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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Val'kov V. V., Dzebisashvili D. M., Korovushkin M. M., Barabanov A. F.
Заглавие : Competition of d- and s- wave superconductivity induced by exchange interactions in the spin-polaron ensemble
Коллективы : Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism, Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Российский фонд фундаментальных исследований
Место публикации : Moscow Int. Symp. on Magnet. (MISM-2017): 1-7 July 2017 : book of abstracts. - 2017. - Ст.3OR-D-14. - P.359
Примечания : Cited References: 3. - The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (№ 16-02-00304), Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund to the research (№ 16-42-240435, and 16-42-243057) and the grant of the President of the Russian Federation (Project MK-1398.2017.2)
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Val'kov V. V., Dzebisashvili D. M., Korovushkin M. M., Barabanov A. F.
Заглавие : Coulomb repulsion of holes and competition between dx2−y2 -wave and s-wave parings in cuprate superconductors
Место публикации : J. Exp. Theor. Phys. - 2017. - Vol. 125, Is. 5. - P.810-821. - ISSN 10637761 (ISSN), DOI 10.1134/S1063776117110085
Примечания : Cited References: 51. - This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Government of Kras-noyarsk Region, the Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund (project nos. 16-42-240435, 16-42-243056, and 16-42-243057), and the Program by the Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (project no. 356-2015-0406). The work of A.F.B. was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 16-02-00304). The work of M.M.K. was supported by the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation (MK-1398.2017.2).
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): cooper instability--coulomb repulsions--crystallographic structure--inter-site coulomb interactions--order parameter symmetry--quasiparticles--self-consistency equations--super conducting phasis
Аннотация: The effect of the Coulomb repulsion of holes on the Cooper instability in an ensemble of spin–polaron quasiparticles has been analyzed, taking into account the peculiarities of the crystallographic structure of the CuO2 plane, which are associated with the presence of two oxygen ions and one copper ion in the unit cell, as well as the strong spin–fermion coupling. The investigation of the possibility of implementation of superconducting phases with d-wave and s-wave of the order parameter symmetry has shown that in the entire doping region only the d-wave pairing satisfies the self-consistency equations, while there is no solution for the s-wave pairing. This result completely corresponds to the experimental data on cuprate HTSC. It has been demonstrated analytically that the intersite Coulomb interaction does not affect the superconducting d-wave pairing, because its Fourier transform Vq does not appear in the kernel of the corresponding integral equation.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Val'kov V. V., Mitskan V. A., Korovushkin M. M., Dzebisashvili D. M., Barabanov A. F.
Заглавие : Diagram Approach to the Problem of the Normal Phase Properties of the Spin-Polaron Ensemble in Cuprate Superconductors
Место публикации : J. Low Temp. Phys. - 2019. - Vol. 197, Is. 1-2. - P.34-43. - ISSN 00222291 (ISSN), DOI 10.1007/s10909-019-02211-9
Примечания : Cited References: 29. - The work was supported by the program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 12 “Fundamental problems of high-temperature superconductivity,” the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) (Projects Nos. 18-02-00837 and 19-02-00509) and partly by the Government of Krasnoyarsk Region and the Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund (Projects Nos. 18-42-243002 “Manifestation of spin-nematic correlations in spectral characteristics of electronic structure and their influence on practical properties of cuprate superconductors,” 18-42-243018 “Contact phenomena and magnetic disorder in the problem of the formation and detection of topological edge states in semiconductor nanostructures,” and 18-42-240014 “Single-orbit effective model of an ensemble of spin-polaron quasiparticles in the problem of describing the intermediate state and pseudogap behavior of cuprate superconductors”).
Аннотация: Taking into account the real crystalline structure of the CuO 2 plane within the spin-fermion model and using the diagram technique, the spin-polaron concept of the fermionic excitations in cuprate superconductors is implemented. It is shown that an account of the on-site scattering processes leads to considerable binding energy of the spin-polaron quasiparticles. An account of the two-site spin-fermion scattering processes results in the energy spectrum and spectral properties of the spin-polaron quasiparticles which agree well with experimental data on cuprate superconductors.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kagan M.Yu., Val'kov V. V., Mitskan V. A., Korovushkin M. M.
Заглавие : Effect of long-range interactions on the Kohn-Luttinger mechanism of the cooper instability in the Shubin-Vonsowsky model
Место публикации : JETP letters. - 2013. - Vol. 97, Is. 4. - P.226-232. - DOI 10.1134/S0021364013040085
Аннотация: The problem of Cooper instability is studied by implementing the Kohn–Luttinger mechanism in the frame-work of the Shubin–Vonsowsky model taking into account the intersite Coulomb interactions within the first and second coordination spheres. It is shown that the Kohn–Luttinger renormalization for the effective interaction in the second order terms of perturbation theory, as well as the inclusion of intersite hoppings in the second and third coordination spheres, significantly affects the interplay between the superconducting phases with dxy-, p-, s-, and dx2-y2 -wave symmetries of the order parameter.
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания :
Заглавие : VI Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism" (EASTMAG-2016) [Electronic resource] : abstracts
Выходные данные : Krasnoyarsk, 2016
Колич.характеристики :582 с
Коллективы : Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism"(6;2016 ; Aug. ; 15-19;Krasnoyarsk), Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского Сибирского отделения РАН, Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism" (6; 2016 ; Aug. ; 15-19; Krasnoyarsk), "Trends in MAGnetism", Euro-Asian Symposium (6; 2016 ; Aug. ; 15-19; Krasnoyarsk)
Вид и объем ресурса: Электрон. дан.
Примечания : Загл. с титул. экрана
ISBN, Цена 978-5-904603-06-9:
Аннотация: The book of abstracts includes the original abstracts of plenary, invited, oral talks and poster presentations. The abstracts reflect the new results and scientific achievements in the field of magnetism, nanotechnology and material science. This book is recommended for scientists, specialists, university teachers and students.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Val'kov V. V., Shklyaev A. A., Korovushkin M. M., Barabanov A. F.
Заглавие : Influence of triplet states on the spectrum of collective spin-polaron excitations in a 2D kondo lattice
Место публикации : Phys. Solid State: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER, 2011. - Vol. 53, Is. 10. - P1997-2000. - ISSN 1063-7834, DOI 10.1134/S1063783411100337
Примечания : Cited References: 10. - This study was supported by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Program "Quantum Physics of Condensed Matter"), the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Interdisciplinary Integration project no. 53), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Russian Federal Targeted Program "Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of the Innovative Russia" in 2009-2013), and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects nos. 09-02-00127, 10-02-00614).
Предметные рубрики: SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
Аннотация: The normal and superconducting phases of the ensemble of spin polarons in a two-dimensional Kondo lattice have been considered under the conditions when the hopping integral is comparable to the s-d exchange interaction energy. The polaron excitation spectrum and the superconducting transition temperature have been found taking into account upper triplet states. The change in the concentration dependence of the critical temperature of the transition to the superconducting phase with the relation between the hopping integral and the integral of the s-d exchange coupling has been analyzed.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kagan M. Y., Mitskan V. A., Korovushkin M. M.
Заглавие : Anomalous superconductivity and superfluidity in repulsive fermion systems
Место публикации : Phys. Usp.: Turpion, 2015. - Vol. 58, Is. 8. - P.733-761. - ISSN 10637869 (ISSN), DOI 10.3367/UFNe.0185.201508a.0785
Примечания : Cited References: 369. - We are grateful to M A Baranov, A V Chubukov, D V Efremov, M V Feigel'man, V V Kabanov, K I Kugel', M S Marienko, N M Plakida, N V Prokorev, A Ya Tzalenchuk, and V V Val'kov for the fruitful discussions and constant attention to our work. The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project nos. 14-02-00058 and 14-02-31237). M Yu K thanks the Program of Basic Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics for support. The work of MM K was supported by grant of the President of the Russian Federation (SP-1361.2015.1) and the Dinasty Foundation
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): anomalous superconductivity--kohn-luttinger mechanism--superfluidity--repulsive fermi gas--hubbard and t-jmodel--shubin vonsovsky model--graphene monolayer--graphene bilayer
Аннотация: We discuss the mechanisms of unconventional superconductivity and superfluidity in 3D and 2D fermionic systems with purely repulsive interaction at low densities. We construct phase diagrams of these systems and find the areas of the superconducting state in free space, as well as on the lattice in the framework of the Fermi-gas model with hard-core repulsion, the Hubbard model, the Shubin-Vonsovsky model, and the t-J model. We demonstrate that the critical superconducting temperature can be greatly increased in the spin-polarized case or in a two-band situation already at low densities. The proposed theory is based on the Kohn-Luttinger mechanism or its generalizations and explains or predicts anomalous p-, d-, and f-wave pairing in various materials, such as high-temperature superconductors, the idealized monolayer and bilayer of doped graphene, heavy-fermion systems, layered organic superconductors, superfluid 3He, spin-polarized 3He mixtures in 4He, ultracold quantum gases in magnetic traps, and optical lattices.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kagan M. Y., Mitskan V. A., Korovushkin M. M.
Заглавие : High-Tc and Low-Tc superconductivity in electron systems with repulsion
Коллективы : Russian Foundation for Basic Research [14-02-00058, 14-02-31237]; Basic Research Program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics; Dynasty foundation; [SP-1361.2015.1]
Место публикации : J. Supercond. Nov. Magn.: Springer, 2016. - Vol. 29, Is. 4. - P.1043-1048. - ISSN 1557-1939, DOI 10.1007/s10948-016-3384-7. - ISSN 1557-1947(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References:31. - The authors are grateful to V. V. Val'kov, I. S. Burmistrov, M. V. Feigel'man, and A. Ya. Tzalenchuk for valuable remarks. This work is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (nos. 14-02-00058 and 14-02-31237). One of the authors (M. Yu. K.) gratefully acknowledges support from the Basic Research Program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Another one (M. M. K.) thanks the scholarship SP-1361.2015.1 of the President of Russia and the Dynasty foundation.
Предметные рубрики: Fermion systems
Doped graphene
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): unconventional superconductivity--kohn-luttinger mechanism--graphene
Аннотация: We demonstrate the instability of the normal state of purely repulsive fermionic systems towards the transition to the Kohn-Luttinger superconducting state. We construct the superconducting phase diagrams of these systems in the framework of the Hubbard and Shubin-Vonsovsky models on the square and hexagonal lattices. We show that an account for the long-range Coulomb interactions, as well as the Kohn- Luttinger renormalizations, lead to an increase in the critical superconducting temperatures in various materials, such as high-temperature superconductors, idealized monolayer, and bilayer of doped graphene. Additionally, we discuss the role of the structural disorder and the nonmagnetic impurities in superconducting properties of real graphene systems.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kagan M. Y., Mitskan V. A., Korovushkin M. M.
Заглавие : Kohn-Luttinger superconductivity in monolayer and bilayer semimetals with the Dirac spectrum
Коллективы : RAS Division of Physical Sciences [II.3.1], Russian Foundation for BasicResearch [14-02-00058, 14-02-31237], Russian Federation [MK-526.2013.2], "Dynasty" foundation
Место публикации : J. Exp. Theor. Phys.: MAIK Nauka-Interperiodica / Springer, 2014. - Vol. 119, Is. 6. - P.1140-1149. - ISSN 1063, DOI 10.1134/S1063776114120048. - ISSN 10906509(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References:70. - This work was performed under the Program of the RAS Division ofPhysical Sciences (project no. II.3.1) and was supported financially bythe Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project nos. 14-02-00058 and14-02-31237) and by the President of the Russian Federation (grant no.MK-526.2013.2). One of the authors (M.M.K.) thanks the "Dynasty"foundation for financial support.
Предметные рубрики: FERMI-SURFACE
Аннотация: The effect of Coulomb interaction in an ensemble of Dirac fermions on the formation of superconducting pairing in monolayer and bilayer doped graphene is studied using the Kohn-Luttinger mechanism disregarding the Van der Waals potential of the substrate and impurities. The electronic structure of graphene is described using the Shubin-Vonsovsky model taking into account the intratomic, interatomic, and interlayer (in the case of bilayer graphene) Coulomb interactions between electrons. The Cooper instability is determined by solving the Bethe-Saltpeter integral equation. The renormalized scattering amplitude is obtained with allowance for the Kohn-Luttinger polarization contributions up to the second order of perturbation theory in the Coulomb interaction. It plays the role of effective interaction in the Bethe-Salpeter integral equation. It is shown that the allowance for the Kohn-Luttinger renormalizations as well as intersite Coulomb interaction noticeably affects the competition between the superconducting phases with the f-wave and d + id-wave symmetries of the order parameter. It is demonstrated that the superconducting transition temperature for an idealized graphene bilayer with significant interlayer Coulomb interaction between electrons is noticeably higher than in the monolayer case.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kagan M. Y., Mitskan V. A., Korovushkin M. M.
Заглавие : Phase diagram of the Kohn-Luttinger superconducting state for bilayer graphene
Место публикации : Eur. Phys. J. B: Springer, 2015. - Vol. 88, Is. 6. - Ст.157. - ISSN 1434, DOI 10.1140/epjb/e2015-60198-x. - ISSN 14346036(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References:60. - The authors are grateful to V.V. Val'kov for valuable remarks. This work is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Projects Nos. 14-02-00058 and 14-02-31237). One of the authors (M.Yu.K.) gratefully acknowledges support from the Basic Research Program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Another one (M.M.K.) thanks the scholarship SP-1361.2015.1 of the President of the Russian Federation and the Dynasty foundation.
Аннотация: The effect of Coulomb interaction between Dirac fermions on the formation of the Kohn-Luttinger superconducting state in bilayer doped graphene is studied disregarding of the effect of the van der Waals potential of the substrate and impurities. The phase diagram determining the boundaries of superconductive domains with different types of symmetry of the order parameter is built using the extended Hubbard model in the Born weak-coupling approximation with allowance for the intratomic, interatomic, and interlayer Coulomb interactions between electrons. It is shown that the Kohn-Luttinger polarization contributions up to the second order of perturbation theory in the Coulomb interaction inclusively and an account for the long-range intraplane Coulomb interactions significantly affect the competition between the superconducting phases with the f-, p + ip-, and d + id-wave symmetries of the order parameter. It is demonstrated that the account for the interlayer Coulomb interaction enhances the critical temperature of the transition to the superconducting phase.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kagan M.Yu., Mitskan V. A., Korovushkin M. M.
Заглавие : Effect of the long-range Coulomb interaction on the phase diagram of the Kohn–Luttinger superconducting state in Idealized graphene
Место публикации : J. Low Temp. Phys.: Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2015. - Vol. - P.1-7. - ISSN 0022, DOI 10.1007/s10909-015-1427-2. - ISSN 15737357(eISSN)
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): unconventional superconductivity--kohn-luttinger mechanism--graphene monolayer
Аннотация: The effect of the long-range Coulomb interaction on the formation of the Kohn–Luttinger superconductivity in monolayer doped graphene is studied disregarding the Van der Waals potential of the substrate and both magnetic and non-magnetic impurities. It is shown that the allowance for the Kohn–Luttinger renormalizations up to the second order in perturbation theory in the on-site Hubbard interaction inclusively, as well as in the intersite Coulomb interaction, significantly affects the interplay between the superconducting phases with the f-wave, p+ip-wave, and d+id-wave symmetries of the order parameter. It is demonstrated that taking Coulomb repulsion of electrons located at the next-nearest neighboring atoms in such a system into account changes qualitatively the phase diagram and enhances the critical temperature of the transition to the superconducting phase.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Korovushkin M. M.
Заглавие : Electrical resistivity and the Hall effect in the doped Mott-Hubbard material with strong spin-charge coupling
Колич.характеристики :14 с
Место публикации : Phys. Scr. - 2023. - Vol. 98, Is. 12. - Ст.125922. - ISSN 00318949 (ISSN), DOI 10.1088/1402-4896/ad05ed. - ISSN 14024896 (eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 96. - Author is grateful to V V Val’kov, A D Fedoseev, D M Dzebisashvili and M S Shustin for fruitful discussions and permanent interest in this work. Author thanks V A Mitskan and A O Zlotnikov for technical support
Аннотация: The kinetic characteristics of the doped Mott-Hubbard material are considered within the realistic spin-fermion model which takes into account the strong spin-charge coupling. The kinetic equation constructed on the basis of the mechanism of carrier scattering on the spin fluctuations is solved using the multi-moment method, which allows one to analyze the temperature behavior of nonequilibrium distribution function in the problems of electrical resistivity ρ and the Hall coefficient RH. The calculated dependences ρ(T) and RH(T) for the underdoped and optimally doped regimes demonstrate good qualitative agreement with the experimental data. In particular, the Hall coefficient calculated for the underdoped regime reproduces the experimentally observed sharp drop and even a change in sign at low temperatures.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Mitskan V. A., Korovushkin M. M., Dzebisashvili D. M.
Заглавие : Implementation of the concept of spin polaron in cuprate superconductors within the diagram technique
Место публикации : JETP Letters. - 2021. - Vol. 114, Is. 5. - P.289-295. - ISSN 0021-3640, DOI 10.1134/S0021364021170094. - ISSN 1090-6487(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 43. - This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project nos. 18-02-00837 and 20-32-70059
Предметные рубрики: ELECTRONIC-STRUCTURE
Аннотация: The spectral properties of an ensemble of spin-polaron quasiparticles have been studied within the spin–fermion model of cuprate superconductors using the method combining the Feynman diagram technique and the diagram technique for spin operators. It has been shown that strong spin–charge coupling results in the formation of the lower spin-polaron band separated by a wide energy gap from the band of bare holes. It has been shown that the spin-polaron band has a local minimum near the (π/2, π/2) point of the Brillouin zone. A class of diagrams for the self-energy part that have a fundamental significance for the description of the main features of the spin-polaron spectrum has been determined.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Val'kov V. V., Dzebisashvili D. M., Korovushkin M. M., Barabanov A. F.
Заглавие : Spin-polaron concept in the theory of normal and superconducting states of cuprates
Коллективы : Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) [18-02-00837, 19-02-00509, 20-32-70059]; Government of Krasnoyarsk Region; Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund [18-42-240014]; RFBRRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) [19-12-50116]
Место публикации : Phys. Usp. - 2021. - Vol. 64, Is. 7. - P.641-670. - ISSN 1063-7869, DOI 10.3367/UFNe.2020.08.038829. - ISSN 1468-4780(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 328. - The authors' study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) within project nos. 18-02-00837, 19-02-00509, and 20-32-70059, and partly by the Government of Krasnoyarsk Region and the Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund within project no. 18-42-240014 "Single-orbital effective model of an ensemble of spin-polaron quasiparticles in the problem of describing the intermediate state and pseudogap behavior of cuprate superconductors.'' The review was carried out with support from the RFBR within the Expansion competition (project no. 19-12-50116)
Аннотация: The review discusses the emergence of the spinfermion model of cuprates and the formation of the spin-polaron concept of the electronic structure of hole-doped cuprate superconductors. This concept has allowed describing the properties of cuprates in the normal phase as well as the features of superconducting pairing in the unified approach. The derivation of the spin-fermion model from the Emery model in the regime of strong electronic correlations is described, demonstrating the appearance of strong coupling between the spins of copper ions and holes on oxygen ions. Such a strong interaction against the background of the singlet state of the spin subsystem of copper ions (quantum spin liquid) leads to the formation of special Fermi quasiparticlesDnonlocal spin polarons. Under doping, the spin-polaron ensemble exhibits instability with respect to superconducting d-wave pairing, whereas superconducting swave pairing is not implemented. At the optimal doping, the transition to the superconducting phase occurs at temperatures corresponding to experimental data. It is shown that the superconducting d-wave pairing of spin-polaron quasiparticles is not suppressed by the Coulomb repulsion of holes located on neighboring oxygen ions. It is emphasized that, when the spectral characteristics of spin-polaron quasiparticles are taken into account, the calculated temperature and doping dependences of the London penetration depth are in good agreement with experimental data.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Val'kov V. V., Dzebisashvili D. M., Korovushkin M. M., Barabanov A. F.
Заглавие : Stability of the d-wave pairing with respect to the intersite Coulomb repulsion in cuprate superconductors
Коллективы : Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism", "Trends in MAGnetism", Euro-Asian Symposium, Институт физики им. Л.В. Киренского Сибирского отделения РАН
Место публикации : J. Magn. Magn. Mater.: Elsevier Science, 2017. - Vol. 440. - P.123-126. - ISSN 0304-8853, DOI 10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.12.090
Примечания : Cited References: 23. - The work was supported by the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (project no. 0358-2015-0002, Complex Program II.2P), the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and partly by the Government of Krasnoyarsk Region and the Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund (projects nos. 16-42-240435 and 16-42-243057). The work of A.F.B. was funded by RFBR (project no. 16-02-00304). The work of M.M.K. was supported by grant of the President of the Russian Federation (project MK-1398.2017.2).
Предметные рубрики: HUBBARD-MODEL
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): cuprate superconductors--spin-fermion model--intersite coulomb repulsion
Аннотация: Within the spin-fermion model for cuprate superconductors, the influence of the intersite Coulomb interactions V2 and V′2V′2 between holes located at the next-nearest-neighbor oxygen ions of CuO2 plane on the implementation of the dx2−y2dx2−y2-wave pairing is studied. It is shown that d-wave pairing can be suppressed only for unphysically large values of V2 and V′2V′2.В рамках спин-фермионной модели для купратных сверхпроводников изучено влияние межузельных кулоновских отталкиваний V2 и V2' между дырками, находящимися на следующих за ближайшими ионах кислорода CuO2-плоскости, на реализацию сверхпроводящего dx2y2-спаривания. Показано, что d-спаривание подавляется только при нефизически больших значениях параметров V2 и V2'.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Val'kov V. V., Dzebisashvili D. M., Korovushkin M. M., Barabanov A. F.
Заглавие : Stability of the superconducting d-wave pairing toward the intersite Coulomb repulsion in CuO2 plane
Место публикации : J. Low Temp. Phys. - 2018. - Vol. 191, Is. 5-6. - P.408-425. - ISSN 00222291 (ISSN), DOI 10.1007/s10909-018-1882-7
Примечания : Cited References: 70. - Acknowledgements The work was supported by the program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 12 “Fundamental problems of high-temperature superconductivity”, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and partly by the Government of Krasnoyarsk Region and the Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund (Projects Nos. 16-42-243057 and 16-42-240435). The work of A. F. B. was funded by RFBR (Project No. 16-02-00304). The work of M. M. K. was supported by a grant of the President of the Russian Federation (Project MK-1398.2017.2).
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): cuprate superconductors--unconventional superconductivity--spin-charge coupling--spin polarons--intersite coulomb interaction
Аннотация: Taking into account the real crystalline structure of the CuO2 plane and the strong spin-fermion coupling, we study the influence of the intersite Coulomb repulsion between holes on the Cooper instability of the spin-polaron quasiparticles in cuprate superconductors. The analysis shows that only the superconducting d-wave pairing is implemented in the whole region of doping, whereas the solutions of the self-consistent equations for the s-wave pairing are absent. It is shown that intersite Coulomb interaction V1 between the holes located at the nearest oxygen ions does not affect the d-wave pairing, because its Fourier transform Vq vanishes in the kernel of the corresponding integral equation. The intersite Coulomb interaction V2 of quasiparticles located at the next-nearest oxygen ions does not vanish in the integral equations, however, but it is also shown that the d-wave pairing is robust toward this interaction for physically reasonable values of V2.
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Вид документа : Статья из сборника (однотомник)
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Val'kov V. V., Dzebisashvili D. M., Korovushkin M. M., Barabanov A. F.
Заглавие : Stability of the superconducting d-wave pairing towards the Coulomb repulsions in cuprate superconductors
Коллективы : International symposium on strong nonlinear vibronic and electronic interactions in solids
Место публикации : VI International symposium on strong nonlinear vibronic and electronic interactions in solids: book of abstracts . - 2018. - P.33
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Val'kov V. V., Dzebisashvili D. M., Korovushkin M. M., Barabanov A. F.
Заглавие : Stability of the superconducting dx2-y2 phase in high-Tc superconductors with respect to the intersite coulomb repulsion of holes at oxygen
Коллективы : Russian Foundation for Basic Research [16-02-00073, 16-02-00304]; Dynasty Foundation; Council of the President of the Russian Federation for Support of Young Scientists and Leading Scientific Schools [SP-1361.2015.1]
Место публикации : JETP Letters. - 2016. - Vol. 103, Is. 6. - P.385-389. - ISSN 0021-3640, DOI 10.1134/S0021364016060114. - ISSN 1090-6487(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References:28. - This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project nos. 16-02-00073 and 16-02-00304. The work of D.D.M. and M.M.K. was supported by the Dynasty Foundation and the work of M.M.K. was also supported by the Council of the President of the Russian Federation for Support of Young Scientists and Leading Scientific Schools (project no. SP-1361.2015.1).
Предметные рубрики: Hubbard-model
Spin polaron
Аннотация: It has been shown that, because of the two-orbital character of the subsystem of holes located at oxygen sites and the spatial separation of this subsystem from that of spins at copper ions, the superconducting phase in high-Tc superconductors is stable with respect to the strong Coulomb repulsion of holes located at nearestneighbor oxygen sites if the order parameter has the dx2−y2 symmetry. This effect is due to the symmetry characteristics of the Coulomb potential, owing to which the equation determining the Cooper pairing in the dx2−y2 channel does not include this potential.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Val'kov V. V., Dzebisashvili D. M., Korovushkin M. M., Komarov K. K., Barabanov A. F.
Заглавие : Strong Spin-Charge Coupling and Its Manifestation in the Quasiparticle Structure, Cooper Instability, and Electromagnetic Properties of Cuprates
Коллективы : "Fundamental problems in high-temperature superconductivity" of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Foundation for Basic Research [12, 18-02-00837]; Krasnoyarsk Krai Foundation for Supporting the Scientific and Technical Activity [18-42-243002, 18-42-243018, 18-42-240014]; President of the Russian Federation [MK-37.2019.2, MK-3722.2018.2]; Russian Foundation for Basic Research [19-02-00509]
Место публикации : J. Exp. Theor. Phys. - 2019. - Vol. 128, Is. 6. - P.885-898. - ISSN 1063-7761, DOI 10.1134/S1063776119050078. - ISSN 1090-6509(eISSN)
Примечания : Cited References: 83. - This study was supported by the program no. 12 "Fundamental problems in high-temperature superconductivity" of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 18-02-00837), the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, Krasnoyarsk Krai Foundation for Supporting the Scientific and Technical Activity under project nos. 18-42-243002 (Manifestations of spin-nematic correlations in spectral characteristics of the electronic structure and their influence on the properties of cuprate superconductors in applications), 18-42-243018 (Contact phenomena and magnetic disorder in the problem of formation and detection of topologically protected edge states in semiconducting nanostructures), and 18-42-240014 (Single-orbital effective model of an ensemble of spin-polaron quasiparticles in the problem of description of the intermediate state and pseudogap behavior of cuprate superconductors), as well as the Council for grants from the President of the Russian Federation (project nos. MK-37.2019.2 and MK-3722.2018.2). The work of A.F.B was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 19-02-00509).
Аннотация: The Fermi excitation spectrum, the problem of Cooper instability, and the Londons magnetic field penetration depth in cuprate superconductors are considered using the unified conception based on accounting for the strong coupling between the spin of copper ions and holes at oxygen ions. This coupling leads to strong renormalization of the primary spectrum of oxygen holes with the formation of spin-polaron quasiparticles. Analysis of Cooper instability performed using the spin-polaron concept for different channels has shown that only the superconducting d-wave pairing occurs in the ensemble of spin-polaron quasiparticles, and there are no solutions corresponding to the s-wave pairing. It has been demonstrated that the superconducting d-wave pairing is not suppressed by the Coulomb repulsion of holes located at neighboring oxygen ions. This effect is due to peculiarities in the crystallographic structure of the CuO2 plane and the aforementioned strong spin-fermion coupling. As a result, such interaction of holes is omitted in the kernel of the integral equation for the superconducting order parameter with the d-wave symmetry. It has been shown the Hubbard repulsion of holes and their interaction for the second coordination sphere of the oxygen sublattice for actual intensities of the interaction do not suppress the d-wave type of superconductivity. For the spin-polaron ensemble, we have analyzed the dependence of the Londons magnetic field penetration depth on the temperature and hole concentration. It has been established that the peculiarities of this dependence are closely related to specific features of the spin-polaron spectrum.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Val'kov V. V., Korovushkin M. M.
Заглавие : The intersite interactions in the problem of energy structure of the strongly correlated electron systems
Место публикации : Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2010. - Т. 200, № 1. - С. 012094. - ISSN 1742-6588, DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/200/1/012094
ГРНТИ : 29.19
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