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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Aver'yanov E. M.
Заглавие : Orientational order and polarizability of molecules in a nematic liquid crystal
Место публикации : Phys. Solid State. - 2014. - Vol. 56, Is. 5. - P.1058-1063. - ISSN 1063-7834, DOI 10.1134/S1063783414050035
Примечания : Cited References: 17
Аннотация: The influence of the orientational order of molecules in a nematic liquid crystal on the mean value ?? and anisotropy ?? of the molecular polarizability has been studied in the framework of the molecular statistical approach with allowance for the perturbation of the electronic structure of molecules due to the change in the conformation of their aromatic core and intermolecular interactions. Experimental dependences of ?? and ?? on the molecular orientational order parameter S have been derived, and their specific features for the known objects have been explained. The possibility of separating the contributions of opposite signs to the dependence ??(S) due to the change in the conformation of molecules and intermolecular interactions has been shown using nematic MBBA as an example. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Aver'yanov E. M.
Заглавие : Structural and thermodynamic consequencies of the interaction of conformational degrees of freedom of azomethines in the nematic phase
Место публикации : J. Struct. Chem.: Springer, 2014. - Vol. 55, Is. 4. - P.605-611. - ISSN 0022-4766, DOI 10.1134/S0022476614040039. - ISSN 1573-8779
Примечания : Cited References: 21
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): azomethines--benzylideneaniline--conformation--steric effects of substituents--nematic-isotropic liquid transition--conformational polymorphism
Аннотация: The interaction of the conformational degrees of freedom of azomethines in the nematic phase, which is induced by electronic donor-acceptor properties of the terminal substituents of the benzylideneaniline core is studied. These degrees of freedom related to the rotation angles phi (k) around the bonds between the substituent and the aniline ring (phi(1)) and also between the CH=N bridge and the aniline ring (omega(2)) are characterized by the parameters Q (k) = aOE (c) cos(2)phi (k) . It is found that the interaction of these degrees of freedom is manifested in the linear dependence Q (2)(Q (1)). Within the phenomenological theory the effect of this interaction on changes delta (k) in the Q (k) values during the nematic liquid crystal-isotropic liquid phase transition is revealed along with the temperature T (NI) and character of this transition. The derivation of previously established empirical dependences T (NI)(Q (k) ) is presented in the presence of direct and indirect steric effects of side substituents affecting the Q (k) values. A diverse combination of delta (k) signs in the nematic phase, which is a prerequisite for the conformational polymorphism of the nematic phases of azomethines, is shown.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Bulgakov E. N., Sadreev A. F.
Заглавие : Spin rotation for ballistic electron transmission induced by spin-orbit interaction
Место публикации : Phys. Rev. B: AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 2002. - Vol. 66, Is. 7. - Ст.75331. - ISSN 1098-0121, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.66.075331
Примечания : Cited References: 18
Предметные рубрики: 2-DIMENSIONAL ELECTRONS
Аннотация: We study spin-dependent electron transmission through one- and two-dimensional curved waveguides and quantum dots with account of spin-orbit interaction. We prove that for a transmission through an arbitrary structure there is no spin polarization provided the electron transmits in an isolated energy subband and only two leads are attached to the structure. In particular there is no spin polarization in the one-dimensional wire, for which a spin-dependent solution is found analytically. The solution demonstrates the spin evolution as dependent on a length of wire. The numerical solution for transmission of electrons through the two-dimensional curved waveguides coincides with the solution for the one-dimensional wire if the energy of electron is within the first energy subband. In the vicinity of edges of the energy subbands there are sharp anomalies of spin flipping.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Sutormin V. S., Krakhalev M. N., Timofeev I. V., Bikbaev R. G., Prishchepa O. O., Zyryanov V. Ya.
Заглавие : Cholesteric layers with tangential-conical surface anchoring for an electrically controlled polarization rotator
Место публикации : Opt. Mater. Express. - 2021. - Vol. 11, Is. 5. - P.1527-1536. - ISSN 21593930 (ISSN), DOI 10.1364/OME.425130
Примечания : Cited References: 25. - Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 18-72-10036)
Аннотация: The voltage dependences of polarization characteristics of light passed through the cholesteric layers with tangential-conical boundary conditions have been investigated. It has been shown that such layers allow turning the polarization azimuth more than 70˚ because of the unique untwisting effect of the cholesteric helix, due to free azimuthal rotation of the director on the substrate with conical anchoring. Optical cells under study have some advantages (low control voltage, smooth variation of polarization azimuth, simplicity of design) and can be used as an electrically controlled polarization rotator of white light.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Edelman I. S., Morozova T. P., Zabluda V. M., Kim T. A., Turpanov I. A., Betenkova A. Ya., Dynnik Y. A.
Заглавие : Dispersion of Faraday rotation in Co/SiO2 multilayer films
Место публикации : JETP Letters. - 1996. - Vol. 63, Is. 4. - P.273-277. - ISSN 0021-3640, DOI 10.1134/1.567015
Примечания : Cited References: 9
Предметные рубрики: PARTICLES
Аннотация: The Faraday rotation spectra of Co/SiO2 multilayer films were found to be substantially different from the well-known spectra of homogeneous Co films. The character of these changes was studied as a function of the thicknesses of the ferromagnetic metal and the nonmagnetic dielectric layers. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Edelman I., Kliava J.
Заглавие : Oxide glasses with magnetic nanoparticles: transparent magnets (Faraday rotation and electron magnetic resonance studies)
Коллективы : RFBR-CNRS [07-02-92174]
Разночтения заглавия :авие SCOPUS: Oxide glasses with magnetic nanoparticles: Transparent magnets (Faraday rotation and electron magnetic resonance studies)
Место публикации : Phys. Status Solidi B. - 2009. - Vol. 246, Is. 10. - P.2216-2231. - ISSN 0370-1972, DOI 10.1002/pssb.200945169
Примечания : Cited References: 87. - This work is supported in part by RFBR-CNRS joint project, grant No 07-02-92174. We are grateful to E. Petrakovskaja and O. Ivanova for measuring and discussing, respectively, the EMR spectra in thermally treated samples and the FR spectral and magnetic field dependences.
Аннотация: In the first part of this paper we outline the state of the art in the field of magnetic nanoparticles in oxide glasses. We describe the theoretical background of two complementary techniques used for the studies of the state of paramagnetic ions, clusters and magnetic particles in a diamagnetic matrix, viz., magnetooptical Faraday rotation (FR) and electron magnetic resonance (EMIR) and we overview previous results obtained with these techniques for several glass systems. In the second part, we highlight the case of potassium-alumina-borate glasses - a glassy system where doping with paramagnetic oxides results in formation of magnetic particles at very low contents of paramagnetic additions: Fe(2)O(3) and MnO. In the special case when the ratio of the iron and manganese oxides in the charge is 3/2, magnetic nanoparticles with characteristics close to those of manganese ferrite are formed already at the first stage of the glass preparation. After thermal treatment all glasses show FR and EMR spectra attesting to the presence of superparamagnetic nanoparticles, characterized by relatively broad size and shape distributions. The formation of magnetic nanoparticles confers to these glasses magnetic and magnetooptical properties typical of magnetically ordered substances. At the same time, the glasses remain transparent in a part of the visible and near infrared spectral range and display a high FR value. Such properties make them particularly interesting for use as new media for various magneto-optical devices. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Liu, Yan Rong, Wu, Yong, Wang, Jian Guo, Vendrell, Oriol, Kimberg V., Zhang, Song Bin
Заглавие : Electron-rotation coupling in diatomics under strong-field excitation
Место публикации : Phys. Rev. A. - 2020. - Vol. 102, Is. 3. - Ст.033114. - ISSN 2469-9926, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.033114. - ISSN 2469-9934(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 78. - S.B.Z. thanks H. D. Meyer for his helpful instructions of Wigner-DVR in MCTDH. Grants from the National Basic Research Program of China (2017YFA0403200), NSFC (No. 11604197, No. 11974230, and No. 11934004), the Science Challenge Program of China (TZ2018005 and TZ2016005) are acknowledged. V.K. acknowledges financial support from Swedish Research Council (VR) and the Ministry of Science and High Education of Russian Federation, Project No. FSRZ2020-0008.
Предметные рубрики: REAL-TIME OBSERVATION
Аннотация: he photoexcitation and photodissociation of diatomic molecules by intense pulse lasers has been the subject of extensive investigations over the past decades. However, the usually employed theoretical framework neglects the coupling between the molecular rotational angular momentum (R) and the angular momentum of the electrons projected onto the molecular axis Ω=Λ+Σ, which results in the known Λ-doubling phenomenon in high-resolution electronic spectra of diatomic molecules. While neglecting this coupling is an excellent approximation in the weak-field or perturbative regime owing to the large mass difference between the rotating atoms and the electrons, the approximation breaks down for intense laser pulses because of the repeated Rabi cycling of the electronic transitions, which can have a significant effect on the rotational degrees of freedom of the molecule. By correcting the transition dipole matrix elements and introducing angular basis sets based on Wigner D functions, the conventional theoretical treatment is generalized to a universal description valid for both the weak- and strong-field regimes. The theoretical treatment developed here is applied to the ∣1Σ› to ∣1Π› transitions in diatomic systems. Our results reveal that, for field intensities resulting in about one Rabi cycling for extreme ultraviolet or x-ray transitions, the theoretical predictions by the conventional theoretical frame need to be corrected when considering observables such as the molecular alignment and the angular distribution of the photofragments.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kuzubov A. A., Avramov P. V., Ovchinnikov S. G., Varganov S. A., Tomilin F. N.
Заглавие : Electronic and atomic structures of the isomers of endohedral and exohedral fullerene complexes with two lithium atoms
Место публикации : Phys. Solid State: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2001. - Vol. 43, Is. 9. - P1794-1799. - ISSN 1063-7834, DOI 10.1134/1.1402242
Примечания : Cited References: 21
Аннотация: The electronic structures of all the possible isomers of endohedral and exohedral C(60) fullerene complexes with two lithium atoms are theoretically investigated. It is found that the electronic structures of these compounds are characterized by an impurity filled-level state determining the band gap. The location of the impurity state and, correspondingly, the band gap of the exohedral fullerene complexes depend on the coordination mode and the distance between the alkali metal ions. A similar dependence is observed for the total energy of the exohedral fullerene complex under investigation. (C) 2001 MAIK "Nauka/ Interperiodica".
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Ermilov A.S., Zobov V. E.
Заглавие : Representation of the Quantum Fourier transform on multilevel BASIC Elements by a sequence of selective Rotation Operators
Место публикации : Optics and Spectroscopy. - Наука, 2007. - Т. 103, № 6. - С. 969-975. - ISSN 0030-4034, DOI 10.1134/S0030400X07120211
ISSN: 0030-400X
Аннотация: To experimentally realize quantum computations on d-level basic elements (qudits) at d 2, it is necessary to develop schemes for the technical realization of elementary logical operators. We have found sequences of selective rotation operators that represent the operators of the quantum Fourier transform (Walsh-Hadamard matrices) for d = 3-10. For the prime numbers 3, 5, and 7, the well-known method of linear algebra is applied, whereas, for the factorable numbers 6, 9, and 10, the representation of virtual spins is used (which we previously applied for d = 4, 8). Selective rotations can be realized, for example, by means of pulses of an RF magnetic field for systems of quadrupole nuclei or laser pulses for atoms and ions in traps.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Zhigalov V. S., Ivantsov R. D., Edelman I. S., Seredkin V. A., Frolov G. I., Bondarenko G. V.
Заглавие : Faraday effect in nanogranular Co-Sm-O films
Место публикации : Phys. Solid State: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2005. - Vol. 47, Is. 6. - P1129-1133. - ISSN 1063-7834, DOI 10.1134/1.1946868
Примечания : Cited References: 13
Предметные рубрики: ROTATION
Аннотация: The Faraday effect (FE) was studied in Co-Sm-O composite films consisting of nanoparticles of metallic cobalt embedded in a samarium oxide dielectric matrix. The volume of the magnetic phase was similar to 60%. The FE spectral dependence for the condensates studied revealed a substantial change as compared to that for bulk cobalt samples, as well as for the films of nanocrystalline Co and CoSm films prepared in this study. An enhancement of the FE was also observed in the short-wavelength part of the optical spectrum. (c) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.
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