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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Boldyrev K. N., Diab M., Gudim I. A., Popova M. N.
Заглавие : Optical linear dichroism in the ab-plane of NdFe3(BO3)4 ferroborate
Колич.характеристики :6 с
Место публикации : J. Exp. Theor. Phys. - 2023. - Vol. 137, Is. 4: Special Issue dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of L. A. Prozorova. - P.486-491. - ISSN 10637761 (ISSN), DOI 10.1134/S1063776123100011. - ISSN 10906509 (eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 16. - This study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project no. FFUU-2022-0003) and partially (K.N. B., dichroism measurements) by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 19-72-10132P)
Аннотация: The high-resolution optical absorption spectra of NdFe3(BO3)4 single crystals have been recorded at temperatures from 4 to 40 K in the IR range of f–f transitions in a Nd3+ ion. Light linearly polarized at different angles to the C2 axes in the basal plane has been passed along the trigonal C3 axis. Below the temperature of magnetic moment ordering into a collinear antiferromagnetic structure (TN ≈ 30 K), dichroism, that is, the absorption versus polarization dependence, arises. The temperature and angular dependences of dichroism indicate that the magnetic moments of iron are directed along the C2 axes up to about 17 K, the number of domains with variously directed C2 axes being different. The mechanism of linear dichroism has been discussed. Below 17 K, a smooth transition to the helicoidal magnetic phase has been observed, with the collinear phase coexisting with the helicoidal one. Data presented in this article contradict the earlier concept of magnetic moments fluctuating in the low-temperature phase near the C2 axis within the ±10° interval.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Krylov A. S., Krylova S. N., Gudim I. A., Kitaev Y., Golovkina E., Zhang H., Vtyurin A. N.
Заглавие : Pressure–temperature phase diagram of multiferroic TbFe2.46Ga0.54(BO3)4
Место публикации : Magnetochemistry. - 2022. - Vol. 8, Is. 6. - Ст.59. - ISSN 23127481 (ISSN), DOI 10.3390/magnetochemistry8060059
Примечания : Cited References: 48. - The research of Krylov A. and Gudim I. was funded by RFBR, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science, project number 20-42-240009. This work of Vtyurin A., Krylova S. was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) project number No 21-52-12018. The experiments were performed in the Krasnoyarsk Regional Center of Research Equipment of Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS”
Аннотация: The pressure–temperature phase diagram of the multiferroic TbFe2.46Ga0.54(BO3)4 was studied for hydrostatic pressures up to 7 GPa and simultaneously with temperatures up to 400 K by the Raman spectroscopy technique. The structural phase transition from the R32 phase to the P3121 phase was determined by observing the condensation of soft modes and the appearance of new lines. An increase in pressure leads to an increase in the temperature of the structural phase transition. These phases are stable over the entire investigated temperature and pressure range. No other phases have been found.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Krylov A. S., Pavlovskiy M. S., Kitaev Y., Gudim I. A., Andryshin N. D., Vtyurin A. N., Jiang, Qinghui, Krylova S. N.
Заглавие : Phase transitions and p–T phase diagram of the multiferroic TbFe3(BO3)4 crystal
Коллективы : Russian Foundation for Basic ResearchRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR); RFBR, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science [20-42-240009]; Russian Foundation for Basic Research and DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)German Research Foundation (DFG) [448809307, 21-52-12018]
Место публикации : J. Raman Spectrosc. - 2022. - Vol. 53, Is. 6. - P.1179-1187. - ISSN 0377-0486, DOI 10.1002/jrs.6341. - ISSN 1097-4555(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 48. - Russian Foundation for Basic Research; RFBR, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science, Grant/Award Number: 20-42-240009; Russian Foundation for Basic Research and DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Grant/Award Numbers: 448809307, 21-52-12018
Аннотация: The structural phase transitions in multiferroic TbFe3(BO3)4 with change hydrostatic pressures and temperatures have been studied by Raman spectroscopy and calculation within density functional theory. Lattice dynamics calculations in the TbFe3(BO3)4 crystal in the 32 phase under various values of applied hydrostatic pressure (from 0 up to 5 GPa with 1 GPa step) were performed. The calculation performed in this work in a TbFe3(BO3)4 crystal showed that the applied pressure can increase the phase transition temperature. Raman spectra of the TbFe3(BO3)4 crystal have been investigated at simultaneously high temperature and high pressure (up to 5.14 GPa and 465 K). The appearance of a soft mode was observed with decreasing temperature at normal pressure. The manifestations of the interaction of the structural and magnetic order parameters in the range from 13 to 50 K were observed at normal pressure. With increasing pressure and a fixed temperature, recovery of the soft modes is also observed. The experimental p–T phase diagram of TbFe3(BO3)4 was established. An increase in pressure leads to an increase in the temperature of transition.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Glamazda, A. Yu., Gnezdilov V. P., Lemmens P., Zvyagina G. A., Gudim I. A.
Заглавие : Raman scattering study of the rare-earth binary ferroborate Nd0.75Dy0.25Fe3(BO3)4 single crystal
Коллективы : DFG Excellence Cluster Quantum FrontiersGerman Research Foundation (DFG) [EXC 2123-390837967, DFG Le967/16-1, DFG-RTG 1952/1]
Место публикации : Low Temp. Phys. - 2021. - Vol. 47, Is. 12. - P.1011-1021. - ISSN 1063-777X, DOI 10.1063/10.0007074. - ISSN 1090-6517(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 25. - A. Yu. Glamazda thanks Dr. A. V. Peschanskii for fruitful discussions. P. Lemmens acknowledges funding by the DFG Excellence Cluster Quantum Frontiers, EXC 2123-390837967, DFG Le967/16-1, and DFG-RTG 1952/1
Аннотация: We report comprehensive Raman scattering measurements on a single crystal of binary ferroborate Nd0.75Dy0.25Fe3(BO3)4 in the temperature range of 7–295 K with 532 nm (18797 cm−1) laser excitation. The performed analysis of the polarized Raman spectra revealed the bands assigned to phonon, magnetic, and electronic excitations. The temperature evolution of these quasiparticle excitations has allowed us to ascertain the intricate coupling and interplay between lattice, magnetic, and electronic degrees of freedom. Analysis of the measured Raman spectra made it possible to identify all A1 and E phonon modes predicted by the group-theoretical analysis. The splitting energies between the LO and TO components of the polar E phonons were determined. Below the magnetic ordering temperature of the Fe sublattice, TN, we have revealed a multiple peaked two-magnon excitation. Analyzing the temperature evolution of low-frequency modes in the spectra, we also identified modes that are associated with electronic transitions between the crystal field levels of the Nd3+ ions with ground-state 4I9/2 and of the Dy3+ ions with ground-state 6H15/2 multiplets. In addition to the already known temperatures of magnetic transitions, analysis of the temperature behavior of low-frequency phonon and electronic excitations made it possible to establish a temperature T* = 100 K, presumably associated with local distortions of the crystal lattice. The presence of this temperature is confirmed by our ultrasonic study. A group of intense bands observed in the frequency range 1700–2200 cm−1 has been associated with the mixed low-lying electronic Raman transitions 4I9/2→4I11/2 and the high-energy luminescence ones 4G5/2+2G7/2→4I9/2 for the Nd3+ ion.
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Gavrichkov V. A., Malakhovskii A. V., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : Nd-Fe exchange interaction in Nd ferroborate with multiferroic properties under optical pumping
Коллективы : "Functional materials", International conference, Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского
Место публикации : Ovchinnikov S. G. International conference "Functional materials": book of abstracts/ ed. V. N. Berzhansky ; org. com. S. G. Ovchinnikov [et al.]. - Simferopol, 2021. - P.253-254
Примечания : Библиогр.: 1 назв. - The reported study was supported by the grant RFFI 19-02-00034 and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory, and Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science according to the research project ”Studies of superexchange and ICFM’2021 254 electron-phonon interactions in correlated systems as a basis for searching for promising functional materials No. 20-42-240016
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Gavrichkov V. A., Malakhovskii A. V., Ovchinnikov S. G.
Заглавие : Effect of optical f - f excitations on the Nd-Fe exchange interaction in Nd ferroborate with multiferroic properties
Коллективы : RFBRRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) [19-02-00034]; Russian Foundation for Basic ResearchRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR); Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science [20-42-240016]; Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory
Место публикации : Phys. Rev. B. - 2021. - Vol. 104, Is. 6. - Ст.064445. - ISSN 2469-9950, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064445. - ISSN 2469-9969(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 28. - The reported study was supported by the RFBR Grant 19-02-00034. V.A.G. is also grateful to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory, and Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science according to the research project "Studies of superexchange and electron-phonon interactions in correlated systems as a basis for searching for promising functional materials" No. 20-42-240016
Аннотация: We considered the effect of optical pumping at the f−f transitions frequency on d−f superexchange in the rare-earth antiferromagnetic ferroborate Nd0.5Gd0.5Fe3(BO3)4 between Nd3+ ions in the excited states of the 4G5/2, 2G7/2, and Fe3+ in the ground state 6A1. In the ferroborate, d−f superexchange is directly related to the strong magnetoelectric coupling observed in the ground state of the material. We show that under optical pumping at the frequency of f−f transitions 4I9/2↔(4G5/2+2G7/2) in the Nd3+ ion, the nature of the d−f interaction changes to FM. The phenomena can be explained by the occupation of the excited Nd3+ “spin pure” states with spin 1/2, or their mixing to the optically excited states with spin 3/2 due to the spin-orbit interaction. Near optically excited ions Nd3+, magnetic frustrations change from FM ordering under the d−f AFM interaction to AFM ordering under the FM interaction in the basal hexagonal plane.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Glamazda A. Yu., Gnezdilov V. P., Lemmens P., Zvyagina G. A., Gudim I. A.
Заглавие : Raman scattering study of the rare-earth binary ferroborate Nd0.75Dy0.25Fe3(BO3)4 single crystal
Место публикации : Физ. низких температур. - 2021. - Т. 47, Вып. 12. - С.1107-1118. - ISSN 01326414 (ISSN); Fiz. Nizk. Temp.
Примечания : Cited References: 26. - A. Yu. Glamazda thanks to Dr. A. V. Peschanskii for fruitful discussions. P. Lemmens acknowledges funding by the DFG Excellence Cluster Quantum Frontiers, EXC 2123-390837967, DFG Le967/16-1, and DFG-RTG 1952/1
Аннотация: We report comprehensive Raman scattering measurements on a single crystal of binary ferroborate Nd0.75Dy0.25Fe3(BO3)4 in the temperature range of 7–295 K with 532 nm (18797 cm–1) laser excitation. The performed analysis of the polarized Raman spectra revealed the bands assigned to phonon, magnetic, and electronic excitations. The temperature evolution of these quasiparticle excitations has allowed us to ascertain the intricate coupling and interplay between lattice, magnetic, and electronic degrees of freedom. Analysis of the measured Raman spectra made it possible to identify all A1 and Е phonon modes of predicted by the group-theoretical analysis. The splitting energies between the LO and TO components of the polar E phonons were determined. Below the magnetic ordering temperature of the Fe sublattice, TN, we have revealed a multiple peaked two-magnon excitation. Analyzing the temperature evolution of low-frequency modes in the spectra, we also identi-fied modes that are associated with electronic transitions between the crystal field levels of the Nd3+ ions with ground-state 4I9/2 and of the Dy3+ ions with ground-state 6H15/2 multiplets. In addition to the already known temperatures of magnetic transitions, analysis of the temperature behavior of low-frequency phonon and electronic excitations made it possible to establish a temperature T * = 100 K, presumably associated with local distortions of the crystal lattice. The presence of this temperature is confirmed by our ultrasonic study. A group of intense bands observed in the frequency range of 1700–2200 cm–1 has been associated with the mixed low-lying electronic Raman transitions 4I9/2→4I11/2 and the high-energy luminescence ones 4G5/2+2G7/2→4I9/2 for the Nd3+ ion.Представлено результати раманівських досліджень монокристала бінарного фероборату Nd0,75Dy0,25Fe3(BO3)4 при лазерному збудженні 532 нм (18797 см–1) в діапазоні температур 7–295 K. Аналіз отриманих поляризованих раманівських спектрів виявив смуги, які були віднесені до фононних, магнітних та електронних збуджень. На підставі температурної еволюції смуг встановлено складний зв’язок та взаємодію між гратковими, магнітними й електронними ступенями свободи. Аналіз отриманих спектрів дозволив виявити всі А1 та Е фононні моди, передбачені груповим теоретичним аналізом. Визначено енергії розщеплення між LO і TO компонентами полярних E-фононів. Нижче температури магнітного впорядкування Fe-підгратки, TN, виявлена складна багатопікова смуга, яка віднесена до двомагнонного збудження.Температурна залежність низькочастотних раманівських спектрів виявила моди, пов’язані з електронними переходами між рівнями мультиплетів 4I9/2 основного стану Nd3+ та 6H15/2 основного стану Dy3+, отримані в результаті дії кристалічного поля. Аналіз температурної поведінки низькочастотних фононних та електронних збуджень дозволив встановити аномалію поблизу T * = 100 K, ймовірно, пов’язану з локальними спотвореннями кристалічної гратки. Наявність цієї температури підтверджується ультразвуковими дослідженнями. Група інтенсивних смуг, що спостерігається в раманівському спектрі в діапазоні частот 1700–2200 см–1, пов’язана зі змішаними низько розташованими електронними раманівськими 4I9/2 → 4I11/2 та високоенергетичними люмінесцентними 4G5/2 + 2G7/2→4I9/2 переходами в Nd3+ іоні.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Gudim I. A., Eremin E. V., Temerov V. L.
Заглавие : Melt‒solution synthesis and magnetic properties of SmFe2.8Sc0.2(BO3)4 ferroborate
Коллективы : Russian Foundation for Basic ResearchRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) [18-42240011_a]; Krasnoyarsk Territory Government Foundation
Место публикации : Crystallogr. Rep. - 2020. - Vol. 65, Is. 2. - P.307-308. - ISSN 1063-7745, DOI 10.1134/S1063774520020108. - ISSN 1562-689X(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 7. - This study was supported by joint grant no. 18-42240011_a of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Krasnoyarsk Territory Government Foundation for scientific-technical support.
Аннотация: Single crystals of SmFe2.8Sc0.2(BO3)(4) ferroborates are grown in melt-solutions based on bismuth trimolybdate. The magnetic properties of grown single crystals are studied. The presence of long-range magnetic order in these crystals is found.
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Titova, Veronika, Gudim I. A.
Заглавие : Growth of single crystals of trigonal ferroborate Ho0,5Nd0,5Fe3(BO3)4 with the huntite structure depending on the crystallochemical growth conditions
Коллективы : Химия, физика, биология, математика: теоретические и прикладные исследования, международная научно-практическая конференция
Место публикации : Химия, физика, биология, математика: теоретические и прикладные исследования, международная научно-практическая конференция (34 ; 2020 ; 17 марта ; Москва). Химия, физика, биология, математика: теоретические и прикладные исследования: сб. статей по материалам XXXIV междун. науч.-практич. конф. - 2020. - Т. 3 (24). - P.123-129 (Шифр 42626963)
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Eremin E. V., Gudim I. A., Temerov V. L.
Заглавие : Magnetic properties of Eu1-xLaxFe3(BO3)4 ferroborate
Коллективы : Российская академия наук, Уральское отделение РАН, Институт физики металлов им. М. Н. Михеева Уральского отделения РАН, Уральский федеральный университет им. первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина, Российский фонд фундаментальных исследований, Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism", "Trends in MAGnetism", Euro-Asian Symposium
Место публикации : Euro-asian symposium "Trends in magnetism" (EASTMAG-2019): Book of abstracts/ чл. конс. ком.: S. G. Ovchinnikov, N. V. Volkov [et al.] ; чл. прогр. ком. D. M. Dzebisashvili [et al.]. - 2019. - Vol. 2. - Ст.I.P5. - P.144-145. - ISBN 978-5-9500855-7-4 (Шифр В33/E12-125657784)
Примечания : Cited References: 7. - This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) according to the research projects No. 18-02-00696_a.
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