/1.4904002. - Cited References:27 . - ISSN 1063. - ISSN 1090-6517. -
РУБ Physics, Applied


Аннотация: A study of the IR reflectance spectra of the TbFe3(BO3)4 crystal. We determined the frequencies of the polar lattice phonons in the high-temperature R32, and low- temperature P3121, phases. All 8A 2 ⊕ 11E-modes were found in the high-temperature phase, with nine of them corresponding to lines of the absorption spectrum. In the low-temperature phase, of the 20A 2 ⊕ 35E-modes allowed by the symmetry of the crystal lattice, 20A 2 ⊕ 25E-modes were found.

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Публикация на русском языке ИК спектроскопия низкочастотного фононного спектра монокристалла TbFe3(BO3)4 [Текст] / В. С. Курносов [и др.] // Физ. низких температур : Физико-технический институт низких температур им. Б.И. Веркина НАН Украины, 2014. - Т. 40 Вып. 12. - С. 1397-1408

Держатели документа:
Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, B Verkin Inst Low Temp Phys & Engn, UA-61103 Kharkov, Ukraine.
Russian Acad Sci, Kirensky Phys Inst, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia.

Доп.точки доступа:
Kurnosov, V. S.; Tsapenko, V. V.; Bezmaternykh, L. N.; Безматерных, Леонард Николаевич; Gudim, I. A.; Гудим, Ирина Анатольевна
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    Magnetoelastic effects in terbium ferroborate / G. A. Zvyagina [et al.] // Low Temp. Phys. - 2008. - Vol. 34, Is. 11. - P. 901-908 ; Физика низких температур, DOI 10.1063/1.3009584. - Cited References: 17 . - ISSN 1063-777X
РУБ Physics, Applied

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
acoustic wave velocity -- antiferromagnetic materials -- elastic moduli -- exchange interactions (electron) -- iron compounds -- magnetoelastic effects -- solid-state phase transformations -- terbium compounds
Аннотация: The behavior of the elastic moduli and sound absorption in a terbium orthoborate single crystal at low temperatures is studied. The components of the tensor of the elastic moduli of this system are determined. A structural phase transition and a transition of the magnetic subsystem into an antiferromagnetically ordered state appear in the temperature dependences of the sound velocities and absorption. The magnetic field dependences of the velocities of transverse sound exhibit singularities in the form of jumps at a magnetic field equal to the field of the spin-flop transition of the antiferromagnetic subsystem. Theoretical analysis shows that the observed behavior of the acoustic characteristics are associated not with the rare-earth subsystem of ferroborate but rather with the renormalization of the exchange interaction between iron ions as a result of the magnetoelastic coupling.

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Держатели документа:
[Zvyagina, G. A.
Zhekov, K. R.
Bilych, I. V.
Zvyagin, A. A.] Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, BI Verkin Inst Low Temp Phys & Engn, UA-61103 Kharkov, Ukraine
[Bezmaternykh, L. N.
Gudim, I. A.] Russian Acad Sci, LV Kirenskii Inst Phys, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
B. I. Verkin Institute for Low-Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, pr. Lenina 47, Kharkov 61103, Ukraine
L. V. Kirenskii Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Adcademy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Zvyagina, G. A.; Zhekov, K. R.; Bezmaternykh, L. N.; Безматерных, Леонард Николаевич; Gudim, I. A.; Гудим, Ирина Анатольевна; Bilych, I. V.; Zvyagin, A. A.

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    Magnetic structure, magnetic interactions and metamagnetism in terbium iron borate TbFe3(BO3)(4): a neutron diffraction and magnetization study / C. . Ritter [et al.] // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. - 2007. - Vol. 19, Is. 19. - Ст. 196227, DOI 10.1088/0953-8984/19/19/196227. - Cited References: 15 . - ISSN 0953-8984
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Magnetic structure -- Magnetic susceptibility -- Metamagnetism -- Neutron diffraction -- Neutron scattering -- Phase transitions -- Aneutron diffraction -- Magnetic interactions -- Neutron scattering measurements -- Terbium iron borate -- Terbium compounds
Аннотация: Magnetization, susceptibility and neutron scattering measurements were performed on the terbium iron borate TbFe3(BO3)(4). Structural and magnetic phase transitions were obtained as a function of external magnetic field and temperature. A metamagnetic transition of the terbium spins and a spin-flop transition of the iron sublattice are obtained at an external magnetic field 35 kOe < Ht < 60 kOe. The values of the effective exchange HE and the anisotropy HA fields are evaluated. Temperature dependent neutron diffraction studies reveal the magnetic structure of TbFe3(BO3)(4) and the thermal evolution of the two magnetic sublattices. An antiferromagnetic coupling along the helicoidal chains of Fe atoms sets in at 40 K with a propagation vector k = [ 0 0 1/2]. The magnetic ordering of the Tb sublattice sets in at the same temperature and leads to an anti-parallel alignment of the Fe and Tb moments within the a-b-planes with mu(Fe) = 4.4 mu(B) and mu(Tb) = 8.6 mu(B) at 2 K.

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Держатели документа:
Inst Max Von Laue Paul Langevin, F-38042 Grenoble, France
RAS, LV Kirensky Phys Inst, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
Institute Laue-Langevin, Boite Postale 156, F-38042 Grenoble, France
L v Kirenskii Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch, RAS, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Ritter, C.; Balaev, A. D.; Балаев, Александр Дмитриевич; Vorotynov, A. M.; Воротынов, Александр Михайлович; Petrakovskii, G. A.; Петраковский, Герман Антонович; Velikanov, D. A.; Великанов, Дмитрий Анатольевич; Temerov, V. L.; Темеров, Владислав Леонидович; Gudim, I. A.; Гудим, Ирина Анатольевна
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    Zeeman effect and stark splitting of the electronic states of the rare-earth ion in the paramagnetic terbium garnets Tb3Ga5O12 and Tb3Al5O12 / U. V. Valiev [et al.] // Phys. Solid State. - 2007. - Vol. 49, Is. 1. - P. 91-98, DOI 10.1134/S1063783407010167. - Cited References: 14 . - ISSN 1063-7834
РУБ Physics, Condensed Matter



Аннотация: The Zeeman effect in the F-7(6) - D-5(4) absorption band of the Tb3+ ion in the paramagnetic garnets Tb3Ga5O12 and Tb3Al5O12 was Studied. The field dependences of the Zeeman splitting of some absorption lines arc found to exhibit unusual behavior: as the magnetic field increases, the hand splitting decreases rather than increases. Symmetry analysis relates these lines to 4f - 4f electron transitions of the doublet-quasi-doublet or quasi-doublet-doublet type, for which the field dependences of the splitting differ radically from the well-known field dependences of the Zeeman splitting for quasi-doublet-quasi-doublet or quasi-doublet-singlet transitions in a longitudinal magnetic field.

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Публикация на русском языке Эффект Зеемана и особенности штарковского расщепления электронных состояний редкоземельного иона в тербиевых парамагнитных гранатах Tb3Ga5O12 и Tb3Al5O12 [Текст] / У. В. Валиев, J. B. Gruber, D. Sardar [et al.] // Физ. тверд. тела. - Санкт-Петербург : Наука, 2007. - Т. 49 Вып. 1. - С. 87-94

Держатели документа:
Natl Univ Uzbekistan, Tashkent 700174, Uzbekistan
Univ Texas, San Antonio, TX 78249 USA
ARL, Adelphi Lab Ctr, Adelphi, MD 20783 USA
Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, Verkin Inst Low Temp Phys & Engn, UA-61103 Kharkov, Ukraine
Russian Acad Sci, LV Kirensky Phys Inst, Siberian Div, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent 700174, Uzbekistan
University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249-0697, United States
ARL, Adelphi Laboratory Center, Adelphi, MD 20783-1197, United States
Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, pr. Lenina 47, Kharkov, 61103, Ukraine
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russian Federation

Доп.точки доступа:
Valiev, U. V.; Gruber, J. B.; Sardar, D. K.; Zandi, B.; Kachur, I. S.; Mukhammadiev, A. K.; Piryatinskaya, V. G.; Sokolov, V. Y.; Edelman, I. S.; Эдельман, Ирина Самсоновна
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    Patrin, G. S.
    The ''easy plane easy axis'' transition in alpha-Fe2O3:Ga crystals induced by doping with terbium ions / G. S. Patrin, N. V. Volkov, V. N. Vasiliev // Phys. Lett. A. - 1997. - Vol. 230, Is. 1-2. - P. 96-98, DOI 10.1016/S0375-9601(97)00219-3. - Cited References: 10 . - ISSN 0375-9601
РУБ Physics, Multidisciplinary

Аннотация: In easy plane weak ferromagnetic alpha-Fe2O3:Ga crystals it was found that doping with a hundredth part of To ions leads to the restoration of the transition into the ''easy axis'' magnetic state. It was established that in the alpha-Fe2O3:Ga, Tb crystal the angular magnetic phase is realized. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


Доп.точки доступа:
Volkov, N. V.; Волков, Никита Валентинович; Vasiliev, V. N.; Патрин, Геннадий Семёнович
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