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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Shishatskaya, Ekaterina I., Zhila, Natalia O., Dudaev, Alexey E., Nemtsev I. V., Lukyanenko A. V., Volova, Tatiana G.
Заглавие : Modification of polyhydroxyalkanoates polymer films surface of various compositions by laser processing
Место публикации : Polymers. - 2023. - Vol. 15, Is. 3. - Ст.531. - ISSN 20734360 (eISSN), DOI 10.3390/polym15030531
Примечания : Cited References: 91. - The study was funded by the State Assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Project No. 0287-2021-0025)
Аннотация: The results of surface modification of solvent casting films made from polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) of various compositions are presented: homopolymer poly-3-hydroxybutyrate P(3HB) and copolymers comprising various combinations of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB), 3-hydroxyvalerate (3HV), 4-hydroxybutyrate(4HB), and 3-hydroxyhexanoate (3HHx) monomers treated with a CO2 laser in continuous and quasi-pulsed radiation modes. The effects of PHAs film surface modification, depending on the composition and ratio of monomers according to the results of the study of SEM and AFM, contact angles of wetting with water, adhesion and growth of fibroblasts have been revealed for the laser radiation regime used. Under continuous irradiation with vector lines, melted regions in the form of grooves are formed on the surface of the films, in which most of the samples have increased values of the contact angle and a decrease in roughness. The quasi-pulse mode by the raster method causes the formation of holes without pronounced melted zones, the total area of which is lower by 20% compared to the area of melted grooves. The number of viable fibroblasts NIH 3T3 on the films after the quasi-pulse mode is 1.5–2.0 times higher compared to the continuous mode, and depends to a greater extent on the laser treatment mode than on the PHAs’ composition. The use of various modes of laser modification on the surface of PHAs with different compositions makes it possible to influence the morphology and properties of polymer films in a targeted manner. The results that have been obtained contribute to solving the critical issue of functional biodegradable polymeric materials.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Gritsenko C., Lepalovskij V., Volochaev M. N., Komanicky V., Gorkovenko A., Pazniak H., Gazda M., Andreev N., Rodionova V.
Заглавие : Complex study of magnetization reversal mechanisms of FeNi/FeMn bilayers depending on growth conditions
Место публикации : Nanomaterials. - 2022. - Vol. 12, Is. 7. - Ст.1178. - ISSN 20794991 (ISSN), DOI 10.3390/nano12071178
Примечания : Cited References: 44. - This work has been supported by the grant of the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No APVV-20-0324. This work was in part financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Subject of the state task No. FEUZ-2020-0051
Аннотация: Magnetization reversal processes in the NiFe/FeMn exchange biased structures with various antiferromagnetic layer thicknesses (0–50 nm) and glass substrate temperatures (17–600 °C) during deposition were investigated in detail. Magnetic measurements were performed in the temperature range from 80 K up to 300 K. Hysteresis loop asymmetry was found at temperatures lower than 150 K for the samples with an antiferromagnetic layer thickness of more than 10 nm. The average grain size of FeMn was found to increase with the AFM layer increase, and to decrease with the substrate temperature increase. Hysteresis loop asymmetry was explained in terms of the exchange spring model in the antiferromagnetic layer.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Volova T. G., Golubev A. I., Nemtsev I. V., Lukyanenko A. V., Dudaev A. E., Shishatskaya E. I.
Заглавие : Laser processing of polymer films fabricated from phas differing in their monomer composition
Место публикации : Polymers. - 2021. - Vol. 13, Is. 10. - Ст.1553. - ISSN 20734360 (ISSN), DOI 10.3390/polym13101553
Примечания : Cited References: 87. - This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research/Regional State Autonomous Institution “Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund for the Support of Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities” foundations under Grant number 19-43-240012 (laser treatment and films properties) and by the State Assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. FSRZ-2020-0006 (polymer synthesis)
Аннотация: The study reports results of using a CO2-laser in continuous wave (3 W; 2 m/s) and quasi-pulsed (13.5 W; 1 m/s) modes to treat films prepared by solvent casting technique from four types of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), namely poly-3-hydroxybutyrate and three copolymers of 3-hydroxybutyrate: with 4-hydroxybutyrate, 3-hydroxyvalerate, and 3-hydroxyhexanoate (each second monomer constituting about 30 mol.%). The PHAs differed in their thermal and molecular weight properties and degree of crystallinity. Pristine films differed in porosity, hydrophilicity, and roughness parameters. The two modes of laser treatment altered these parameters and biocompatibility in diverse ways. Films of P(3HB) had water contact angle and surface energy of 92° and 30.8 mN/m, respectively, and average roughness of 144 nm. The water contact angle of copolymer films decreased to 80–56° and surface energy and roughness increased to 41–57 mN/m and 172–290 nm, respectively. Treatment in either mode resulted in different modifications of the films, depending on their composition and irradiation mode. Laser-treated P(3HB) films exhibited a decrease in water contact angle, which was more considerable after the treatment in the quasi-pulsed mode. Roughness parameters were changed by the treatment in both modes. Continuous wave line-by-line irradiation caused formation of sintered grooves on the film surface, which exhibited some change in water contact angle (76–80°) and reduced roughness parameters (to 40–45 mN/m) for most films. Treatment in the quasi-pulsed raster mode resulted in the formation of pits with no pronounced sintered regions on the film surface, a more considerably decreased water contact angle (to 67–76°), and increased roughness of most specimens. Colorimetric assay for assessing cell metabolic activity (MTT) in NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast culture showed that the number of fibroblasts on the films treated in the continuous wave mode was somewhat lower; treatment in quasi-pulsed radiation mode caused an increase in the number of viable cells by a factor of 1.26 to 1.76, depending on PHA composition. This is an important result, offering an opportunity of targeted surface modification of PHA products aimed at preventing or facilitating cell attachment.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kuznetsov B. N., Vasil'eva N. Yu., Levdansky A. V., Karacharov A. A., Krylov A. S., Mazurova E. V., Bondarenko G. N., Levdansky V. A., Kazachenko A. S.
Заглавие : The Raman spectroscopy, XRD, SEM, and AFM study of arabinogalactan sulfates obtained using sulfamic acid
Место публикации : Russ. J. Bioorgan. Chem. - 2017. - Vol. 43, No. 7. - P.32-36. - ISSN 1068-1620, DOI 10.1134/S106816201707010X
Примечания : Cited References: 9. - The work was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Government of the Krasnoyarsk krai (project no. 16-43-242083).
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): physicochemical investigation--sulfated arabinogalactan--«green» synthesis--sulfamic acid--urea
Аннотация: The structure of sodium salts of sulfated arabinogalactan (AG), obtained by sulfation of larch wood AG with sulfamic acid – urea mixture in the medium of 1,4-dioxane was investigated with the use of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scaning electron microscopy (SEM) and aromatic force microscopy (AFM) methods. The introduction of sulfate groups into the structure of AG was confirmed by appearance in Raman spectra new absorption bands characteristic for the deformation vibrations of d (SO3) at 420 cm-1 and d (O=S=O) at 588 cm-1, stretching vibrations n (C–O–S) at 822 cm-1, symmetric stretching vibrations ns (O=S=O) at 1076 cm-1, asymmetric stretching vibrations nas (О=S=O) at 1269 cm-1. According to XRD data the amorphization of arabinogalactan structure take place during it`s sulfation. The difference in the morphology of initial and sulfated arabinogalactans was established by SEM method. Initial arabinigalactan consists of particles of globular shape with size of 10–90 µm, but sulfates of AG – from particles of different shapes and sizes of 1–8 µm. According to AFM data the surface of film of arabinogalactan sulfates is formed by the rather homogeneous spherical particles with sizes near 70 nm. The mean-square value of the surface rounghness is equal to 33 nm.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Zaitsev A. I., Aleksandrovsky A. S., Kozhukhov A. S., Pokrovsky L. D., Atuchin V. V.
Заглавие : Growth, optical and microstructural properties of PbB4O7 plate crystals
Коллективы : SB RAS [28.14, 43.14]; President of the Russian Federation for the support of leading scientific schools [SS-4828.2012.2]; PSB RAS [2.5.2]; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Место публикации : Opt. Mater.: Elsevier Science, 2014. - Vol. 37. - P.298–301. - ISSN 0925-3467, DOI 10.1016/j.optmat.2014.06.012. - ISSN 1873-1252
Примечания : Cited References: 42. - This study is supported by SB RAS via Projects 28.14 and 43.14, and the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the support of leading scientific schools SS-4828.2012.2 and by PSB RAS, Grant 2.5.2. V.V.A. gratefully acknowledge the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for financial support
Предметные рубрики: LEAD TETRABORATE
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): pbb4o7--czochralski growth--facet--rheed--afm
Аннотация: Centimeter-sized optical quality plate-like PbB4O7 crystals have been grown by Czochralski method. The fundamental absorption edge has been found at 237 nm (corresponding bandgap 5.75 eV) with the distinct sideband protruding up to 300 nm. The crystals are well faceted with the (100), (010) and (101) planes, (100) surfaces being mostly developed. The etching in diluted nitric acid (5 wt.%) at the temperature of 90 °C have been used to reveal the defect structure and remove melt residuals. The (100) surface shows the presence of etching pits and twin boundaries. The Kikuchi line pattern and developed microrelief with the roughness of ~8 nm have been observed by RHEED and AFM, respectively.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Chzhan A.V., Vasiliev A. D., Isaeva T. N., Patrin G. S.
Заглавие : Research of features magnetic permeability and domain structures in Fe 2O3:GA crystals near the morin transition
Коллективы : Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism
Место публикации : Solid State Phenomena. - 2009. - Vol. 152-153. - С. 29-32. - ISSN 10120394 (ISSN); 390845168X (ISBN); 9783908451686 (ISBN), DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.152-153.29
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): antiferromagnetic--domain structure--hematite--morin transition--weakly ferromagnetic--antiferromagnetic materials--antiferromagnetism--capillarity--crystal impurities--crystals--ferromagnetic materials--ferromagnetic resonance--ferromagnetism--gallium--hematite--iron ores--magnetic permeability--oxide minerals--permanent magnets--antiferromagnetism--crystal impurities--ferromagnetic materials--ferromagnetism--gallium--hematite--iron compounds--magnetic materials--magnetic permeability--magnetism--afm--antiferromagnetic--antiferromagnetic domains--antiferromagnetics--basal planes--domain configurations--domain structure--morin transitions--multi-layered structure--weakly ferromagnetic--magnetic domains--magnetic domains
Аннотация: Specially picked up web-chamber is used for visualization of domain structure in hematite. An analysis of domain configuration shows, that domain structure of hematite in a basal plane represents multilayered structure which contains domains both in paralleled thickness and in the parallel basal planes. The temperature features of magnetic permeability and domain structures in Fe2O3:Ga crystals near the Morin transition are investigated. Observable changes of magnetic permeability and changes in domain structure confirm that transition from AFM to WFM occurs in the hematite with Ga impurity as transition of the first sort. Results of research of antiferromagnetic and weakly ferromagnetic resonances (AFMR and WFMR) in these compounds are presented.
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