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 1-20    21-36 

Avramov P. V. Non-diagram transitions in polarized X-ray absorption CuL(3) spectra of HTSC-ceramics/P. V. Avramov, S. G. Ovchinnikov // FIZIKA TVERDOGO TELA:MEZHDUNARODNAYA KNIGA, 1996. т.Vol. 38,N Is. 11.-С.3226-3240

Bikbaev R. G. Hyperbolic metamaterial for the Tamm plasmon polariton application/R. G. Bikbaev, S. Y. Vetrov, I. V. Timofeev // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 2020. т.Vol. 37,N Is. 8.-С.2215-2220

Bulgakov E. N. Correlated behavior of conductance and phase rigidity in the transition from the weak-coupling to the strong-coupling regime/E. N. Bulgakov, I. .. Rotter, A. F. Sadreev // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2007. т.Vol. 76,N Is. 21.- Ст.214302

Bulgakov E. N. Interaction between dielectric particles enhances the Q-factor/E. Bulgakov, K. Pichugin, A. Sadreev // Advanced Electromagnetics, 2019. т.Vol. 8,N Is. 4.-С.108-117

Bulgakov E. N. Spectroscopic properties of large open quantum-chaotic cavities with and without separated time scales/E. N. Bulgakov, I. .. Rotter // PHYSICAL REVIEW E:AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2006. т.Vol. 73,N Is. 6.- Ст.66222

Bulgakov E. N. Switching through symmetry breaking for transmission in a T-shaped photonic waveguide coupled with two identical nonlinear micro-cavities/E. .. Bulgakov, A. .. Sadreev // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter:IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2011. т.Vol. 23,N Is. 31.- Ст.315303

Bulgakov E. N. Symmetry breaking for transmission in a photonic waveguide coupled with two off-channel nonlinear defects/E. N. Bulgakov, K. N. Pichugin, A. F. Sadreev // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics:American Physical Society, 2011. т.Vol. 83,N Is. 4.- Ст.45109

Bulgakov E. N. Symmetry breaking in a T-shaped photonic waveguide coupled with two identical nonlinear cavities/E. .. Bulgakov, A. .. Sadreev // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2011. т.Vol. 84,N Is. 15.- Ст.155304

Changes of the local magnetic properties of the optically excited Nd3+ ions and their manifestation in the near IR spectra of the Nd0.5Gd0.5Fe3(BO3)4 crystal/A. V. Malakhovskii [et al.] // Optical Materials:Elsevier Science, 2016. т.Vol. 52.-С.126-133

Chaotic waveguide-based resonators for microlasers/J. A. Mendez-Bermudez [et al.] // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 2003. т.Vol. 67,N Is. 16.- Ст.161104

Chirkin A. S. General formula for the natural width of optical parametric oscillator spectral lines/A. S. Chirkin // Laser Physics Letters, 2020. т.Vol. 17,N Is. 11.- Ст.115401

Conductance of open quantum billiards and classical trajectories/R. G. Nazmitdinov [et al.] // PHYSICAL REVIEW B:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 2002. т.Vol. 66,N Is. 8.- Ст.85322

Decisive proofs of the s± → s++ transition in the temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth/V. A. Shestakov, M. M. Korshunov, Y. N. Togushova, O. V. Dolgov // Superconductor Science and Technology, 2021. т.Vol. 34,N Is. 7.- Ст.075008

Deich L. I. Absorption of light by glasses in the far infrared/L. I. Deich // JETP Letters, 1992. т.Vol. 56,N Is. 10.-С.492-495

Deich L. I. Far-infrared attenuation in glasses/L. I. Deich // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 1994. т.Vol. 49,N Is. 1.-С.109-113

Deich L. I. Low-frequency raman-scattering in glasses/L. I. Deich // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 1995. т.Vol. 51,N Is. 13.-С.8131-8139

Experimental implementation of tunable hybrid Tamm-microcavity modes/P. S. Pankin, V. S. Sutormin, V. A. Gunyakov [et al.] // Applied Physics Letters, 2021. т.Vol. 119,N Is. 16.- Ст.161107

Fedoseev A. D. Realization conditions and the magnetic field dependence of corner excitations in the topological insulator with superconducting coupling on the triangular lattice/A. D. Fedoseev // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2021. т.Vol. 133,N Is. 1.-С.71-76

Gavrichkov V. A. Low-energy electron spectrum in copper oxides in the multiband p-d model/V. A. Gavrichkov, S. G. Ovchinnikov // PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE:AMER INST PHYSICS, 1998. т.Vol. 40,N Is. 2.-С.163-168

Gluck M. A quantum cable car for Wannier-Stark ladders/M. .. Gluck, A. R. Kolovsky, H. J. Korsch // Physics Letters A, 2000. т.Vol. 276,N Is. 1-4.-С.167-174
 1-20    21-36 

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