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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Lvaschenko S. A., Tarasov I. A., Varnakov S. N., Shevtsov D. V., Shvets V. A., Zabluda V. N., Ovchinnikov S. G., Kosyrev N. N., Bondarenko G. V., Rykhkitskii S. V., Latyshev A. V., Saranin A. A.
Заглавие : The in situ magneto ellipsometry method in the study magnetooptical properties of the iron thin films
Коллективы : Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism": Nanomagnetism
Место публикации : V Euro-Asian simposium "Trend in MAGnetism": Nanomagnetism: abstracts. - Vladivostok: FEFU, 2013. - С. 105. - ISBN 978-5-7444-3124-2
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kosyrev N. N., Varnakov S. N., Tarasov I. A., Lyashenko S. A., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : Characterization of manganese and iron silicides by in situ spectral generalized magneto-optical ellipsometry
Коллективы : Workshop Ellipsometry (7; 2012 ; март ; 5-7; Leipzig, Germany)
Место публикации : 7th Workshop on Ellipsometry: abstract book. - 2012. - P. - 82
Аннотация: Dilute magnetic semiconductors (DMS) combine the electronic transport properties of semiconductors and memory characteristics of magnetic materials. The complementary properties of semiconductor and ferromagnetic material can manipulate both degrees of freedoms of electrons0 spins and charges for spintronic devices. In recent years, group IV(Ge,Si)-based DMSs attract considerable experimental effort due to the compatibility with mainstream silicon technology. In ourworkwe present the investigation of structural,magnetic and optical properties ofmanganese and iron silicides thin films on Si (100) substrate by in situ spectral generalizedmagneto-optical ellipsometry. Themeasurementswere performed by spectral and laser ellipsometers (“Spectroscan“ and “LEF-71“ respectively by Institute Semiconductors Physics SB RAS), optimized tomeasure not only traditional ellipsometric parameters, but also magneto-optical response of the sample. The magnetoellipsometers were integrated into the ultrahigh vacuum chambers of molecular beam epitaxy setup, which allowed to control the optical and magnetic properties of thin films directly in the growth process. As a result of the magneto-optical response analysis, it was found that iron and manganese silicides in magnetic phase were formed on the Si surface and by analysis of the ellipsometric parameters dependence on evaporation time the silicide nanoclusters were identified and their structural properties were found. The work was supported by project 4.1 of the OFN RAS, project 27.10 of the Presidium RAS, integration project22 of SB RAS and FEB RAS, and also the FCP NK-744P/6 .
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Lyashchenko S. A., Varnakov S. N., Ovchinnikov S. G., Berezitskaya E. P., Alexandrova G. A., Vaituzin O. P.
Заглавие : Determination of structural parameters of the Fe-Si-system by spectral ellipsometry method
Коллективы : Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials, Азиатская школа-конференция по физике и технологии наноструктурированных материалов
Место публикации : Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (1 ; 2011 ; Aug. ; 21-28 ; Vladivostok)Азиатская школа-конференция по физике и технологии наноструктурированных материалов (1 ; 2011 ; авг. ; 21-28 ; Владивосток). Physics Procedia. - 2012. - Vol. 23. - P.49-52. - ISSN 1875-3884, DOI 10.1016/j-phpro.2011.01.013
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): spectral ellipsometry--silicides--atomic force microscopic
Аннотация: Limitation of the thin homogeneous layers with sharp interfaces model for the structure Si(100)/FeSi2(grain) in solution the inverse problem of ellipsometry in the visible spectral range is shown. A new model of random distribution of thin disks for describing the real structure of the sample is designed. The results of the model optimization are confirmed by AFM.
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kosyrev N. N., Varnakov S. N., Tarasov I. A., Lyashchenko S. A., Shvetsov D. V., Maksimova O. A., Yakovlev I. A., Zabluda V. N., Shvets V. A., Rykhkitsky S. V., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : Structural, magnetic and optical properties of Me/Si (Me=Mn,Fe) nanostructures perfomed by in situ magnetoellipsometry
Коллективы : International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (6; 2013 ; May ; 26-31; Kyoto, Japan)
Место публикации : 6th Int. Conf. on Spectr. Ellipsometry (ICSE-VI 2013): Conf. programm and abstr. - 2013. - P.205
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Tarasov I. A., Varnakov S. N., Yakovlev I. A., Zharkov S. M., Kosyrev N. N., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : Time-resolved ellipsometric characterization of (Fe/Si)n multilayer film synthesis
Коллективы : Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V., Workshop Ellipsometry (8; 2014 ; March 10-12; Dresden, Germany)
Место публикации : 8th Workshop Ellipsometry: Book of abstracts. - 2014. - P.81
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Maksimova O. A., Kosyrev N. N., Varnakov S. N., Lyashchenko S. A., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : Features of the ellipsometric investigation of magnetic nanostructures
Коллективы : Russian Federation [2886.2014.2], RFBR [13-02-01265, 14-02-01211], Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation[14.604.21.0002, 02.G25.31.0043], Foundation for Assistance to SmallInnovative Enterprises in Science and Technology [0003831]
Место публикации : J. Struct. Chem.: MAIK Nauka-Interperiodica / Springer, 2014. - Vol. 55, Is. 6. - P.1134-1141. - ISSN 0022, DOI 10.1134/S0022476614060225. - ISSN 15738779(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References:8. - The work was supported by the Program of the President of the RussianFederation for the support of leading scientific schools (ScientificSchool 2886.2014.2), RFBR (grant No. 13-02-01265, No. 14-02-01211), theMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Agreement14.604.21.0002 State contract No. 02.G25.31.0043), and the Foundationfor Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology(program "A Member of the Youth Research and Innovation Competition",contract number 0003831).
Предметные рубрики: PARAMETERS
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): magneto-ellipsometry--ellipsometric measurements--magneto-optical kerr--effect--thin films--semi-infinite medium model--refraction coefficient
Аннотация: The technique for interpreting magneto-ellipsometric measurements is proposed. The model of a homogeneous semi-infinite medium for reflecting layered magnetic structures in the presence of the magnetic field in the configuration of the magneto-optical equatorial Kerr effect is considered. Based on the analysis of the Fresnel coefficients with regard to the magneto-optical parameter Q appearing in the off-diagonal elements of the permittivity tensor, the expressions are obtained using which the refraction (n) and absorption (k) coefficients, the real (Q (1)) and imaginary (Q (2)) parts of the magneto-optical parameter can be found from the ellipsometric (psi(0) and Delta(0)) and magneto-ellipsometric (psi(0) + delta psi and Delta(0) + delta I") measurements. The results will allow to measure and analyze the magnetic characteristics such as hysteresis loops and the coercitive force of layered nanostructures using the conventional ellipsometric equipment.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Lyashchenko S. A., Popov Z. I., Varnakov S. N., Popov E. A., Molokeev M. S., Yakovlev I. A., Kuzubov A. A., Ovchinnikov S. G., Shamirzaev T. S., Latyshev A. V., Saranin A. A.
Заглавие : Analysis of optical and magnetooptical spectra of Fe5Si3 and Fe3Si magnetic silicides using spectral magnetoellipsometry
Коллективы : Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation [16.663.2014K, 14.604.21.0002 (RFMEFI60414X0002), 02.G25.31.0043], Russian Foundation for Basic Research [13-02-01265, 14-02-31309]
Место публикации : J. Exp. Theor. Phys.: MAIK Nauka-Interperiodica / Springer, 2015. - Vol. 120, Is. 5. - P.886-893. - ISSN 1063, DOI 10.1134/S1063776115050155. - ISSN 10906509(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References:31. - This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (state assignment no. 16.663.2014K, agreement no. 14.604.21.0002 (RFMEFI60414X0002), and contract no. 02.G25.31.0043), the Program is Support of Leading Scientific Schools (project no. NSh-2886.2014.2), and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project nos. 13-02-01265 and 14-02-31309).
Аннотация: The optical, magnetooptical, and magnetic properties of polycrystalline (Fe5Si3/SiO2/Si(100)) and epitaxial Fe3Si/Si(111) films are investigated by spectral magnetoellipsometry. The dispersion of the complex refractive index of Fe5Si3 is measured using multiangle spectral ellipsometry in the range of 250–1000 nm. The dispersion of complex Voigt magnetooptical parameters Q is determined for Fe5Si3 and Fe3Si in the range of 1.6–4.9 eV. The spectral dependence of magnetic circular dichroism for both silicides has revealed a series of resonance peaks. The energies of the detected peaks correspond to interband electron transitions for spin-polarized densities of electron states (DOS) calculated from first principles for bulk Fe5Si3 and Fe3Si crystals.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Aver'yanov E. M.
Заглавие : Effective refractive index of a two-dimensional polycrystal
Место публикации : JETP Letters. - 2015. - Vol. 101, Is. 10. - P.685-689. - ISSN 0021-3640, DOI 10.1134/S0021364015100033
Примечания : Cited References: 28
Аннотация: A relation of the effective refractive index of a two-dimensional polycrystalline dielectric film in the transparency region to the refractive indices n1 and n2 of crystallites at the positions of axes 1 and 2, respectively, of refraction ellipsoids of the crystallites in the plane of the film has been obtained. This relation and the relation L* = (L1 + L2)/2 between the components of the Lorentz tensors for the film and crystallites have been confirmed by comparison with experimental data for conjugate-polymer films with uniaxial domains.
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kosyrev N. N., Zabluda V. N., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : In situ Mueller-matrix magneto-ellipsometry
Коллективы : Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials, Азиатская школа-конференция по физике и технологии наноструктурированных материалов
Место публикации : Third Asian school-conference on physics and technology of nanostructured materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015): proceedings. - Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2015. - Ст.VII.25.01o. - ISBN 978-5-8044-1556-4
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Maksimova O. A., Kosyrev N. N., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : Spectroscopic magneto-ellipsometry for studying magneto-optical properties of single-layer ferromagnetic nanostructures [Электронный ресурс]
Коллективы : Сибирский федеральный университет, "Проспект Свободный", международная конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых
Место публикации : Проспект Свободный: материалы научной конференции, посвященной 70-летию Великой Победы/ отв. ред. Е. И. Костоглодова. - 2015
Систем. требования: Систем. требования: PC не ниже класса PentiumI ; 128 Mb RAM ; Windows 98/XP/7 ; Adobe Reader V8.0 и выше
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kosyrev N. N., Zabluda V. N., Maximova O. A.
Заглавие : In situ Mueller-matrix magneto-ellipsometry
Коллективы : Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials, Азиатская школа-конференция по физике и технологии наноструктурированных материалов
Место публикации : Solid State Phenom.: Selected, peer reviewed papers/ ed. N. Galkin: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2016. - Vol. 245: Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials III. - P.55-59. - ISSN 1662-9779, DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.245.55. - ISSN 9783038356820
Примечания : Cited References: 7
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): ferromagnetic nanostructures--generalized magneto-optical ellipsometry--mueller matrix--polarized light
Аннотация: We develop the method for determining the Mueller matrix elements using standard photometric ellipsometer. Small ellipsometer design changes give an opportunity to completely determine all elements of the Mueller matrix. It is shown how the values of Mueller matrix elements can be obtained from the measurements at different azimuthal positions of optical units. © (2016) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Maximova O. A., Kosyrev N. N., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : Development of spectroscopic magneto-ellipsometry for studying of magneto-optical properties of ferromagnetic nanostructures
Коллективы : Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials, Азиатская школа-конференция по физике и технологии наноструктурированных материалов
Место публикации : Third Asian school-conference on physics and technology of nanostructured materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015): proceedings. - 2015. - Ст.VI.21.07p. - ISBN 978-5-8044-1556-4
Аннотация: The elements of the dielectric tensor ε are the subject of interest. In this paper a new method for obtaining diagonal and off-diagonal elements of this tensor is presented. In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry and magneto-ellipsometry measurements data from the in situ molecular beam epitaxy setup with an integrated magneto-ellipsometric real time control are used. The formulae and the algorithm for data analysis are obtained. The method is approved on the ferromagnetic nanostructures Fe/SiO2/Si.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Aver'yanov E. M.
Заглавие : Influence of the dimension of a polycrystalline film and the optical anisotropy of crystallites on the effective dielectric constant of the film
Место публикации : Phys. Solid State: MAIK Nauka-Interperiodica / Springer, 2016. - Vol. 58, Is. 8. - P.1634-1641. - ISSN 10637834 (ISSN), DOI 10.1134/S1063783416080035
Примечания : Cited References: 41
Аннотация: The dimension D of a polycrystalline film and the optical anisotropy m = εz/εx of uniaxial crystallites with the principal components εx = εy and εz of the tensor of the dielectric constant have been shown to produce a strong influence on the effective dielectric constant εD* and the effective refractive index nD* = (εD*)1/2 of the film in the optical transparency region, as well as on the boundaries of the intervals BDl ≤ εD* ≤ BDu. The intervals Δ2(m) = B2l–B2u and Δ3(m) = B3l–B3u are separated by a gap for m in the range 1 m 2, whereas the theoretical dependence ε2*(m) is separated by a gap from the interval Δ3(m) for m in the range 1 m 4. This is confirmed by a comparison of the experimental (noP) and theoretical (nD*) ordinary refractive indices for uniaxial polycrystalline films of the conjugated polymer poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) with uniaxial crystallites and appropriate values of m. In the visible transparency region of the PPV films with a change in m(λ) in the range 2 m(λ) 3 due to the dependence of the components εx,z(λ) on the light wavelength λ, the refractive indices noP2(λ) 3 near the electronic absorption band of the crystallites, the values of εoP(λ) lie in the region of the overlap of the intervals Δ2(m) and Δ3(m). The boundaries mc of the range 1 m mc are determined, for which the interval Δ2(m) is separated by a gap from the dependences ε3*(m) corresponding to the effective medium theory with spherical crystallites and hierarchical models of a polycrystal, as well as from the proposed new dependence ε3*(m).
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Shevtsov D. V., Lyashchenko S. A., Varnakov S. N., Ovchinnikov S. G., Zabluda V. N., Kosyrev N. N., Yakovlev I. A., Tarasov I. A., Maximova O. A.
Заглавие : UHV system for producing and studying of nanostructures by in situ spectroscopic magneto-optical ellipsometry in a wide temperature range
Коллективы : Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism", "Trends in MAGnetism", Euro-Asian Symposium, Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского Сибирского отделения РАН
Место публикации : VI Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism" (EASTMAG-2016): abstracts/ ed.: O. A. Maksimova, R. D. Ivantsov. - Krasnoyarsk: KIP RAS SB, 2016. - Ст.P6.5. - P.313. - ISBN 978-5-904603-06-9 (Шифр -478014040)
Примечания : References: 1. - The work was supported by The Complex program of SB RAS № II.2P, project 0358-2015-0003
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): spectral ellipsometry--magneto-optical effects--fe-si system
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Lyashchenko S. A., Yakovlev I. A., Maximova O. A., Shevtsov D. V., Zabluda V. N., Popov Z. I., Molokeev M. S., Kuzubov A. A., Varnakov S. N., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : The temperature dependences of optical and magneto-optical properties of iron silicides
Коллективы : Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism", "Trends in MAGnetism", Euro-Asian Symposium, Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского Сибирского отделения РАН
Место публикации : VI Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism" (EASTMAG-2016): abstracts/ ed.: O. A. Maksimova, R. D. Ivantsov. - Krasnoyarsk: KIP RAS SB, 2016. - Ст.P6.11. - P.319. - ISBN 978-5-904603-06-9 (Шифр -478014040)
Примечания : References: 3. - The work was supported by The Complex program of SB RAS № II.2P, project 0358-2015-0004
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): ellipsometry--magneto-optic effects--fe-si system
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Maximova O. A., Kosyrev N. N., Yakovlev I. A., Shevtsov D. V.
Заглавие : Magneto-ellipsometry as a powerful technique for investigating magneto-optical structures properties
Коллективы : Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism", "Trends in MAGnetism", Euro-Asian Symposium, Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского Сибирского отделения РАН
Место публикации : VI Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism" (EASTMAG-2016): abstracts/ ed.: O. A. Maksimova, R. D. Ivantsov. - Krasnoyarsk: KIP RAS SB, 2016. - Ст.P6.12. - P.320. - ISBN 978-5-904603-06-9 (Шифр -478014040)
Примечания : References: 5. - The work was supported by The Complex program of SB RAS № II.2P, project 0358-2015-0004
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): magneto-optics--ellisometry--magneto-optical kerr effect
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Burkova L. V., Kosyrev N. N., Sokolov A. E., Chzhan A. V., Pilyaeva O. V., Sibirina T. F., Maximova O. A., Patrin G. S.
Заглавие : Optical and magneto-optical properties of amorphous Co-P films
Коллективы : Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism", "Trends in MAGnetism", Euro-Asian Symposium, Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского Сибирского отделения РАН
Место публикации : VI Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism" (EASTMAG-2016): abstracts/ ed.: O. A. Maksimova, R. D. Ivantsov. - Krasnoyarsk: KIP RAS SB, 2016. - Ст.P6.19. - P.327. - ISBN 978-5-904603-06-9 (Шифр -478014040)
Примечания : References: 2
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): layered structure--ellipsometry--magneto-optical kerr effect
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Maximova O. A., Ovchinnikov S. G., Kosyrev N. N., Lyashchenko S. A.
Заглавие : Two-layer model of reflective ferromagnetic films in terms of magneto-optical ellipsometry studies
Место публикации : J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Math. Phys. - 2017. - Vol. 10, Is. 2. - P.223-232. - ISSN 1997-1397, DOI 10.17516/1997-1397-2017-10-2-223-232; Журн. СФУ. Сер. "Математика и физика"
Примечания : Cited References: 13. - The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund to the research project 16–42–243058. The work was supported partly by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant No. 16–32–00209 mola, Grant No. 14–02–01211; the Complex program of SB RAS No. II.2P, project 0358–2015–0004; the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF (State task No. 16.663.2014); grant Scientific School 7559.2016.2.
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): magneto-optical ellipsometry--kerr effect--two-layer model--ferromagnetic metal--reflection--growth control--магнито-оптическая эллипсометрия--эффект керра--двухслойная модель--ферромагнетик--отражение--контроль роста
Аннотация: An approach to analysis of magneto-optical ellipsometry measurements is presented. A two-layer model of ferromagnetic reflective films is in focus. The obtained algorithm can be used to control optical and magneto-optical properties during films growth inside vacuum chambers.Представлен метод анализа магнито-эллипсометрических измерений. Детально рассматривается двуслойная модель ферромагнитных отражающих пленок. Полученный алгоритм может использоваться для контроля оптических и магнито-оптических свойств пленок в процессе их роста в вакуумных камерах.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Maximova O. A., Kosyrev N. N., Yakovlev I. A., Shevtsov D. V., Lyashchenko S. A., Varnakov S. N., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : Magneto-ellipsometry as a powerful technique for investigating magneto-optical structures properties
Коллективы : Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism", "Trends in MAGnetism", Euro-Asian Symposium, Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского Сибирского отделения РАН , Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund [1642-243058]; Russian Foundation for Basic Research [16-32-00209mol_a, 14-02-01211]; Ministry of Education and Science of the RF [16.663.2014K, 7559.2016.2]; Complex program of SB RAS [II.2P, 03582015-0004]
Место публикации : J. Magn. Magn. Mater.: Elsevier Science, 2017. - Vol. 440. - P.153-156. - ISSN 0304-8853, DOI 10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.12.073. - ISSN 1873-4766(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References:20. - The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund to the research project No 1642-243058. The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant No. 16-32-00209mol_a, Grant No. 14-02-01211, The Complex program of SB RAS No II.2P, project 03582015-0004, the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF (State task No. 16.663.2014K), grant Scientific School 7559.2016.2.
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): magneto-optical kerr effect--ellipsometry--in situ measurements
Аннотация: In this work we report on new magneto-ellipsometry set-up that allows to grow thin films and nanostructures by ultrahigh vacuum thermal evaporation as well as to conduct in situ measurements during the growth in order to analyze and control nanostructures properties. Ellipsometry and transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements can be performed in situ inside this set-up. A uniform magnetic field of high intensity (more than 1 kOe) can be applied to samples inside the vacuum chamber. Also, we report on the developed method of data interpretation that is the base of the set-up software. Thus, we present a powerful tool for nanostructures synthesis and characterization.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Tarasov I. A., Visotin M. A., Aleksandrovsky A. S., Kosyrev N. N., Yakovlev I. A., Molokeev M. S., Lukyanenko A. V., Krylov A. S., Fedorov A. S., Varnakov S. N., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : Si/Fe flux ratio influence on growth and physical properties of polycrystalline β-FeSi2 thin films on Si(100) surface
Коллективы : Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism", "Trends in MAGnetism", Euro-Asian Symposium, Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского Сибирского отделения РАН , Russian Science Foundation [16-13-00060]
Место публикации : J. Magn. Magn. Mater.: Elsevier Science, 2017. - Vol. 440. - P.144-152. - ISSN 0304-8853, DOI 10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.12.084. - ISSN 1873-4766(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References:39. - This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project no. 16-13-00060
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): β-fesi2 iron disilicide--optical properties--reflection high-energy--electron diffraction--raman spectroscopy--ab initio calculation
Аннотация: This work investigates the Si/Fe flux ratio (2 and 0.34) influence on the growth of β-FeSi2 polycrystalline thin films on Si(100) substrate at 630 °C. Lattice deformations for the films obtained are confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The volume unit cell deviation from that of β-FeSi2 single crystal are 1.99% and 1.1% for Si/Fe =2 and Si/Fe =0.34, respectively. Absorption measurements show that the indirect transition (~ 0.704 eV) of the Si/Fe =0.34 sample changes to the direct transition with a bandgap value of ~0.816 eV for the sample prepared at Si/Fe =2. The absorption spectrum of the Si/Fe =0.34 sample exhibits an additional peak located below the bandgap energy value with the absorption maximum of ~0.36 eV. Surface magneto-optic Kerr effect (SMOKE) measurements detect the ferromagnetic behavior of the β-FeSi2 polycrystalline films grown at Si/Fe =0.34 at T=10 K, but no ferromagnetism was observed in the samples grown at Si/Fe =2. Theoretical calculations refute that the cell deformation can cause the emergence of magnetization and argue that the origin of the ferromagnetism, as well as the lower absorption peak, is β-FeSi2 stoichiometry deviations. Raman spectroscopy measurements evidence that the film obtained at Si/Fe flux ratio equal to 0.34 has the better crystallinity than the Si/Fe =2 sample.
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